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prior to uploading.

- Please change the font and colour of the font to any other colour besides black or red.

- Please also change the name of your document to the same thing as your footer (Business name
– Recruitment Policy – V#DDMMYYYY)

Please read through this template and personalise all the areas in red with your own information as
though you had your own business. You may use our policy manual template and research google for

You must ensure you cover all the areas below and not delete any area, but your policy should be
significantly different to this template and other students.

Add your logo/ Salon name and add the heading Staff Recruitment Policy

Table of Content

1. Purpose 3
2. Scope 3
3. Procedure Overview 3
4. Procedures 3

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
4.1 Confidentiality 3
4.2 Documentation 3
4.3 Recruitment and selection expenses 3
4.4 Identifying the hiring need 4
4.5 Approval to recruit 5
4.6 Recruitment process and staff training 5
a) Beauty Therapist 6
b) Apprentice 9
c) Assistant Manager 12
d) Spa Manager 14
4.8 Recruitment Advertising 17
4.9 Recruitment and selection panels 21
4.10 Shortlisting 21
4.11 Relevant Legislation 21
5. Interviews 21
5.1 Interview forms and questions 23
5.2 Oral reference reports 25
5.3 Appointment 25
5.4 Unsuccessful applicants 26
5.5 Successful applicants 26
5.6 Return of paperwork 30
5.7 Schedule Induction 30
6. Staff Training 30
6.1 Staff Induction & Orientation 30
6.2 Induction checklist 32
6.3 New Staff Pay Info Form 35
7. Training Feedback 37
8. Probationary periods 38
9. Review 38

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The Spa - Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy

1. Purpose
Please customise this section
To outline the Spa’s processes in relation to the recruitment and selection of employees.

2. Scope
This procedure applies to all Employee positions including apprentices, receptionists, salon managers
and therapists where the positions are short or long term. This procedure may also apply to senior
positions in the company

3. Procedure Overview
This procedure details the recruitment and selection process at The Spa

4. Procedures
4.1 Confidentiality
All information relating to recruitment, selection and appointment of Employees will remain confidential
to those involved in the formal process.

4.2 Documentation
All recruitment and selection documentation is retained in the electronic recruitment file

Please customise this section

Documentation includes:
1. Templates for various positions to be used on Seek and Facebook
2. Position descriptors
3. Application for employment form
4. List of questions to ask candidate at interview
5. Template of letter send to non-successful applicants
6. Template of letter sent to successful applicant
7. Contract of employment
8. Staff Handbook
9. Induction process
10. Induction checklist
11. Induction feedback forms

4.3 Recruitment and selection expenses

All advertising, interview, travel, employment agency, relocation and associated expenses are met by the

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4.4 Identifying the hiring need
Prior to commencing the recruitment process, management should conduct a review of the need for the
position, considering the following:
1. Strategic and operational plans for the spa
2. Funding
3. Current staffing structure
4. The diversity of staffing profiles
5. Specializations - current and future requirements
6. Current staffing and skill levels
7. Any foreseeable changes which might impact on the area or the role
8. How the needs for the position might best be met.

In reviewing the hiring need, consultation should be undertaken with any relevant stakeholders
(Academy, Spa managers and Spa CEO).

Broad consultation at an early stage in the process will ensure effective workforce planning and reduce
the need for involving large numbers of people on the Selection Panel

4.5 Approval to recruit

Please customise this section
All requests for additional staff must be submitted to the CEO for approval for non-franchise salons and
to the franchise owner of a franchised salon.

The recruitment and selection process cannot commence until this approval is obtained.

4.6 Recruitment process and staff training

The recruitment process described in this policy has been determined as the most appropriate to meet the
needs of our business and ensure we comply with all relevant legislation and societal norms.

For all staff to be fully conversant with our recruitment processes, they will receive training in the
implementation and execution of the processes approved in this policy.

This training is to ensure each person is engaged in our business and the role a strong recruitment policy
and procedure plays in maintaining the integrity of our business and selection of the most appropriate
person to join our team.

As part of our processes, we may, depending on the role decide to use:

Please customise this section and delete our example below
1. A specialist HR Company – which has significant investment in technology to search for the best
2. HR Software - Human resources (HR) software is designed to help business owners, recruiters and
HR departments manage, recruit, hire, and develop employees.

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3. Applications such as payroll and time and attendance streamline operational needs, learning
management systems optimize employee development and applicant tracking systems help to attract
and hire employees; and
4. Profiling software for example, Innermetrix which uses combined DISC, Values, and Attribute
Index to discover what, why, and how a person best uses their natural talents for success.

4.7 Position descriptions

A decision to undertake a recruitment exercise will usually result in an updated Position Description
which outlines the key outcomes and activities to be undertaken. All Position Descriptions are drafted by
The Spa CEO using the approved Position Description template to ensure consistency across the Spa

Only the CEO can also the approved position description templates

See Position descriptors– below

Job Description and Expectations

a) Beauty Therapist
Title: Diploma Qualified Beauty Therapist.
Award: Hair & Beauty Modern Industry Award 2010.
Location: Urban Spa.
Reports to: Employer.

Job Objective
Provide support to the salon team members, together with excellent interpersonal skills in all client and
staff contacts.

Please customise this section for duties and delete our example below

Main duties
1. Providing full range of services: traditional and advanced facials, massage, manicures, pedicures,
waxing, tinting, tanning, ear piercing, electrolysis;
2. Liaising with clients in a happy and professional manner;
3. Educating clients both in-salon and with at-home after care follow up (email/text/phone);
4. Retailing home care products to ensure client needs are met (body, face, tanning and make-up);
5. A mix of reception, general cleaning and stock duties;
6. Pre-booking and re-booking clients;
7. Appropriately professional presentation, clean uniform, fresh breath, tidy hair;
8. Weekly salon workbook must be filled in at the end of every shift; and
9. Client strategy sheets need to be prepared for every day, can be performed in downtime or specially
allocated blocked out time

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Additional duties
1. Assisting and liaising with Salon Management to ensure stock take, stock replenishment and
ordering is completed in an efficient manner as and when required
2. Ensuring laundry is completed and all towels are restocked as and when required
3. Ensuring work stations are kept clean and room stock items replenished as needed
4. Assisting with ensuring staff break area & reception kept tidy always
5. Not smoking in uniform

1. Responsible for salon documentation (histories typed and printed);
2. Update and maintain accurate knowledge of salon products and services;
3. Maintenance of recognized work, health and safety requirements;
4. Opening and closing procedures when rostered on; and
5. Stock control and input of product information.

