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‘ss09-9B00n “Applisble fos] 5612 oe- Prepared in Doe, 1956 Najoos| TERUFUSION SYRINGE PUMP TE-311/312 SERVICE MANUAL ‘Development | Engineering | Qualiy | MESonices | Responsible Sect. ‘ect. | Assurance Seot.| Sect Engineer Fe HAE | Y. Sine | Gmadee| ¥ SAUD A. fp ‘TERUMO CORPORATION 809.9002 ‘Appisble i 9512 ae~ Prepared in Dac, 1556 CONTENTS 1. General 2, Specifications 3. Special Jigs and Measuring Instruments Needed 4, Various Modes 4.1 Aging mode 42. Syrnge-maker setting mode 43 Diagnosis mode 44 Special function setting mode 45 Adjustment mode 4.6 Computer interfico condition sting mode 47 Initalization of? PROM 4.8 Flow rate maxtmit setting mode Principle of Operation 5.1 Block diagram 5.2. Bleetic and software system 52.1 Structure 52.2 Description of operation Powersupply circuit 5222 Recharging circuit 52.23. Lowtattery detection circuit 52.24 CPU pesiperal circuit, reset creit,reference voltage supply ciccuit, EPROM circuit 522.5 Failsafe circuit 522.6 Motor driving circuit 52.27 Power switch circuit 5228 LED display circuit 52.29 Buzzer driving circuit 522.10 Motor rotation detection circuit 522.11 Occhusion detection circuit 52.2.12 Syringe and nearly empty detection circuit 522.13 Setting dil snd switch czeits 522.14 Computer interface and nurse-cal circuits Liquid erystal display circuit sso.p002 “Applicable ie 9512 ae Prepared in Dec, 1006 Cc 5.22.16 Plunger/eluch disengagement detection circuit 5. Mechanism systems 53.1 Structure 53.2 Description of operation 53.21 Driving uit 5322 Slider 53.23 Cltch 53.24 Clamp 5325 Syringe detector 6, Service Parts List and Development Elevation (61 Service parts list, 62 Development elevation 17, Disassembly, Reassembly, and Adjustment 7.1 Disassembly procedure 7.2 Reassembly procedure 13 Adjustment procedure 8, Troubleshoating 8.1 Troubleshooting 18.2. Alarms and eror messages 9. Maintenance and Cleaning 9.1 Precautions for maintenance 9.2 Inspection tems, methods and intervals 93 Cleaning 10, Circuit Diagrams and Silkscreen Diagram 10.1 Main boaré 10.2 Power-supply hoard 10:3 Motor rotation detection board 10.4 Occlusion detetion board 1055 Setting dial board 10.6 Computer imarfice board 10,7 7-segment LED board 10.8 Nurse-call board 309.9802 “Applicable io 1, GENERAL ‘This Service Manual has been prepared for BME maintenance service of the TERUFUSION Sysinge pump (TE-311/312). ‘When informed of a pump unit malfunction from a doctorinurse, please troubleshoot arcording tothe following procedures. (1) any faut is found to be caused by improper operation by the doctornurse,comect the cause of the problem and instruct the user howto operate the equipment properly so that reeurence of the {alt can be prevented (2) Before starting of actual repair ofthe equipment, be sure to confirm the feu that the doctorinurse has brought to your attention. After assessing the actual sate of the fault, only then should you start any repair work, (9) Ifthe equipments found to malfunction even when tis operated properly, vse the troubleshooting ‘procedure inthis manual to diagnose the faulty pump, (4) you are unable o correct the faultby using this manval, please contact your locel TERUMO. Aistributor or TERUMO Corporation for corrective action and repait () Disinfect the items contaminated by patients body ids before returning to TERUMO distribotor ‘or TERUMO Corporation, Please include all tems that have been removed from the equipment ‘during preliminary checks upon ret of equipment, IF tis necesary to send back those items ‘that have not been disinfected, seal them completely and atach a memorandum indicating thatthe ‘contents ate unsanitary and tobe handled with eae (General precaution) (1) Don’t detach connectors or printed-iruit boards wile the equipment is supplied with power. a 8809-98002 “Applisable os 9612 ot Prepared ina, 1956 (2) First visually check the malfunction equipment for open cicuits, short eircuits Jose connectors and damaged parts, Also, check for ebnormal sounds or foul sells(eaused by bamed resistor.) (@) After completion of repair work, check that all switches ae set in the respective original settings. ‘Clean the equipment and its petiphery and, then, repor the result of repr work to the BME manager (4) When handling semiconductors, especially MOS-IC, take special care not to cause electrostatic breakage,etc ‘Keep your body and your soleting ion in constant connection with a ground point through @ IMO resisor(A statically insulated type of soldering iron dose not required grounding, but it smut be used only alter being checked for completeness of inslation ) ‘When carrying ICs and printed- 5 = TEAC] Speci | Wine [Wik [TESCO | Samed | — wan] bande brnde Syringe weed 10, 20,30, 0 mL of Terumo & specified brands Flow rate seting range: When 10,20 oF 30 mL syringe is used: 0.1 - 300.0 L/h (0.1 mL step) ‘When 50 ml syringe ie used 0.41- 1200 mim (0.1- 999.9 mL: 0.1 mh step) (1000 - 1200 mihi: 1 L/h step) Display range of volume delivered 0.1 - 999.9 al. (0.1 mL step) Accuracy offlow rate: Mecharial accuracy: within # (Nomina! valve) accuracy incl. syringe: within 3% (when measured over 1 hour ater tar of infision using TERUMO syringe and, thereafter, every hour at flow rate of 1.0 mL/hr more) 309-9802, Appliabl te 5612 Ia Prepared inBos, 1056 Occlusion detection pressure: Selective setup in three stages Setting anges with TERUMO syringe used (HH): 800 +200 mag (106 7 + 26.7 KPa, 1.09 2 0.27 kgm?) (94:500 + 100 mmbig (66.7 + 13.5 KPa, 0.68: 0.14 keen?) IL} 300 + 100 mmtig (40.0: 13.3 KPa, 0.41 £0.14 keen?) Purge low rate: Approx. 1200 m/h (with 0 mL syringe used) Approx. $00 aL (vith 30 mL syringe used) ‘Approx, 400 mt (wth 20 mL. syringe used) Approx, 300 mh (with 10 mL. syringe wed) Alaming finetion: Occlusion, nearly empty, low batery, syringe dislocated, pingercltch disengaged Special function: + Possible selesive functions with intern selector switch ae (1) Stiting of deivery limit: 0.1 - 99,9 ml. (0. ml step) [hen Delivery limit is specified] + Infsion completion alarm + Keep-vein-open Sinction (to continue infusion at rate of 0.1 mL after ‘completion ofndision) . (@) Repeat alarm function (This function wil come into action if slarm i not released within 2 minutes aftr alarm buzzer stops sounding.) (@) Start reminder alarming function (This fnetion will come into action if operable state continses 2 minates or more) (4) Flow rate max iit sting function (5) Remote computerintrface function ‘+ Clear volume delivered button (Display of volume delivered counter i reset to "0" ‘when the button is pushed for 1S seconds) (Computer nterface function: RS.232C or RS-485 (TE-311C, TE-312C, only) 2-2 'ss0s-0n002 “Appliceble 9612 lot Prepared in Des, 1996 ‘Nurse-cll alarm: Relay contact pont for alarm output (applicable to muss call) CContact-point capacity 1A, 12 VDC (TE-311C, TE-312C, only) ‘Operating conditions: Ambient temperature: S 40°C, Relative humidity: 30 - 90% Storage conditions: Ambient temperature: 20 -45*C, Relative humidity: 10 95% (go condensation) Power supply: 110 V/120 V220 V/230 Vi240 V AC, 50/60 Hz 12 VDC (by exclusive use of power supply) ‘Built-in battery keeps continuous use for about 2 hours. (when computer interface functions used: approx. 1 hour 45 minutes) (provided that a new battery is charged up for at least 2$ hours at ambient temperature 25°C, with power of, ad i used under the canition ofS mL/h flow rate and oechsion-pressure st value"M" ) Power consumption: 12-VA (When AC power is used) or 8.4 W (when DC powers used) Electic shock protection class & type (Cass T and internal power-supply device CF type IPX 4 External dimensions: 322(W) x 114(H) x L15(D) ma Weight: Approx. 2.3 kg (TE-311) C (TE312 only] ‘ss09-oR002 Appiable 5612 lot~ Prepared in Doe, 1956 ody weight mode setting range: Weight: Dose rate 0.00 - 50.00 wefkg/min (0.01 ughkgfnia step) Body weight! 0.0 -300.0g (0.1 kg step) Drug volume: 0.0 - 300.0 mg (0.1 mg step) Solution volume: 0.0 - 300.0 mi. (0.1 mi. step) Approx. 2.4 kg ‘Specification and design are subject to change for improvement without noice ‘Computer interface and Nurse call connectors aze available on the specified product ‘ssos.9n002 Applicable Is 9612 oe Prepared in Dee, 19% Unit Avaabe Reorder | Volage | —Pogiype | Sockar ape | Boay weight] Compuirietace7 somber made} Nurse call conector TESHNST | TOV [amano | 5 > TESINDI | 0 [Anecom one | Te 5 . Teannaa | 20v | UR ype a = = TBOUNGS | Bai | Bivpeam ope | : = TEaRES |B | ORs = 5 TERING [ZV] Exons | . TEYSIINH3* | 230V | Enropean type @ - TESTING —|~200V [Boren wee | OD > Teac | av OR ape ia = THAI | BV [Eee | OD ; = TESTE fain | Tal = al TSI Ameicnope | Ud yee ‘TE¥312CG2 “UK type [a] ‘yes yes _ TE*312CG3 ‘Baropean type & yes. ‘yes Teac | _a0v [UR ype ra] = ¥e TENGE |B [Exe | = = TEs12CHar | 2500 | European type @ ye | ye TEssI2cs | 240V | European type @ ye pe sssos.98002 [ Applicabe fis] 9612 at- Prepared nD 3. SPECIAL JIGS AND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS NEEDED _ Ne ‘Special jigs end measuring insraments 1 _ [Digital votencter _ 2 | Syachroscope 3 [Pressure gage (0-30 Kpai 0-3 Kaflem’) @_| Occlusion adjustment jig Me ‘S| Syringe and nearly empry detection adjustment ig SE 6 _[ Syringe detection checkup jgset(@kinds ofjigs) aa 7_[ Measuring cylinder 8 _ | Cross-point screweriver set Garge & smal), plain screwdriver (mall), thread lock, eable te, ripper, weezer, and long-nose plier “ 9 | Plunger / Clutch diseagagement detection adjusting jig [Occlusion adjustment jie Hester Syringe deection checkup jig se (kinds) Osta Syringe and weary emapy de adjusiment jg set (2 kinds) SEAS 3509-9002 ‘Applicable ot 3612 1a Prepared ines, 1596 ‘4. VARIOUS MODES ‘Various kinds of modes canbe setup withthe rotary switch inside the equipment bod, ‘Sprcification for internal switch isa follows (nternal switches specication} ‘Sch apes ede Deserpton TO) | Aging mode "For warming up the product in te easly stage of production ar ater parts ‘replacement during maintenance [-Al__| Normal mode zi TB] | Diagnosis mode For diagnosing switches, amps, buzzers, and sensors inividully TC] | Specia-fetion seting mode "For setting "Delivery imi? mode, “Repeat alarm" mode, and "Star reminder alarm" mode L TD] | Adjunment mode "For adjusting the syringe detection, nearly empty detection, and occusion detection (E]__| Computer intertace evzonment and 1D | For setting the compierinterfuce speed, umber setting mode s2op bit, ete, TF] | PROM initialzstion For initsiing EPROM in early tage of production ‘The internal switchs ofthe rotary switch type ‘When resetting the internal switch, remove the battery cover from the botiom of equipment body and takeout the battery ftom the inside of body, and the internal switch canbe eeset through the window a the depth of battery housing, Take care not to unplug the battery consector. 