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Unit (] Feel Good About Yourself Unit 2 Good Manners Unit 3} Be Thankful Unit ¢} Peer Pressure Unit 3 Malaysian Folk Tales Unit (5 Money Matters Unit 7/ Study Skills Unit & Tales From Other Lands Unit ©) Safety Issues Unit (J© Precious Creatures Unit (){] The Digital Age Unit (]8 Stories To Learn From Unit (]8 Pollution Unit (]¢} Being A Good Citizen Unit (5 Friends From Around The World Additional Materials Overview Of Thinking Maps {J. Circle Map ( Defining In Context ) @. Bubble Map ( Describing ) &, Double Bubble Map ( Comparing & Contrasting ) c}. Tree Map ( Classifying / Grouping) 9. Brace Map ( Identifying Part / Whole Relationships ) . Flow Map ( Sequencing ) Ue Multi-Flow Map (Cause and Effect ) &, Bridge Map ( Seeing Analogies ) Answers “unr: Feel Good About Yourself » — ‘AD Use th le sentences below to complete the tree m jap. happy 4 : > af My My parents cancelled the holiday trip. We went to Bangkok during the holidays. iss MY grandparents. [lost the singing competition. ike simple sentences with the Present continuous tense i Suzy studied hard for her final examination, but she could not get the good : } result. She felt sad. As her close friend, what would you say to console : ; her? Use speech marks in your sentences. : Good Manners; a - Az Complete the bubble map below. Write simple sentences on how you treat the elderly, your parents, brother, sister and your teacher based on the pictures given. How do you treat them? 3 | will ask for my sister's permission before I borrow her book. + + I will talk softly to my parents. # % I will not interrupt my parents when they are chatting. + *& I will offer my seat to the elderly on the bus. :* + Iwill knock on my brother's bedroom door before I go in. * mplete the map below with the go Good behaviour in public places Always say ‘Excuse me’ when you ask someone to make way. Speak loudly when using mobile — f hone. - ‘Do not interrupt when people are talking. Sit properly on the seat. Push each other in order to get the ra — first place to buy food. « Offer your seat to the elderiy, > Look at the picture. Suggest what the boy should do to improve his behaviour. Be Thankful xB Complete the map below. Choose the positive attitude that we should have. % You are the master of every task. You are a dependable source of comfort; you are my cushion when I fall. You help me in time of trouble; you support me whenever Ineed. Thank you for all those care you had given me.I love you, mother. Example : \ She is patient when I am ; stubborn. _ . 2 / ‘ @ } 7 es ™ aw eee > Tam tnanitudod . for my mother RR because... Ps © Nasal ‘as countable or uncountable. o countable nouns} Fill in the speech bubble. What should you say to encourage your friend to be thankful for the challenges? Peer Pressure) ie x Complete the bubble map below. Choose 5 sentences that will influence us to do the wrong things. ew Refer to the textbook on page 38 and 34. Complete the story by writing in the missing parts. Apai Seumarg-umang and Apai Saloi went into the thick jungle. Apai Seumarg-umang told Apai Saloi to stay in the cave. + 2 Apai Saloi fell asleep. Some warriors came and woke him up. + Va + The warriors took Apai Saloi and the treasure back to the palace. The warriors Places in the story Moral Value {EEN : From your point of view, why should we respect our elders, parents and teachers? Money Matters; wa Complete the bubble map below. Suggest 5 ways you can use your money to make more money. “Ways to make ~ more money Sean aarcttt ) Look at the picture below. List down the items that you will buy based : on the scenario below. You are given RMS50 for each situation. You are advised to spend your money wisely. eee ee ecco cee woe ere cee cee Camping * ©@ School trip j ruler > Sis }o you have saving habit? Where do you keep your money? In the coin box or bank? Give your reasons. 