Level of Responsibility
Directly responsible for the completion of primary tasks and the achievement of set outcomes.

Direct supervision through salon owner/manager.

Please customise this section and delete our example below
1. Professional presentation;
2. Ability to maintain a high level of organizational and time management skills and work under
pressure in a busy salon environment;
3. Excellent communication skills and the ability to develop strong client relationships;
4. Ability to maintain a high degree of flexibility and adaptability to work in a changing environment;
5. Ability to work both individually and as an essential member of a focused and productive team;
6. Ability to meet and exceed set sales targets and service goals;
7. Ability to build a strong salon managed client base through self-promotion and corporate marketing;
8. Ability to uphold salon standards during normal daily routines and training;
9. Ability to work to set policies and procedures; and
10. Ability to demonstrate positivity and creativity.

Health and Safety

Please customise this section and delete our example below
1. Use safe manual handling techniques, practice safe work habits, following safety and environment
policies, wear protective clothing provided where necessary and take a consultative role in assisting
and maintaining a clean, tidy work area and a healthy and safe working environment;
2. Maintain procedures to minimize our impact on the environment and prevent pollution;

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
3. Report any health or safety hazards, faults, repairs, cleaning needs and accidents and record on the
appropriate accident report form immediately following accident. Abide by rehabilitation policy;
4. Ensure all equipment is kept in good working order and used only for the purpose for which it was
intended. Report all broken or damaged departmental equipment to your manager and record on
appropriate maintenance report form;
5. Contribute to cost control through energy conservation, correct storage of all materials and use of
equipment per operating standards and manufacturers’ specifications; and
6. Be fully conversant with salon fire and evacuation procedures.

Customer Service
Please customise this section and delete our example below
1. Provide efficient, friendly and professional service to all clients;
2. Lead by example when attending to client’s requests;
3. Take initiative to ensure that interactions with our clients and stakeholders (internal or external) are
positive and productive;
4. Work together with trust so that colleagues and management meet the goals of the business;
5. Treat clients and colleagues from all cultural groups with respect, sensitivity and transparency; and
6. Take every opportunity to be a “salesperson” by active selling of special promotions and facilities
available from the business.

Position Challenges
1. Time management: Treatment timing is important in beauty therapy and can put many newly
qualified therapists under a great deal of stress. Some treatments can take more time than initially
booked. For example, a client might have left it a bit too long between appointments and there is
more time required to complete the waxing treatment. If you are running over time with an
appointment you need to communicate this to your manager. The more you practice treatments the
more you will be efficient at time;
2. Good working relationships: It is essential that the team is supportive towards one another always in
the Spa. It is important that you maintain a good professional relationship between colleagues;
3. Keep a positive attitude: It can be hard maintaining a cheerful disposition while dealing with clients
if you are having problems in your personal life. As a beauty therapist, we are expected to be great
listeners and must never impact our own problems on the client – this can be difficult. Always talk
to your manager about any issues that you might have;
4. Rude clients: Clients that are rude and demanding or dealing with any complaints can be incredibly
stressful. Always refer to the complaints policy procedures when dealing with disgruntled clients
and always get the Spa Manager’s support; and
5. Meeting salon targets: As a therapist, it can be challenging to actively promote and provide retails
sales to clients. The spa follows a retail program and provides all necessary training to equip all staff
members with the knowledge and confidence to retail products.

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Computer literacy
Please customise this section and delete our example below
1. Basic computer literacy is required for the following duties;
2. Produce electronic data such treatment plans and client consultations;
3. Open and edit existing documents;
4. Navigate in the document to find information;
5. Print documents; and
6. Knowledge of word processing, managing files and records.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy requirements

1. An intermediate Knowledge of the structure and content of English language including the meaning
and spelling of words for the following duties:
 Designing treatment plans and client consults;
 Recommending products, treatments and services;

 Interpret salon documents such as manufacturer’s instructions of products & chemicals and
Material safety data sheets; and
 Ability to read client records and recognize medical history and contraindications.

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Take responsibility to ensure all required tasks are completed accurately and within given time frames;
1. Participate in scheduled training and development programs provided by the business;
2. Abide by legislation on EEO and Harassment in the workplace;
3. Ensure wherever possible that employees are provided with a workplace free of discrimination,
harassment and victimization;
4. Follow business procedures with respect to grooming, performance and conduct standards,
occupational health and safety, emergency procedures and all other Salon policies and procedures.
These may be subject to change from time to time;
5. Ensure business and clients’ information or transactions are kept confidential during or after
employment with the company;
6. Any other reasonable request within your range of competence as required by your Supervisor; and
7. LLN: Language, Literacy and Numeracy requirements.

b) Apprentice
Title: Apprentice Beauty Therapist
Award: Hair & Beauty Modern Industry Award 2010.
Location: Urban Spa.
Reports to: Employer.

