FP009 Evaluation - MR - Tefl - 2019

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The student has three opportunities to pass the subject (Ordinary call, Resit 1 and Resit 2).
The following contains information on each call. Please, read the document carefully.


The subject’s evaluation includes the following evaluation activities:



Practice activities 30 %

Assignment 70 %

It is mandatory to complete all of them to pass the subject and the minimum passing grade is
7/10. Besides, if a student has received a passing grade in the subject, they are not allowed to
resubmit evaluation activities for a better grade.

Grading scale
The subject is evaluated in the virtual campus (VC) based on a scale that goes from 0 to 10,
with a minimum passing grade of 7/10. The studies in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
are part of an interuniversity program that is offered by several universities. When the student
enrolls, they choose the university by which they will obtain the degree. If that institution
follows a different evaluation scale, the grades obtained in the VC by the student will be
adapted through a process of internal conversion to the university’s evaluation scale and
published in the student’s record (PANAL). This means that, for example, if a student obtains
7/10 in the campus but they are enrolled in a university where the minimum passing grade is
8/10, the student’s record (PANAL) will show 8/10.

Access to submit assignments and practice activities in the VC

Access to submit assignments and practice activities in the VC is not permanently open.

Students must submit both evaluation activities on the official date of delivery (the day
indicated in the academic calendar). However, the submission access in VC opens three days
before that date for those students who want to submit earlier.

Access is kept open a few days longer, but only for those students who have been granted an
extension by the professor. Assignments or test that are submitted after the deadline without this
extension (extraordinary authorization by the professor granted in advance) will not be
Practice activities in pairs (30% of the final grade):

Practice activities are a series of brief reflection exercises that must be answered in pairs. To
know what the activities consist of, see the “Practice Activities” template available in the
subject’s “Evaluation” section. The Practice Activities must respect all the formal requirements
detailed in the template. In order to submit the Practice Activities, follow these steps:

1. Click the “Practice Activities” icon (available in the subject’s “Evaluation” section).

2. Accept the submission conditions and click the “Add submission” button found in the lower
central part.

3. Next, drag and drop the practice activities’ file in “You can drag and drop files to add
them” space (in the “File submissions” section).

4. Once the file has been uploaded, click on “Save changes”.

5. To confirm the submission, click on “Submit assignment” and then “Continue”.

It is essential that students strictly follow point 5 since, if you do not, the task will be registered
as "Draft (not submitted)” and the teacher will not correct it. Students need to make sure the
status is "Submitted for grading".

In case of not following these steps correctly and, therefore, not sending the work correctly, it
will be the responsibility of the student and will have to wait for the next call to complete the

Both group members have to submit the practice activities.

Practice activities will be graded following this evaluation grid:

1. Content


0.5 points 0 points
1. Do student’s answers follow the

2. Are they completely original

(no plagiarism detected)?2

3. Do they present relevant


4. Do they reflect an adequate

understanding of the contents and
a good use of the concepts and

If the assignment does not meet this criterion, it will automatically be failed.
If the assignment does not meet this criterion, it will automatically be failed.
skills included in the subject?

5. Do they include well-reasoned


6. Does the student demonstrate

the capacity to relate information
to theory, contents and/or tasks?

7. Are the answers the result of the

student’s own criticism, not only a
repetition of the subject's material
or bibliography?

GRADE: /7,0

2. Formal aspects, bibliographic references and linguistic correction


0.25 points 0 points
1. Do the activities follow the
appropriate format and rules of

2. Are they within the length


3. Are the ideas clearly stated?

4. Is the spelling correct?

5. Does the bibliography correctly

relate to the topic?

6. Does the student properly follow

APA quotation format?

GRADE: /3,0

Group assignment (70% of the final grade):

The assignment must be done in groups (3-4 students Only those students who have justified
extraordinary circumstances to the professor may do the assignment individually. If a student
cannot hand in an assignment in pairs for a major reason, a valid proof must be presented to the
professor in order to obtain a score of 10/10. If, on the contrary, a student individually submits
the assignment without having the professor's approval, a score of 0/10 will automatically be
obtained. The ability to work in groups is one of the general skills developed in the program.
Details of the assignment are provided in the “Assignment” template available in the subject’s
“Evaluation” section and in the instructions sent to the subject forum by the teacher. The
assignment must respect all the formal requirements detailed in the template. In order to submit
the assignment, follow these steps:

1. Click the “Assignment” icon (available in the subject’s “Evaluation” section).

2. Accept the submission conditions and click the “Add submission” button found in the lower
central part.

3. Next, drag and drop the assignment file in “You can drag and drop files to add them” space
(in the “File submissions” section).

4. Once the file has been uploaded, click on “Save changes”.

5. To confirm the submission, click on “Submit assignment” and then “Continue”.

It is essential that students strictly follow point 5 since, if you do not, the task will be registered
as "Draft (not submitted)” and the teacher will not correct it. Students need to make sure the
status is "Submitted for grading".

In case of not following these steps correctly and, therefore, not sending the work correctly, it
will be the responsibility of the student and will have to wait for the next call to complete the

All group members have to submit the assignment.

