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Name: Rashawn Kerr

Candidate Number:
Centre Number:
School: TLC
Country: Jamaica
Teacher: Mr
Year: 2022
Subject: Social Studies

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Topic: Domestic Violence in the community of Mountplier, Hanover

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Acknowledgement 4
Introduction 5
Statement of Problem 6
Reason For Selecting the Area of Research 7
Method of Investigating 8
Data Collection Instrument 9–11
Procedures for Data Collections 12
Presentation and Explanation of Data 13 - 15
Analysis and Interpretation of Data 16
Statement of Findings 17
Recommendations and Implementation Strategy 18
Bibliography 19

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The successful completion of this study would not have been possible without the assistance
and cooperation of a number of people. Consequently, we would like to thank the residents of
Montpelier Hanover for their massive support and valuable time spent answering the
questionnaire given. Finally special thanks go to our teacher who guided us every step of the
way throughout this exercise.

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As a member of the Montpelier community for over some years domestic violence was
not an issue until I have notice a spike in the number of policing in my community when it
comes to responding a call that involving domestic violence. Because of this realization I
therefore decided to conduct the causes and effect of domestic violence and the polices that
can be put in place to minimize these altercation and also as a mean to educate persons on the
topic domestic violence. Mountpelier is a community within the parish of Hanover, Jamaica
which is popularly known for majority of these acts and has drastically changed from the
ideal place to live, do business and raise families due to abuse elements. I have been a
resident of Montpelier for 14 years. During this time I have observed that a lot of people are
affected by the issue domestic violence. I have therefore decided to do a survey investigating
the causes, effects and possible solution towards this problem. A survey with the use of
questionnaires has been conducted and presented with the use of statistical diagrams. The
project provides a detailed analysis regarding the issue of domestic violence and feasible
recommendation are made.

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What are the causes of and effects of domestic violence in the community of Montpelier

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Domestic violence was selected because of the observations made by the researchers in the
community of Montpelier, Hanover. Many women within the community have been and are
still being abused daily by their spouse verbally and physically which resulted in a recent
death. There are also several reports in the printed and electronic media that speaks to the
abuse of women in Jamaica. These reasons motivated the researchers to conduct this
research. By conducting this research, the researchers hope to find the main reason for this
social issue and solutions that can be used to reduce this problem.

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In order to collect data from the survey, the researchers used printed questionnaires as
participants could state their opinions with privacy. The questionnaire as a tool for collecting
data has a few advantages:
⮚ It requires little time to be completed.
⮚ Reduces interviewing bias as respondents are not influenced by the
⮚ Allows the researcher to gain information from many people in a relatively
short period.

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Dear Residents,
This is a survey being carried out in Montpelier, Hanover to determine the causes and effects
of domestic violence in your community.

This study is conducted as part of the requirement for a social studies course that we currently
pursuing. Please answer the questions as honestly as possible. Do not write your name on the
questionnaire as it is not necessary. There are no wrong or right answers. Thanks for your

Instructions: Please tick the answer that best represents your choice.

1. Gender
o Male
o Female

2. To which age group do you belong?

o 18 – 25
o 26 – 33
o 34 – 41
o 42 – 49
o 50 – 57
3. What is your marital status?
o Single
o Married
o Divorce
o Widower

4. How long have you been residing at Montpelier?

o Under a year
o 1-5 years
o 6-9 years
o 10-13 years
o Over 13 years

5. To which family type do you belong?

o Single parent family
o Nuclear family
o Extended family

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o Sibling household
o Reorganized family

6. Are you aware of any domestic violence taking place in your

o Yes
o No
7. Have you ever been in any abusive relationship?
o Yes
o No

8. What is the main cause of domestic violence in the community of

Hanover, Montpellier?
o Use of alcohol drugs
o Lack of education
o Abuser were socialized in homes where abuse was prevalent

9. What is the main effects of domestic violence in the community of

Hanover, Montpellier?
o Death
o Divorce and separation
o Depressions
o Emotional trauma
10. What can be done to reduce domestic violence in the community of
Hanover, Montpelier?
o Make a report to the police
o Call a domestic violence hotline for assistance
o Speak with a counsellor

11. Which gender is mostly affected by domestic violence?

o Male
o Female

12. Do do are anyone in the community report acts of domestic violence to

the relevant authority?
o Yes
o No
If yes explain

13. Which abuse is more prevalent in the community?

o Physical

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o Verbal
o Sexual

14. How would you rate the level of domestic violence in the community of
o Low
o Average
o High

15. What can be done to reduce domestic violence in your community?

o Report acts of domestic violence to the police
o Speak with a counselor
o Call domestic violence hotline for assistance
o Government imposing harsh/severe penalties for domestic violence.