7. Complete the multi-flow map below regarding the effects of poor study habits. } Watch cartoon while studying. Cannot concentrate on study. Lie on the bed while studying. Effects of poor study habits. Chit chat with friends while the teacher is teaching. > ; ¢ } Never do revision at all. * } Always play online ; games until late at 2 night. j Fail in the examination. Causes bad eyesight. co Sleepy and cannot concentrate in class. } Miss out the important parts that the teacher taught. Example : Follow a study timetable. Monthly test is around the comer. Share with your friends, how do you prepare for your monthly test? ex Read the Japanese Folk Tales below. Complete the flow map about the story. Once upon a time, an old woman went to the river to wash some clothes. Then, she saw a giant peach, floating down the river. She took ithome and showed it to her husband. When she tried to cut the peach in two, out came a small boy from the peach. They called the boy Momotaro or peach boy. Momotaro grew up strong, powerful and kind. But then, there were devils bothering the villagers. Momotaro decided to fight against them on the Devil's Island. On the way, another fighter, a dog joined him because Momotaro gave him dumplings. A monkey and a bird also joined them on the way to the island. Finally, they reached the island When they met the chief of the devil, the dog bit the devil's leg. The monkey scratched the back of the devil. The bird pecked his eyes. Together they defeated all the devils. The devils returned all the treasures they had taken from the villagers. From then on, Momotaro and the villagers lived happily ever after. An old woman found” a peach. When she tried to cut the peach, a boy came out. On the way, a dog, a monkey and a bird joined him. They defeated all the devils. The devils returned all the treasures. “Complete the bridge map below. Fill idiom. apiece of cake feeling blue say what you really 1 as Gees co a] i c ee 3 see eye to eye cross your finger @ Bch SYBor ont vouniling ' in trouble \ 1 a crazy person 1 oe ; 4 cS ay > in hot water slipped my mind someone who is not i 4 eee very smart 3 > hold your horses a basket case —_—_———m 8 @$ & birdbrain speak your mind Ed ee Pe ee a) ee Ge em KEIM : Moke a simple see eye to eye - - sentence for each idiom below. sagen A. (1) happy a I received a birthday present b We went to Bangkok during the holidays, (2) sad a I miss my grandparents. b My pet rabbit is sick, (8) disappointed a Myparents cancelled the holiday trip. b I lost the singing competition. B. (I) — My mother is baking a cake in the kitchen. = They are baking cakes in the kitehen (2) - The boys are riding bicycles at the playground. = Allis riding a bicycle to school (3) — The children are swimming happily. = Lily is swimming in the pool (Suggested answers) Tem “Suzy, don't feel bad. You will do better next time. Don't give up.” (Suggested answers) A. (1) Iwill knock on my brother's bedroom door before I go in (2) Iwill offer my seat to the elderly on the bus. (3) Iwill not interrupt my parents when they are chatting. (4) Iwill ask for my sister's permission before I borrow her book. (6) 1 will talk softly to my parents. B, (1) Offer your seat to the elderly, (2) Sit properly on the seat. (3) Do not interrupt when people are talking (U) Always say ‘Excuse me’ when you ask someone to make way He should talk after eating his food. (Suggested answers) A. (1) Do not complain every day. (2) Always see the good side of everything. (3) Take time to appreciate things around us. (W) Listen to other people's opinion (6) Be happy with what we have. B. (I) She gives me guidance when I ask. (2) She is the master of every task. (8) She is a dependable source of comfort. (U) She helps me in time of trouble. (5) She supports me whenever I need. €. (1) countable nouns: pens, children, chillies, ducks, coins, watermelons, toys (2) uncountable nouns: rice, flour, ink, money, sugar, milk, mud IKBATS Don't feel bad, at least you tried. Don't give up, try harder next time. Failure is not the end, you can learn from your failure. (Suggested answers) A. (1) Go and bully the boys. (2) Let’s take this note book. The shopkeeper would not know. (3) Let's go for a drink at the pub tonight. (U) Come, have a cigarette! (8) How much pocket money do your parents give you? Give it io me! (1) Although the baby is crying hungrily, he refuses to drink milk. (2) Although the boys are teasing Anmad, he just walks away from them. (3) Sally never looks down on others, although she is rich. (Y) Ting En did not attend the night party, although