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Volume 8, Issue 1

Fall 2016

Inside IR
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Applied, Accepted, and Enrolled… but
Applied, Accepted, Enrolled…Left 1 Left Before Census
Fall-to-Spring Persistence Rates 2
A report that the IR Office writes each because they represented 63% of the
Enrollment in Online Courses 3 November is based on an analysis of fall students who registered for classes but
students who applied and were accept- left before census.
Variables that Predict College Success 3
ed to MCC, but did not enroll.
In terms of their educational status, we
Last year, we took a different approach: found that…
looking at students who applied to, were
accepted at, and enrolled at MCC (and • 52% were returning students (i.e.,
no other college), but didn’t persist until they had been enrolled at MCC at some
census. point in the past)
• 34% were first-time college students
In fall 2014, 17,069 individuals applied to • 11% were transfers from other col-
MCC, 72.4% (n=12,362) of whom were leges
accepted. Of those, 49.8% (n=6,156) • 3% were continuing from the spring
were actually enrolled by census. How-
In terms of their family backgrounds, we
ever, upon closer examination, we found
found that…
that an additional 1,005 actually had
Each year, when we write this report, enrolled at MCC, but left before census.
we use the National Student • 18% were single parents
Clearinghouse to find out if and where • 20% had children under age six
students enrolled if they didn’t enroll Figure 1 shows the trajectories of these • 20% had children age six or older
here. 1,005 students. • 52% were first-generation college
Further review was done on the two
groups of students who “Weren’t Drop- (Continued on p. 2)
ped for Non-Payment” (n=509, n=123)

Figure 1. Trajectories of Students Who Enrolled but Didn’t Stay Until Census

Figure 1. Students Enrolled by Fall Census Who Completed Certain Steps

Page 2 Inside IR

Applied, Accepted, and Enrolled (continued)

Among the (n=128) students with child- • 25 dropped their courses after
ren under age six… the start of the semester.

• 22 were dropped for non-attendance We also conducted analyses de-

• 109 dropped their courses before the signed to look at these students’…
The Budget Resource Committee
start of the semester
(“BRC”) was designed to guide resource
• 30 dropped their courses after the • registration for online courses
allocation at MCC.
start of the semester. • previous enrollment at MCC and
cumulative GPA when they left
Among the (n=124) students with child- • educational goals
ren age six or older… • employment plans
• 19 were dropped for non-attendance The full report was presented to the
• 107 dropped their courses prior to the
2015-16 Budget Resource Commit-
start of the semester

Fall-to-Spring Persistence Rates

The Fall 2013 issue of Inside IR was show trends prior to the fall-to-fall
dedicated to fall-to-fall retention. You can retention calculation.
see more recent fall-to-fall retention re-
ports, by several demographic character- Table 1 illustrates some initial fall-to-
istics, using the link to iDashboards on spring retention trends. Note that, when
the IR website. computing the retention rates, we exclud-
ed students who graduated or were non-
Recently, the IR Office created a similar matriculated in fall. This creates the co-
database for fall-to-spring persistence hort of “potential to return.”
The IR Office has created a new database that we will be using for ad hoc reports
on fall-to-spring retention. One of our and to create another dashboard. This In a future issue of Inside IR, we’ll show
goals in doing so is to find trends prior to
new key performance indicator may more detailed fall-to-spring persistence
the fall-to-fall retention calculations.
rates by demographic characteristics.
Inside IR Page 3

Inside IR
Enrollment in Online Courses Page 3

Online courses have changed from being Another change involves the steady

Student Achievement Measure

called SUNY Learning Network (“SLN”)
courses to Open SUNY courses. The
increase in enrollment in online courses
at MCC, as shown in Figure 3. As illus-

change stemmed from SUNY’s effort to
appeal to prospective students across
trated, enrollment has been increasing
across all terms, with the fastest growth
New York State to earn a degree com- taking place during summer and inter-
pletely online by choosing from courses session. The greatest enrollment is in
across all SUNY campuses. spring.

Figure 3. Enrollment in Online Courses at MCC by Term Type †

This semester, MCC’s Master
Schedule shows 239 courses that
are offered completely online.

† The bars represent headcount, and the lines represent FTEs.

Variables that Predict College Success

In March 2012, the IR Office conducted courses. Students’ first generation status
analyses on the socioeconomic variables also predicted their success.
that predict success, defined as graduation
or transfer to a four-year college. We Recently, we revisited the study and
looked at incoming first time students (not modified it by…
transfers) from fall 2006 through spring
2008. • adding data on first-time students
from fall 2008 through spring 2012
One of the key findings was that students • utilizing an academic risk variable
who hadn’t taken remedial courses (ex- that tags students as being zero, one, or
cluding ESL) were twice as likely to suc- two levels below college readiness
ceed as those who had taken remedial
(Continued on p. 4)
Page 4 Inside IR

Variables that Predict College Success (continued)

• employing geocoded census tract median neighborhood household in-
data connected to each student’s ad- come lower than $40,672.)
For the academic risk variable, we
categorize students as belonging to one of For the students one level below college
three levels of college readiness: As shown in Figure 4, the academic readiness, Pell grant eligibility has a sig-
risk variable is the best predictor of nificant effect on success. (Specifically,
• Zero Levels Below College Ready students’ success. The second best 46% of students not eligible for Pell suc-
(i.e., College Ready) – students was not predictors are income-related. ceed compared with 35% of those eli-
placed into any remedial math or English gible for Pell.)
For the students who are college ready,
• One Level Below College Ready – median neighborhood household in- There were also several changes re-
student was placed into one remedial come has a significant effect on suc- garding the prediction of first generation
math or English course cess. (Specifically, 59% of students students’ success since the initial study,
with a median neighborhood household which may explain the change in results.
• Two or More Levels Below College income greater than $40,672 succeed A forthcoming report will detail these
Ready - student was placed into two or as compared to 41% of students with a changes.
more remedial math or English courses
Figure 4. Prediction of MCC Students’ Success

To be eligible for a Pell grant, students

must: (1) not have earned a bachelors or
professional degree, and (2) be
economically disadvantaged.

For more information about the Institutional Research (IR) Office, you can visit our pages on
the MCC website or contact an IR staff member:

Angel E. Andreu, Director, 292-3031,

Elina Belyablya, Assistant Director, 292-3033,
Allison Wanek, Secretary, 292-3035,
Andrew Welsh, Specialist, 292-3034,
Mary Ann Matta DeMario, Specialist, 292-3032,

Previous issues of Inside IR are available on our homepage:

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