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Provide support to the salon team members, together with excellent interpersonal skills in all client and
staff contacts.
0-3 Months Setting up treatment rooms
Learning and understanding salon sterilization and hygiene procedures
Refilling stock shelves of retail supplies
Refilling supplies and preparing required machinery for treatment
Greeting clients upon arrival to salon
Checking in clients who have arrived for treatments
Hand massages on clients.
Providing any complimentary add-ons, the salon may offer
Training of lash tints, brown tints and some waxing.
Participating in salon training as and when required as part of ordinary hours.
Spray Tanning Theory and Practical training

3-6 Months All the above plus;

Client consultation for tinting and waxing
Training and performing underarm and leg waxing
Training on easier facial waxing such as lip and chin.
Performing manicures and pedicures on paying clients once proficient
Answering the telephone and making appointments
Collection of payments and knowledge of all eftpos and cash handling
Training in back and should massage
Competency in spray tanning

6-12 months All the above, plus;

Proficiency in all waxing areas
Proficiency in all tinting services within the salon
Training on Make-up application
Training on Skin Analysis for treatments
Training on Required facial protocols
Training on Full body massages
Learning salon products and embarking on sales of products

Please customise this section and delete our example below
1. Professional presentation;
2. Ability to maintain a high level of organizational and time management skills and work under
pressure in a busy salon environment;
3. Excellent communication skills and the ability to develop strong client relationships.
4. Ability to maintain a high degree of flexibility and adaptability to work in a changing environment;
5. Ability to work both individually and as an essential member of a focused and productive team;
6. Ability to meet and exceed set sales targets and service goals;
7. Ability to build a strong salon managed client base through self-promotion and corporate marketing;
8. Ability to uphold salon standards during normal daily routines and training;
9. Ability to work to set policies and procedures; and
10. Ability to demonstrate positivity and creativity

Health and Safety

1. Use safe manual handling techniques, practice safe work habits, following safety and environment
policies, wear protective clothing provided where necessary and take a consultative role in assisting
and maintaining a clean, tidy work area and a healthy and safe working environment;

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2. Maintain procedures to minimize our impact on the environment and prevent pollution.
3. Report any health or safety hazards, faults, repairs, cleaning needs and accidents and record on the
appropriate accident report form immediately following accident. Abide by rehabilitation policy;
4. Ensure all equipment is kept in good working order and used only for the purpose for which it was
intended. Report all broken or damaged departmental equipment to your manager and record on
appropriate maintenance report form;
5. Contribute to cost control through energy conservation, correct storage of all materials and use of
equipment per operating standards and manufacturers’ specifications; and
6. Be fully conversant with salon fire and evacuation procedures.

Customer Service
1. Provide efficient, friendly and professional service to all clients;
2. Lead by example when attending to client’s requests;
3. Take initiative to ensure that interactions with our clients and stakeholders (internal or external) are
positive and productive;
4. Work together with trust so that colleagues and management meet the goals of the business;
5. Treat clients and colleagues from all cultural groups with respect, sensitivity and transparency; and
6. Take every opportunity to be a “salesperson” by active selling of special promotions and facilities
available from the business.

1. Take responsibility to ensure all required tasks are completed accurately and within given time
2. Participate in scheduled training and development programs provided by the business;
3. Abide by legislation on EEO and Harassment in the workplace;
4. Ensure wherever possible that employees are provided with a workplace free of discrimination,
harassment and victimization;
5. Follow business procedures with respect to grooming, performance and conduct standards,
occupational health and safety, emergency procedures and all other Salon policies and procedures.
These may be subject to change from time to time;
6. Ensure business and clients’ information or transactions are kept confidential during or after
employment with the company; and
7. Any other reasonable request within your range of competence as required by your Supervisor.

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
c) Assistant Manager
Title: Assistant Manager
Award: Hair & Beauty Modern Industry Award 2010
Location: Urban Spa
Reports to: Salon Manager

Provide direct support to the Salon Manager and team members, together with excellent interpersonal
skills in all client and staff contacts.

Main duties
Please customise this section and delete our example below
1. Leading a team of therapists and providing direct support to the Salon Manager;
2. Providing full range of services: traditional and advanced facials, massage, manicures, pedicures,
waxing, tinting, tanning, ear piercing, electrolysis;
3. Liaising with clients in a happy and professional manner;
4. Educating clients both in-salon and with at-home after care follow up (email/text/phone);
5. Retailing home care products to ensure client needs are met (body, face, tanning and make-up);
6. A mix of reception, general cleaning and stock duties;
7. Pre-booking and re-booking clients;
8. Appropriately professional presentation, clean uniform, fresh breath, tidy hair;
9. Weekly salon workbook must be filled in at the end of every shift; and
10. Client strategy sheets need to be prepared for every day, can be performed in downtime or specially
allocated blocked out time.

Additional duties
1. Assisting and liaising with Salon Management to ensure stock take, stock replenishment and
ordering is completed in an efficient manner as and when required;
2. Ensuring laundry is completed and all towels are restocked as and when required;
3. Ensuring work stations are kept clean and room stock items replenished as needed;
4. Assisting with ensuring staff break area & reception kept tidy always; and
5. Not smoking in uniform.

1. Responsible for salon documentation (histories typed and printed);
2. Update and maintain accurate knowledge of salon products and services. Maintenance of recognized
work, health and safety requirements;
3. Opening and closing procedures when rostered on; and
4. Stock control and input of product information.

Level of Responsibility
Supervising all staff below the Salon Manager; and
Directly responsible for the completion of primary tasks and the achievement of set outcomes.

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
Direct supervision through salon owner/manager.

1. Professional presentation;
2. Ability to maintain a high level of organizational and time management skills and work under
pressure in a busy salon environment;
3. Excellent communication skills and the ability to develop strong client relationships;
4. Ability to maintain a high degree of flexibility and adaptability to work in a changing environment;
5. Ability to work both individually and as an essential member of a focused and productive team;
6. Ability to meet and exceed set sales targets and service goals;
7. Ability to build a strong salon managed client base through self-promotion and corporate marketing;
8. Ability to uphold salon standards during normal daily routines and training;
9. Ability to work to set policies and procedures; and
10. Ability to demonstrate positivity and creativity.