On the other hand, the name of the file must be named as follows:

* The group to which the student belongs.

* The initial of the name and surnames of the students that make up the group.

* The initials of the name of the subject.

For example, with these data:

Students: Samuel López, Lucía Jiménez and Rosa Sallán

Group: 2019-06

Subject: Materials and Resources in EFL

The correct denomination would be: 2019-06SLopezLJiménezRsallán_MR

The grading of this activity will follow this evaluation grid:

1. Content


0.5 points 0 points
1. Does the assignment follow the

2. Is it completely original (no

plagiarism detected)?4

3. Does it present relevant


4. Does the student reflect an

adequate understanding of the
contents and a good use of the
concepts and skills included in the

5. Does the assignment include

well-reasoned conclusions?

6. Does the student demonstrate

the capacity to relate information
to theory, contents and/or tasks?

7. Is the assignment the result of

the student’s own criticism, not
only a repetition of the subject's
material or bibliography?

GRADE: /7,0

2. Formal aspects, bibliographic references and linguistic correction


0.25 points 0 points
1. Does the assignment follow the
appropriate format and rules of

2. Is the assignment within the

length limits?

3. Are the ideas clearly stated?

4. Is the spelling correct?

5. Is the bibliography correctly

related to the topic?

If the assignment does not meet this criterion, it will automatically fail
If the assignment does not completely meet this criterion, it will automatically fail.
6. Does the assignment properly
follow APA quotation format?

GRADE: /3,0



If the student gets a grade lower than 7/10 in the Ordinary Call, this subject is considered failed.
In such a case, the following semester he/she shall submit the evaluation activities of the resit 1
call. Re-attending the subject is not expected at all. The subject’s evaluation is carried out
through the following evaluation activities:



Assignment 70 %

Practice activities 30 %

The student shall submit the Resit activities in the semester that follows, on the Ordinary Call
official date of the following group, which is when the access will open. To know the exact
submission dates for the Resit, students must identify the calendar of the following group in
“Academic Calendars”. For example, a student from the group fp_tefl_2019-06 group would
have to look for the fp_tefl_2019-10 group calendar and submit the Resit activities in the date of
their ordinary call.

Individual assignment (70% of the final grade):

To know what the resit 1 consists of, see the “Assignment – Resit 1” template available in the
subject’s “Evaluation” section. The assignment must respect all the formal requirements
detailed in the template.

The submission process is the same as in the Ordinary Call, but accessing the “Assignment-
Resit 1” icon.

The evaluation criteria for this assignment is the same as in the Ordinary Call.

Practice activities (30% of the final grade):

Practice Activities are available in the subject’s “Evaluation” section, in the “Practice
Activities – Resit 1” icon. The activities must respect all the formal requirements detailed in the

The submission process is the same as in the Ordinary Call, but accessing the “Practice
Activities- Resit 1” icon.
The evaluation criteria for this assignment is the same as in the Ordinary Call.


If a student did not submit the evaluation activities in the Ordinary Call with the group they
belong to, they are allowed to submit the pending activities in the following semester, with the
following group. However, students must take into account that:

- They will have to study the subject content individually.

- The submission might vary depending on the pending tasks:

 If they did not submit an assignment: they will have to do the assignment
individually and follow the instructions above.

 If they did not submit the practice activities: they will have to do these activities
and follow the instructions above.

Therefore, students in this situation must contact the teacher in order to know what to do. To
know the submission date, the student shall go to the “Academic Calendars” and identify it in
the calendar of the following group. For example, a student from the group fp_tefl_2019-06 will
have to locate the submission date for this subject in the calendar of the fp_tefl_2019-10 group.


Subjects with a grade lower than 7/10 in the Ordinary Call are considered failed. In such a case,
students shall submit the evaluation activities of the Resit 2 call in the following semester.
Students are not expected to re-attend the course. The maximum grade a student can obtain in
this call is 10/10 as well.

The subject’s evaluation consists of the following evaluation activities:



Assignment 70 %

Practice activities 30 %

The student shall submit the Resit 2 evaluation activities in the following semester, on the
Ordinary Call official date of the following available group, once the access opens. To know the
exact date on which the Resit should be handed in, the student shall go to the “Academic
Calendars” and identify the date in the calendar of the following group.
Individual assignment (70% of the final grade):

To know what the Resit 2 consists of, see the “Assignment – Resit 2” template available in the
subject’s “Evaluation” section. The assignment should respect all the formal requirements
detailed in the document.

The submission process is the same as in the Ordinary Call, but accessing the “Assignment-
Resit 2” icon.

The evaluation criteria for this assignment is the same as in the Ordinary Call.

Practice activities (30% of the final grade):

Practice Activities are available in the subject’s “Evaluation” section, in the “Practice
Activities – Resit 2” icon. The activities should respect all the formal requirements detailed in
the document.

The submission process is the same as in the Ordinary Call, but accessing the “Practice
Activities- Resit 2” icon.

The evaluation criteria for this assignment is the same as in the Ordinary Call.

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