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General Mathematics Project (MATH JOURNAL)

Title: Learning Guide to General Mathematics

 Demonstrate your understanding of the following concepts and give one (1) example.
(Examples must not be found in the module, but you can use examples during
discussion if nagtake down notes mo. No sharing of notes! )
Module reference:
 Definitions and concepts can be printed, but examples should be handwritten.
 You can use recycled notebooks. Be resourceful.
 Initial Checking 50/50 - January 04, 2023 (Quarter 1 lessons)
 Final Checking 50/50 – February 03, 2023 (Quarter 2 lessons)
Note: Math notebook used for taking notes is different from this Math journal project.

Table of Contents
Quarter 1 Lesson
 Functions and Relations
 Evaluating Functions
 Operations on Functions
 Composition of Functions
 Piecewise Functions
 Define Rational Functions
 Rational Functions, Equations and Inequalities
 Solving Rational Equations and Inequalities (Steps)
 The domain and range, x and y intercepts, horizontal and vertical asymptotes of rational
 One to one Function and Inverse Function
 Property of an Inverse Function
 The domain and range, x and y intercepts, horizontal and vertical asymptotes of inverse
 Define Exponential Functions
 Exponential Functions, Equations and Inequalities
 Solving Exponential Equations and Inequalities
 The domain and range, x and y intercepts, horizontal and vertical asymptotes of
exponential functions
 Define Logarithmic Functions
 Logarithmic Functions, Equations and Inequalities
 Solving Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities
 The domain and range, x and y intercepts, horizontal and vertical asymptotes of
logarithmic functions
Quarter 2 Lesson
 Simple Interest and Compound Interest
 Interest, Maturity Value, Future Value, and Present Value in Simple and Compound
 Propositional logic; syllogisms and fallacies
 Operations on Propositions and Truth values of Propositions
 Conditional Propositions and its different forms
 Methods of Proof and Disproof
General Mathematics Project (MATH JOURNAL)
Title: Learning Guide to General Mathematics

Content The content is 15 / 15
extremely clear and
Organization The lessons are well 15 / 15
arranged and
creatively conveyed
Visual Representation The project exhibits 10 / 10
neatness and
Turned in on Time The project is 10 / 10
complete, shows
effort and submitted
on time

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