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Eur Spine J (1995) 4:34-38

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9 Springer-Verlag 1995

M e a s u r e m e n t of vertebral rotation: Perdriolle versus R a i m o n d i

H.-R. Weiss
Katharina-Schroth-Spinal Deformities Rehabilitation Center, Leinenbornerweg 44, D-55566 Sobernheim, Germany

S u m m a r y . The measurement of vertebral rotation accord- Various methods have been developed and used clini-
ing to Perdriolle is widely used in the French-speaking cally to measure vertebral rotation. In 1948, Cobb graded
and Anglo-American countries. Even in this measurement vertebral rotation based on the dislocation of the tip of the
technique there may be a relatively high estimation error spinous process in relation to the underlying vertebral
because of the not very accurate grading in steps of 5 ~. body as seen radiographically in the frontal plane. Nash
The measurement according to Raimondi seems to be eas- and Moe [12] published a practical procedure for the de-
ier to use and is more accurate, with 2 ~ steps. The purpose termination of vertebral rotation from the projection of the
of our study was to determine the technical error of both pedicle in frontal radiographs. This measurements tech-
measuring methods. The apex vertebra of 40 curves on 20 nique may not be very accuarte due to the fact that there is
anteroposterior (AP) radiographs were measured by using only a four-step grading.
the Perdriolle torsion meter and the Regolo Raimondi. In- The Perdriolle torsion meter is a template to measure
terrater and intrarater reliability were computed. The tho- the amount of vertebral rotation on spinal radiographs. The
racic Cobb angle was 43 ~ the lumbar Cobb angle 36 ~ vertebral pedicle shadow offset and the edges of the verte-
The average rotation according to Perdriolle was" 19.1 ~ bral bodies are marked and then measured with the torsion
thoracic (SD 11.14), 12.7 ~ lumbar (11.21). Measurement meter as described by Richards [15]. Here we have a grad-
of vertebral rotation according to Raimondi showed an ing in 5 ~ intervals, which also may lead to measuring er-
average rotation of 20.25 ~ in the thoracic region (11.40) rors.
and 13.4 ~ lumbar (10.92). The intrarater reliability was The use of the Regolo Raimondi (Marrapese Editore -
r = 0.991 (Perdriolle) and r = 0.997 (Raimondi). The av- Demi S.r.1., Rome, see Fig. 1) is very similar to the Perdri-
erage intrarater error was 1.025 ~ in the Perdriolle mea- oUe torsion meter. With this template, the vertebral pedi-
surement and 0.4 ~ in the Raimondi measurement. Inter- cle shadow offset is measured in millimeters, as is the
rater error was on average 3.112 ~ for the Perdriolle mea- width of the vertebral body (Figs. 2 and 3). The width of
surement and 3.630 ~ for the Raimondi measurement. This the vertebra is determined on the anteroposterior (AP)
shows that both methods are useful tools for the follow-up roentgenogram at the most narrow spot, the so-called ver-
of vertebral rotation as projected on standard X-rays for tebral waist. Contrary to the Perdriolle torsion meter mea-
the experienced clinicial. The Raimondi ruler is easier to surements, there isno need to mark these measuring points.
use and is slightly more reliable. It is sufficient to position the metric ruler and read the
width. Only the convex-sided pedicle must be marked. As
K e y w o r d s : Scoliosis - Vertebral rotation - Torsion also during the Perdriolle procedure, the convex-sided
meter pedicle is bisected longitudinally by a line. For the deter-
mination of the pedicular offset, the distance of this bi-
secting line to the convex-sided waist of the vertebral body
is evaluated. After the measurement, the width of the ver-
tebra (in mm) is set in a window, and the pedicular offset
In the management and follow-up of scoliosis, the Cobb
(in mm as well) will be found right next to the degree of
angle is mainly used [5]. As the sole criterion for the fol-
rotation on this template, where there are gradings in 2 ~
low-up of scoliosis patients, it can only be recommended
steps. There is no need to mark the edges of the verte-
with reservation, because it is measured only in one plane
bral body using the Raimondi template. Barsanti et al. [3]
and so does not enable us to describe the three-dimen-
demonstrated that the torsion meter may be an effective
sional deformity of scoliosis.
way to measure vertebral rotation. In their study, 144 er-
The importance of vertebral rotation was recognized as
rors were made in 351 measurements, of which more than
early as 1865. Adams [2] showed that a lordosis rotating
92% were within 5 ~. In this study, nine thoracic vertebra
to one side produces scoliosis as a secondary phenomenon.
were individually rotated to an arch of 0-60 ~ and mea-
sured with a torsion meter by three investigators. Per-
Received: 7 January 1994
driolle [13] himself states that the error coefficient for
Revised: 25 May 1994
Accepted: 25 May 1994 rotation angles between 5 ~ and 35 ~ should be small.

