Persuasive Speech Outline-Nadyatul Alani (292600)

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Topic: Let’s Support Malaysia’s Film Industry

General Purpose: To persuade

Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to keep supporting Malaysia’s Film Industry.

Central Idea: By the end of the speech, audience will be able to understand that (1)

Malaysia’s Film Industry will gain profit by supporting them (2) Supporting Malaysia’s Film

Industry will help economic growth (3) Malaysia’s Film Industry could reduce the

unemployment rate


Attention Getting Opener (AGO)

History: During the colonial period in the 1930s films were brought to Malaysia then known

as Malaya. The government did not realise the value of cultivating the indigenous film

industry until the 1970s. However, with the establishment of FINAS (National Film

Development Corporation), the film industry was streamlined. The government agency in

charge of the industry’s growth. Since then, the government has played a key role in fostering

the growth of the local film industry. The film industry is currently exhibiting remarkable

growth by local standard. As evidenced, there are an increased number of films made and the

number of cinema admissions has risen dramatically in recent years.

Supporting details: (Aziz, 2012)


Therefore, in my speech, I would like to explain on

i. Malaysia’s Film Industry will gain profit by supporting them

ii. Supporting Malaysia’s Film Industry will help economic growth

iii. Malaysia’s Film Industry could reduce the unemployment rate

Transition 1

First of all, I would like to have audience attention on my first main point which is

Malaysia’s Film Industry will gain profit by supporting them


Main Point 1

Indeed, in everything we are doing, we want to gain benefits or profits from it. That is also

Malaysia’s Film Industry purpose when they are producing films or investing their money.

However, if we see this matter in a bigger range, it helps other things as well too. We can say

that we are killing two birds with one stone.

Elaboration 1

First, we need to admit that the election of cast in a movie is a very important part. Despite

having beautiful faces or popularity, the actors itself need to have the talent in storytelling.

One of 10 ways to improve Malaysian movies is to introduce new blood to this entertainment

industry. To make this happen, Malaysia’s Film Industry needs to open for audition casting to

find new talents. Unfortunately, this problem may not be solved if there is no money in the

industry. Hence, by watching local films in a way to support the industry would be a problem

solver as the profits would be an incentive to present new, young, and talented actors.

Elaboration 2

Secondly, by supporting the industry, we give encouragement for the filmmakers to improve

the quality in the movies. For example, in August 2019, an animation 3D film, ‘Boboiboy

Movie 2’ has been titled as the best- selling movie in Malaysian film history after captivating

2.5 million viewers and has collected RM 30 million. In addition, this movie has won two

prizes in the Laurus Film Festival in Russia. Finally, ‘Boboiboy Movie 2’ also have been the

nominees of the best animation 3D film in New York Animation Film Awards and Florence

Film Awards in Italy. After breaking the record in Malaysia and winning the international

prizes, the team of the movie is looking forward to producing more quality animation movies.

Elaboration 3

Lastly, we help others too when we support the film industry and give them profits. For

example, by using some of the profits and donations, the National Film Development

Corporation Malaysia (FINAS) has organised a programme which is ‘Ziarah Prihatin’

programme. The purpose of the programme is to acknowledge the services of veteran artists

and singers. According to the chairman, Zakaria Abdul Hamid, this programme could also

keep the entertainment industry fans on the artists’ life after not appearing on the screen for a

long time.

Supporting details: (Hussaini, 2015), (Zikri, 2020), (Bernama, 2021)

Transition 2

I have elaborated my first point; thus, I would like the audience to stay focus on my second

point which is Supporting Malaysia’s Film Industry will help economic growth

Main point 2

No one can deny the power of the film industry in the economic growth of a country. This

has been proven by the South Korea’s Film Industry. In 2011, the industry is reported to have

contributed a total of 7549 billion Won to South Korean Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

they have funded 67,600 workers directly and brought in a total of 3752 billion Won in tax

revenue. As a result, Malaysia’s Film Industry proposed a policy as a road map for the

industry to achieve its two main goals.

Elaboration 1

One of the goals is to become a high- income country by encouraging the growth of the

creative industry as a source of income and job creation. Therefore, the National Creative

Industry Policy (NCIP) was developed and implemented in 2010. Besides that, National

Creative Industry Policy (NCIP) also has been approved as a structure for the local culture

industry. NCIP encompassed three elements such as multimedia creative, cultural art creative

industry and cultural heritage creative sector. The government’s action is in line with regional

growth, in which ASEAN countries such as Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore have

used creative industries to generate income for their countries while also introducing their

own culture to the rest of the world.