Health and Safety

1. Use safe manual handling techniques, practice safe work habits, following safety and environment
policies, wear protective clothing provided where necessary and take a consultative role in assisting
and maintaining a clean, tidy work area and a healthy and safe working environment;
2. Maintain procedures to minimize our impact on the environment and prevent pollution.
3. Report any health or safety hazards, faults, repairs, cleaning needs and accidents and record on the
appropriate accident report form immediately following accident. Abide by rehabilitation policy;
4. Ensure all equipment is kept in good working order and used only for the purpose for which it was
intended. Report all broken or damaged departmental equipment to your manager and record on
appropriate maintenance report form;
5. Contribute to cost control through energy conservation, correct storage of all materials and use of
equipment per operating standards and manufacturers’ specifications; and
6. Be fully conversant with salon fire and evacuation procedures.

Customer Service
1. Provide efficient, friendly and professional service to all clients;
2. Lead by example when attending to client’s requests;
3. Take initiative to ensure that interactions with our clients and stakeholders (internal or external) are
positive and productive;
4. Work together with trust so that colleagues and management meet the goals of the business;
5. Treat clients and colleagues from all cultural groups with respect, sensitivity and transparency; and
6. Take every opportunity to be a “salesperson” by active selling of special promotions and facilities
available from the business.

1. Take responsibility to ensure all required tasks are completed accurately and within given time
2. Participate in scheduled training and development programs provided by the business;
3. Abide by legislation on EEO and Harassment in the workplace;
4. Ensure wherever possible that employees are provided with a workplace free of discrimination,
harassment and victimization;
5. Follow business procedures with respect to grooming, performance and conduct standards,
occupational health and safety, emergency procedures and all other Salon policies and procedures.
These may be subject to change from time to time;
6. Ensure business and clients’ information or transactions are kept confidential during or after
employment with the company; and
7. Any other reasonable request within your range of competence as required by your Manager.

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d) Spa Manager
Title: Spa Manager
Award: Hair & Beauty Modern Industry Award 2010.
Location: Urban Spa
Reports to: Employer.

1. Manage the day to day running’s of the Spa and to ensure it hits it monthly and yearly targets;
Provide support to the salon team members, together with excellent interpersonal skills in all client
and staff contacts; and
2. Ensure that all checklists are completed daily and on time.

Main duties
1. To ensure that all parts of the Goformz ( daily checklists are completed
promptly and thoroughly;
2. To ensure the assistant manager and supervisor are also trained in all areas of the checklists. To
ensure that everything is completed when you are not there or on leave;
3. Please see attached to this job description The Checklists. (please note these are updated from time
to time);
4. Ensure that no discounts are given unless in accordance with the current Special or authorized by
your supervisor;
5. Please understand that if there is any part of the lists that you do not know how to do that you will
notify your supervisor immediately so training can be organized; and
6. To ensure that all staff members perform thorough consults for every client which is in context for
the treatment they are having and how often they have been visiting prior to each treatment.

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Staff Morale, Salon environment, and Staff
1. The Manager always must be happy and motivated; she must make the girls feel that things are
under control and that she is not stressed and is approachable with any issue they may have;
2. Ensure that all girls understand the importance of teamwork;
3. Promote a happy work environment which is both stimulating and motivating;
4. Keep a professional relationship with all staff members which the girls will respond to and respect;
5. Work together well with the assistant Manager as a team and the girls understand your trust and
loyalty to her;
6. Ensure that new staff members have a full understanding of their job on their first day. Organize a
training plan and ensure they are booked in for orientation with the training manager to ensure that
the Spa standards are being meet;
7. Ensure that all staff have a full understanding of the staff handbook;
8. Ensure that all Staff are impeccably groomed always;
9. Ensure that all staff are treated with respect both from the managers and from other staff members;
10. Lead by example with a hands-on approach and never ask a staff member to do something that you
would not do.

Staff appraisals
1. Hold Monthly one on one meetings with all staff;
2. Hold performance review meeting with any staff member that does not meet their monthly Target
for 2 months in a row;
3. Issue formal warnings in conjunction and in consultation with Owner to staff members that have not
meet their target 3 times within a 12-month period; and
4. Set Key Performance indicators for the next month to ensure the growth and development of all
Staff. Go over all client feedback forms with individual staff.

1. Can keep to a budget of non-The Spa products of $800 a month. This must be email to Head office
at the beginning of each month;
2. Restock, The Spa products to its maximum levels each month, unless otherwise stipulated.
3. Customer Service;
4. It is essential that all girls give excellent customer service. The Clients expectations should be
exceeded from the moment they call to make their appointment. We need to know them by name
and they are to be treated as VIPs at all time;
5. Ensure that all staff members know how to perform their treatments to the highest standard. All staff
members must be courteous, helpful, polite and professional always;
6. Ensure that all complaints are handled professionally and promptly;
7. The Spa reaching its minimum Target (vouchers for the weeks prior to Mother’s Day and Christmas
are not included) is a condition of employment as the Spa Manager. Performance review meetings
will be held if the Spa does not reach its target for 2 months with in a 12-month period with formal
warnings being issued after 3,4 and 5 and at this stage employment may be terminated; and

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8. It is essential that the salon reaches its target ensuring the daily checklists are completed thoroughly
each day, the implementation of regular staff training and appraisals the above target is very

Level of Responsibility
Directly responsible for the completion of primary tasks and the achievement of set outcomes.

Direct supervision through salon owner/manager.

1. Professional presentation;
2. Ability to maintain a high level of organizational and time management skills and work under
pressure in a busy salon environment;
3. Excellent communication skills and the ability to develop strong client relationships;
4. Ability to maintain a high degree of flexibility and adaptability to work in a changing environment;
5. Ability to work both individually and as an essential member of a focused and productive team;
6. Ability to meet and exceed set sales targets and service goals;
7. Ability to build a strong salon managed client base through self-promotion and corporate marketing;
8. Ability to uphold salon standards during normal daily routines and training;
9. Ability to work to set policies and procedures; and
10. Ability to demonstrate positivity and creativity.