3809-98000, “Appicable os 9612 at- Prepared ines, 1556 4.1 Aging Mode (0) Operating method 1) Wit the power switched off, st the rotary switch 0 °0" 2) With "STOP* switch buton kept pressed, turn “POWER switch ON, andthe sates 1)t03) af ‘aging ction (2) will occur, indicating that te aging mode comes into effet. "POWER" switchs turned ON without pressing “STOP? button, "Er96" will appear on the "Flow rate/ Delivery limit / Volume delivered” display (7-segmeat LED), @) Aging action 1) The motor runs. (Movement of sider: approx. 9 mh) 2) Allofindicativeclements connected bin at 1 HS0% duty, 3) During runing of motor, « minimum level of purge sound is heard, + During aging operation, itis possible to stop the motor with *STOP* switch and start it again with "START" switeh + During aging operation, the motor can be stopped by occlusion detection (epprox 4.7 kat). (3) When "POWER” switch is tuned OFF, aging mode ceases. 42. Sovinge-brand Setting Mode sss09.96002 ‘Appliesbie 9612 ae Prepared in De, 1596 (1) Set the rotary switch (S1) on the main bord to "I* (orginal seting postion), and turn [POWER] switch to ON, Now, setting of a desired one of the proviously-stored syringe brands becomes possible The display shows “11° or "12" corresponding to TERUMO syringes) wich has been reset before shipment from the factory [Sering- Syringe ran Display | Synge Brand Syringe accepted U__[TERUMO JAPAN made | 10,20, 30, 50 mL 12, | TERUMO EUROPE made | 10,20, 30, 50mL (Gm. TERUMO JAPAN made) 13__ | TERUMO USA made | 10,20, 30, 50 (60) mL Cc 14 [BD A combination 10,20 ml. (SIN), Cc 30, 50 [60] ml, (PLASTIPAK@IUSA) 15 [BD B combination 10, 20,30, $0 [60] ml (PLASTIPAK@/USA) 16 [Dong Bang. 10,20, 30, 50 mL 1 | Nipro 10,20 mL. (Thailand) 30, $0 mL Gapan) 18 | Bon 10,30, 30m 19 | Dae-at 10,20, 30, $0 mL 20 | Sherwood MONOIECT _[10,20, 30, $0 (60) mi. 21 |[B.BraunOMNIFIX® —__[10,20,30, 50 (60) mal 22 | IMS(apen) 10,20, 30,50 mi ( ‘ss09-on002 | Appiabe a 9612 Prepared in Dec, 1956 c (2) Setting procedure ‘Note: When making setting, he sure to.enter the setting number which properly represents the ead 1) The powers now tumed off, and rotary switch (S1) position is "1" setting). With both the [STOP] and (DISPLAY SELECT] butons kept pushed turn [POWER] switch to ON for 1 few seconds, and an indication “SEY* will appear on the (RATE/D LIMITE: mL} display and the syinge-brand setting mode come into effec. 2) Then, an indication “nn” (a: optional number) will appear on the [RATE/D.LIMIT/® ral] Aisplay. Make sure thatthe (10 mL lamp ie it, 3) The syringe - brand setting number advances by one each time the [STOP] bution is pushed (Set on approviate number comesponding to the syringe brand, The number dossn't go down) 4) Once a seting number is entered, push the [START] button and keep it pushed for approx. c 1.5 seconds to store the entry. As this process is completed with beep, an indication "good" will appear on the [RATED LIMIE mL] display (for approx. 2 seconds.) Incase of abnormality, "bAd" will be display. 5) The syriage-band setting mode can be terminated by tuming power supply to OFF. Note: Turn POWER] switch to ON again. check for proper indication. of a_number sxisting-one, @)_ Special mention 1) Soon atte indiation of goa" or" the pay wl tem to tein ndicaton C 2) tfpowersoplyicatff daring seting procedure fle o store teeny wilh ‘ssp 98002 ‘Applisble ot 61210 Prepared in Des, 1998 43 Diagnosis Mode 43.1 Opersting method 1) With the power switched off, set the rotary switch to "B" 2) With “STOP” switch buton kept pressed, tum “POWER” switch ON, and “sIAg" will eppear on the "Flow rate Delivery limit Volume delivered” display, indicating the start of diagnosis mode, I "POWER" switch is tumed ON without pressing "STOP* button in this case, "E:91" will appear on the "Flow rate / Delivery limit / Volume delivered" display. Also, be sure to release "STOP" switch button es soon asthe power is switched on; otherwise, “Ee 8° will be indicate. * [aIAg stands for Diagnosis] 3) When “POWER” switch is tamed OFF, diagnosis mode ceases ‘Succeeding to start of diagnosis mode, execution of diagnosis ations, checking for proper action, and indication of status can be made as deseribed below. Pushing "PURGE" switch button while diagnosis item (1) being indicated causes the diagnosis item to skip Diagnosis tem Deserption (1) ___| Display of sofwae-version numbers (2) | Diagnosis of indicative elements (@)___| Diagnosis of “operational” switches (| Diagnosis of buzzer (S)___| Diagnosis of preset dial (©) | Diagnosis of euch sensor (@)___| Diagnosis of motor roution and rotation detection sensor (© __ | Diagnosis of syringe nearly empty detection sensor ()___ | Diagnosis of syringe detection sensor (10) | Diagnosis of occlusion deteotion sensor (11) | Diagnosis of power-supply volage and satus of AC/DC power supplies (02) | Diagnosis of musse-call fonction .ss09-9p002 “Applicable fis 9612 ot Prepared in Das, 1956 (4) Display ofsoftware-version numbers ‘When "STOP" switch button is released immediatly after star of diagnosis mode, the software (CPU program) version number is indicated on the "Flow rate Delivery limi Volume elivered diepay. ‘+ The 4 digits from the frstindcates the software version number (0900 - 9989). “Flow rate Delivery limi Volume delivered” display CIC (2) Diagnosis of indicative elements 1) Bich ie "STOP" bon spud te ndcne element ae swithed over one afer nother stomatal in te following sequence to dagnose them: “Syringe lamps 4 amps) ligt up simaltneosly + Operational indiestore lamps (4 lamps) light ep simuanousy and geen lamp revo. + “Oesasion minder MLL) eto smlesouy “Alam ndesto” lamps (lamps ight wp silanes 4 “Plow rte! Detvry limi! Volume delivered" pla (segments) and a lamp light up simatansoaty. + "ACIDC" mp an "Batey" amps (amps ight wp simaneaty C However, tee "Baer lamps ae led up when power is switched on as far a the eer yang 4-6 2 Inthe case of TE-312 + Allof LCD indicator and backlight ae turned on. (8) Diagnosis f “operational” switches » a » Pushing “STOP button after the indicative elements have been diagnosed eanses progress to the diagnosis of “operational” switches. In this cas, the "Flow cate/ Delivery limit) Volume elivered” display indicates "HO}.1" (Qeans ben) Diagnosis of “START” switch ‘While "HOULI" being indicaed, twming “START” switch ON/OFF causes indicstion "LOL" HDL" appear altemaely on the display ‘Thats, "L* and “A” correspond to ON and OFF respectively as far as "START™ switch isin the normal condition Push "STOP" switch to proceed to diagnosis of PURGE” switch, Diagnosis of "PURGE" switch While "THQR.1" being indicated, turing “PURGE” switch ON/OFF causes indication "URATTHER. appear alterately on the display, ‘That is, "Land "HY correspond to ON and OFF respectively as far as “PURGE” switch sin ‘the normal condition, ‘Push "STOP" switch to proceed to diagnosis of "DISPLAY SELECT” switch, Diagnosis of "DISPLAY SELECT" switch While "HIB.I" being indicated, turning "DISPLAY SELECT" switch ON/OFF causes Indication "L[B.1°/"HB.1" appear alternately onthe display. ‘Thats, “L* and "H" correspond to ON and OFF respectively as far as "DISPLAY SELECT” ‘witch isin the normal condition. Push “STOP" switch to proceed to diagnosis of ‘CEmL” switch, Diagnosis of “C Emi." switch While "HD'.1" being indicated, wming “C Emi" switch ON/OFF causes indication "UD" HDS.1" appear alternately on the display, 47 508 95002 “Appiable at 962 ot Prepared in Des, 1956 ‘That is, "L* and "H" correspond to ON and OFF respectively as far as “CLEAR (C Em stitch is in the normal condition. Inthe case of TE-311, push "STOP” switch co proceed to diagnosis ofthe buzzer, ‘Inthe case of TE-312, perform diagnosis of "DISPLAY ON/OFF" switch, 6) Diagnosis of ‘DISPLAY ON/OFF" switch ‘While "HOS.1" being indicated, tring “DISPLAY ON/OFF” switch ON/OFF causes indication "L[B.1"7"HDB.1" appear altemately onthe display. ‘That is, "L" and “H" comespond to ON and OFF respectively as far as "DISPLAY ON/OFF switch is in the normal condition. Push "STOP" switch to proceed to diagnosis of "ITEM SELECT” switch, 7) Diagnosis of "TTEM SELECT" switch While "HDS.1" being indicated tuning "ITEM SELECT switch ON/OFF causes indication “LQ6.1"/'HOE.A" appear altemaely onthe display. Cc ‘That is, "L* and “H" correspond to ON and OFF respectively as far 2s "ITEM SELECT” ‘Switch isin the normal condition. 8) Pash “STOP switch, and it will ease indication of “)D}.2" and proceed tothe diagnosis of the buzzer. (4) Diagnosis of buzzer 1) As faras "START" bution is kept presse, the buzzer sounds warning. ‘+ While "12" being indicated, the buzzer makes sound at low volume, Releasing "START" button causes proceed tothe next stage of volume. ‘+ While [J02.2° being indicated, the buzzer makes sound at medium volume. Releasing “START bution causes proceed tothe next-stage of volume. ted, the buzzer makes sound at high volume. Releasing “START bation causes proceed tothe next-stage of volume. + While “D0S2" being indicated, the buzzer makes sound at top volume using the fi-safe function, and athe suze time “Alarm” lamps (4 lamps) light up. Relessing "START" button cansesreur to the inital evel of sound volume. ‘ss00-9B002 “Appliabl oe ‘612 ot Prepared iaDee, 1956 + Bach change of sound volume is transient and no recording to EPROM is made. 2) Press "STOP" bution, snd it will ease indication of “nC](13"(n= 0 - 9) and proceed to the iagnosis ofthe preset dil (8) Diagnosis of preset dia 1) Tum the preset dil clockwise (ress) or counterclockwise (decreas). The preset dais regarded as functioning nornlly if "2" of “x0 03" appearing on the “Flow cate/ Delivery limi Volume deliveres” display counts up or down (0-9). 