she was free. "A. (1) They came to a cave and found a lot of treasure in it. (2) He went to make a rattan basket to carry the treasure. (3) Apai Saloi told the warriors he was looking after the king's treasure. B. (1) Apai Saloi (2) Apai Saloi (8) Apai Seumang-umang (W) Thick jungle (5) Cave (6) Think before you speak BATE We should respect them because they guide us, love us and teach us. (Suggested answers) A. (1) Making and selling key rings. (2) Making and selling bookmarks. (3) Helping neighbour to paint the gate. (U) Helping father to wash the car. (6) Making handycratts from recycle materials to sell (Suggested answers) B. Any acceptable answers. C. (1) an : apple, umbrella, hour, elephant, uncle, egg Q)a university, lady, watch, ruler, woman, bag IKBATE Any acceptable answer. A. (1) Causes bad eyesight. (2) Miss out the important parts that the teacher taught. (8) Fail in the examination. (U) Sleepy and cannot concentrate in class. B. (1) Find a quiet place to study. (2) Get enough sleep. (3) Take down notes. (U) Ask your teacher if you do not understand something. (Suggested answers) — Do preparation early. — Do more exercise to improve my learning. — Ask my teacher when I need help. — Forma study group with friends. (Suggested answers) A. (1) Momotaro grew up and became a powerful boy. But there were devils bothering the villagers. (2) He decided to fight against them on the Devil's Island. (3) Momotaro and the villagers lived happily ever atter. B. (1) very easy; feeling sad (2) agree; for good luck (8) in trouble; I forgot (¥) wait a minute: a crazy person (5) someone who is not very smart; say what you really feel KBATE (1) see eye to eye with John on the decision to Pangkor. (2) [want you to be all ears when I announce the news. (Suggested answers) ‘A. (1) Never send pictures of yourself to people you meet online. (2) Do not open links in emails from strangers. (3) Donotgive outyour personal information. (U) Think before you post anything online. (5) Never meet anyone whom you have chatted with online. (Suggested answers) B. (1) — Allis sitting beside John. My house is beside Mary's house. The grocery shop is next to the cinema. The bookstore is next to the clinic. Terry is sitting between John and Ahmad. — The barber shop is between the bookstore and the clinic. (Suggested answers) (2) - (3) — First, we 5 out of the house quickly. Then, I will call the fire brigade and my parents. (Suggested answers) A. (1) Panda (2) Tiger (8) Dolphin (4) Whale (4) Dugong (6) Penguin B. (1) Protect wildlife habitat; (2) Avoid the use of herbicides and pesticides; (8) Clean up the beach; (4) Stop cutting down trees. (5) Buy eco-frienaly products. (Suggested answers) C. (1) Athinoceros is a herbivore that eats plants. (2) It has good hearing but poor eyesight. (8) Itis big and can run very fast. (¥) It ikes mud because it can help to. protect its sensitive skin under the sun. (6) It has thick skin and horns. (Suggested answers) Te (1) Lack of food. (Suggested answers) A. (1) Mobile phone; to contact friends. (2) Digital camera; to snap pictures. (3) Laptop; to surf the internet. (2) Illegal hunting. B. (1) Advantages - can contact their parents during emergency; — can surf the internet when necessary; can take photographs. (2) Disadvantages: — Keep playing games in class and disturb other pupils; = Pupils will be distracted by phone calls; — Pupils can text answers to each other during a test. (Suggested answers) Roc ee tr 4 ~G. (1) Share ideas with ‘nN ‘over the world. (2) Can work from home. (8) Get information quickly. (4) Can store data and music in it. (8) Do shopping online. Team: Cur life would be terrible. We would be less connected with our family and friends. A lot of tosks would not be done. A. (1) Dare to try. (2) — Azora — Bujero (3) We must dare to try in order to live a better life. (4) apiece of cake; as busy as a bee; as free as a bird, eager beaver B. (1) My house is near the school. (2) A lady is holding a bucket over her head. (3) A girls sitting near the window. (Suggested answers) tem Tne farmer told his son that the treasure will appear after they have planted all the vegetables inthe form (Suggested answers) A. (1) Smoke; Open burning (2) Chemical waste in the river; Rubbish