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Urolithiasis in patients with spinal cord injuries: risk factors,

management, and outcomes

Michael C. Ost and Benjamin R. Lee

Purpose of review Abbreviations

Despite major advances in the urological care of spinal ESWL extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
PCNL percutaneous nephrolithotomy
cord injury patients, the incidence of urolithiasis has not SCI spinal cord injury
changed. Although the incidence of kidneys lost to
staghorn calculus disease has decreased considerably, # 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
stone disease is still a significant cause of morbidity and 0963-0643
concern. The purpose of this review is to summarize the
risk factors for the development of stone diseases in the
spinal cord injury patient population and present the Introduction
outcomes of current endourologic treatment modalities.
Altered afferent pathways and contracted extremities
Recent findings
can often make the clinical diagnosis and treatment of
Recurrent urinary tract infections, indwelling catheters,
urolithiasis challenging in spinal cord injury (SCI)
vesicoureteral reflux, and immobilization hypercalcuria are
patients. Identifying the risk factors for the develop-
a few of the major risk factors for the development of
ment of urolithiasis and focusing on preoperative plan-
urolithiasis among spinal cord injury patients. Retrograde
ning can help maximize treatment efficacy and mini-
endourologic techniques are often not possible to address
mize recurrences.
stone disease due to lower extremity contractures, spinal
curvature, and pelvic tilt. Extracorporeal shockwave
lithotripsy success rates vary from 50 to 90%, but Epidemiology and risk factors for urolithiasis
clearance rates are often delayed. Success rates for in the spinal cord injury population
percutaneous nephrolithotomy match those quoted in the Patients with SCIs are more prone to develop chronic
general population ( > 90%), but at the expense of a and complicated stone disease over their lifetime.
higher rate of complications (6–20%). Meticulous Within 10 years following a SCI, 7% will develop an
planning with regard to appropriate prophylactic initial kidney stone, with the greatest risk occurring dur-
antibiotics and body position will maximize efficacious ing the first 3 months following the injury [1]. Despite
outcomes. the major improvements in the urologic care of SCI
Summary patients over the last 25 years, the incidence of stone
Early identification and treatment of urolithiasis in spinal formation in this patient population, to much surprise,
cord injury patients will aid in preserving renal function and has not changed. In this patient cohort, unrecognized
minimizing associated complications. Despite variation in stone disease can contribute to renal failure, a significant
common urological practices between spinal cord injury source of morbidity and mortality. Upper and lower
units and the lack of clear cut guidelines for follow-up, the urinary tract stasis, vesicoureteral reflux, detrusor-
increased incidence of risks associated with urolithiasis sphincter dysfunction, and chronic catheterization are
lends support for routine genitourinary imaging in order to just a few factors that can contribute to the development
identify and treat those individuals at highest risk. of urinary tract infections with resultant stone formation.
Indeed, 98% of urolithiasis in the SCI population is
Keywords either apatite (calcium phosphate) or struvite (magne-
bladder calculi, extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy, sium ammonium phosphate) in composition [2]. With
nephrolithiasis, percutaneous nephrolithotomy, spinal cord this in mind, recurrent urinary tract infections and septic
injury episodes should alert the consulting urologist to the high
probability of stone disease in the SCI patient.
Curr Opin Urol 16:93–99. # 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Two major risk periods may exist for stone formation in
Department of Urology, North Shore-Long Island Jewish Medical Center New the SCI patient. During the acute phase following SCI
Hyde Park, New York, USA
when immobilization is most prevalent, there is evi-
Correspondence to Benjamin R. Lee MD, Associate Professor of Urology,
Department of Urology, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New Hyde Park, NY
dence of ‘immobilization hypercalcuria’ contributing to
11040, USA non-oxalate calcium stone formation [3]. Thereafter,
Tel: 718-470-7066, fax: 718-343-6254; e-mail:
stone formation is most often the result of infected
Current Opinion in Urology 2006, 16:93–99 urine. Infection may be secondary incomplete emptying
94 Urolithiasis