2) Push "STOP" buton and it wl euse indication of "L14" and proceed tothe diagnosis oF the clutch sensor (©) Diagnosis of church sensor (excepting domestic specification) 1) Manually place the clutch in Joek/unlock position and check for proper sate of the clutch Cc sensor port 2) ach time the display must indicate "LD4" for lock or "HJ for unlock. 3) Pash "STOP" button and it will cause indication of "TJ. 5” and proceed to the diagnosis of. ‘moar dive and rotation-detection sensor. (Diagnosis of motor dive and rotaton-detetion sensor 1) While “JD 5" being indicated, pushing “START button will ease the motor to run by only one rotation and that otation will be detected by the sensor 2) The result of diagnosis is indicated on the display as “gD1D5" (good) or "oS" (bd. 3) Push "STOP" button, and i will cause indication of "nn. (a= 0 - 9) and proceed to the iagnosis ofthe nearly empty detection sensor. (8) Diagnosis of nearly empty detection sensor 1) With the clutch disconnected, move the sider toward the extremely pushed position, and the C value of A/D wil vary with lider position 2) Indication is made in the form of "ann.6" in which “nnn’represents A/D value given in decimal 49 C a 3809-98002 “pliable at 9612 ot Prepared in Dac, 1556 Push "STOP" button, and it wil ease indication of "ana.7" and proceed tothe dagnesis of the syringe deretion sensor (©) Diagnosis of syringe detection sensor » a > ‘The 10 ce syringe lamp lights and an A/D value is indicate. Indication is made in the form of “nan.7" in which "ana"represents A/D value given in decimal, Pash "STOP" button, and it will cause indication of “DO(8" and proceed tothe diagnosis of the occlusion detection sensor (10) Diagnosis of occlusion detection sensor » 2 > * Indication “D[DS" remains uni the "START" button or “STOP” button is pushed. Pushing "START" button wil cause the motor to tive at 300 pps and indication to change ‘onan. in which “nnn” represents A/D value given in decimal AUD value is dependent on loa applied tthe sider, ‘When "STOP" button is pushed, tie motor will come to stop, making a stop sound, and the state will proceed to the next diagnosis of the power-supply voltage and stats af AC/DC power supplies. ‘ihe slider proaches near the netly empy limit postion, the motor will actomatially come to ‘stop, making a stop sound (to prevent the sider from reaching the extreme-end of stroke.) (11) Diagnosis of power-supply voltage and satus of ACIDC power supplies » 2 2 4 ‘The A/D value of the voltage detection sensor is indicted in the form of "ann. Inthe ease of buttery drive, the "AC/DC" lamp goes off and an A/D valve lower than that of AC drive will be indicated. In the ease of AC drive, the "AC/DC" lamp lights and an A/D value higher than that of battery drive will be indicated If ripple exist in the AC/oatery boundary, the indication will become unsteady (because of absence of hysteresis). Cc 3809-98002 “Applicable ont Selzer Prepared in Des, 1998 5) Pash "STOP" button, an it will cause indication of “D[UA" and proceed tothe diagnosis ofthe nurse-all (relay) function. (12) Disgnosis of murse-call function 1) While “D0 DA" is indicated, pushing “START bation will cause a change of indication to “LOIGA" anda tip (conduction) of the nursecall relay. 2) Pushing "START" bution again will cause indication to change to "HI]DLA" andthe relay to be cutoff, [Bach time "START" button is pushed, the relay turns to ON and OFF alternately 3) Push "STOP" button to ceases all items of diagnosis, and indication on the display will ‘return to "dlAg" showing the state of equipment being standing by forthe next keying. 44 Special Function Setting Mode (1). The selective special functions ae shown below: Description Seung of delivery nit mode ‘Seting of silenced repeat alarm mode Setting of silenced start reminder alarming mode Setlng of remote computer interface mode Seung of flow rate max limit mode @)Seting method 1) With power supply eut OFF, set the rotary switch t0 °C 2) With “STOP” switeh kept pressed, turning POWER" switch to ON will cause indication of| PEC" in the "Flow rte / Delivery limit / Volume delivezea” display (7-segment display), making seletion of special functions posible ‘Then, “10 mL" lamp will light and a binary number of four figures will appear in the rumeral display zone, 809-9002 “Applicable io 9612 ot “Prepared in Dee 159 ‘Bach figure of 4-figure binary number comesponds toa related seting item. At each figure, "0" and "1" coresponding to “valid” and "invalid", respect ‘atton is pushed, [SPEC stand for Speci ly, alternate each time "STOP* IE*POWER” switch is umed ON without pushing “STOP* button, an error indication “E,92" will appear on the 7-segment LED. 3) Each time "PURGE" button is pushed, a binary number of four figures will blink in the sequence of “tenh's place” —> “unit place" —> “tenth place" > "hundked place” one alter nother, allowing you to set "0" or "I" ina blinking place, 4) Each time “DISPLAY SELECT button is pushed, she four lamps (10,20, 30, 0 mL amps) ‘wll light one after another to indicate four different set conditions of a binary number of ‘our figures corresponding to the lara going on. 5) After completion of setting, keeping "START" button pressed for about 1.5 seconds wil ‘cause the preset data to be stored in EPROM and the buzzer to make a beep, ‘Data related to all of 16 items are stored, respective of going on or off of four lamps. A the end of processing, the buzzer makes a bleep andthe 7-segment LED indicates "good (for about 2 seconde) or "bAd” ‘Nole:_ Whenever ans modification in data is made. be sure toupdate the stored data, ‘ssop-9p002 “Applicable loa 5612 ee Prepared in Des 156 6) The Special function setting mode is terminate by switching power supply OFF. Function [Lampgoing ON] __Blnkingphce | ____Selnpoaile___ Selected with | Selctes wit PURGE | Seesea with “STOP” sich “DISPLAY switch SELECT” sich Seting of every J 10 mL iit max mode Omi Tomi oat z ZB Seiiog of aensed | 2m repeat slarm mode Wal Bal Sailog oflened | mL stat eminder slarming mode Wal Wal 3m Sering of Smt computerincerface mode 3309-98002 “Applicable om 9512 ot- Prepared ia Dee, 1905 Function [Lamp going ON| King place ___| ng possi _] “Selected with | Seicciea with PURGE | “Selevied with “STOP” switch “DISPLAY, switch SELECT’ | Entry enable mode switch 50 ml eae eae == Te 10 TaL, 20m A Tmt, 20m T0mL, 20m Tm, 20a 10mL,30mL Tmt, 30m TOL, 30 mL aL, 30m 002, “Appbcable at 9512 tet Prepuedin Des, 1556 . , alive it aie? ‘Silenced repeat alarm mode _ Silenced start reminder alarming mode (Beilin of computernterface mode 4. Siting of low rate max limi ide” smakesuce.thesst mode functions normals, @) Special mention 1) After dara is stored by pushing the “START” switeb, the “10 mi.” lamp wil light and the nally set stat of indication is recovered, 2) I power supply is ext off before date storing action is made with the "START switeb, no storage of data wil be made 3). Operation of "PURGE","START","STOP" or “DISPLAY SELECT” switch is made invalid If two or more of them are actuated together. Operation of any other switch is also made invalid. 45 Adjustment mode For the adjustment mode, see 7.3 Adjustment procedure in section 7. Disassembly, Reassembly, and Adjustment, 46 Computer interface condition setting mode (tems possible ose are as follows item Seti Band rate: 4500, 9600, 19200 ps Stop bit: 1,2 bi ID numbers 8 digits * To sat the enry enable mode ia which changing the flow rate, ete is possible ‘Gough computer interface, refer 0 seation 4.4 “Special function setting mode.” Cc ‘ssos-9p002 ‘Applicable a 9612 t= Prepared ia Dec 1998 2) Setting method » a > % 6 ‘With the power switched OFF, set the rotary switch to "E" With "STOP" switch button kept pressed, tun "POWER" switch to ON, and "BAU" will appear on the “Flow mate / Delivery limit, Volume delivered" display, indicating the stax of ‘computer interface condition seting mode, If "POWER" switch is turned ON without pressing "STOP" button in this ease, exor message "E94" wil appear onthe 7-segment LED. ‘The "Flow rate" lamp among "Flow rat / Delivery limit / Volume delivered” lamps goes on and the (RATE/D.LIMIT/E mL} display indicates a number. Each figure of the number comesponds to a related setting item. At each figure, a digit Indiated corresponds to the state of seting, Each time "DISPLAY SELECT button is pushed, lighting of lamps is switched over in sequence of "Flow rate lamp —> "Volume delivered" lamp —> Both "Flow rae” and "Volume delivered” lamps to indicate thee different set conditions of the number conesponding tothe lamp (or lamps) going on. Each time "STOP" button is pushed, digit is switched over progresively at the designated figure of the number. ach time “PURGE” button is pushed, the igis of & number indicated by 7-segment LED ‘ill blink in the sequence of "tents place” —+ “unit place" —> "tenth place” -> “hundred place” one after anther, allowing you to set anew digit ina blinking place. Functions of setting and conditions of setting possible are shown inthe table below. ‘After completion of seting, keeping "START" button pressed for about 1.5 seconds will ‘cause the preset dats tobe stored in E"PROM and the buzzer to make a bleep. Data related to all of3 items are stored, inespective of going on or off of lamps. [At the end of processing, the buzzer makes a bleep and the 7-segment LED indicates good!" (for about 2 seconds) or "Ad" 805-9802 ‘Applicable 9612 ee Prepared in Dee 1556 7) The Computer interface condition seting mode is terminsted by switching power supply OFF, Foneton [Fame aving ON] na Selected with | ~~ Selected with “DISPLAY | “PURGE” switch SELECT’ swe [ening of bande [Flow rate" ang] [sexing of sop bit [Row rae" lamp] [sexing of figures | ~ "Volume loflowerhalfof1D | deliverea" lamp laumber [Seuing of4iigues | “Flow rae" & fotupperaitof1D | "Volume lnumber |detivered” lamps) + (0 entre sina seting, C @) Special mention 1) Operation of any switch other than "PURGE,""START, “switches is made invalid, 2) After dtais stored by pushing the “START” switch, the "Flow rate" Jamp will light and the intially set state of indication is recovered. 