in the river. (3) Loud sounds from construction sites; Loud sounds from vehicles (4) Toxic waste buried underground; Deforestation (Suggested answers) B. (I) a polluted b diny © more intelligent (2) a easiest b more colourful ¢ narrowest C. (1) Wear a mask when you go outdoor. (2) Stay indoor if the haze is bad, (3) Wash your hands regularly. (4) Drink a lot of water to get rid of the harmful substances. se = 5) Eat a balanced diet to keep your body "Song and healthy, : (Suggested answers) Twould tell my parents and ask them to report to the local authority (Suggested answers) A. (1) Treat my neighbours with dignity (2) Ooey traffic rules. (8) Save the animals and plant a tree. (4) Be loyal and patriotic to the country. (Suggested answers) B. (1) Help the blind man to cross the road. (2) Pick up all the rubbish at the playground (3) Help Mr Ong to paint the wall ©. (1) Tan Sri P. G. Lim fought for the rights of Plantation workers, railway workers and women. (2) Tan Sri Kuek Ho Yao donated generously to education and charity (3) Rentap fought against the British led by James Brooke between 1840-1860. te (1) Be a good neighbour. (2) Obey and follow traffic rules. (3) Help the needy, (Suggested answers) A. (1) Canada (2) Italy (3) South Africa (4) Japan KBATE We should respect and value their cultures, beliefs and traditions, (Suggested answers) Festival : Tet jon Safety Issues: ‘ | aoe oS BE B® Complete the bubble map with internet safety tips. ti & & Internet _ Safety Tips Prepositions IKBATI One day, your parents were at work while you and your brother were watching television in the living room. Suddenly, the kitchen caught fire due to electricity short circuit. What will you do to keep your brother and yourself safe? x Complete the bubble map below. Name six endangered animals that you know. ingered animals. B Complete the map below on ways to help end £3 ; = 2 '’ Make simple sentences about a rhinoceros with the words given in the circle map. — herbivore — plants. “2 — good hearing — poor eyesight. > — thick skin - horns (GEM : Panda is an endangered animal. Why it has become er Give 2 reasons. ndangered. “The Digitall Age oe Am Name the device below and write down the function of each device. Function: Function: Function: List down the advantages and disadvantages if pupils are allowed to bring mobile phone to school. Disadvantages Get information quickly {Receive text message. text {Receive text message. [_ can work from home._| work from home. Can store | “voy | and music ini | “voy | How does > computer help us in our daily | life? / < am : People are getting used to using computers and mobile phones. Imagine what would happen if one day, these digital devices in the world suddenly disappeared. ww Read the story below. Give a suitable title for the story. Then, complete the brace map below. e, there were two men living in a cave. Every morning, e cave and find some food to eat. They both had dreams. Azora wanted to get away from the cave and travel aro they would go out of the und the world one day. | | He believed there must be a totally differer wanted to live in the cave all his life till his here he was familiar with is a piece of cake. However, walking out to another different wor! Bujero worked day and night an: cave. Azora told him, “You are such an eager beaver, but do you really enjoy outside?” Bujero still worked as busy as ived another different life. He liked to be nt life out there. While Bujero only death. He felt handling all the stuff Id may be dangerous. So, d wanted to make his life happy living in the it?” “Don't you curious about the world a bee. Finally, Azora left the cave and | as free as a bird, But, Bujero still remained the same. e Azora who left for another totally strange place would encounter e stronger and braver. danger or got into trouble; but, after that, he will becom: | | I a on the pictures, make simple given in the circle map. Prepositions: ‘over’ and ‘near’ ? What is the ending of the story? —# we Complete the tree map below by writing down the causes of each type of pollution. peng pmnppeattommins ponies yonnfraatermem : i i | if bofeoreenciee seaman Le ol lied & Comparison of adjectives. Fill in the bridge map with the correct forms of