Fig. 1. The Regolo Raimondi

Fig. 2. The vertebral pedicle shadow offset is measured in millimeters as is the
width of the vertebral body

Drerup [7] s h o w e d that m e a s u r e m e n t o f vertebral rota- Investigator 2 measured all 40 apex vertebral once with the Re-
tion is i n d e p e n d e n t o f lateral tilting and f o r w a r d - b a c k - golo Raimondi and once with the Perdriolle torsion meter. In every
ward inclination. H e also introduced an i m p r o v e d m e t h o d new series of measurements, all marks previously made on the X-
rays were removed.
for m e a s u r i n g vertebral rotation [8]. This m e t h o d differs For estimation of accuracy, we computed correlations between
from the N a s h and M o e m e t h o d b y localization o f the the first and second series of measurements of investigator 1 for
m e a s u r e m e n t points on the inner edge of the p e d i c l e s and the Perdriolle torsion meter and the Regolo Raimondi. Addition-
the m e a s u r e m e n t o f their position. ally, we computed correlations between the first series of measure-
A a r o and D a h l b o r n [1] introduced estimation o f verte- ments done by investigator 1 with the series of measurements done
bral rotation b y c o m p u t e r t o m o g r a p h y (CT). A s it is not by investigator 2, also for the Perdriolle torsion meter and the Re-
golo Raimondi. The average error was also computed.
n e c e s s a r y for e v e r y scoliosis patient to undergo a CT
investigation and b e c a u s e C T scans m a y not be a v a i l a b l e
e v e r y w h e r e , the m e a s u r e m e n t o f vertebral rotation on
standing r a d i o g r a p h s m a y b e o f great v a l u e in e v e r y d a y Results
The intertester correlation for all 40 apex vertebra showed
an accuracy o f r = 0.991 using the Perdriolle t o r s i o n m e t e r
Materials and methods and r = 0.997 using the R e g o l o R a i m o n d i . The intratester
correlation s h o w e d an accuracy o f r = 0.937 in the Perdri-
Rotation of the apex vertebra of 40 curvatures on 20 standing X-rays olle m e a s u r e m e n t s and r = 0.927 in the R a i m o n d i m e a -
was measured with the Perdriolle torsion meter and the Regolo
Raimondi by two experienced physicians. The average Cobb angle
surements. T h e a v e r a g e repetition error was 1.025 ~ in the
was 43.65 ~ (SD 22.17) thoracic and 36.45 ~ (18.00) lumbar. Perdriolle m e a s u r e m e n t s and 0.4 ~ in the R a i m o n d i m e a -
The average rotation according to Perdriolle was 19.1 ~ thoracic surements, done b y the s a m e investigator. T h e inter-ob-
(11.14) and 12.7 ~ lumbar (11.21). Measurement of vertebral rotation server error was 3 ~ for the P e r d r i o l l e and 3.6 ~ for the Rai-
using the Raimondi ruler showed an average rotation of 20.25 ~ in m o n d i measurements.
the thoracic region (11.40) and 13.4 ~ lumbar (10.92).
The a v e r a g e m e a s u r e m e n t error was also c o m p u t e d for
Investigator 1 measured all 40 apex vertebral twice with the
Regolo Raimondi and twice with the Perdriolle torsion meter with- l u m b a r and for thoracic curves and is shown in Table 1.
out regard to previous measurements. The intratester reliability O f the i n t r a t e s t e r m e a s u r e m e n t s 8 7 . 5 % w e r e w i t h i n
was computed for the Regolo Raimondi and for the Perdriolle tor- 2 ~ u s i n g the P e r d r i o l l e t o r s i o n m e t e r a n d 9 7 . 5 % u s i n g
sion meter measurements. the R a i m o n d i t e m p l a t e . O f the intertester m e a s u r e m e n t s