3) If power supply is cutoff during seting operation, no storage of data willbe made. ‘STOP" and "DISPLAY SELECT" 42 Initialization of E>PROM (1) After datas erased, E?PROM can be refieshed by ROM data (ntl data atthe time of shipping), ‘Note:_‘This operation causes all of set values stored to be subiest to change: readjustment of themisnecessare, C ® ® ‘3809-98002 ‘Applicable 9612 ot~ Prepared De 1558 Operating method 1) With power soply switched OFF, set the rotary switch "F 2) With “STOP” switch bation kee presod, turn “POWER” switch to ON, and she 7-segment LED wilindicate “CLEA” and initialization of B*PROM becomes posible. + If "POWER™ switch is mmed to ON without pressing "STOP" button inthis ease, exxor message "E95" will appear on the 7-segmen: LED. 3) Keep "PURGE" button depressed for about 1.5 seconds, and initialization of E'PROM will >be made, [At the end of processing, the buzzer makes a bleep and the 7-segment LED indicates 'g00d"(for about 2 second) or “bAd” 4) Tae B?PROM initialization mode is terminated by switching power supply 19 OFF. Special mention 1) Indication of "good" or “bAd! is succeeded by return tothe inital display. 2) Operation of PURGE" switch is made invalid if tis acmated together with another switch (Operation of any otter switch is also made inva C Oo ‘s809-9B002 “Applicable ot 9612 10- Prepared ines. 1956 48 Flow rate max limit setting mode (2) Seting method 1) With both the (STOP] and [DISPLAY SELECT] buttons kept pushed while power is OFF, ‘um [POWER] switch to ON, and an indication “SEC” will appear on the (RATE/D.LIMIT/ mL] display and the ow rate max limit seting mode come into effec, 2) Then, an indication “an” (x: optional number) will appear on the [RATE/D LIMET/E mL} display. Push {PURGE} button and make sure that “nna” appeats on the (RATE/D.LIMIT/ Em] indicator and the [20 mL] lamp is it ‘To make the low rate max limit setting mode effective, sefer to section 44 “Special function sesting mode.” 3). Sette flow rate max limit to a desired value of 1 to 1200 mLfa withthe seting dil 4) Once a setting value is entered, push the (START] button and keep it pushed for approx. 1.5 seconds to store the entry ‘As this process is completed with a beep, an indicstion "good" will appear on the (RATE D.LIMIT/E mL} display (for approx. 2 seconds.) In ease of abnormality, "bad" will be spayed, ‘Note: Whenever any. change of settings is made, besure.to store the altered adiustments, 5) The flow rate max limit setting mode canbe terminated by turing power supply to OFF. (@) Special mention 1) Soon after indication of "good" or "DAA," the display will tum tothe inital indication, 2) power supply is cutoff daring setting procedure, a fale to tore the entry wil result, 3) Inthe case where any flow rate exceeding 300 mi is se, the maximum flow rate of 10, 20, ‘30 i syringe is limited to 300 mL, Date: 102608 Sender: Eugene Yeo Tor Dannis Vatsamis Ponty: Normal ‘Subject [nto] Giene Alarm for Purging on TE:911/012 Avtached are the steps necessary to silent the purge alam. De Anchouse before advising veers: Any question ~ feat free to call me back, Regards onward Header Fubjectr [Tafewmatienl Silesce Alten for Purging on 2-211/32 Author! Zochiya Iwant at PENOMO-HONSEAGD Dates dovaa/se tian ne Dear Bagene-san, Hope your Vietnam live would be successful By the way, X would Like to inform you of the procedure az below intlones and Kindly refer At and ty te coniiva it before you Seplain ie ts customer. 4. Bip suitens change ite position to be "© * gram “i 2. Holding “Stop” button and press “Power” button ogsther, Note: Molding both Suttane more than 3 seconde” Othenuise, the exzsr mevsage will be shim. 91 fate/linse * button S41) aysinge size *20nl* 4. ress " Purge * button till the below position te ‘Eitghiag/ sad press * Soop * button 9 set the figuse Display: 2112 stop Pisplay: 2101 5. Reese “stare” button in order to memorize silence condition. ASG then. "geod will be shown on the Slaplay. ‘hen turn off the pow 6. change the dip aviteh to be "I", congimm that Sunber show on the display <2 * 0” during Sef check. ise, confirm silence for pusgii Please txy to do it yourselé first and kindly contact me Sf you have 3809-98002, ‘Apaliceble [oi repr DS, TS C 6) The Special function seting mode is terminated by switching power supply OFF. Tincion [Lamping ON] ee _ | ___Saapae Selected with | Seled wit PURGE] Seitiea wit STOP" A7iGE DISFLAY switch SELECT sich 7 Sauingofaelvesy 10m : 7 Dae Tht max mode Seen i Roi Sue Cal Moe] Tom Ss a ra om I Ne nea | Memory Mote: 1OmL fc | Mode petivalon 7 Battery Saving | 1Omi Ff is _ [} |e Setieg ofaieneed | 20mm T ° repeat la rode Purge Soin] 20m By ie etvation ¢ fife ee etwation LEAT) |” sete Scting ofsiteaced | 20m 1 aaa cyan sat ceinder | ] jose arming made | vot uso | _ 28 LLB Gatch Dismngage| 2m T farm | Tow Battery al T ‘or ning . Settng oF aL computer-intertace A cnelosute i initialization sting 4-3 700/108 mals vou + sod. OMT .$808-98007 ‘Applicable Jos 9612 ee Prepared in Des 1996 Function wah ‘Seigsted wit “BURGE sites Baty enable mode == — Seng of flow rate | 30m [ na limit mode —— at Dial Half Tor mt 7 Not Boep Sound | Activates Wal mL || Tal, 2m Tmt 20 mL Tmt, mL im, 30mL = Tmt, 30m — oa oat ey + (7 ete ination sang} 002008 ‘efias dvax"=!SBibd.s onuar ooderer 90 rvs €0:¥T amu 96. 01/9 C ‘ss09-98002 “Applicable Tos 962 ot Prepared in Doe, 1556 ‘5, PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION All functions related to operation, display, buzzer and motor contol, and detections sre under control of the microcomputer (CPU). In case of esroneous operation of the CPU, the fail-safe circuit ouside the CPU will force the ‘oor to stop and, the same time, will eause the indication of an alarm and a beep of buzzer. operation pret aie crea Sing detcsion]| + t—+/Disiay = jevcue [| Atsmine Oxssoe wu eecion © [— [+ [Bazzar are] HY Bu Nearly empty a st L_trearaie owes Ses ratap ion Moe Finpcc aah ssensneet | sswmsnone | ‘Appliable Block Diagram Mainboard Prepared in De, 156 {| i i Macrae ei§——cOa ' = 1 Mie Seng lta VU sete cst Tas ae ' toga er 1 fits ]} ifessat [Tal ais thea | 7 ea eet! | Leese iba —|_ane i aq oun eet rel! 1 xt 1 wrscaue |}! ft t lt " eee yy in pon eq [= Daler i er nd i} a cat th — ; ———— L a Gl 1 4] ' Sai si zoom || 1 | | 4 al F Ney eap ' l e_i Ft cig EPROM isla — I [ ‘alt [ew psn aq roa (Somnaice] fem stn 1 it est t ! erat Tv i i : ‘ ' sve io 1 a 1 1pm [St + at by ie \ a i H fi! a toy ' rit tot a ! ae Powe | pease] t : = i on cesecinct toa J! 1 seine | fae 1 ; eg 1 ' cont ft ma jaq new say | huts Lal { 1 Q 522 Electric and software system 509.9802 ‘Appleale i 9612 ot- Prepared ia Bee, 1396 Po coe ina Toverunt | Povar api teat GORE [= Povecoy ear Seren ; ree ocala eee re mare Sorted cea * aren Srceeanaeen Sees Saeco Deanne | Roos dancin aT GSEATGO: © hos ies easng Occlusion detection unit {@6t=J}- | ¢ Occlusion detection circuit ae ee race eaesaeree + Bunga scgepment a) ee ‘Operation unit ‘Dial unit {OSE AG+> ‘Setting dial circuit ~ Seting dial board @SLAGEH— Extemal ouput ‘Nurse-all board & RSZ32C beard estar (Computer inteface circuit Norge-call erat LED module unit LCD t66 656) Liguid ental display circuit 3509-9002 “Applicable I 5612 ot- Prepared in Des, 156 ‘822 Deseription of operation 5.2.21 Power-supply circuit ‘To cope with a wide input-volage range of approx. 8V to 20V, which is dependent on the use of| AC, DC or battery for power supply, 8 step-down itching power unit (SV) is provided in the first, stage. ‘Through this SV power unit, power is supplied to meet the needs of SV for the motor deve, SV {forthe occlusion detection amplifier, and 4V forthe A/D conversion reference voltage for CPU. Since all switching power supplies have the "short-circuit detecting” functions which eu off power supply in case of occurrence of sn excessive overload current sv sv (ogi & pay sem) (we aie) Sichng power Swiching power Acie: TI crit Sep dovn mic Stepp 3 por sem) BATT: Siching yoo seieseglaors | yy tence ae) Ico referee lage ‘ssv9-9n002 ‘Applicable 9612 ot- Prepared in Des, 196 O° 2 sarin dean ‘The hatery is recharged by wieke-charge ofa constan-curentciexit, Charging current Igri calculated by the following equation: Ingr= (2Ve- VaR (where, Vi Forward voltage of diode, Vas: Bate-emitter voltage of transistor) ac. (vin ale se) se 03158 Bay) ssop-9p002 “Applicable a Ga] ‘Prep in Das, TS $22.3 Low battery detestion circuit Am ICS is usd for detecting the low battory and recharging caren ‘The intemal memory of IC5.always needs supplying power and, therefore, a bstery is kept connected tothe ICS even when the power switch is OFF. ‘Note: Data stored in the ICS would he cleared if the battery is disconnected from ICS for replacement ofthe hatters.or if the baitery is Jef unaliended for along time until it Joss output oltage (self-discharge), In.such a case, it is necessary to check for accurate indication of low battery by using the shesking method siven inthe instruction manual, “The battery volage is detected ata point at which batery ouput resistance is divided into two (R24 and R36). Batery dischargeecharge current (lyr) is derived from voltage being geaerated cross resistance R39, @ sone 5 Gg G OEE Cae] car Self al = Ne cow ° [detection | oP nd wn (oP, ‘ssup-96002 ‘Applcble Tis 9512 ee- Prepared in Deo, 1956 ‘The ICS has 2 function of leaning how much capacity the battery involved holds sctally andaceordingly, if the battery capacity has decreased dv to detriration, three indicator lamps inthe Jow battery detection ciruit may fail olight even i the battery is charged fll, Since lighting ofthe {ndiator lamps is based on the “nominal value" of battery capacity, whenever the battery is Aisconnected from and reconnected to TCS fo replacement ofthe battery, its necessary to check for sccurae indication of low battery by sing the checking method given in the instruction manual ‘The CPU being in computer interface with ICS performs the following functions: (1) Detecting batery abnormality: If any ofthe following abnormal conditions is detected, the CPU will cause the three "Baer" lamps to blink simultaneously: Open to circuit of battery changing line Short circuit of ells sExpity of battery life (2) Detection of low batery charge: I tow battery charge reduces to 20% (approx) or if the CPU detects a Jow sustainable batery voltage of 1.0SV (1.00 -1.10¥) (approx, for each cell, the CPU will cause the batery-charge alarm to generate. (@) Shutdown alarm: I the CPU detect reduction of voltage to approx, 0.95¥ (0.90 - 1.00V) per batery, the CPU will cause the shudown alarm to meee Tene ¢ Shut Dugem® 3509. 