Health and Safety

1. Use safe manual handling techniques, practice safe work habits, following safety and environment
policies, wear protective clothing provided where necessary and take a consultative role in assisting
and maintaining a clean, tidy work area and a healthy and safe working environment;
2. Maintain procedures to minimize our impact on the environment and prevent pollution;
3. Report any health or safety hazards, faults, repairs, cleaning needs and accidents and record on the
appropriate accident report form immediately following accident. Abide by rehabilitation policy;
4. Ensure all equipment is kept in good working order and used only for the purpose for which it was
intended. Report all broken or damaged departmental equipment to your manager and record on
appropriate maintenance report form;
5. Contribute to cost control through energy conservation, correct storage of all materials and use of
equipment per operating standards and manufacturers’ specifications; and
6. Be fully conversant with salon fire and evacuation procedures.

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
Customer Service
1. Provide efficient, friendly and professional service to all clients;
2. Lead by example when attending to client’s requests;
3. Take initiative to ensure that interactions with our clients and stakeholders (internal or external) are
positive and productive;
4. Work together with trust so that colleagues and management meet the goals of the business;
5. Treat clients and colleagues from all cultural groups with respect, sensitivity and transparency; and
6. Take every opportunity to be a “salesperson” by active selling of special promotions and facilities
available from the business.

1. Take responsibility to ensure all required tasks are completed accurately and within given time
2. Participate in scheduled training and development programs provided by the business;
3. Abide by legislation on EEO and Harassment in the workplace;
4. Ensure wherever possible that employees are provided with a workplace free of discrimination,
harassment and victimization;
5. Follow business procedures with respect to grooming, performance and conduct standards,
occupational health and safety, emergency procedures and all other Salon policies and procedures.
These may be subject to change from time to time;
6. Ensure business and clients’ information or transactions are kept confidential during or after
employment with the company; and
7. Any other reasonable request within your range of competence as required by your Supervisor.

4.8 Recruitment Advertising

All recruitment advertising must be arranged by Spa Manager.
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Online advertising through Seek, and advertising through Facebook and the Academy’s Facebook is the
Spa’s preferred medium for advertising all positions to improve effectiveness of recruitment and
selection process

Employees are encouraged to share position vacancy information with suitably qualified using electronic

When sharing position vacancy information, Employees should ensure that they are aware of and comply
with legislative obligations and The Spa’s applicable policies and procedures.

Applicants may be supplemented by inviting applications or referrals from employment agencies or other
sources after consideration of cost.

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The CEO may recommend the use of an employment agency as a means of external advertising.

See below wording of advertisements to use on SEEK or Facebook for the following positions:
Please customise this section and delete our example below
Please design your own position vacant jobs
1. Apprentice
2. Therapist
3. Assistant salon manager
4. Salon Manager
5. Receptionist


The Spa leaders within the Beauty Industry are looking for Qualified Beauty Therapists at our beautiful
Avalon Spa.

The Successful applicants want to be leaders within their field, are motivated and interested in moving
into a management role or a teaching role at the Australian Academy of Beauty and Spa therapy whom
The Spa is affiliated with. 

The Spa are renowned for the high customer service and quality of treatments and we are looking for
therapists that can exceed their client’s expectations.

The Successful applicants will

1. Be immaculately groomed;
2. Have a diploma or Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy;
3. can provide exceptional customer service;
4. Want to attend advanced training, which they are paid to attend;
5. Want to earn more than the award wage;
6. Be bright and friendly;
7. Be a Team player;
8. Want to work for an amazing Family owned Company; and
9. Want to work in beautiful surroundings with state of the art equipment.

The successful applicant will receive on going advanced training and management training for the right
candidate, all therapists are able to earn far above the award wage through commission and other

If this sounds like you and you would like to work for a great company that appreciates you and wants to
take you to that next level, please contact add email address here.

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
The Spa is looking for a new Spa Manager for our very busy Macquarie Centre. Located in the new
Macquarie Centre with beautiful shops, and cafes surrounding the store.

Work for an exciting and professional company whilst providing clients with the most up to date services
and treatments in beautiful tranquil surroundings. 

The Successful applicant will:

1. Have a Diploma of Beauty Therapy;
2. Have management experience;
3. Be extremely well organized and efficient;
4. Have a proven track record of being able to reach targets and KPI's;
5. can motivate and lead a team of Beauty Therapists;
6. Be positive and goal orientated;
7. Lead by example; and
8. Understand the importance of providing the highest level of customer service always.

The Spa will provide continued management training and support as well as a competitive remuneration
package, commission and incentives.

The Spa provides career advancement and mentoring, into more senior management positions, training
positions within The Spa as well as the Australian Academy of Beauty Dermal and Laser.

Sample Ad from Seek is shown overleaf

Create your own ad using seek and replace the ad below with your own.
To do this you will need to log into the seek employer site and create the ad. You will only need to take a
screenshot of the preview.

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
4.9 Recruitment and selection panels
A selection panel will seek to be objective and maintain equity and confidentiality of the recruitment and
selection process always. This may include CEO of The Spa, and Area Manager and Salon Manager.

4.10 Shortlisting
Shortlisting must occur as soon as possible after the date on which applications close.

Panel members should shortlist individually in the first instance. All panel members are then required to
reach a consensus in relation to shortlisting.

A selection panel may accept late applications with valid reasons. Applicants not shortlisted will be
notified by area manager as soon as possible unless the selection panel requests otherwise.

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
4.11 Relevant Legislation
The following legislation must be adhered to in the advertising, interviewing and induction process:
1. Disability Discrimination Act 1992;
2. Racial Discrimination Act 1975;
3. Sexual Discrimination Act1984;
4. Award wages and conditions available from HABA;
5. Equal Opportunity for Women In The Workplace Act 2012;
6. Human rights and equal opportunity commission Act 1986;
7. Work Health and Safety Act 2011;
8. Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011;
9. Privacy Act 1988;
10. Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992; and
11. Workplace relations Act 1996.

5. Interviews
Please customise this section and delete our example below.

Interviews are required for all positions (in person, via telephone, video conference or another online
medium). Interviews must be structured in such a way to enable collection of sufficient evidence to
confirm that the applicant(s) selected have the required skills, experience and motivation to carry out the
inherent requirements or duties of the role and demonstrate a commitment to the brand and values of the
University. The selection panel should prepare the interview questions using the supporting
documentation, guidelines and templates provided by the company After all interviews have been
completed, the selection panel must reach consensus on a recommendation decision.