Fig. 3. The width of the verte-

bra in millimeters is set in the
window of the Raimondi ruler
and the degree of rotation
found next to the pedicular
offset, which also is measured
in millimeters. In this exam-
ple, we have a rotation of 24 ~
":: o (see also Fig. 2)

Table 1. Average interobserver and intraob- Perdriolle Raimondi Perdriolle th Perdriolle 1 Raimondi th Raimondi 1
server error using the Perdriolle torsion me- (n = 40) (n = 40) (n = 20) (n = 20) (n = 20) (n = 20)
ter and the Regolo Raimondi
error 1.025 0.400 1.050 1.000 0.150 0.650
error 3.112 3.630 3.000 3.225 4.660 2.600

1, Lumbar; th, thoracic

82.5% was within 5 ~ using the f o r m e r and 72.5% using - Changes in sagittal and frontal inclinations o f single
the latter. vertebral alter the offset in the s a m e m a n n e r as changes
in rotation
F o r f o l l o w - u p using A P radiographs, these sources o f er-
ror s e e m not to be important when the s a m e vertebra is
m e a s u r e d as in the first radiograph. Additionally, Drerup
Richards [15] found a l a c k o f accuracy in the a s s e s s m e n t [7] clearly demonstrates that tilting does not change the
o f vertebral rotation using the Perdriolle torsion meter. He projection o f the p e d i c l e offset at all. N e i t h e r will verte-
c o m p a r e d the rotation o f h u m a n c a d a v e r i c v e r t e b r a pro- bral rotation b e affected b y translation. D r e r u p d e m o n -
j e c t e d on A P r a d i o g r a p h s and m e a s u r e d with the Perdri- strates that the conclusion drawn b y B e n s o n m a y be the
olle torsion m e t e r the true rotation o f frozen c a d a v e r i c result of different definitions. Benson rotated the tilted and
spines. H e even found a high intraobserver error when inclined vertebra around a vertical axis, whereas Drerup de-
c o m p a r i n g Perdriolle m e a s u r e m e n t s with true rotation fines vertebral rotation about the true vertebral axis.
value. F o r clinical use, it is not necessary to have a high Richards states that an error o f 2 m m in identifying a
correlation with the true rotation. F o r f o l l o w - u p o f rota- p e d i c l e w o u l d result in a difference o f apparant rotation o f
tion, the p r o j e c t e d rotation on A P r a d i o g r a p h s m a y be eas- approximately 5 ~ An identification error of 2 m m seems to
ily m e a s u r e d and seems to be reliable as can be seen in be very large when the width o f the p e d i c l e s h a d o w is 4 - 6
our results. H o w e v e r , as H a l l b a u e r et al. [9] p o i n t e d out, if mm. Identification errors that high are due to a lack of
vertebral rotation exceeds 45 ~ the pedicle shadow cannot
clearly be identified. In this case the p e d i c l e shadow is of- H o et al. [10] c o m p a r e d m e a s u r e m e n t s o f vertebral ro-
ten c o n f o u n d e d with the articular portion o f the vertebra, tation done on CT scans with the m e a s u r e m e n t s on A P ra-
leading to a high m e a s u r e m e n t error. In daily routine rota- diographs. M a r c h e s i et al. [11] also used the a s s e s s m e n t of
tion usually does not exceed 30 or 40 ~ so most of the X- vertebral rotation introduced b y A a r o and D a h l b o r n [1]
rays can be m e a s u r e d with g o o d reliability. If m o r e than for the f o l l o w - u p o f vertebral rotation o f the Harrington
30 ~ is measured, the m e a s u r e m e n t s m a y b e not valid and L u q u e instrumentation. D a n g e r f i e l d at al. [6] p o i n t e d
when m a d e with the Perdriolle or R a i m o n d i template. out that there m a y b e changes o f vertebral rotation and
Benson et al. [4] looked at cadaver vertebra with roation C o b b angle due to different b o d y positions. C T m e a s u r e -
ranging f r o m 15 to 45 ~ and noted the f o l l o w i n g sources o f ments m e a s u r e vertebral rotation o f the r e c u m b e n t spine,
error: and on A P radiographs, w e m e a s u r e vertebral rotation in
- Single vertebra differ m a r k e d l y the standing position.
- Different spines have different offsets for the s a m e de- F o r clinical use o f the Perdriolle torsion m e t e r or the
gree o f rotation R e g o l o R a i m o n d i , one can easily m i n i m i z e the m e a s u r e -

