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The Egyptian Elemental Octagram

Frater Anubis.

This ritual was given to me back in the 1990’s by Frater Barrabbas, I was supposed to rewrite it
in my own style, unfortunately I have never been able to improve upon it. It is simply too good, a
perfect blend of technique and style. The good Frater mentions this ritual form in his book,
“Mastering the Art of Ritual Magic” and below are links to his web presence if you would like to
know more about the Order of the Gnostic Star or his other publications. His blog is a treasure
trove of magical knowledge.

You can find me on Facebook, search for Frater Anubis.

My target audience for this document is an experienced practitioner. Most of the concepts
described in the rite itself should be familiar, but I will provide some definitions for clarity.

The purpose of the Elemental Octagram rite is to create an energy vortex that serves to
empower further rites, in this style of magic the rituals are modular and can be combined and
chained to create even more profound experiences for the magician. However, it can be used
on its own. The one prerequisite is to first perform a temple consecration rite that firmly
establishes the 4 elemental watchtowers. This style makes extensive use of sacred geometry
and the 4 watchtowers act as anchors. If they are not firmly established the vortex will pop and
collapse like a huge soap bubble on a hot summer's day. Ideally you should employ whatever
god-form you deem appropriate for a general magical working, but this is not required.

Invoking a single element is very useful for the beginner and journeyman ritualist, but eventually
there arises a need for a more specific elemental force, something more powerful. For the
purposes of this rite an Elemental is defined as an element of an element. Such as “The Watery
part of Air”, which is the same as the Queen of Swords. Since there are 4 suites to the Tarot;
wands are fire, cups are water, swords are air and pentacles are earth. There are 4 court cards;
kings are fire, queens are water , knights are air and pages are earth. That gives us 16
combinations. I will include a brief concourse of forces at the end of this document with simple
definitions for all 16 Elementals, but an experienced magician can work them out for

For example, continuing with the Queen of Swords, the suite is swords so the base element is
Air, (the intellect) and the modifying element is Water, (emotions and creativity). So we have an
intellectual expression of emotions. If you saw an amazing sunset and you wanted to express
how you felt when you saw it, how would you do so? You could write about it, draw it, paint it or
write a song about it. All artistic expressions, so the Queen of Swords is an Elemental force that
helps with artistic expression, especially skillful artistic expression. Of course you are free to
have your own interpretation, and I hope you do.

There are 11 nodes used in this style. The four directions, the four angles and an ultra point
which is above the center of the temple, an infra point below the center and the mezzo point in
the exact center. The three central points form the axis mundi of the temple.

A ‘Vortex’ is defined as a circulating cone of energy. This is the feminine counterpart to the
typical “Cone of Power” raised in Wiccan workings. However rather than building to a crescendo
and then depleting, a vortex has a wave like signature that vibrates outward in pulses. A vortex
is not as initially powerful as a cone, but it is enduring and can overcome entrenched obstacles.
In this rite 2 opposing vortexes are created and fused to form the chosen elemental field. You
can visualize a vortex as looking like a tornado, except it spirals up from the infra point for the
base element and down from the ultra point for the modifying element. Now imagine the tornado
is waves of energy with a color appropriate to the element invoked and you will have a pretty
good idea of what I experience when I perform this rite. When the two fields are fused, there is
an initial burst of discordant energy before it settles down into its final form. Often, the final form
seems to be an inversion of the two initial vortexes, they seem to turn inside out. That is, the
bottom vortex seems to move in a counterclockwise direction and the top one clockwise.

There are also 16 Enochian Angels with the exact same ‘element of an element’ energy
signature. This rite creates a potent resonant field that matches them perfectly. It is entirely
optional to include the Enochian invocation, but an Elemental by itself is quite dumb. Since by
definition, an Elemental is a force of nature, it will tend to manifest through the path of least
resistance. Adding in the angel gives the force far more intelligence and therefore precision in
manifesting your will.