Selection panels must be satisfied that the recommended candidate meets the selection criteria and is
suitable for the position. It may also be appropriate NOT to recommend any of the candidates for
appointment from the interview. In such cases, the panel coordinator should advise other members of the
employment panel of the decision and discuss alternative recruitment options. (online medium)

Interviews must be structured in such a way to enable collection of sufficient evidence to confirm that the
applicant(s) selected have the required skills, experience and motivation to carry out the inherent
requirements or duties of the role and also demonstrate a commitment to the brand and values of the Spa
The selection panel should prepare the interview questions using the supporting documentation,
guidelines and templates provided by the company After all interviews have been completed, the
selection panel must reach consensus on a recommendation decision.

The following are examples of questions you must not ask at an interview due to discrimination:

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
Please customise this section with your own questions that you CANNOT ask during an interview
and delete our examples below.

1. What arrangements are you able to make for childcare while you work?
2. How old are your children?
3. When did you graduate from high school?
4. Are you a U.S. citizen?
5. What does your wife do for a living?
6. Where did you live while you were growing up?
7. Will you need personal time for particular religious holidays?
8. Are you comfortable working for a female boss?
9. There is a large disparity between your age and that of the position’s co-workers. Is this a problem
for you?
10. How long do you plan to work until you retire?
11. Have you experienced any serious illnesses in the past year?

Selection panels must be satisfied that the recommended candidate meets the selection criteria and is
suitable for the position. It may also be appropriate NOT to recommend any of the candidates for
appointment from the interview. In such cases, the panel coordinator should contact Human Resources to
advise of the decision and discuss alternative recruitment options.

5.1 Interview forms and questions

Please customise this section with your own questions that you would like to ask during an
interview and delete our examples below

Phone No:

What do you know about our company?

What do you consider to be the most important responsibilities of a beauty therapist?

Why does this position interest you?

What type of equipment did you operate regularly at your last position?

What did you like best about that position?

What did you like least about that position?

Why did you leave your last position?

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
Can I contact them for a reference?

Describe your experience and competence with designing treatment plans for clients?

What is the average $ amount you brought into your last salon each week?

How much of that was product sales?

Are you confident using an iPad and computer?

What are your strengths?

What are your weaknesses?

Tell me about something you accomplished that you felt really benefited the business you last worked in?

Summary by interviewer.

Did candidate arrive on time for interview?

Was she well groomed, hair, makeup nails, clothes?

Had she researched our company?

What qualifications did she have?

Did she have the experience and skills required?

What training will be required?

Was she confident, bright and happy?

Did she appear to have a “can do attitude”?

Was candidate friendly to reception staff on arrival?

Was her resume well - presented and professional?


Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
5.2 Oral reference reports
Please customise the section below and then delete our example

Oral reference checks must remain confidential and be recorded in the e-recruitment system.

A minimum of two oral reference reports must be obtained by the selection panel to confirm the
preferred candidate's merits against the selection criteria, before the final selection decision is made.
Wherever possible, a minimum of one of the oral reference reports should be obtained from the current
or immediately previous supervisor of the preferred candidate.

Reference information can only be obtained from referees nominated by the candidate. If additional
information is required, the candidate must be asked to nominate additional referee/s.

Background checks can also be made on Facebook to obtain an understanding of the suitability of the
candidate. Details of these checks will be put on the Application for employment form.

5.3 Appointment
The selection panel will recommend the preferred candidate. The CEO will either approve or not approve
the candidate.

On approval, the designated person will make an offer of appointment to the preferred candidate. The
CEO or her PA is the only Delegate authorized to make offers of appointment.

No other Employee at the Spa is authorized to make or vary any offer of appointment orally or in writing.

Owners of franchise salons make their own offers of employment according to these policies and

The approved template of offer of employment is used, together with contract of employment and staff
handbook and employee information form for payroll department.

The preferred candidate will normally be required to provide an acceptance in writing within five
working days, otherwise the offer lapses.

Offers of appointment are subject to the Employee providing documentary evidence of their
qualifications and the right to work in Australia. All qualifications must be from an accredited and
recognized. Appointees must provide original documentation or copies certified by a Justice of the Peace
or other authorized person, with their offer acceptance.

Where the preferred candidate declines the offer, an offer of appointment can be made without re-
advertisement to another suitable candidate who best meets the selection criteria.

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
Where the appointee ceases employment at the Spa within three months of the closing date of the original
vacancy advertisement, an offer may be made without re-advertisement to another suitable candidate
who best meets the selection criteria. This can occur only where the position description has not changed.

Where an identical position to that advertised becomes vacant within three months of the closing date of
the original vacancy advertisement, an offer may be made without re- advertisement to another suitable
candidate who met the selection criteria.

5.4 Unsuccessful applicants

Unsuccessful applicants should be dealt with courteously and sensitively.

Unsuccessful applicants will receive written notification from the designated person normally the CEO’s
personal Assistant. The approved unsuccessful applicant letter is used. After written advice has been
provided, the selection panel may contact unsuccessful applicants directly to provide further information.

5.5 Successful applicants

Successful applicants will receive a letter of offer and documentation to sign prior to orientation

Template of unsuccessful application

Please customise this form with your own business details and to suit your business needs

Salon Address / salon Phone / salon Email

Recipient Name

Dear Recipient:
Thank you for attending the interview (or group selection event) with us on (<insert date>) at (<insert
location>) for the position of (<insert position>).

While you presented yourself extremely well and impressed us very much, I regret that we are not on this
occasion able to offer you the position, due to there being other better qualified (or more suitably
qualified) candidates.

I thank you for the interest and enthusiasm you have shown and wish you all the best for the future.

