Fast and Slow

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Good morning to the wise adjudicators,

This is a story on lessons for life,
For the unhealthy one Nick, and the healthy one Jo.

Nick was the fastest …in the land,

Here he comes now,
Vroom… Wow!!!

“I’m Nick and I’m quick”,

“Whatever I do, I’m good”,
“That’s how I come faster that the cheetahs at the zoo”,
“I can run and drive a car”,
“I’m Nick, I’m Nick and I’m a star!”

On the other hand,

Jo was the health conscious one on the land,
Here she comes now,

“I’m Jo and I’m slow”,

“But that’s okay”,
“I’m slow but fit”
“Cos’ that’s my way”.

“I can drive and run, oh yes indeed”,

“Yeo’s yeogurt keeps me fit”,
“I’m Jo, I’m Jo, a star that glows”.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Now you have met the players,
It’s time to let you know,
Of Yeo’s Yeogurt Smart Race,
With over confident Nick verses Yeo’s Yeogurt Jo.

By foot, by racing car,

Abide the rules, follow the signs,
Before the end they ‘ll travel far,
They’ll race by night, they’ll race by day,
Here’s Nick and Jo to have their say.

I’ll win for sure, there is no doubt,

Quick tasty nourishment is not in my thought,
Without a yeogurt drink, my reaction are stiil fast,
I’ll come first and you’ll come last.

I’ll do my best, there is no doubt,

I know what quick tasty nourishment is all about,
I’m a yeogurt girl, I’m,
But who will win?
I don’t know.

On your marks! Get set, Go!!!

Nick’s fast away on his foot,
(sound of spectators cheering),

Look! Jo is way ….behind,
All this girl knows is,
Yeo’s, Yeo’s Yeo’s yoegurt!

Nick increases his speed,

And scales a mountain of great height,
Almost the speed of light,
There is Jo climbing….but Jo… look at her,
She is slow but surprising steady,
She climbs on and she will not stop.

Nick carries on,

He’s twice as quick,
Still further they run,
Nick stops to drink,
Here! Yeo’s Yeogurt,
“No!No! I don’t need I”t,
Nick! This is quick tasty nourishment,
“Not for me”.

But even though Jo’s way behind,

She doesn’t give up,
She chugs along at a strolling pace,
Her only thought is Yeo’s Yeogurt, Yeo’s Yeogurt,
Keeps me fit as a fiddle.

Nick’s a rocket! Watch him zoom!
Hera his feet go boom! Boom!Boom!
He powers with ease around the turn,
Faster, faster speed to burn!

Look at Jo,
Watch her battle,
Hear her feet go thump, thump, thump (ratt, ratt, rattle)
She runs with car around the turn,
Quicker , quicker time to burn!

Nick plays the fool and grins,

He thought he is going to win,
Nick! Nick! What ‘s wrong?
“I don’t know”
Looks like you’re losing your speed,
“Oh no! My head is spinning”,
He tries to stop,
He sways to the left, he sways to the right,
K aba boom!!!!!
He hits a tree,
He falls.

Here comes Jo, who is doing fine,

She waves to say….
“Yeo’s, Yeo’s here I come”,

“The race is mine!”
Then she runs across the finish line,
“I won! I won!”
Hooray! Hooray!
Long live Yeo’s Yeogurt!

What a state of shock!

Healthy and fit Jo has won the race,
She wasn’t fast but quick tasty nourishment,
Kept her going.

Ladies and gentlemen,

There you have the story of the Yeo’s Yeogurt Jo,
And the reckless one Nick.

Boys and girls,

Start your day,
With Yeo’s Yeogurt,
Quick tasty nourishment,
Keeps you going all day long,

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