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Hello everyone, my name is Pham Yen Nhi , I’m from group. There are 3
people in my group. They are. Today, we will give a presentation on topic
“CONFLICT”. This is one of the most popular topics in recent times. Next, we will
research about conflicts and the issues surrounding it.

First of all, we will talk about “What is conflict?”. Conflict is defined as a

clash between individuals arising out of a different in thought process, attitudes,
understanding, interests, requirement and even sometimes perceptions. There are
many types of conflicts, such as personal conflicts, school conflicts, work conflicts
or family conflicts,... Depending on different situations, communication contexts
and nature of events, we can understand it in different meanings. So, what do you
think about the cause of the conflict? The main cause of conflict is differences in
personalities, different opinions or communication styles that lead to
misunderstandings. For example, some people hold traditional views while others
have modern views, which leads to disagreements in thinking. Or in work, many
people have ambitions to become excellent and perfect. Wanting a better position,
a more comfortable life, or more respect, they often compete with their colleagues.
Some other reasons: generation gap, privacy issues.

As you know, conflict has a great influence on everyone’life. It has both

positive and negative influences. Next, will have us better understand them.


And through Nhi’s recent presentation, you can see how much the conflict
has appeared and effected people’s lives. The first is about positive impact.

It can be seen that the conflict has great significance and role. Conflict is the
driving force and source of movement and development. It helps us to make the
right decisions and improve ourselves. In some cases, conflict can also help inspire
creativity. As organization members work together to solve a conflict, they are
more willing to share their opinions with the group.

However, conflicts can also adversely affect subjects, problems in life

causing discord, controversy, even serious conflicts if not unified and resolved.
Not only that, it also leads to reduced productivity at work, affecting health, mental
health, and even psychological problems. To help people make choices and handle
conflicts in life. We would like to offer some conflict resolution measures. Detail:


First, we can make concessions to understand each other. What can be

tolerated, should be tolerated to keep the peace of both sides.

Second, try to put ourselves in other people's shoes. It means we should

think in their angle. Cause everybody has a different living situation, no one is the
same. So if we understand and give in, conflicts can be reduced.

The next thing is control our emotions. It is necessary so as not to be

affected by anger and not to distinguish right from wrong.

Finally, we should simplify the contradictions. See conflict as a catalyst to

help you understand better, share more together.

Thank for listening!

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