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1. These are no exam questions but just a guide to what to expect.

The exam is not restricted to

questions listed below, please take note
2. The variables controlling the motion of a floating vessel through the surrounding fluid are the
drag force F, the vessel’s speed v, its length l, the density ρ and dynamic viscosity µ of the fluid
and the acceleration due to gravity g. Derive an expression for F by dimensional analysis using
the Buckingham method.
3. Using the method of dimensional analysis obtain an expression for the discharge Q over a
rectangular weir. The discharge depends on the head H over the weir, acceleration due to
gravity g, length of weir crest L, height of the weir crest over the channel bottom Z and the
kinematic viscosity v of the liquid.
4. The pressure difference ∆p in a pipe of diameter D and length L due to viscous flow depends on
the velocity V, viscosity µ and density ρ. Using Buckingham’s theorem, obtain an expression for
∆p. [Hint: Choose D, V and µ as repeating variables, µ has been chosen repeating variable
(instead of ρ) since the flow is viscous.]
5. For the venturimeter shown below, show that:

[ A1
( m2 −1 )
1/ 2
] √[ 2 gh ( ρ man
−1 )]
where m=

6. A venturi meter having a throat diameter d2 of 100 mm is fitted into a pipeline which has a
diameter d1 of 250 mm through which oil of specific gravity 0.9 is flowing. The pressure
difference between the entry and throat tapping’s is measured by a U-tube manometer,
containing mercury of specific gravity 13.6, and the connections are filled with the oil flowing in
the pipeline. If the difference of level indicated by the mercury in the U-tube is 0.63 m, calculate
the theoretical volume rate of flow through the meter. Ans (Q=0.105 m3 / s

7. A venturi meter with a throat diameter of 100 mm is fitted in a vertical pipeline of 200 mm
diameter with oil of specific gravity 0.88 flowing upwards at a rate of 0.06 m3 s−1. The venturi
meter coefficient is 0.96. Two pressure gauges calibrated in kilonewtons per square metre are
fitted at tapping points, one at the throat and the other in the inlet pipe 320 mm below the
throat. The difference between the two-gauge pressure readings is 28 kN m−2. Working from
Bernoulli’s equation determine the difference in level in the two limbs of a mercury manometer
if it is connected to the tapping points and the connecting pipes are filled with the same oil.
Ans=202 mm ¿

8. An orifice plate is to be used to measure the rate of air flow through a 2 m diameter duct. The
mean velocity in the duct will not exceed 15 m s−1 and a water tube manometer, having a
maximum difference between water levels of 150 mm, is to be used. Assuming the coefficient of
discharge to be 0.64, determine a suitable orifice diameter to make full use of the manometer
range. Take the density of air as 1.2 kg m−3. Ans=1.31 m

9. Water flows from a reservoir through a rectangular opening 2 m high and 1.2 m wide in the
vertical face of a dam. Calculate the discharge in cubic metres per second when the free surface
in the reservoir is 0.5 m above the top of the opening assuming a coefficient of discharge of
0.64. Ans=8.16 m3 / s

10. A vertical triangular orifice in the wall of a reservoir has a base 0.9 m long, 0.6 m below its vertex
and 1.2 m below the water surface. Determine the theoretical discharge. Ans=1.19 m3 /sec

11. A rectangular orifice 1.5 m wide and 1.2 m deep is fitted in one side of a large tank. The water
level on one side of the orifice is 2 m above the top edge of the orifice, while on the other side
of the orifice, the water level is 0.4 m below its top edge. Calculate the discharge through the
the orifice if Cd = 0.62.

12. A flow from a channel is controlled by a trapezoidal notch so that the full supply discharge of
2 m3 /s flows over the notch at a head of 1.2 m measured over the crest. At half this head, a
discharge of 0.6 m3 /s passes over the notch. Assuming C d=0.62, calculate the base with and
side slopes of the notch. Ans=θ=14.70 , L=0.5792 m
13. A trapezoidal notch has a base width of 0.75 m and a side slope of 1 horizontal: 2 verticals.
Calculate the discharge over the notch for a head of 0.5 m , by assuming C d=0.63.
A ns=0.625 m /s

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