with urinary stasis, repeated instrumentation or catheter- kidney/bladder). Early detection and aggressive treat-
izations, and foreign bodies (i.e. hair introduced during ment of urolithiasis in the SCI patient will avert the
clean intermittent catheterization). Other unique meta- potential for renal damage or loss. Although modern
bolic disturbances in the spinal cord population may endourological equipment and technique has facilitated
contribute to stone formation. In an analysis excluding easier and efficacious treatments of urolithiasis, it is not
SCI patients with urea splitting urinary tract infections, surprising that management of stone disease in this spe-
Burr et al. [4] demonstrated that SCI patients can be cial patient population focuses equally on prevention.
alkalotic with concomitant hypocituria when compared
to control subjects. A model for the formation of calculi Preoperative considerations in the spinal
in SCI patients was later described by Burr and cord injury patient
Nuseibeh [5] in which indwelling urinary catheter The urinary tracts of SCI patients are most often colo-
encrustation was dependent on urinary pH, calcium, nized due to chronic catheter use. In light of this, inju-
and flow rate. dicious use of antibiotics may more readily result in the
development of multidrug resistant organisms [13].
It has long been a subject of debate whether the level of Along these lines, it is imperative that the results of a
SCI is a risk factor for upper-tract stone formation. An urine culture with sensitivities are known at least 7 days
early investigation reported that SCI patients with com- prior to stone treatment. During this pre-procedure time
plete lesions at level T4 or higher had a higher inci- period, appropriate prophylactic antibiotic therapy
dence of nephrolithiasis than those with incomplete should be started in order to minimize the chances of
lesions above T4 or any types of lesions below T4 [6]. urosepsis during urinary tract manipulation and stone
In contrast, a later study demonstrated that complete- fragmentation. Re-culturing the urine and obtaining
ness of the cord lesion was an insignificant factor in pre- sensitivities immediately following the procedure may
dicting the formation of stone disease [7]. Levy and also be of prophylactic benefit. Bacteria released from
Resnick [8] have astutely pointed out that data from fragmented stones may differ from the pre-operative
well documented studies such as these are contradictory colonized urinary tract flora. In the event that urosepsis
and inconclusive because of the many confounding vari- develops postoperatively, results of the immediate post-
ables contributing to stone disease that have not been operative cultures may help to guide antibiotic therapy
controlled for. The presence of infection, time from until a third set of urine cultures, taken at the time of
injury, and catheter status must be taken into account the septic event, are available.
in order to determine whether a neurologically complete
lesion in and of itself is truly a risk factor for stone for- Perhaps most crucial to preoperative planning is an
mation. What is more conclusive in the SCI population, assessment of extremity and trunk mobility. Depending
however, is the increased risk of renal stone formation on the level and duration of the SCI, various degrees of
when there is vesicoureteral reflux, bladder stones, extremity contracture, spinal curvature, or pelvic tilt will
and/or the presence of an indwelling foley catheter exist. In addition, prior placement of spinal hardware
[9,10]. Along these lines, an older SCI patient with a may alter the ability to suitably position SCI patients
complete lesion and an indwelling foley catheter is at for routine stone management. Performing endourologi-
an increased risk of developing a bladder stone [11•] cal procedures in the dorsal lithotomy position (i.e. ure-
teroscopy) and properly positioning patients on some
In a recent evaluation of the national SCI database, it extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) gantries
was determined that, similar to the general population, (i.e. Dornier HM3), for example, may be extraordinarily
geographic variation and environmental risk factors may difficult. Adding external spreader bars to a cystoscopy
contribute to the formation of an initial kidney stone in table may aid in achieving a split-leg position in these
the SCI population [12]. Specifically, the incidence of patients whether it be prone or supine. Furthermore,
stone formation was significantly greater in the South- newer generation mobile ESWL machines allow for
east United States, tending to increase with decreasing more flexibility with patient positioning.
latitude. These findings suggest that stone-formation
risk in SCI patients may be decreased by modifying Nephrolithiais of the upper tract:
environmental exposure. extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
and percutaneous nephrolithotomy
The extraordinarily increased risk of a SCI patient ESWL and percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) are
developing urolithiasis coupled with the atypical presen- the most frequently used endourological modalities to
tation of renal colic (altered upper-tract afferent path- address stone disease of the upper tracts in SCI patients.
ways) strengthens the argument to routinely screen the Lower extremity contractures often limit the use of ret-
urinary tract with imaging (i.e. annual sonogram of rograde ureteroscopy in the treatment of ureteral stones.
Urolithiasis and spinal cord injuries Ost and Lee 95

Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy Ureteroscopy

Almost all stones that form in a SCI patient will be soft To date there are no published studies reporting solely
and radio-opaque. Bearing this in mind, ESWL can be on the outcomes for ureteroscopic management of stone
considered a first-line treatment for smaller (< 1.5 cm) disease in SCI patients. When utilized, flexible uretero-
upper-tract stones provided there are no medical contra- scopy is most often required owing to the difficulties
indications. Although staghorn calculi can be treated by associated with retrograde instrumentation in the dorsal
ESWL, multiple treatments are often required with poor lithotomy position. Antegrade flexible ureteroscopy, fol-
clearance rates. ESWL monotherapy for a staghorn cal- lowing percutaneous renal access and tract dilation, is
culus should be reserved for those patients that are poor our preferred method of treating ureteral stones in SCI
candidates for PCNL. In this particular subset of SCI patients without urinary diversions. We find that this
stone patients, chemolysis through a nephrostomy tube approach bypasses the limitations incurred by extremity
with hemiacidrin or Suby’s Solution G can serve as an and trunk contractures (Fig. 1).
adjunct to ESWL sessions. When utilizing chemolysis,
care should be taken to maintain renal pelvic pressures Percutaneous nephrolithotomy
below 25 cmH2O, thus minimizing the risk of septi- PCNL is the treatment of choice for calculi greater
cemia from pyelovenous backflow. than 1.5 cm located in the renal pelvis or any calyx.
Our method of access, tract dilation, and stone extrac-
tion does not differ from the general population and may
Overall, ESWL is a safe modality for stone treatment in readily be employed in SCI patients [22]. Indeed,
SCI patients. Stone fragment clearance following treat- PCNL has been performed successfully in ectopic
ment, however, may be somewhat poorer than the gen- pelvic kidneys in patients with sacral agenesis with
eral population and is often delayed [14]. Quadriplegics severe bilateral lower extremity contractures, atrophic
with high-level cord injuries requiring cardiac pace- lower extremities, and spinal curvature [23].
makers [15] and those with baclofen pumps [16] have
safely undergone ESWL without complications. ESWL Culkin et al. [24] published a 90.4% stone-free rate fol-
has been performed without general or regional anesthe- lowing PCNL, based on nephrostograms and tomo-
sia without causing autonomic dysreflexia, although grams, in SCI patients who underwent an average of
hypertension during treatment has required intravenous 2.04 procedures for struvite stones. Of note in this
administration of hydralazine [17]. Standard anesthesia early study was an 8.5% major complication rate due to
monitoring is therefore required for all patients. respiratory arrest, perirenal abscesses, and hydrothorax.
In a later comparative study, the same authors reported
In the instances of severe spinal curvature or contrac- an even higher complication rate (20%) among their SCI
tures, difficulties in accurately localizing renal calculi
should be anticipated. Care should be taken to maintain Figure 1 A T6 partial paraplegic patient with atrophic and
the stone within the ESWL focal point and to spot contracted lower extremities prior to positioning for
check the location frequently; renal atrophy following percutaneous access to perform antegrade ureteroscopy and
laser lithotripsy for a 1 cm mid-ureteral stone
multiple ESWL sessions for a staghorn calculus has
been reported in a paraplegic patient with marked spinal
curvature in which stone localization was suboptimal