the words. “i strong GQ) b intelligent ‘as ‘as ‘as stronger more polluted dirtier c @ more exciting easier b narrower ‘as ‘as ‘as most exciting a most colourful. © ea — wear — outdoor 8} —wosh — regularly How do you >». take care of yourself when the haze is bad? eS — stay — indoor ee ae — water — harmful substances balanced diet strong - healthy : If you accidentally saw the factory near your house throw chemical waste into the river nearby, what would you do? ew Complete the bubble map below about the criteria for being a good citizen. Example : a Ipick up rubbish and make the environment clean. ’ Criteria for being a good citizen eocceeees - 1 {Situation : The playground is full | Imperative i sentences | Tan Sri P. G. Lim | Tan Sri Kuek Ho yao | j Rentap oe What was her What was his What was his contribution? contribution? contribution? Friends, From; Around} The Wi fond) > I wa Look at the pictures below. State the countries they come from. [ a ba | | butter tarts 1] bobotie it Country: : What should we do to maintain the good relationship between the } different ethnic groups in Malaysia? ay es lin the double bubble map | n Vietnam and Thailand. Religion : Buddhism ee { Festival: f Festival : Circle Map : Thinking Process : Defining a thing or idea Key words : List *® Define * Discuss * Context = Context clues Explore the meaning ® Tell about Questions : = What is your frame of reference? * What is your context? ® How are you defining it? ‘Tell me about everything that you know about this? Steps : {0} Draw the centre circle and write the name of the object or word that you want to define or understand. Draw the outer circle. > In the larger circle, write everything that you know about the topic. a Draw the Frame of Reference around the entire map. Write a question on top of the Frame of Reference, Write the answers in the space between the outer circle and the frame. Thinking Process : Describing with adjectives Key words : © Describe © Qualities ‘© Adjectival Phrases ‘% Describe Feeling % Observe using the 5 senses Questions ‘© Which adjectival phrases would you use here? ‘= How would you describe this object? = How would you describe this person? ‘= How would you describe this idea? Steps : Draw a circle at the centre of the page - the centre bubble On the outside, draw a number of bubbles connected to the centre circle. The more bubbles you draw, the more you are challenged to think. In the centre bubble, write the noun that you want to describe. In the surrounding bubbles, write adjectives or adjective phrases that describe the noun. Draw a rectangle around the map as (The Frame of Reference) Write a question on top of the Frame of Reference. Se Geene Double Bubble Mop : oD Thinking Process : Comparing & Contrasting Key words : = Compare / contrast © Discuss ® Differentiate Similarities / Differences _& Distinguish between Question : % Discuss the similarities and differences between the cow and the goat? Steps : Draw the two larger bubbles. Draw a number of middle bubbles that connect to both the larger bubbles. Remember to draw many bubbles to challenge your thinking, To the left of the left larger bubble, draw a number of connected bubbles. To the right of the right larger bubble, draw a number of bubbles. In the two larger bubbles are the two objects / people/ ideas that you want to compare and contrast. In the middle bubbles, write down the similarities that both things or ideas share. In the far left bubbles, write information that is unique to the thing or idea in the larger bubble on the left-hand side. In the far right bubbles, write information that is unique to the thing or idea in the larger bubble on the right-hand side. Draw a rectangle around the map (The Frame of Reference) Write a question on top of the Frame of Reference. Se S ef seeeus Tree) Map) ((Classifying,or,Grouping;)) Tree Map : L Thinking Process : | Classifying or grouping Key words : © Group © Sort & Classify & Categorise ® Types of / Kinds of Questions ‘* How would you group this information? * Can you sort these animals into groups? Steps : At the top, write the category name such as objects, people or ideas for classifications or groupings. In a row below the topic, list the sub-categories. For instance, living things could be divided into three sub-categories of ‘people, animals and plants’. Below the sub-categories, write down examples of further details that fit into the respective categories, Draw a rectangle around the map (The Frame of Reference) Write a question on top of the Frame of Reference. ee ¢ 8 ¢ mee cod Brace Map : Thinking Process : Icentifying part / whole relationships Key words : 3 Take apart * Parts of 3 Show structure *s Anatomy Questions * What are the parts of a coconut tree? *s What is a vase made of ? Steps “Py On the line to the left, write the name of the whole object. 