Questions For ADET

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Computer programs are also referred to as =B=

a. Hardware
b. Software
c. The Brain
2. Computers do whatever we want them to do, not just those what we tell them to do =A=
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
3. ________ is an important step in the programming process in order to determine if the program
produces a correct result =A=
a. Testing
b. Debugging
c. Troubleshoot
4. ____________ is a type of programming language that uses codes similar to everyday English
and mathematical notations. =C=
a. Low level language
b. Mid-level language
c. High level language
5. What does a compiler do? =C=
a. Translates computer code from machine level to byte code
b. Translates computer code from lower-level programming language to higher-level programming
c. Translates computer code from higher-level programming language to machine code.
6. _______________ is a sequence of instructions specifying the steps needed in completing a task
a. Catalyze
b. Algorithm
c. Metrology
7. The following are words that can be used in place of “procedure” EXCEPT: =c=
a. Function
b. Module
c. group
8. Run-time errors are mostly caused by invalid data entry or tries to use non-existing resources
and occur during program execution. =a=
a. True
b. False
c. I don’t know
9. Which is not a part of the Programming Process=b=
a. Program Design
b. Securing Program
c. Program Testing and Debugging
10. Interpreters and compilers can detect semantic errors in your source codes.
a. True
b. False
c. I don’t know????
1. If your program gets an error when dividing by zero, this type of error is called? =b=
a. Syntax
b. Run time
c. Undetected
2. Which symbol is used to terminate a statement? =c=
a. . (Period)
b. : (Colon)
c. ; (Semicolon)
3. Your C program always fails to compile and has these errors. What type of errors are present?
a. Syntax error
b. Logic error
c. Run time error
5. It is a collection of data of the same type stored at contiguous memory locations. ?=a=
a. Array
b. Linked List
c. Variable
6. A number such as 45.567 needs to be stored in a variable of which data type?=c=
a. Int
b. Char
c. Double

7. Your C program was able to compile. However, the result is incorrect. What type of error is this?
a. Logic
b. Syntax
c. Batch
8. When a C program asks the user to input data using the keyboard, the program is said to be in
what mode?
a. Batch
b. Interactive
c. Preprocessor
9. Is the syntax for the following C statement correct?: scanf("%d", input); =Bb=
a. True
b. False
c. I don’t know
10. The "\n" character does which of the following operations? =c=
a. Double line spacing
b. Character backspace
c. Places cursor on the next line
11. Which of these ignores comments and are not translated into machine language. =a=
a. Compiler
b. Translator
c. Both can ignore

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