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A questionnaire was the instrument used to collect data. The questionnaire had 14 questions.
They were all closed ended questions. Males and females in the age group to years. The
researchers (all groups’ members) distributed and collected the data in the community of
Montpellier, Hanover. The random sampling technique was used to collect data. Every
household was sent a google link with the questionnaire until the quota was reached.
The data collection period was one week, from month to date 2021. It was necessary as it
ensured accuracy, it was the only way that we were able to access data that is valid and

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Causes of domestic violence

Lack of education
Abuser were socialized in
homes where abuse was preva-
Useof alcohol/drugs


Fig.1. Pie chart showing causes of domestic violence.

The pie chart above shows the causes of domestic violence in the community of Montpelier,
Hanover. From the data collected, majority of the respondents (52%) stated that lack of
education was the main cause of domestic violence. Another 26% said abusers were
socialized in homes where abuse was present while, the remaining 21% selected used of

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Effects of Domestic Violence
15 30 30
10 20
5 10 10

n up h a
io em at
e ss ak obl de u m
r re pr ra
p b lt
De to cia
ip an tio
sh o
n fin em
f am

Fig. 2 Shows effects of domestic violence

The bar graph above shows the effects of domestic violence in the Montpelier, Hanover.
From the data collected 30% stated that depression was the main effects , another 30% stated
cause family relationship to break up ,10% casual death, 10% stated that is contribute to
financial problem while the remaining said emotional trauma.

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Possible Solutions Percentage

Government impose in harsh or severely penalties for domestic 25%

Report acts of domestic violence to the police. 25%

Speak with a counsellor. 30%

Call domestic violence hotline for assistance. 20%

Table 1 shows that’s 30% of the respondents said that speaking with a counsellor would be
the main solutions to domestic violence in the community. 25% stated that members of the
government should impose in harsh or severely penalties, 25% stated reporting acts of
domestic violence to police would be the solution while 20% the remaining stated that calling
domestic hotline for assistance would help.

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The researcher has found numerous factors that contributes to the development of domestic
violence in the community of Montpellier, Hanover. According to the data that has been
presented the leading cause of domestic violence is lack of education fifty two(52%) of the
respondents attested to this .The researcher found other factors that has resulted in domestic
violence such as abusers twenty six percent (26%), use of alcohol and drugs. The issue of
domestic violence has affected the well-being of residents socially and psychologically.
Individuals within the country are heavily burdened by this issue and desire a
change .Domestic violence can lead to a lot of effects such as: depression, cause family
relationship to break up, financial problem, death and emotional trauma. In the community of
Montpellier, when residents were asked what is the main effects of domestic violence and
30% of the respondents said that depression while also 30 % cause family relationship to
break up. The minority, 20% stated that emotional trauma was the effect while 10% said it
contributes to financial problem and the other 10% said it contributes to death. In an effort to
solve this problem, residents were asked what ways in which domestic violence can be solved
are. A significant percentage of the respondents, 30% stated that speak with a counsellor.
Other solution stated that residents should report acts of domestic violence to the police
twenty five percentage(25%) and having the government impose in harsh or severely
penalties for domestic violence twenty five percent(25%) and twenty percent (20%) also said
call domestic violence hotline for assistance. Domestic violence will not miraculous end. We
all have a role to play by increasing our efforts in cooperating with the police and taking a
strong stance against knowing perpetrators without fear or favor.

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The research conducted has revealed the following finds:

1. 52% of the residents stated that lack of education was the main cause of domestic violence.
2. 30% of the residents stated that depression and cause family relationship to break up
was the main effects of domestic violence.
3. The major solution of domestic violence is that residents have speak with counselor.
This is shown in table 1 when (30%) of the respondents said this.

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The problem of domestic and violence is a growing one within the community of
Montpellier. It’s has plagued the lives of residents and has affected families for years. It is
imperative that measures be implemented in order to prohibit the problem from further
development. In order to solve or reduce this problem, I would implement the following
recommended solutions.
● Residents should call domestic violence hotline for assistance.

● Residents should report abusers to the police.

In order to implement the second recommended strategy the researcher would take the
following steps:
1. Organize a meeting with the residents at the community center with the help of the
councilor and M.P for the division and invite members of the local police unit.

2. After initiating the a neighborhood watch residents should then look out for
suspicious people and report it to the police or other relevant authority.

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