ment error which may arise from an unstandardized X-ray this vertebra is probably the most accurate one. If the api-
position. If the patient as a whole is rotated to one side the cal vertebra evidences a small inclination, the minor error
rotation of the apex vertebra on one curve will increase, does not play any role in the follow-up of vertebral rota-
while the rotation of the apex vertebra on the counter- tion by 2D measurements, as it may be expected that the
curve will decrease. If, during follow-ups, the sum of the apical vertebra presents the same inclination in the fol-
main curve and counter-curve rotation remains the same, low-up X-ray as on the first one. In such a case of a sys-
there may be no change of vertebral rotation. If vertebral tematic error in all follow-up measurements, significant
rotation increases or decreases in both curvatures, there is changes of the rotation may be determined by 2D meth-
a true change. Thus, measurement of only one apex verte- ods. Further, Skalli et al. [16] stated that, if the measured
bra for follow-up is not useful. For accurate determination vertebra is tilted only slightly in the frontal or sagittal
it is always necessary to measure a second apex vertebra planes, the expected error in the rotation measurement
or reference vertebra to minimize measurement errors due compared with the true rotation value is small.
to wrong patient positioning in front of the radiograph.
As pointed out by Vaysse et al. [17], the Raimondi val-
ues are a little higher than measured by the Perdriolle tor- Conclusion
sion meter. This agrees with my results here.
The measuring technique according to Raimondi showed There is a high reliability for the measurement of projected
a higher measuring accuracy concerning intratester relia- vertebral rotation using the Perdriolle torsion meter or the
bility. The apparently worse reliability of the Raimondi Regolo Raimondi for rotation measurements up to 30 ~
measuring technique in the intertester comparison results When following up patients with scoliosis, the measure-
from the fact that in the case of a thoracic curvature, the ment should be done by the same person to minimize
articular portion was confused with the pedicle, which measurement error. The Raimondi ruler seems to be easier
was difficult to project. This resulted in a deviation of the to use and is slightly more reliable, so we think it is more
more than 10 ~ with otherwise good correlation. On the useful than the Perdriolle torsion meter. The criticism of
whole it showed that both measuring techniques are capa- 2D measurement methods [4, 16] lacks any practical rele-
ble of measuring very exactly the virtual rotation of verte- vance, as the hypothetical measurement errors arising from
bral bodies and thus can also be used for following up ro- vertebral tilting in the frontal and sagittal planes is practi-
tation. Difficulties appeared especially in major scolioses cally without importance when measuring the apical ver-
and greater rotation, where there was a superposition of tebra. Even if we do not necessarily measure the real rota-
the vertebral arch over the edges of the concave-sided ver- tion with 2D methods, especially with higher degrees of
tebral bodies. Thus, sometimes an exact determination of vertebral rotation, we gain very useful and reliable infor-
the edges of the concave-sided vertebral bodies was often mation in the follow-up of patients with idiopathic scolio-
not possible without making errors. In some cases the sis.
edges of the vertebral bodies had first to be reconstructed
by following the edges of the vertebral bodies of adjacent Acknowledgement. I am thankful to Sigrun Fuchs for her measure-
vertebra, before it was possible to measure rotation. It is ments.
therefore striking that both techniques showed a high mea-
suring accuracy in the thoracic region. If the vertebral arch
is superimposed on the edges of the vertebral bodies, it is References
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