Kind regards,
Your name

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
Template of successful application
Please customise this form with your own business details and to suit your business needs

Salon Address / salon Phone / salon Email

Recipient Name

Dear Recipient,

Congratulations on your new position at The Spa as (<insert position>).

Once you have read the Handbook please sign that you accept the conditions of employment and sign. It
is important that you complete this form prior to starting orientation.

Please read your letter of offer and sign. Please complete your pay details on form provided to you at

Your Orientation Dates are below and times are 10.00am-4.00pm for a duration of six days. Please see
enclosed orientation timetable for a detailed agenda list of items.

PLEASE NOTE: You will not be able to start work at The Spa until you have completed all 6 days of
DAY 1 Monday (date)
DAY 2 Tuesday (date)
DAY 3 Wednesday (date)
DAY 4 Monday (date)
DAY 5 Tuesday (date)
DAY 6 Wednesday (date)

Orientation is held at 24-32 Lexington Drive (<insert address>)

Norwest Business Park Bella Vista

PLEASE BRING WITH YOU TO ORIENTATION: An iPad/smart phone/laptop to use on the day and
your Tax File Number.

Your first day of work at (<insert salon name>) will be (<insert date>) where you will go through the Spa
orientation. Your manager (<insert Name>) will meet you on your first day.

The Spa Address is – (<insert sale address and phone number>)

Once again congratulations and we look forward to you starting soon.

Kind regards,
Your Name

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
5.6 Return of paperwork
Once an employee has accepted the offer, they must return the signed employment contract and
employee information form. These are filed electronically in staff file.

5.7 Schedule Induction

A one-week induction program is scheduled, including Spa Policy and Procedures and requirements in
The Staff Handbook and treatment procedures.

6. Staff Training
6.1 Staff Induction & Orientation
Prior to attending the 6-day Orientation the following must be completed and submitted:
Letter of offer
Pay information
Policy and procedures acceptance

Please bring either a laptop or iPad & a pen and notebook

Please wear the spa uniform or all black
Hair must be tied up in a bun, minimal jeweler & full make up worn

6-day Orientation Agenda

Please customise the orientation agenda below to suit the needs of your business
10am 12pm
Arrive  Disciplinary procedures
 Misconduct
10:15am - 10:30am  Written warnings & instant dismissal
 Welcome
 Company philosophy 12:30pm - LUNCH
 Company history
 Code of practice 1:30pm
 Customer service mission  Salon targets
 Expectations as a beauty therapist  Retail of products
 Reception and bookings policy
 Employment hours 2:30pm
 Wages & superannuation  Fair work policy
 Leave entitlements  Anti-discrimination and harassment policy
 Holidays and sick pay
11:30am  Grooming policy
 Professional training and development  Uniform policy
 Staff benefits Inc. Treatments  Personal Hygiene
 Purchase of products  Questions & feedback
 Treatments and gift vouchers for friends 3:45- 4pm
Day 1 of orientation complete

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
10am 12:30pm – LUNCH
10am Day 1 session
Recap 1:30pm
Recap Day 2 session  Body treatments procedure
10:15am  Lashevacuation
Fire & brow treatments
Work Health & Safety procedures  Facial procedure
Workplace safety Inc. electrical equipment
 Consultation
Legislation training
and Act  Laser & IPL procedures
Hazards in the workplace
 Treatment plan training
Role and responsibilities  Dealing with injuries
 Skin diagnosis
 Employer responsibility 2:30pm
Serious incident checklist
 Practical Skin
Employee diagnosis
responsibility Manicure & pedicure practical training
 Public risk insurance 2:30pm

11:15amTreatment procedures Questions & feedback
 Proprietary information and trade secrets
 Manicurecontrol
Infection & Pedicure procedure
procedures & Policy
 Waxing procedure
Cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, tools 4pm
 Spa procedure 3pm-3:30pm
& treatment rooms Day 3 of orientation complete
Questions & feedback
 Personal protective equipment
health requirements 3:30- 4pm
 Skin penetration Act Day 2 of orientation complete

Continue Hot Stone and body treatment practical training
Arrive & Recap Day 3 session
Lash and brow tinting treatments practical training
10:15am- 12:30pm
 Re-cap Consultation training
 Hot Stone and body treatment practical
Questions & feedback

12:30pm - LUNCH
Day 4 of orientation complete
Continue facial training
Arrive & Recap Day 4 session 3pm
Start intensive facial training
10:15am- 12:30pm
Facial training 3:45pm
Questions & feedback
12:30pm - LUNCH
Day 5 of orientation complete
Orientation practical assessment
Arrive & Recap Day 5 session
 Orientation feedback and learner questionnaire
10:15am- 12:30pm
 Questions
Intensive Facial training

12:30pm - LUNCH
End of Staff orientation program

6.2 Induction checklist

Please customise the induction checklist below and delete our examples

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
 I have read and thoroughly understand my duties and responsibilities according to the Spa
 I have received my job description as well as my offer of employment.
 I understand my responsibilities of ensuring a positive work environment through not being negative
in any way about my work expectation to other.
 I have signed my letter of offer
 I have completed my bank details
 I have joined the Spa Australia Staff Page

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
Workplace Health & Safety
Please customise the section below and then delete our examples.
 I understand the roles and responsibilities of each person in this workplace.
 I understand the requirements of the skin penetration act, NSW health requirements for beauty
therapists and infection control procedures and will adhere to these procedures always
 I understand the policies on harassment and bullying.
 I understand possible hazards in the workplace and my responsibility of reporting anything that may
be a health or safety issue. This includes but is not limited to:
o Infection control
o Importance of thorough room cleaning throughout and during day
o Importance of correct sanitization and sterilization always
o Slippery floors
o Correct labelling of all bottles and jars,
o Frayed cords

Sustainable Work Practices

 I understand my responsibilities of performing treatments that ensure safety of client and therapist
 I understand requirements for participating in environmentally sustainable workplace and that I am
required to turn off lights whenever room not is use, minimize waste of product, minimize waste of
water, minimize waste of electricity, minimize waste of paper.