8002 “Applicable 9612 ot- Prepaved in Des, 196 5.2.24 CPU peripheral circuit ‘The CPU comprises the fllowing terminals: “Terminal (Por) Runetion P00 - Pos Input of state of eip switch, Pos Input of ACIDCIBATT select signal POS POF ‘Control of LCD stat (with/without, backlight ON/OFF, tp seed P1O-PI2 ‘Output of data signal to LED driver PIB PIS, ‘Output of data from EPROM and oniput of clock. P20 ‘Output of signal for lighting low batery LED. PBI Tnpot of data signal for seting dal (ide B). PE ‘Ouiput of display-pemit signal for low batry LED. 2a (Output of slarm-lamp lighting signal P30 (Output of nrse- C wy ® 100 ms ‘ Cc (@) Reference voltage supply cir 3805-96002 ‘Applicable 9612 Iot- Prepared in Bee, 1396 A special-purpose IC is prepared for generating 4V power supply which is wed as a reference voltage for A/D conversion in the CPU when detecting presence of the syringe, occlusion of the ‘tinge, neaty empty, and power-supply voltage. cru C ‘ssi9-on002 “Applicable oe 561210 Prepared in Des, 1956 5.22.5 Failsafe crs Incase of eroneous operation of the CPU, «fail-safe circuit outside the CPU causes braking force to stop the motor and, atthe same tim, sarming is made by both the buzzer and alarm igh. Motor a Fas ert Boze ‘Alar ig aan cca Wes iat signals made prope [tee Takai sgl bap a] @-100ms | Sei ‘$s09-98002 ‘Applicable i 9612 ot Prepared in Des, 1998 C526 sa deine ‘When a dive signal from the CPU enters the motor diver IC (IC14-7), output signals from IC output pins actuate the respective motor phases one after another to drive the motor, Also the motor power control signal ftom the CPU enters the same IC, so that an "L"Jevel signal, for instance, acts onthe motor to decrease its power. Incase of erroneous operation of the CPU, a fail-safe circuit ouside the CPU eauses braking force tosop te mote sv iieeaten face | ism] a a [= 7 ae loo Cc cru AND circuit sCteock jovorr 4 BY power vr ce a Ea oe [- s09.95002 ‘App 9612 tot Prepared in Bes, 1996 Ta ‘This circuit prevents the power switch from chattering. It is also provided with an ON/OFF delay circuit giving a delay time of approx. 0.5 second when power is turned ON snd approx. 2 seconds of elay when tumed OFF, Power supply is eat off also by a low-voltage shutdown signal from the CPU jie (ae. FEE" fe ORIG dy rs and nas ach oreo © ® ° ol gt a a che, I [ 7 fl 4 A 4 J ‘Wen poner wich is posbod a — — SS eee] ese | C5228 tap dite Cuipt dat signal fom he CPU tothe LED driver cases the LED display lamps light Incase of enoneus operation of the CPU, a failsafe crcl ouside the CPU causes the wing fd lamps (econ, sey empty, low bay, an plangelc disengned light le BIefe8) 1 ## “] PPP? C oar 2 Seah Bey aie Reman ‘ss0p-ono002 “Applicable lots] {setae Prepared in Das, 1996 driv Buzzer driving signal and volume signal ae sent othe buzzer from the CPU. In case of erroneous operation ofthe CPU, a fil-sfe circuit outside the CPU causes the buzzer to sound atthe maximum volume, regardless of setting of buzzer volume, ele >] ume BEL sigs Wolune BEL signal exieue cou [Volume BELS signa See Poe use sounding seal ae q - Execral Enerat fein by ese cor a clog si 5-15 C 522.10 Motor rotation detestion circu ss08-98002 ‘Appheable ow ede Prepared in Bee, 1996 Rotation of the motor is detected by a shading plate attached tothe motor snd a photo interrupter on the rotation detecting board. Stating pate Ww WoW Mace Prot iterapor Coat oxo actos For occlusion detection, an increase in syringe inner pressure is detected as Joad imposed on the slider. Stain gape crt on AD conversion termin “a Amplifiaton cet mar] [Ero Fee [Roreat resswite} [on ie ‘The diagram below shows the state of data found insde the CPU at four differeat values of load imposed on the slider: Adjustment values (I, 5, 9 kgf) and value F. ND vale Es o J ant a 89 cS sco? ‘Applcabe fis 9612 ot. Prepared in Bes, 1058 52.212 Svringe and nearly empty detection circuit Syringe and nesely empty are detected with the voliage divider of a potentiometer and the resulting data (a ratio of voliages proportional tothe rato of resistance) enters the CPU at A/D por. The nearly empty alarm is made when nealy empty decreases to approx. 0.5 mL for 10 mL. syringe and to approx. 1 mi for other syringes 2 T Syringe a wo cu cn “a AD conven erat 7 fERROM] [EPROW ellen sear Re erro eatrie} [ony ‘The diagram below shows the state of data processing at he diferent values: Adjustment values (15, 30 mnie) and Terumo 20 ml. syringe recognition range. ADva _ I 7 ral | | 3 Poin and) aa | soem ee oe as Syringe outer dia. a ‘ss09-9B000 ‘Applicable lie 9612 ot Prepared in Bes, 1996 ‘52.213 Setting dial and switch ctreuits (2) Setting dal cizeuit, Rotation of the seting dil is detected, andthe set vale is ineeased or decreased as necessry, by the magnets inside the seting dial and two magnetc-sensiive elemens (phase diffeence 90°) 0a the seting dial board, ‘To prevent erroneous operation, the set value is kept unvaried inthe range of approx. 180fter star of rotation by an insensitive zone. 8 N td S N ay N s eve recogtion N ery N feogicn s N N s N s N 2 a Uae” a A | Seats N 8 Vai s N s N | Rese Stmeot A (2) Swine circuit ‘When a switch button is pushed on the main board (S808-1EAO1), switch data output enters the (CPU and the switch circuit detects which buton is pasha. [Each port ofthe CPU is usually at "H" level as far asthe switch button coresponding tothe port is not pushed, Pushing a button causes the relative port to tn to "L" level, allowing the CPU to ‘iscrminat te button pushed from others. 002 “Applicable ou 9612 t= Prepared in Des, 1996 ‘$2.2.14 Computer interface and nurse-call circuits (1) Computer interface cirenit For deals, refer tothe specification forthe extemal computer interface function Using the extemal computer interface (RS-232C or RS-485), you are able to confirm the sytinge ‘Size, acting state, various alarming state, preset dose mode, and Body weight mode. ‘The pump is connected to an extemal medical monitor with @ line composed of thee wires: two data wires anda ground wire. No contol signal is exchanged. Dus Dus | Exteresi media! Soringe pump |__Duss_ ‘Geound | mente ‘The pump does not transmit data unless it reccives an order from the external. (There is 90 possiblity of socalled "spontaneous ffuence.") For reliability and safety of data, data check per bit is made by nibble reverse method.” (nibble = bits) ven if evo or more pumps are used or if there is mixing with other devices, each pump can be iscriminated ftom others by setting ID numbers (2-digt unit number and digit product number) In ease where proper connecting cables are not available in the market, i i necessary to have ‘em made to order by the cable maker or the medical monitor maker. 5-20 509 95002 ‘Applicable ats 9612 ot Prepared in Dee, 1996 ‘When it is necessary to change the flow rts, etc. extamally for parposes of pump inspection and 59 on, make enable the entry of computerinterface mode setting by refering to section 4.4 "Special function seting mode." For necessary commands, se the table below, ‘Communication Protocol For detils, refer to "Compute interface protocol" packed i the unit box, 1) Change the variables of the main unit. * No change i allowed ster starting. scomad a ‘asia commands | OOK | Chage of fom mis orm | chang ode se oH | Chang of Sdy ig Cant | Cage ofa veh 4H | Change of sstoo vine O_| Change of sve ini C fom Toit] 2s Dore: 10 cine ea ie specifi vate Otters Ones st ges te seine vale ‘Trani shadow poe Ds 2) Change the status ofthe main unit. "Command oom “¢ Awuliry commande 20H, Seats is changed ‘Date oH Toye OF START, OSH: STOP/SLENCE the request is accepted in citer ease of (1) and (2), the response "0" will be retumed, and if not accepted the response "I" willbe retumed. Cc (2) Norse-calleireut ‘ssos-9B002 “Applicable Ios 9612 ot Prepared in Dee, 1998 In case of alam, the contact point ofthe relay inside the pump wil close for about 5 seconds to generate anurse-all Note: Use seapacity not exceeding 1A (12VDC). 