This version of the Elemental Octagram is written with an Egyptian theme. If this doesn’t
resonate with you, then you can rewrite it in whatever pantheon you work with. To do so you
will need 5 male deities, 5 female deities and 4 ‘messenger’ type deities. You want to create a
polarity between the gods and goddesses that act as symbolic embodiments of the elements
and power sources for the 2 vortexes you will create. The ‘messenger’ deities act to unite the
field. Here we invoke the 4 royal sons of Horus to unite the 2 vortexes. These are the same
deities shown on the 4 canopic jars that hold the internal organs of the mummified deceased,
with obvious elemental connotations.

The ‘invoking spirals’ mentioned in the ritual are fairly well known but worth mentioning. An
invoking spiral is drawn in the air over a device to empower it or unite a field. It is drawn
clockwise outside to inside. Likewise you can disperse the nodes when you are finished by
drawing a banishing spiral over them, counterclockwise inside to out. This disperses the node.
In addition, you can seal the field by using a sealing spiral over each node. This preserves the
field but deactivates it, like covering a boiling pot and turning down the heat. This is drawn
counterclockwise outer edge to middle. And unseal it later with an unsealing spiral, you
guessed it, inside to out in a clockwise spiral.

In the section “The Setting of the Four Angles”, an inverted pentagram is used to invoke the
modifying element. This is because the two vortexes are mirrored, and the modifying element is
descending into the base element. The inverted pentagram is symbolic of spirit descending into
matter. If you have a problem using this symbol, you probably shouldn’t be practicing ritual
magic. Since you will be unable to use the tools available. I have never seen it as a symbol of
anything bad, spirit descending into matter is how we all got here, and is symbolic of the
process of magic itself.

The wand is used throughout the rite, use of the atheme is counter indicated. Waving blades
around in the faces of deities is simply rude, and the wand fits so much better being the
implement of the will. Where it says to unite various points with the sword, this is done in the
same manner as when you draw pentagrams, etc, with the blue flame of Chesed. Draw lines
from one point to the other. If you don’t have a wand or sword, it doesn’t matter, use your hand
or a stick of incense.

Frater Barrabbas is a trained linguist and wrote the Enochian words out phonetically, for
bumbling novices like me at the time. I don’t intend to make this document an instruction
manual on Enochian. Just use it as is and see if its effective. You can remove it altogether and
use the english words or whatever sacred language you employ if you wish to avoid Enochian

If you choose to use the Enochian, all you need to do is the call for the appropriate angel. You
don’t need any of the temple gear or anything fancy. That’s the way I learned it and it works. Of
course over the years I have gilded the lily and added in the ring, lamen etc. but its not needed.

The book, “Rebel in the Soul” by Bika Reed, was used for inspiration in this rite. A very good
book, it is a translation of a sacred text given to initiates of Egyptian temples.
The Egyptian Elemental Octagram
8 tolls of the bell

Face East and Say:

Only through the living Nefa can the intellect reach the heart and become the haven for
the upstream struggle. then by my hand it would arrive blissful at the beyond, like the
one within his pyramid, who stood up, survivor of his own burial! I have come, and I have
drawn nigh to see thy beauties, my two hands are raised in adoration of thy name both
Right and Truth. I have drawn nigh unto the place where the acacia tree growest not, and
where the tree thick with leaves existest not and where the ground yieldest neither herb
not grass and I have entered unto the place of secret and hidden things.

The holy rulers of the pylons are in the form of the shining ones! Anubis spoke saying,
“He knowest our cities and our paths, I have been pacified. Therefore pass through the
gate in triumph to the hall of Osiris”.

Setting of the Four Directions

Face East:
Bow, Salute
Vibrate: ​Graph - Elois ​(to make or create) while drawing the invoking pentagram of the chosen
base element.
Vibrate: ​EXARP ​while drawing an invoking spiral over the pentagram with yellow energy.
Visualize Thoth and say:
I invoke thee, Thauti, Ibis-headed scribe of the gods and keeper of the keys of wisdom.
Thy knowledge spans all space and time, and you are the lord of balance and
Hail unto thee!