Despite the widespread use of ESWL in the SCI popu-

lation, there are few modern published series in the lit-
erature. The earliest report showed a poor overall stone-
free rate of approximately 50% [19]. Soon after, Lazare et
al. [20] reported a 73% stone-free rate at 3 months in 32
SCI patients treated with the Dornier HM3 lithotripter.
In this cohort of patients, average stone size was 2.9 cm
and treatment did not alter serum creatinine values.
Similarly, Deliveliotis et al. [21] reported an approximate
66% (10/15 patients) stone-free rate at 6–20 months after
treatment; those patients with residual fragments (5/15) Management with a rigid ureteroscope in the dorsal lithotomy position
had either staghorn calculi or fragments greater than would not have been possible
2.5 cm in diameter.
96 Urolithiasis

patients, who had an 88.6% stone-free rate compared Figure 2 An incomplete C3 quadriplegic patient with a left
with a 98.5% success rate in an ambulatory group [25]. staghorn calculus and sizeable stone within the ileal conduit
The only recent report on PCNL in SCI patients has
been published by Lawrentschuk et al. [26••], in which
a 28F single-stage renal and fascial dilator (‘webb’ dila-
tor, William A. Cook Australia Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Aus-
tralia) was used to obtain access. In this study, the com-
plete stone-free rate was 87% for PCNL monotherapy,
increasing to 92% with adjuvant treatments.

Rubenstein et al. [27•] retrospectively reviewed their

experience performing PCNL on 23 patients with neu-
rogenic bladder dysfunction, nine of which had a urinary
diversion. Individuals with spina bifida, traumatic SCI,
extrophy/epispadias, neonatal meningitis, stroke, and
spinal chondrosarcoma were included in the study.
Despite a 46% stone recurrence rate, the authors
reported a 96% stone-free rate with minimal complica-
tions occurring.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy and urinary diversions

It is not uncommon for quadriplegics to have an ileal
conduit and for paraplegics with adequate hand function
to have a continent catheterizable urinary diversion.
The patient was treated by PCNL for the staghorn calculus (A).
A nephroscope and ultrasonic lithotripter were used (trans-stoma) to
Patients with staghorn calculi and urinary diversions are treat the stone within the ileal conduit (B).
approached like any complex branched renal stone –
percutaneously (Fig. 2). Success rates approach 90%
when second-look procedures are undertaken. Similarly,
ureteral stones are approached percutaneously because
demonstrated that intermittent catheterization clearly
access to the ureter is often much more straightforward
had an advantage over an indwelling foley catheter
than the retrograde approach. After through and through
with regard to the incidence of bladder stones (5% com-
access is obtained, the flexible urteroscope may be
pared with 22%) and renal calculi (4% compared with
passed either retrograde or antegrade to accomplish
8%) formation over a 3-year period [29].
Ho:YAG lasering or stone basketing.

Urinary calculi of the lower tract: bladder Interestingly, in a recent sizeable multicenter longitudi-
stones and stones in diversions nal study, the inability to control bladder function dur-
Techniques to treat vesical calculi in the SCI population ing the first year after injury was an important risk factor
do not differ much from the procedures used to treat for stone formation; however, the type of urinary drain-
bladder stones in the general population. Addressing age used thereafter, including indwelling, intermittent,
stones that have formed in urinary diversions requires or condom catheterization, had no significant differential
advanced endourological skills. effect [1]. Regardless of this finding, it is accepted that
SCI patients released from the hospital with an indwel-
Bladder stones ling catheter are 6.1 times more likely to develop a blad-
Overall improvement in SCI urologic care over the last der stone than individuals with normal lower urinary
30 years has led to a decrease in bladder stone forma- tract function [30]. The type of indwelling catheter
tion. Chen et al. [28] determined that from the period used (suprapubic or urethral) will not significantly
1973–1979 to 1990–1996, for example, there was a sig- change this risk [31].
nificant decrease in SCI vesical calculi from 29 to 8%.
Despite these statistics, the subset of SCI patients with Prior to treatment, etiologies of bladder outlet obstruc-
complete lesions limiting hand function, and thus the tion (benign prostatic hyperplasia, urethral strictures,
ability to self-catheterize, will remain at higher risk for sphincter dysenergia) that contribute to vesical calculus
bladder and renal stone development. An early study formation should be identified and factored into the
from a Veterans Administration Hospital, for example, treatment plan. It should be kept in mind that a chronic
Urolithiasis and spinal cord injuries Ost and Lee 97

indwelling catheter, a history of smoking, and the pre- Figure 3 Percutaneous access for poucholithotomy in an
sence of both renal and bladder stones are important risk Indiana Pouch
factors for the development of squamous cell carcinoma
and transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder [32]. In
light of this, there should be a low threshold to biopsy
any suspicious bladder mucosal lesions associated with a
vesical calculus.