3s. 98002 “Applcsbe ia 9612 ot- repured in Bes, 1396 ‘52.215 Liquid crystal display (LCD) circuit Presence or absence of LCD is detected at CPU post PO. ‘When the connector is coupled, since this terminalis connected to the ground inside the LCD ‘module, the level is tured fo "L” and the LCD (presence) is detected, ‘At port POT, ON/OFF signal is output othe backlight of LED. + [fe smh pos} EODPrenctAtense 6 2.4.5 J sign wie LCD PresenctAbsence ny Por 1 Back ight 5-23 09-9002 “Applicable at 96121 Prepared in Dee, 13S 16 Plunger/clu A lightshielding plate next tothe feed nut, which is actusted by clutch operation . and photo interrupter on plunger / clutch disengagement board detects the plunger clutch disengagement. £7 gear abet “KE wu Ww 5-04 5.3 Mechanism systems 31 Structure ‘ss09-28002 “Applicable at 9612 et Prepared in Dee, 1986 ‘Name Components Typical function Driving | Deiving stem unit SEAS snit | coher pans inclded> | Driver skate + Power tansmission | Motor unit FAS ame ‘Rotation detecon board SLANG | on detection ' Occlusion detection unit O5EAt4 oot coration ‘Nearly empty detetion unit Skat) eee eee ‘*Plungevcltch disengagement detection | * Neavly empty position detection unit (OSEAN) - | Slee? | Slider unt @6EASIOH + Syringe plunger Holding/Pashing Clutch | slider coversO6bASiieS 1 Feed screw & feed aut Comestion/Release Clamp | Clamp univ@otasoag— + Syringe holding Syringe | Syringe detection unt @5EROSS- + Syringe size detection detector ‘ss09-98002 ‘Applicable te 3612 ot Prepared in Des, 1996 ‘$32 Description of operation 53:24 Driving system unit ‘The driving unitis composed ofthe motor unit, gearing, fed screw, feed nut, pipe shaft, rotation Aetection board, occlusion detection unit and nearly empty deteeion unit (Driver and motor uit Rotation ofthe motor causes the motor-attached gearing and feed screw to tum. The feed mut in ‘mesh with te fed serew causes linear movement ofthe sides. (2) Rotation detection board Rotation ofthe motor is detected by the combination ofa shading pate attached tothe motor and photo interrupter for rotation detection. Since the shading plate is perforated, light beam to the photo intemupter passes the shading plate ‘ntermitteatly with taming ofthe shading plate as far asthe motor is in normal rotation, In case where an error occurs in rotation ofthe motor, however, light beam fas to pass the shading plate at regular intervals, making an alarm and causing a the pump te stop (@) Occlusion detection unit Ifthe Infusion line is occluded, «presse wil be transmited tothe feed serew which delivers thet ‘ressure as load to the strain gauge attached tothe serew end ‘The stain gauge usually Keeps an equilibrium. Once a occlusion state occurs, however, the equilibrium i lost and the oselusin i detected, (4) Neary empty detection uit A projection locating close to the feed nut moves the linear positon sensor of the nealy empty (for Asia) [connector C eosin Jamaxis | fostasetieeton Europe) 1-5 ie ‘113 Detaching the upper and lower case units ‘ss09.98002 Applicable os 36 (2) Withdraw 8 screws (pan-bead, M410) together with packings, [Panteaa 7 |Mea0 Sc pac SS lestasie (@) Detaching the upper and lower case wnits together by pulling the lower cage unit so that it makes ‘an ae of swing. During removal take care not to apply excessive fension tothe cables inside te pump body. [Uppercase unt exclusive i TEASTIN(@SRASSHAS TessiLoreecaserney Tees 2creKkESOH (@) Remove the ground ‘nits from each other and remove the case-seal rubber ‘Note:_An occlusion detection unit isin the opening ofthe upper-case unit, Absolutely avoid to aching screws (W sems M4x6) fom CN6 oa the power supply board ‘and CNS on the main board, and ffom the driving unit. Separate the upper-case and lower-case Powersupply board oy Diving system unit [Wsems Mx [Witt anic able sssy T16 leoctansades [Case seal rubber [esis ‘L1d Disassembling the ower caseunit ca ing the power-supply board sss09.28002 Applicabie Tis 9612 ot- Prepared ines, 1996 (0) Disconnect the connectors CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4 and CN7 CND from the power-supply bot, Power soppy board So lene @) Remove 6 screws (tapping serew, MBXI0) fs Aisconnect the connector CNS. Detach the power ening the power-supply bosrd, cut the te, and supply board from the lower case ne i ah ig 7.14.10) — ‘stor : stheck for completinn of discharee, 8509-98002 ‘Applicable [oe 1142 Removing the AC inlet (1). Remove 2 serews (Bind serew, M3X10) fastening the AC inlet and push the AC inlet into the case inside. Separate the AC inlet from ts packing Bind 2MBA0 Aci Packing for AC inlet (eostvaceey— ‘ss09-9B002 “Applicable lis 3612 oe Prepared in Des, 1996 C L143 Removing the DC jack unit (1) Remove 2 screws (Bind sorew, M310) fastening the DC jack unit and push the unit upward ‘Separte the DC jack unt from its pecking. Fig 7.1.430) [DC jack Screw Bind, 2-M3%10) Faker i [DC jack onie a AA Removing the fuse (1). Take of the fase caver and remove the feses (FSI, FS2). FSi Fs2 Fuse Gis mA) pasiaees ‘$s09-98002 “Applicable os 9612 le. Prepared in Dos, 1956 ‘ss09.9B002 Applicable at 9612 ot= Prepared in Dee, 1956 tech the buzzer wait rom the lower ese Barna Bazzer ‘ssu9-9B002 [Appiable lows) 56120 Prepared in Des, 1996 C 7.146 Removing the nurse-call board and RS232C board (2) Takeoff the computer interface connecter dust cover. (@) Remover the cap covering the mut © The cap bonded to the nut with silicone adhesive needs breaking 10 remove it. The broken cap cannot be re-used and, therefore ‘must be replaced with new one, Remove tis cap by | forsaking t | foricna niger. = [Past cover Fig. 7.14.6(1) ‘a (Co © Remove 2heragon mas and ekg spacers nuts, [exagon mat @] rocking spacer 98002 “Applicable oe 9612 ot in Dec, 1956 Unscrew the nurse-call locking nut, disconnect the connector CNIS and CN21 on the computer Iterface board, and detach the nurse-all board, Norse-callecking nat | (6) Remove tapping screw M36 fastening the computer interface board, and detach the computer terface board. [Comparer incrtace oa ® Tapping screw screw Max @. a: Norse call boardoRSDI0C [Connector pat board @5LAaF5- ) ‘$s09.98007 “Applicable om $612 lot- Prepared in Dee, 1996 AS Disassembling the upper ease unit 18.1 Removing the main board (1) Disconnect the connectors CN3 and CN1I from the main board, MBs Fig. 7.15.10) Tels 3809-98002 “Applicable 1 3612 Prepued in Des, 1956 = ‘Ss (@) Tilting the main board toward you and gradually easing it, disconnect connector, CN4, CNS, (CNT, CNS, CN9, and CN1O, and detach the main board from the uppercase, [ons exe Maia board festsose Fig. 7.15.15) ss0p.9n002 Appice] 9612 ot= Prepared in Dos, 1996 Removing the indicator unit (1), Remove 2 serws (tapping screw, M24) and detach the indicator uni from the upper case Prepping serew amas indicator wat [eseaceey sso. [Apples ass —] 9612 it C 148.3 Removing the LCD (TE-312 only (Q) Disconnect the flexible cable from connector CN on the main board, Main board [Nyloa iver ee © Raeson set ii) fea te ene ie fan oe 9 spate be LD om te main board “Applicable os Removing the hoot and slider uni (1) Take off the Boot holder pate from the upper case inside, (@) Before removing the slider cove, put back the lower case unit (which hes been separated from the Upper one in Para, 7.1.3) onto the uppercase unit. Grasp and press the clutch to open the clamp lever, and remove the sider cover fixing serews (fat-heed, M2.5%S), Slider cover Flathead, M2 ss 19 308.9800 ‘Applicble faze) 9612 et Prepared in Dee, 1956 (@) With the clutch hold lghly and the plonger tet in depressed, pull the slider cover up to remove it fod cach Pall slider righ. coverup. [Depress plunger erection pin. Slider [Bracke [W seme M8 Slider uae HeSeasioe 9002 “Applicable foe 9612 ot Prepured in Das, 156 is (5) Remove the boot fom the slider [Siider oa osiasie) $508.98002_ secom ASS Removing the drive wnit (1) From the drive unit, disconnect the grounding wire (cable assy T10) leading to the syringe detecting unit FW seme MaKe [Wiatenie CABLE ASSY TIO Hostess 2) Remove 4 serews fastening the drive unit to the upper ease (W sems, 2-Méx, 2-Méx10) and etach the unit. 1a ‘ss0s-9B002 ‘Applicable et 551 et Prepared in Dee, 1596 Phongeiciar disengagement detection detection uit ae [sea unk ha Rotation Driver detection board Motor unit || OSRAS i 7 unitand rotation detect hoard face down, ssop.9B002 ‘Applicable fot] Prepared inex, 1956 {6 Removing the rotation detection board (1) Cutthe cable tet loosen the cables. (Pease take care when carrying out this procedure) board Rotation detection board fase FW seme MKS Rotation detection bosrd 3508-98000 “Applicable os 9612 Iot- Prepared in Des, 1995 Cus: ‘Removing the nearly empty detection unit (1) Remove screws (Pan-hesd, 2-MiI.6) and spring washers (2-MLL7) fastening the neatly empty etection unit to the diver and detach the unit, ‘Note: When taking off the linear position sensor, he careful neither to apply excessive tension ta ‘thesoring nor to appy.undue stress tothe cable soldered part and slide pin, Pan‘iead serowr 2 MIS Spring washer: 2-ML7 Pan-head sere 2M1.6 Spring washer: M7 [Linear postion Spring Nearly empry detection unit 09-9B002 “Applicable ows 9512 ot Prepared in Dee, 1396 Cy cunt (1) Seeure shield plate with fingers, remove the screw (bind, M2.5x4 and spring washer M26), taking care not ro bend the shield plate. Detach the siald plate from the metor, Spring washer M26 Bind MS 8809-98000 [ Applicable a Leste Prepared in Des, 1996 (2) Remove the screws (Sems, 2: MSx18) fastening the motor and detach the motor from the driver. (Coating clip. fi Motor unit Oats Seme -aaaxis ‘ss09-sBo02 “Applicable os 1159 Removing the occlusion detection unit ‘Note:_The disassembly. work described in this paragraph shauld be performed.only by a erson ‘hat has heen qualified competent by special training, {Never tamper sith the volume on the occlusion detection hoard. which has heen f ae (2) Remove the serews (hexagon-socket head capscrew, M3x8) fastening the ccclusion detection unit snd detach the unt from the driver [Removing tis screw (one side only) makes i possible to separate tbe occlusion detection unit fom ne driver. win anit CABLE ASSY Te ae [Ozctusion detection unit Cowen Fig, 7.15.92) ss09.95002 [Aggie ee) 9612 ot Prepared in Dee, 1596 detection unit C y410 Renoig be net den we seer (ioagon slat had tlt 2MIN67) fasenog te phe Re Aiseagagement detection unt and detach the unit from the driving system unit, Wa wait cable assy TS fps fPungericturet Hexagon socket fisenssement | pea ok ction boa 2MaxFE hosts Plangeichuch disengagement detection wait Fig. 7.15102) Prepared in Baz, 1556 C1511 Removing te sine dteion mi (Remove the sorews (tapping screw, MBX) fastening the syringe