Face South:
Bow, Salute
Vibrate: ​Un- Ar​​ (the sun) while drawing the invoking pentagram of the chosen base element.
Vibrate: ​BITOM​​ while drawing an invoking spiral over the pentagram with scarlet energy.
Visualize Horus the elder and say:
I invoke thee, Heru-Behutet lord of the raging flame, swift as the hawk in flight who
swoops down victorious over his enemies and who rises with the golden disk forged in
the fires of Edfu.
Hail unto thee!
Face West:
Bow, Salute
Vibrate: ​Ceph - Zodorge​​ (love) while drawing the invoking pentagram of the chosen base
Vibrate: ​HCOMA​​ while drawing an invoking spiral over the pentagram with blue energy.
Visualize Osiris and say:
I invoke thee, Osiris, lord of the two kingdoms and wearer of the white crown. You are
risen from the corridors of the Neter-Khet, triumphant over death and ruling in splendor
over the western lands.
Hail unto thee!

Face North:
Bow, Salute
Vibrate:​ Ur - Limlal ​ (a treasure) while drawing the invoking pentagram of the chosen base
Vibrate: ​NANTA ​while drawing an invoking spiral over the pentagram with green energy.
Visualize Anubis and say:
I invoke thee, Anubis, jackal-headed guardian of the Khersec-Shu, Guardian of thy pylons
and the pyramid who watches from the heights, unmoved amidst the swirling desert
Hail unto thee!

Face Center:
Bow, Salute
Vibrate: ​Mals - Paid ​(the eternal) while drawing the invoking pentagram of Spirit Passive to the
Vibrate: ​ENUBEHA ​while drawing an invoking spiral over the pentagram with black energy.
Visualize Geb and say:
I invoke thee, Geb, lord of the earth. You are the provider of stability and form; the chief
of the gods who watches the weighting of the hearts in the hall of judgement.
Hail unto thee!

EOLIS, LIMLAL, ZORDORGE, AR, PAID - E.L.Z.A.P. (Elzodapeh) The way of the initiate!
The four watchtowers are drawn together through the infra point using the sword.
Setting of the Four Angles

Face: Southeastern Angle:

Bow, Salute
Vibrate: ​Drun - Nazps​​ (the sword) while drawing the inverted invoking pentagram of the chosen
modifying element.
Vibrate: ​OHOWOHAATAN ​while drawing an invoking spiral over the pentagram with orange
Visualize Sekhmet and say:
I Invoke thee Sekhmet lady of fire’s bright splendor. The illuminated lioness is poised to
spring forth from the heart of Ra!
Hail unto thee!

Face: Northeastern Angle:

Bow, Salute
Vibrate: ​Med - Oma (​​understanding) while drawing the inverted invoking pentagram of the
chosen modifying element.
Vibrate: ​TAHAOEIOJI ​while drawing an invoking spiral over the pentagram with blue energy.
Visualize Ma’at and say:
I Invoke thee Ma’at, resplendent vulture lady of truth and balance, whose reed flower
rests upon the scales of the universe. You wait in your hall with your 42 assessors to
weight the heart of the initiate.
Paneter Apu Ma’at.
Hail unto thee!

Face: Southwestern Angle:

Bow, Salute
Vibrate: ​Vau - Vaul ​ (to labor) while drawing the inverted invoking pentagram of the chosen
modifying element.
Vibrate: ​THAHEBYOBEEATAB ​while drawing an invoking spiral over the pentagram with purple
Visualize Nephthys and say:
I​ Invoke thee Nephthys, dark sister of Isis. Thou art the lady of the scorched sands of the
desert which receive thy twilight charms and cool gentle night mists as a balm and a
Hail unto thee!

Face: Northwestern Angle:

Bow, Salute
Vibrate:​ Un - Ap ​ (unchanging) while drawing the inverted invoking pentagram of the chosen
modifying element.
Vibrate: ​THAHAAOTHAHE​​ while drawing an invoking spiral over the pentagram with ocher
Visualize Isis and say:
I Invoke thee Isis horned lady of the moon. You are queen of the fertile earth and thy love
is descended flowing forth from sacred pools as tears of untold beauty upon the face of
the maiden. Beloved of the gods and men.
Hail unto thee!