Elaboration 2

Second objective is to make Malaysia a destination hub for filmmaking. National Film

Development Corporation (FINAS) also has acted to enable foreign filmmakers to shoot in

Malaysia while also assisting in the promotion of Malaysian films in other countries. In

February 2013, a new 30% tax rebate system was implemented, encompassing both

Malaysian and international manufacturing activities, and encompassing both production and

postproduction activities.

FINAS participated in the European Film Market in Berlin, recently, where 80 countries

bought the rights to distribute Malay films. The Malaysian government’s strategic investment

fund recently opened a $120 million studio complex in Iskandar, near Singapore, in

collaboration with Pinewood Shepperton PLC.

Elaboration 3

Finally, Malaysia’s Film Industry could contribute direct Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In

2013, we could see RM 2910 million directly contributed to the Malaysian economy in GDP.

To abstract onto categories, film production has contributed RM 540 million, film

distribution contributed RM 19 million and film exhibition contributed RM 482 million. The

film industry also has an indirect and induced impact on the Malaysian economy. Purchases

by the film industries from other industries in the region, as well as subsequent transactions in

various supply chains, have indirect effects. We could estimate that the indirect and induced

sectors contributed an additional RM 2690 million in GDP and RM 347 million in tax


Supporting details: (Hisham, 2019), (The economic, 2014)

Transition 3

I have done explaining my second main point. So, I will proceed my speech on the last main

point which is Malaysia’s Film Industry could reduce the unemployment rate

Main point 3

When the industry is gaining good profits and the economic growth is being so well, it's

spontaneously helping to reduce the unemployment rate. This statement could be

demonstrated as in 2013, Malaysia’s Film Industry offered jobs to 10 994 people. I will

explain more specifically in three sectors.

Elaboration 1

The first sector would be film production. This field of study is concerned with physical

processes involved in the development of motion pictures, films, television shows, or

television advertisements. In 2013, we could estimate that film production was directly

responsible for the creation of 2100 jobs. It generates 8500 jobs when indirect and mediated

effects are considered. The labour productivity per employee was around RM 254000.

Elaboration 2

Film distribution would be the second sector. This sector includes the distribution of film,

video tapes, DVDs and similar productions to motion picture theatres, television networks

and stations and exhibitors. This entails the launch and maintenance of films in the

marketplace, with companies in charge of the logistical challenge of shipping film prints

around the world as well as raising viewer awareness and interest through public relations

and marketing campaigns. With the rise of video- on- demand and download sites, digital

delivery approaches have become more popular because of recent technological

advancements. We could estimate that film distribution contributed RM 19 million to the

economy in 2013 and directly supported 100 jobs. Considering indirect and induced effects,

the sector created nearly 300 jobs and produced RM 2 million in tax revenue for the

Malaysian government.

Elaboration 3

Finally, the last sector will be the film exhibition sector. Film exhibition is the method of

showing films to the public, whether in indoor or outdoor cinemas or other projection

facilities. In 2013, the direct GDP of film exhibition was estimated to be RM 482 million,

providing 2100 jobs. Furthermore, this operation resulted in a tax revenue of RM 164 million.

As indirect and mediated effects are factored in, GDP rises to RM 687 million, supporting

7300 jobs and generating RM 196 million in tax revenue.

Supporting details: (The economic, 2014)

Transition 4

I have concluded all my main points on Let’s Support Malaysia’s Film Industry. I really hope

that those main points at least could be the reason for us to keep this film industry alive.



I have justified 3 important point which are

i. Malaysia’s Film Industry will gain profit by supporting them

ii. Supporting Malaysia’s Film Industry will help economic growth

iii. Malaysia’s Film Industry could reduce the unemployment rate

Memorable concluding remarks


Before I end my speech, I would love to ask the audience to keep supporting our film

industry because who will take this responsibility if it's not us. Keep supporting the industry

until we are acknowledged internationally.


Aziz, Z. D. (2012). Film Business in Malaysia: Challenges and Opportunities. International

Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 198-201.

Bernama. (2021, April 22). Finas Ziarah Prihatin programme, a boon for veteran artistes.

Retrieved from theSundaily:


Hisham, H. T. (2019). The Impact of Globalization on the Malaysia. International Journal of

Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 142-148.

Hussaini, N. (2015, July 2). 10 Ways To Improve Malaysian Movies and TV Shows. Retrieved

from world of buzz:


The economic. (2014). Oxford Economics, 2-17.

Zikri, A. (2020, Jun 18). Malaysian animated feature 'Boboiboy Movie 2' nominated for Best

Animated Film at the Florence Film Awards 2020. Retrieved from malaymail:


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