detection unit. Sliding the syringe detection unit sideward, draw the slide pinout ofthe joint meter. Tinear position Tapping screw, M38 bocce ee, Syringe detection v Joint meer a Sige the unit - sidewardto remove, Ste pin Syringe detection unit C 715.12 Removing the damp unit (1) Remove the Bing and detach the joie meter and spring. Fig. foint meter Exing ‘ss09.98002 [Clamp wait (clamp Spring 809 96002 ‘Applica io 9612 oe Prepared in Das, 1556 board (2). Remove the setting dial board mounting screw" (tapping Screw, M8) and the board holder, * In the case of a setting dial board bonded to the upper case with adhesive (eg. KE-A8), frst remove the adhesive, (Remove the seting-dial board while pushing it aginst the board mounting serew lead on the upper cae. lig. 713.150) board holder C US me 08 90002 “Applicable oe 9612 ot Prepared in Dee, 1956 C 12 Reassembling procedure “The procedure for reassembling the TE-311/312 is described below. When performing reassembly, follow the sequence ofthe reassembling flow chart. ‘When handling the pars of appearance-important, such asthe upper and lower cases, lay them on soft material such as polishing cloth and perform reassembly work catefilly not to deteriorate the ualty of surface caused by scratching, (Reassembling low chart] (Reassembling of uppercase unit) 724 Installing the setting dial board 724A [F Iostaling the clamp vit 212 Installing the syringe detection unit 7213 Installing te plungercluch disengagement detection unit 7.2.14 Tnsaling tbe ovelusion detection unit 7213 Installing the motor unit 72.16 Cc Insalling the nearly empty detection unit 72.17 Insaling the rotation detection board 7218 [LBislliag he dive ni 7219 Installing the boot and sigeruxit ——] 72.10 Installing the LCD 724i Installing the indicator uit 724.12 Installing the main board 72413 (Reassembling the lower ease unit) 722 Installing the murse-call board and RS232C bosrd 7221 Installing the buzzer 7222 Installing or replacing the fose 7223 nsaling the DC jack uit 7224 Installing the AC inlet 7225 Installing the power-supply board 1226 ‘Uniting the upper and lower eases 7123 Achustng the plunger disengagement pesiion 124 ‘Mounting the battery 125 C ting the dil unit 126 romp body C121 Ressembngatumer aul (1) Tastal the seting dial board with ts connector side up. With the board pushed against the upper case, fasten the board holder with serew (tapping sorew, M38) spree Baath IM3x8 (#) le 7 oat Cc bos Serew ied of] © per ease 1 Seting dial board (@SLARBE 309.9002 Applicable ai 9612 Iee- Prepared in Des, 1998 C 171212 Installing the clamp unit (2) Purthe clamp into the upper ease, (2) Putin he spring end joist meter. Fix them with an E-ing aking ere to hold down joint meter to prevent it from springing ott, (Clamp ©] fE-ing | Foint «| [Notes Let the joint meter fae a2 illustrated below. [Spring Clamp ani OoEASeoy | '8809.98002 “Applcabie To 56 Prepied in Dee, 15S ‘12.1.3 Installing the syringe detection unit (2) Attach the grounding wire (CABLE ASSY 715) othe syringe detection unit mounting bracket with serew (Sems, M3x6). Put the linear position sensor slide pin into the groove in the joint ‘meter and fi the syringe detection unit othe uppercase with sorew (lapping serew, MX8), After installation, fx the screw with thread lock cement Ieetite adhesive [Winton IcaBLE assy Tis actssaan- Syringe detection unit estas fapping crew seme MG M38 U ssoospoor __ ‘Applicable at 9619 ot Prepared in Dee, 1056 ‘22.4 Installing the plunger/clutch disengagement detection un (Install the plungesflutch disengagement detection unit tothe driving system unit with serows (exagon socket head bolt: M3x6FE) as illustrated below, with the helpof the detection unit ‘mounting jg. Then, fx the screws with thread lock cement /lctite adhesive, For installation, pattie bottom face of phox-interrperof plunged! clutch disengagement detection boar against the ji Pungereltch disengagement detection board Hexagon socket head bol 2-M3x6rE Prangevturch disengagement detection unit (OSLA494) Plungeichieh disengagement ection unit installation jig (ora feeler gage of 7.6 mm in height) 37 ‘$s09-98002 “Applicable 6G 9512 Io- Prepared in Des, 1556 121.5 Installing the occlusion detection unit ‘Note: The reassembly work described in this paragraph should be performed only by a person ‘Moat has been qualified competenth by spasial training, (2) Attach the occlusion detection unit with serew (hexagon-socket-head capscrew, M3) so thatthe projection on the feed screw side pressure plate aligns with the recession in the occlusion detection unit, ‘Osclasion detection board ani] @ Presa plate J HAN trae plate eed serew Pressure bashing Pressure bushing ever | [Note: Take care-io keep this cable free fromstress, FF Occlusion detection unit 05s) ‘ss09.98002 { Appliabt oe: | s612 te oped nD, C7246 tnsatne te motorunit ‘Note: ‘The resassembly work described inthis paragraph should be performed only by a person shat has been qualified competenth by spacial traning, (1) Mount she motor une with sezews (Sems, 2 the motor. -M3x18) so that the cable is located othe let side of t——[ Coating clip $— [otor o Sems SMBS @) Fig. 72.160) (@) Align the D cut ofthe gearhead with the shield plate and set the shield plate with secew (Bind, M2.Sx and spring washer M2.6). A‘ter installation, fx the the serew with thread lock cement / loctve adhesive, [Align with Dow Shield pine @ ¢ Fig. “Applicable lo 95 Prepared in Dec., 1996 Spring washer M26 @) Bind MOS «| Fig. 72.160) [Motor unit OSA ssos.no0 “Applcble ft 59612 Iot- Prepuedin Des, 1958 22.1.1 Installing the nearly empty detection unit (2) Paton the ap tthe linesr positon sensor side pin and then install the spring. [Gap De cach nora asta upside down). [Seng Seasar 808-98000 _ pliable ot 98 Prepared in Dos, 1556 (2) Sette spring at the spring hook onthe diver, Gradually pulling the liner position sensor against spring force, locate the linear postion sensor in place with serews (pan-hesd,2-MI.6x3) snd spring washers (2-MI.7), After installation, fx the screws with thread lock cement, Dever jess Spring book Parchead serow 2MLSS [Spring washer. 2-ML7 Tinear position sens Fig. : Nearly empey detection unit, Ceo ‘ss09.98002 “Applicable fo {st2tor= Prepwed in Des, 1996 C1218 stant aon detection bord (Q) Install the rotation detection board with serew (W sems, M3XS) so thatthe shield plate is centered With the photo interuptor, After installation, fix the serews with thread lock cement / loci adhesive. [Rotation dereoon board [W sems MK Rotation detection board [dashes Wirt vat CABLE |ASSY TT (Shieta piste Photo ineeopior C sss0s.9n000 ‘Applable ok 9612 et Prepared inDes, 1956 7.21.9 Installing the drive unit () Extend the grounding wire (CABLE ASSY T0), from the syringe detection uni, om the upper case as shown in 7.2.19(1), [Wit wait CABLE] ASSY TIO Nacuacenead (©) Then, extend the cable coming from the nearly empty detection unit taking eae not to jam it between the upper case and diving uni Install th driving unit inthe upper case with screws (W sems, Mab, 2-Méx10) and fix the Screws with thread lock cement /Iotiteadhesing W seme 2M [Deving oni [estas [W seme 2-Mac0 Fig. 7.2.92), sssos-on002 ‘Applicable los 9612 ot- Prepared in Dec, 1956 (@) Connect the grounding wire coming from the syringe detection vnit to the dsiving uni with serew (W sems, Mé6) and fx the serews with thread lock cement /lctte adhesin. FW seme MOS 509.9802 sabe ts Lostztox- Prepared in Dec, 1996 12,.10 Installing the boot ands (1) Sot the O-sing nd bushing in the slider unit Bushing Bushing [o-ing siider unt [o-rng Boot ss08-s5000 ‘Applicable fo 9612 ot- Prepared in De, 1956 (@) With the boot shrunk, put the slider unit onto the pipe shaft and fit the bracket with serew (W soms, M3x8), ‘Note:_He-carefulnot.fo place the upper case with ts opens > When installing the slider, keep the apper and lower cases put together as shown in the figure below. Fig. 12.1105) Bracket W sems MBE (@) Fix the boot to the Boot holder pte inside the uppercase, Fig. 72.1.106), 2 ‘Applicable ans 612 Prepared in Dee, 1956 ‘12.41 Install {CD(Only for TE-312) (2) Pat in the nylon rivets into three rivet oles from the LCD side, Leave the stays (4 mmo) set temporal ECD Pa eh [ (Say w [eniz 48 C 09.9002 “Applicable fos 9612 ot Prepied in Des, 15S (@)_ Then, push the LCD onto the head ofeach nylon rivet to mount the LCD tothe main board. Main board [rLeDwatnsas) 09 98002 “Applicable lois 96120 reputed in Dee, 1956 a. tating ie ndatarot (Q) stall the indicator unit tothe inside of the upper case with serews (tapping screw, 2M2x4), After installation, fx the sorews with tread lock cement Joctiteadhesing Tapping screw aaa indicator unit CAGE ‘ss09-onon2 “Applicable oe { 96t2 ox Prepared in Des, TDS 11.2,1.13 Installing the main board (1) Place the main bourd agains the uppercase inside such a illusteated below connect the cables to connectors CN2, CN4, CN6, CN7, CNS, CNS, and C10. vain board jen? skater [ene fone jon con [ens lene (@) Set the main board in place, taking eare to prevent the 7segment LED, ee, from geting out of| and install it with sorew (tapping screw, 9-Mf3x8). After installation, fix the serews with thread lock cement C Cc ‘sson.sno0a ‘app ser Propured in Das, 1056 (@) Tie the cables leatng to the syringe devecting unit, motor unit, cecasion detecting unit, and nearly empty detecting uit together wit ie bands, ‘ssop-an002 ‘pp setae Prepared in Dee, 1506 712.2 Reassembling the lowercase unl 7.2.21 Installing the nurse-cll board and RS232C board (1) Connect the cables to the connectors CNIS ea the RS232C board and CNIS on the nuse-call, board. Also, connect the grounding wire from the ause-all board to CN2I on the commoniation board. For the RS232C board, attach the connector and connector keep plate with lock spacers, Inert the spacers, and fasten the ts. @ Charge the caps with silicone (KE-348) and put each eap onto the nut and lock spacer thoroughly ‘Then, install the RS252C board with serew (P-ight, M36) and fx the sorew