Face: Center of the circle:

Bow, Salute
Vibrate: ​Un - Ananael ​(the secret wisdom) while drawing the inverted invoking pentagram of the
Spirit Active.
Vibrate:​ IABES ​while drawing an invoking spiral over the pentagram with white energy.
Visualize Nuit and say:
I Invoke thee Nuit, lady of the starry night sky, whose body spans the heavens in a
glimmering arch, galaxies and nebulae rush forth from your infinite form in never ending
circles of time
Hail unto thee!

Vaul, Ananael, Oma, Nazps: V.A.O.A.N The eternal truth is known through the will
penetrating the mysteries.

The celebrant draws the four angles together through the ultrapoint using the sword.

Establishing the Elemental Vortex

Stand in the center of the circle facing each watchtower in turn, clockwise to invoke the four
sons of Horus each nearing one of the four great powers from their resting place in Amenti.

Face: East:
Bow, Salute
Vibrate: ​ORO- IBAH-AOZP​​I While drawing an equal armed cross over the pentagram.
Vibrate: ​Gisa - Toh ​(triumph) while drawing an invoking spiral over the cross.
Visualize Taumutef and say:
I Invoke thee Taumutef, lord of the east and royal son of Horus, unleasher of the winds
and guardian and keeper of the wand and staff.
Hail unto thee!

Draw an invoking spiral around both the pentagram and cross, and then both are drawn
together through the mezzo point.

Face: South:
Bow, Salute
Vibrate: ​OIP-TEAA-PDOKE ​ While drawing an equal armed cross over the pentagram.
Vibrate:​ Med - Olprt​​ (the light) while drawing an invoking spiral over the cross.
Visualize Imset and say:
I Invoke thee Imset , lord of the south and royal son of Horus, keeper of the flame and
wielder of the scimitar of righteousness.
Hail unto thee!

Draw an invoking spiral around both the pentagram and cross, and then both are drawn
together through the mezzo point.

Face: West:
Bow, Salute
Vibrate: ​MPH-ARSL-GAIOL​​ While drawing an equal armed cross over the pentagram.
Vibrate: ​Un-Apia​​ (eternal life) while drawing an invoking spiral over the cross.
Visualize Qebehsenuef and say:
I Invoke thee Qebehsenuef, lord of the south and royal son of Horus. You preside over
the rivers and seas and are the keeper of the sacred vessel of fulfillment.
Hail unto thee!

Draw an invoking spiral around both the pentagram and cross, and then both are drawn
together through the mezzo point.

Face: North:
Bow, Salute
Vibrate: ​MOR-DIAL-HKTGA ​ While drawing an equal armed cross over the pentagram.
Vibrate: ​Drun - Noib​​ (the affirmation) while drawing an invoking spiral over the cross.
Visualize Hapi and say:
I Invoke thee hapi, lord of the south and royal son of Horus. You are the keeper of the
dish which holds the treasures produced from the rich black lands, an infinite source of
Hail unto thee!

Draw an invoking spiral around both the pentagram and cross, and then both are drawn
together through the mezzo point.

The celebrant draws all the watchtowers and angles together by drawing an arc with the sword,
pausing and energizing all eight nodes of the combined octagram

Say: ​TOH, OLPRT, APILA, NOIB, TOZ - T.O.A.N.: THe divine love and union are the center
wherein the secret awaits.
Perform the sign of Osiris risen and unite the octagram within yourself.

You can perform the enochian call of the angel to be invoked, or use the Elemental as a power
to charge an amulet, exteriorize it through the northern watchtower and/or meditate in the field.
Concourse of Forces

These are keywords associated with the Elemental forces. This is intended to give a clue as to
the powers associated with the particular element but not to definitively define them so you have
room to create your own meanings.

Kings(Fire) Queens(Water) Knights(Air) Pages(Earth)

Wands(Fire) Fire of Fire Water of Fire Air of Fire Earth of Fire

Gnosis Intuition Leadership Ambition

Cups(Water) Fire of Water Water of Water Air of Water Earth of Water

Oneness with Psychic Enthusiasm Manifestation
All Abilities of Desires

Swords(Air) Fire of Air Water of Air Air of Air Earth of Air

Invention Artistic Skill Science Discipline

Pentacles(Earth) Fire of Earth Water of Earth Air of Earth Earth of Earth

Abundance Fertility Planning Healing

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