22} Next to it, on its right, draw a left, curly bracket or brace so that its middle is next to the name of the whole object. 3 Within the brace, list the names of the major parts vertically. Within the next set of braces, list the sub-parts of each major part. Draw a rectangle around the map (The Frame of Reference) Write a question on top of the Frame of Reference. 6, ElowMap) ((Sequencing;)) Flow Map : Thinking Process : Sequencing and ordering events Key words = Cycles * Patterns write the name for | ® Processes * Change the event / act ® Retell / Recount * What happened next ® Order *® Putin order Questions : * What happened? ® What happened next? & What is the sequence of the event? Steps : 1} Draw a row of large rectangles for the sequence of the event. wn Draw the smaller rectangles below the larger ones for the sub-stages. In the larger rectangles, write the stages/steps of the events from beginning to end. In the smaller rectangles write the sub-stages. Some flow maps might not need sub-stages. Draw a rectangle around the map (The Frame of Reference) Write a question on top of the Frame of Reference. e Vows Multi-Flow Map : Thinking Process : Analysing causes and effects Key words : © cause and effect results © outcomes Change © Predict What would happen if. & Discuss consequences Identify motives, Questions © What are the causes and effects of the event? © What happened next? Steps : {1} In the middle of the page, draw a rectangle to write and define the event. 2 Write a short description of the event in the rectangle. ~ To the lett of the event, write the causes of the event within the rectangles. > Link each cause to the event by drawing an arrow from each cause to the event. To the right of the event, write the effects of the event in the rectangles. Write a brief description of each effect. Link the event to each effect by drawing an arrow from the event to the respective effect. Draw a rectangle around the map (The Frame of Reference) @ Write a question on top of the Frame of Reference. Loe o 8), Bridge) Map) (Seeing, Analogies;), Bridge Map : eX Thinking Process : Seeing analogies Key words * simile *% relationship ® guess the rule * interpret symbols metaphor Question : = Which other pairs of words have the same relationship as the given pair? Steps : Ty On the far left write the Relating Factor on the line that will link all the Pairs of objects or ideas. Write the pairs with one on the top of the bridge and one below. 3: After each pair, draw an inverted V link and write the word “as” underneath. This stands for “in the same way as” Draw a rectangle around the map (The Frame of Reference) “> Write a question on top of the Frame of Reference. i) = The i-Think programme implemented by the Ministry of Education is based on the 8 thinking maps which provide visual patterns for thinking in the learning process and subsequently help to develop the thinking skills amongst pupils. This book focuses on the use of the 8 thinking maps to facilitate their thinking and understanding. The 8 thinking techniques would also promote critical and creative thinking and improve their ability to identify, F ay analyse and solve problems. TEs sm: , Beans Raa) GASUNGANTARAAANSONLET DS GIL 1) Cease Jalan ates 47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan. ‘TEL:03-7497 0491 FAX:03-77811034 mal: dicetak oleh: E-LIAN PRESS SDN. BHD. No.50, Jalan 10/152, Taman Perindustrian OUG, Batu 64,0ff Jalan Puchong, 58200 Kuala Lumpur. KUALA - BEDS ‘Semua hak: bas terpelihara, I \ | ill 7898571611399 Sem. M'sia: RM4.80 Sabah, Sarawak: RMS.20

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