with thread lock: er \ oo charging vith silicone rock pacer | Caner eataeboa ad sepa | Sracer @) [Tapping sevow MOXG ® 722.10) Ls6t2 tot Prepared in Dee, 1996 Never wipe off overtiowing silicone 2) Install the nurse-call board with th urse-calllocknot [Norse-cal focknat @ [i Narse-cal board and RSDS2C board (Oskkatey Fig. 722.16) C 22 Installing the buzzer (2 Install the buzzer unit (OSLASOM) to the lower ease as illustrated below with serews (P-tight 2 Prox), Fix the screws with thread lock cement. [Buszer [sts 135 12.23 Installing or replacing the fuse ‘ssv9-9B002 ‘Applicable ow 9512 Prepared in Dee, 1996 (1) Check the fuse for blowing out before installation (FS1 and FS2: visual inspection; FS and FSS: continuity ts). Ifnot blown ou, install the fase and then the fuse coves. FSS(315mA) Fuse (or board soles) a FS3(2a) [Fase cover [Fuse G15 may [eernese— 1-56 ‘ssos-9B002 C 7.2.24 Installing the DC jack unit (1). Attach the DC jack tothe mounting plate FTo be sided up during installation a | 7 = \ a a @) Ce) Fitthe moaming pate end packing toetierto the lower case wit crems bind, 2M). After insallaion x the srews wit thread lock cemen inside) Bina SS “ [i DC jack uninseaara ssos.gnoo2 ‘Appicsble {sst2 te Prepared ines, 50 [aC inter (OsLa33e) Packing for AC inlet Fig. 72.2.5) [OSL.A30) (@) Fitthe AC inlet with ts ground terminal down to the inside of lower case and fix it with serews (bind, 2-M3%10) from the outside. After installation, fix the serews with thread lok cement (inside Bind 2 MoaI0 ig. 72250) 1-58 ( C 1.22.6 Installing the power-supply board (Extend the battery cable and grounding wires (rom the RS252C board and the diving pat) (520 mm) neatly on the lower case and leave the end of them put together as shown in figure below. (CABLE ASSY TIS [ABLE ASSY T6 [CABLE ASSY Ts (@ Pass two grounding wies through in front of and the battery cable atthe back ofthe power-supply board fastening screw lead, After connecting the batery cable to connector CNS, install the power-supply board with serews (tapping screw, 6-M3%S), taking care not to jam the cables ‘After installation, fx the screws with thread lock cement. CABLE Assy 74 ons “+ Lowercase Screw lead Sr P grounding wires sssup.gpo02 [ Applicabe fos 9612 lot- | Brepued in Des, 1056 C (@)_ Connect the connectors CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4 and CNT, CNS, [ENT * Take cate notto tense the Somnector lead fons a [ex xT SES Fig. 122.63) (After fixing the power-supply board, ie two grounding wires and the battery cable together with tie hand and fix the tied-up cables with coating clip. Sto the battery cable connector eave it put C into the battery housing util it is connected to the battery later on [Coating clip Tie band { Applicable fom] 512) Prepared in Des, 1996 2.3 Uniting the upper and lower eases (1) Connect the grounding wire from the lower case unitto the deve unit with serew (Sems, MAD%6) Sems Maes wi nik CABLE assy Ts Hesntsades (@ Placing the upper-case unit and lower-case unit as shown in figure below, engege the projection of ase seal robber withthe recess of lower case on both right and left sides, and connect the main board cable connector (CN2) othe power-supply board connector (CN) Uppercase unit exclusive for HTE¥311N¢ [TEs31 1Ceaeesoney dear * robber [resi2c toetasene [esr Ms 32) [Lower eae unit, TEe31IN@sLasaon.) Fig. 72. Witt wnt on CABLE assy Ts | |TEsS1IC(@sLAsiean) ockasae [TEss12creeassae| om 9 98000 “Applicable foe 9512 ot- Prepued in Das, 1956 (@) Connect the RS232C board cable tothe connector CNS, WT it = CABLE assy T12 Fig. 72.36) ae (9) Join the upper and lower cases together, taking care to prevent cables from being jammed between the upper and lower case units or in the mounted parts, and fasten the case unit with screws (pan- ‘head, $-Mbc0) and sew packings First tighten 4 inside serews in the diag iagonat order. n, tighten 4 remaining serews in the eo [Packing for screw a Fig. 7.2.48) 3s09.98000 [ Appicabe fis 9612 lot Prepared in the plunger di 3 position (2) Remove the slider cover , and grasp the clutch to project the plunger / clutch ditengagement Move the slider unit comes inno contact withthe syringe, Fig. 7.34.35) 308.9002 Prepared in Des, 1096 (2) Set the occlusion pressure and Slow rate to the values shown in table below and start the pump ‘until an aterm oceurs Syringe size] _Occhision | Flow rate set value ] Occlusion detsction fomL) __|pressureset value] (m/h) (KPa) ({Ketiem’)) 01 30 33.4 80.0 0.58-0.82) 3) Make sure thatthe value of pressure at which a occlusion alarm ovcurs is within the specified If any out-of ange occlusion pressure is found, perform readjust given in 3:3 Adjusting the occlusion detection function according tothe procedure 7-84 ‘ss09-o8002 “Applicable ats 5612 ot Prepared ia Dec, 1996 [5 tnouniasioomNG > "eh ch easing cr eo wl rou cope wih sth wich ay enn de pt Ifyou 1d any problem not covered by the following charts, contact TERUMO. ‘Troubleshooting flowchart Remedy Fmay—] _. © [See woabieshooing panne eeeee eee ennne ee eed for each problem eS ‘Dzone AC sable: Witoot sing rage pope clue to move ser Sider ook does no pa right ne Sider does ot nove ‘ss09-o002 [ Appiable ors 3612 et. Prepared in Deo, 1996 BE fseeroior 2 Trowbeshoting gud. 2 Trotatooting gue, Conse AC power ct Bane" lmps do aa ih st ait tener AC ete sonnet, ox BE secnoaor ——} £2 Trouleshooing pie ‘Prepared in Des, 1956 RD Towbleshotig ite ish [POWER] switch to sup power. No power is apoio BEM Jsecrc20r 2 TraBltotng pide 82 Troubleshooting is, {2 Troblathoting pie. i “62 Troabesooing gus, ssop.9n00 “Applicable Prepared in Dee, 556 seNosor 1 Trbethoing mie 82 Tebletocting site Sie Noo of 32 Towbeshotg ide 09-98 Applicable ats 961200 Prepared in Bes, 1956 ves fe 1 Trablasooing eit, faltoblnk See No of ter ange ilo Bi 12 Troatarhosting sie, Sie No.of Bunz falls sand 2 Toubeshotng gid. ——___ See Noa3of| 1 EF Meow guide (eck {ACIDC} a or lisng ACID mp Ee em (Check hat "Flr pay notes 04" ves See None of| ED Trubathowting gue, No "06 isindcae, EEE serosa OK (E3Iz on) Sits) ONE oie approx 2 LCD dpe des nour (0 ON, or. ED Trobiethooting ite, Sie Noa of lamps for bikie ves 3509-98002 ‘Applicable Its Lgiziot= Prepared in Dee, 1996 Sse No.16of SeeNoa of 12 Treablethoting eid. ‘ss09-oB002 ‘Applicable at 9612 Ie Prepaid in Des, 1956 (Check forbanry ation moe, 1 segmen) spay doesnt See Nos of 12 Trowlesooing ede, (Teai2on) Check LCD backlight fr ogo. Sie Noad et LED bake fle got, 2 Trowbecooting eds, CConect DC pone spy ves {ACIDC} tmp ils of 32 Troubleshooting guide, ssop-20002, Appliabl ai 9612 et. Propaed ine, 1956 (one switch cannot be ted ONDE ox See No22 of 152 Trobieshonng guide ‘Sets desired flow mie with sein Gi ial stared abou a sl rataton, ox “Wen il itened gay rere fom nama 2 Troubleshooting nike ‘See Noa of 82 Treblestoning gue. ‘ssup-oB002 Perm bse volume selon. SeoNo2t of 2 Trowlesootg ie a ox c BE fsccxoaser Syringe detection canet be ade pepe >——4 $9 ealehooing guide Seta dese seine and aw ae nd wi for a 2 Towbleshotng guide 8-10 | Push (START sch ove a ep (PURGE) eich puted contin, Nosepurge ie mae “Tagh spurge ie ade, operon sion puna fae oe, Pallup singe clamp during ing. “Syne sno sem der ound ox ssos-99000 ‘Appieabl a Prepared in Dec, 1956 ‘Sie Noa? of See NoaT of 2 Treblaotng sie. See NoaT of 2 Teoubleshocng ie see oat or 2 Treblestonting gd, ‘ssus-9B002 [Applicable oa] S612tet— Prepared in Dee, 1556 Sop tam sun by psig [STOPISILENCE] toe and wat for 2 mine Sie N20 of 2 Trowbeshoing pie ‘Wola sounds psn afer ape of2 uate. 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Alarms and Error Messages ‘Alarms and errr messages are desiled below. any abnormal state such as shown inthe following is found, take necessary setion, refecting to ‘he Insrution manual, Computer interface protocol, and "8, Troubleshooting” ‘831_Alarms and cautions ‘Alarm oF caution Description Syringe dislocated alarm | Occurs ifthe syringe ges ou of place during syringe pomp operation Ocdlasion alarm ‘Oceuss ifthe sider is subjected to overload due to occlusion in the infusion line, ‘Occur ifthe solution in the syringe as been exhaused to@ limit, ‘Oceuts ithe syringe pur builtin battery as discharged 10 @ Trait ‘Occurs wien standby sat continues for 2 minates or more until *Seart” switch is pushed (Oceurs if the alarm involved isnot reset within 2 minutes ater the "Stop\Silenee”swite is pushed to stop the buzzer. Delivery-end caution (Oceurs when the preset delivery limit eached. Plunges/eluteh Aiseagagement alan (Oceursif the syringe plunger isnot set properly or the clutch is disengaged during operation. 8-36 ie “Appliab {96121 Prepared in Des 1556 8.32 Brror messages Error No. En 1 CPURAMRegister ear 2 CPU (ROM) ecror 3 ‘Motor rotation erce 3 EPROM enor 8 Switch enor 3 [Rotary switch err (optional) 10 ‘Communication port error (communication with battery-supervisory 1G) 1) + Contents of Er 9¢ Exor No, Enor E91 ‘The STOP switch is not kept pressed when the POWER switch is pushed to select the troubleshooting mode. E92 ‘The STOP switch isnot kop presied when the POWER switch is pushed 0 select the special funtion seting made. EFS ‘The STOP switch is not Kop prested when the POWER switch is pushed to select the adjustment mode. E98 ‘The STOP switch isnot kep pressed when the POWER switch is pushed 0 select the computer interface and ID No. setting mode, E95 ‘The STOP switch is not kep pressed when the POWER switch is pushed 0 seloct the initialization of Z'PROM, E95 ‘The STOP switch isnot kept presied wh select the aging mode the POWER switch is pushed 0 Tir ven if ACIDG is Kept in conseotion, Erl0 may appear bec ge of lacking im battery charge When power switch is timed on after the pump has not been used for along time. Recharging the ‘battery for about 5 minates willbe effective to prevent E110 from recuting. Recharging the battery without fil, referring to the "Periodic check-up and rep battery section inthe instruction manu

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