Expectations as a Beauty Therapist

Please customise the section below and then delete our examples
 I agree to abide by the grooming standards, hair, makeup, clean uniform, and shoes.
 I understand the attendance requirements, all absences supported by medical certificate of leave
application; any unexplained leave may result in a warning or termination.
 I understand that I must arrive at work 15 minutes prior to my rostered-on time so I am ready for my
morning meeting.
 I understand I must give at least 2 hours’ notice if I need to take personal leave and I must call and
speak to my Manager.
 I understand the protocol and Policy with regards to Holidays.
 I understand under no circumstance am I allowed to take my mobile phone into a cubicle whilst I
have a client.
 I understand that is a condition of my ongoing employment that I reach my minimum target on a
regular basis.
 I understand the procedure and protocol with regards to purchasing The Spa Products, Staff
Treatments and treatments on Family and friends.
 I understand under no circumstance am I able to discount treatments and service to clients without
permission from my manager. I Understand the workplace health and safety procedures and
Infection control policies and procedures.
 Understand how to deal with injuries within the workplace.

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
 I understand that if I completed any paid training days including orientation and I leave within a
year of this paid training I must reimburse The Spa for the Cost of this training. The amounts are
listed in the policies and procedures Manual.
 I understand what is considered grounds for instant Dismissal for gross misconduct and what are
grounds for receiving written warning and verbal warnings.
 I have been shown where treatment procedure and contraindication folder is in each cubicle and will
ensure all treatments are carried out according to the policies and procedures in place.
 I understand as an employee I am expected to contribute at least my minimum monthly target each
 I understand as a qualified therapist I am required to ensure all clients are provided with information
on treatments to treat their concerns, price savings that are available to them through course
recommendation and home care information.
 I understand the work hour requirements.
 I understand I am no allowed to do treatments on another staff member or have a treatment
performed on myself without manager’s approval

Upon Resignation
Please customise the section below and then delete our examples
 I Understand that I am not allowed to work within a 10km radius of my current The Spa store upon
leaving for 12 months.
 I understand that I am not to contact any client by social media for 1 year after leaving The Spa,
unless I had a prior relationship with this client before my employment at The Spa.
 I understand that I am not able to use any of the clients’ information in the database for my personal
use at any time, nor any time after I leave The Spa and this information in property of The Spa.
 I Understand that any equipment I break the cost to replace or fix will be taken out of any
commission that is payable to me.
 I Understand that on resignation I must give at least two weeks’ notice, and hand back my clean
uniform if I have a key before my final pay.
 I understand I am not allowed to take products from the salon for my own use

Staff Name: Date:

Staff Signature: Date:

Managers Name: Date:

Manager Signature: Date:

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
6.3 New Staff Pay Info Form
Please customise the section below and then delete our examples
Please complete this form with your Manager.
Pays cannot be processed until this form is fully completed.

Suburb: Post Code:
Home Phone Number:

Date of Birth:

Email address:

In case of Emergency Best Contact

Bank Account Details:

Name of account –
Account Number -
Tax file Number-

What are your current qualifications?

What year did you finish school?
What school year did you complete e.g. Year 10, HSC?
What and year and month did you finish your diploma (if completed)?

Which Spa will you be employed at?

Do you have a Help or HECS debt?

Please tick your qualifications

 Graduate Diploma
 Diploma
 Certificate IV
 1st Year apprentice
 2nd Year apprentice
 3rd Year apprentice
 Student Casual
 Student Full time

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
Please provide your super details below, if you do not have one please write NA and we will join you to
the Spa’s Super Fund

Superannuation Fund name:

Member Number:

Have you filled out your tax file declaration form provided by your manager?
Office use

 Yes
Has the staff members birth date been added into
calendar  No

 Yes
Have all forms been completed
 No

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
7. Training Feedback
Please customise the section below and then delete our examples
The Spa Training - Staff Feedback Form

Staff Name: ____________________________ Salon: __________________

Training Attended: ________________________ Date: / /
Did you find the training lessons interesting,
with a variety of methods used, Such as role
play, overheads, class discussion?
In your opinion, did you feel the training was YES NO COMMENT
well organised?

Did you ever feel time was being wasted YES NO COMMENT
throughout the day?

Did you feel that the training was beneficial to

you? If No please leave comment in to why
you feel is was not
Did you feel you could approach your trainer
for any help your required or clarification on
any issue?
Do you have any suggestions that may YES NO COMMENT
improve the training lessons?
Did you feel Motivated and excited after your YES NO COMMENT
training lesson?
Would you look forward to attending another YES NO COMMENT
The Spa training session?
Please list 3 things you had learnt during your, The Spa Training lesson –

On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your overhaul The Spa training experience?
(1 being Horrible - 5 being Amazing)


Please give reason for your above score

Thank you for your valued feedback

The Spa Management

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)
8. Probationary periods
The need to recruit a new member of staff is usually founded on either:
1. Business growth – the regular client list has grown to generate sufficient income for a new member
of staff to be employed to service some regular clients and non-regular clients;
2. Maternity leave – to fill a position for a period of maternity leave for an existing staff member; or
3. Replace a staff member- this may be due to self - termination (resignation or retirement) or
dismissal of employment

As most staff members will be part of an established team, where everyone is aware of each other’s
personality and fit in the business, the process of a probationary period is to ensure the person recruited is
a fit for the team and the business and as such helps the business grow.

A probationary period may be set at 3 or 6 months depending on the position.

9. Review
The recruitment process requires a mixture of process and human interaction, it is very important we get
it right.

Once a policy and procedure is established, the first step is to hold a staff meeting and gain feedback on
the goals and aims of the process. When this step has been completed and the feedback reviewed, the
final draft policy and procedure can be implemented.

Once the policy and procedure has been used for the first time, feedback will be sought to from all of
those involved in the recruitment process to help fine tune the system to ensure it is fit for purpose.

Insert Business Name – Staff Recruitment Policy – Insert Version Control Number (V#DDMMYYYY)

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