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1/8/23, 5:57 PM Board Composition

Board Composition
11 responses

9 responses

Sherry Nickolaus

Chris A

Erika Meyer

Liz Houston

Kathryn Venzor


Rachel Balduzzi

Maya Garcia

Natalie Brower-Kirton

My profession is: Copy

11 responses

Law 0 (0%)
Financial/Banking/Insura… 1 (9.1%)
Development/Philanthropy 2 (18.2%)
Education (Formal) 2 (18.2%)
Education (Non-formal) 6 (54.5%)
Corporate/Small Busines… 1 (9.1%)
Government/Military 2 (18.2%)
Human Resources 0 (0%)
Non-profit 5 (45.5%)
Home Engineer 0 (0%)
Medical/Health Care/ So… 0 (0%)
Food/Beverage 0 (0%)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1/5
1/8/23, 5:57 PM Board Composition

I have influence with: Copy

11 responses

Business- Lower Manage… 0 (0%)

Business-Middle Manage… 1 (9.1%)
Business-CEOs/Senior… 0 (0%)
Business-CEOs/Senior… 1 (9.1%)
Business-CEOs/Senior… 1 (9.1%)
Associations/Foundations 6 (54.5%)
Education (Teachers/Sch… 9 (81.8%)
Education (District/Decisi… 6 (54.5%)
Government Agencies 5 (45.5%)
Government/Political 2 (18.2%)
Donors/Philanthropists 2 (18.2%)
Media 0 (0%)
Health Community 1 (9.1%)
Communities of Color 3 (27.3%)
Underrepresented Youth 6 (54.5%)
Community Serving Orgs 1 (9.1%)
Water Utilities 1 (9.1%)
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0

My areas of expertise are: Copy

11 responses

Financial Management 2 (18.2%)

Marketing 4 (36.4%)
Planning/Development 6 (54.5%)
Leadership/Strategy 8 (72.7%
Media/Public Relations 1 (9.1%)
Personnel Management 4 (36.4%)
Legal Affairs 0 (0%)
Fundraising/Developm… 3 (27.3%)
Administration (General) 6 (54.5%)
Volunteer Administration 4 (36.4%)
City/County Government 2 (18.2%)
Computer/Techinical 0 (0%)
Environmentalist 4 (36.4%)
Education 8 (72.7%
Health Care 0 (0%)
Social Services 0 (0%)
Nonprofit Management 5 (45.5%)
Nonprofit Board Expert… 5 (45.5%)
Social Networking 1 (9.1%)
Religious Spiritual 0 (0%)
Speaking 5 (45.5%)
Justice, Equity, Diversit… 5 (45.5%)
0 2 4 6 8 2/5
1/8/23, 5:57 PM Board Composition

Race/Ethnic Origin Copy

10 responses

Hispanic/Latino 3 (30%)

African American 1 (10%)

Asian/Pacific Islander 0 (0%)

Native American 0 (0%)

Caucasian 7 (70%)

Multiracial 1 (10%)

0 2 4 6 8

Gender Copy
11 responses

Prefer not to respond


Geographic Location Copy

10 responses

Northeast Colorado 6 (60%)

Northwest Colorado 2 (20%)

Southeast Colorado 2 (20%)

Southwest Colorado 0 (0%)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 3/5
1/8/23, 5:57 PM Board Composition

Age Copy
11 responses

Under 21
54.5% 22-40


Past (or Current) Involvement in CAEE Committees Copy

9 responses

Conference Planning 2 (22.2%)

Awards Planning and Sel… 2 (22.2%)
Communication and Outr… 2 (22.2%)
Diversity and :Inclusion 3 (33.3%)
Environmental Literacy/… 1 (11.1%)
Green Team 0 (0%)
Professional Development 3 (33.3%)
Certification 1 (11.1%)
Careers in Natural Resou… 2 (22.2%)
eeCorps Advisory Council 0 (0%)
Colorado Environmental… 1 (11.1%)
0 1 2 3

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