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Self-reflection about you as a member of the family:

I am the second youngest in my family, and I'm an introvert, so I have to work

harder to interact with my family members. Also, I love to spend time with my family, and

how we can talk about anything together, but certain moments when it feels like a lot of

noise for me. I love them dearly, but sometimes I need to take a break from everything

and recharge by myself. The love for my family will always be there, although we are not

very vocal about it. I learned that love is not just the kind that people say or show

through words but also in actions.

Self-reflection about you as a member of the barkada:

As a member of the barkada, I am more inclined to watch them play games or

engage in conversations than join them. Also, they always have my back when they

need them most, even if it feels like they're never around when I need them most.

Self-reflection about you as a member of the community:

I like volunteering in my community because it makes me feel like I'm contributing

something back to society and gives me peace of mind knowing that others are in need.

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