Depending on the surgeon’s preference, large bladder

stones (> 6 cm) or heavy stone burdens can be treated
percutaneously with an ultrasonic lithotripter (through
an Amplatz dilated 30F cytostomy tract) or by a tradi-
tional open cystolithotomy. In the instance of small
bladder capacity and/or poor compliance, percutaneous
treatment may be more challenging. Overall, treatment
of bladder stones in SCI patients should not differ from
vesical calculus treatment in the non-SCI population. A
detailed review on this subject is provided by Schwartz
and Stoller [33].

As in the general population, bladder calculi of small to

intermediate size (up to 4 cm) may be treated transur- sion will help determine which access is best suited for
ethrally by electrohydraulic lithotripsy or Ho:YAG laser the clinical scenario. Unique percutaneous approaches
lithotripsy. Kilciler et al. [34] describe treating such should always be considered the first-line step in
bladder stones with ESWL at an average of 34 minutes approaching these stones in urinary diversions.
without anesthesia. Following treatment the bladder is
irrigated with a 20% providone iodine solution and frag- In SCI patients with continent cutaneous diversions/
ments are evacuated through a 22F sheath. Specifically, nipple valves (i.e. Indiana Pouch) or catheterizable
20 paraplegics with a mean bladder stone size of 3 cm stomas (i.e. Mitrofanoff valve), any endourological treat-
were treated with a Siemens Lithostar Plus second-gen- ment through the continence mechanism should be
eration lithotripter (mean of 3600 shocks at a power of avoided. The potential for damaging the continence
19 kW s–1). Eighty percent (16/20) were stone free after mechanism or inducing a stricture is high. When stone
one session and 20% (4/20) required one additional burden is heavy, Amplatz sheaths and/or laparoscopic
treatment. ESWL for bladder stones may be an ideal trocars should be placed percutaneously in order to max-
treatment for SCI patients who are anesthetic risks or imize visibility and treatment efficacy (Fig. 3). It is our
prone to autonomic dysreflexia. practice to deploy a laparoscopic entrapment sac as
described by Jarrett et al. [35] in order to maximize vis-
Stones in urinary diversions ibility and avoid imbedding stone fragments into friable
Most stones formed in SCI patients with urinary-intest- intestinal mucosa during ultrasonic lithotripsy. Details
inal diversions are struvite, although metabolic distur- on the medical work-up [36] and surgical management
bances contribute to overall stone composition. Foreign [37••] of stones in patients with urinary diversions are
materials, retained intestinal mucous, incomplete emp- beyond the scope of this article and are offered else-
tying, chronic bacterial colonization of the reservoir, and where.
chronic metabolic acidosis with resultant hypocitraturia
all contribute to stone precipitation. The incidence of Prevention, strategies to decrease risk,
stone formation varies by type of diversion. A trans- and long-term follow-up
stomal approach and percutaneous poucholithotomy are Minimizing the risk factors contributing to urinary tract
two unique endourologic modalities for stone manage- infections will decrease the formation of urolithiasis and
ment in this patient population. will minimize morbidity in SCI patients. Clean intermit-
tent catheterization is the most basic preventive mea-
The management of stones in the urinary diversions of sure and is highly recommended [38]. Prophylactic anti-
SCI patients is often difficult, requiring advanced biotics should not be used as they significantly increase
endourologic skill. Complexity results from the absence the risk of multidrug resistant resistance. Indwelling
of typical landmarks coupled with an altered body habi- foley catheters should be avoided as they are prone to
tus. Understanding the anatomy of the particular diver- encrustation and can contribute to the formation of
98 Urolithiasis

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