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From the video we can see that the speaker, Anne Marie is very good in controlling her
voice. She managed to talk in different volume and tone. From the beginning until the end
of her speech, she talks in soft volume but the audience able to hear clearly, it might
because of her microphone. Therefore, she does not need to speak louder to gain the
attention. In her tone or pitch, she been using inflections when giving one example to
another in a sentence. For example, on the early of the video when she said, “I was afraid
of lightning, insects, loud noises and costumed characters.” She also using monotone
when she starts a new sentence. In instance, after she is telling the story on how her
parents find a way to keep her going to school, she immediately changed her tone to
monotone and telling new story “Well, after a couple of weeks, one day, while waiting for
the school bus, I met a girl named Debbie,”. We can say Anne Marie is a very good
speaker too as we can also listen to her very clear. This is because she is using typical
English accent that makes anyone can understand easily and she talks in normal rate that
makes her sounds calm while giving the speech. The speaker sounds confident too as
there is no vocalized pauses such as ‘uh’, ‘ah’ or ‘um. However, she did have pauses on
her few sentences. She oftens using it when she wants to emphasize on something. It
makes the audience to alert on what will she says.
ii. Body gesture
Anne Marie seems confident while giving the speech on the stage. This is because she
keeps her body gesture good by standing straight with shoulder back and her leg little bit
open. She seems relax too as she keeps moving around to the left and right, back and
forth. However, her movement is not disturbing as she is moving in small steps and slow
pace. The speaker also looking genuine with her feelings when she maximized her face
expressions. She will keep straight face when she is delivering something serious or to
alert the audience with her points. She will grin when she founds silly with her stories,
and she will frown when she monologues with the audience. Based on our observations,
the speaker’s head and body movements are sometimes parallel with the movement of her
eyes. For example, when she is talking to the audience on the left side, she will turn her
body and face and make an eye contact with them. It same goes when she is talking on
the right side. Thus, it makes us think that it is the key to keep the audience attention.
iii. Hand gesture
According to the video, Anne Marie moves her hands a lot until it is rarely seen she puts
her hands down. She moves her hands freely and naturally; it is not looking weird and
awkward. None of the gestures being done aggressively, it is all in small movements. It is
suitable with the context that she been delivering, and it is appropriate with the way she
speaks. We can see that the speaker moves her hands along with her words. For example,
she will wave her hand in small when she is denying on something. This can be proved
when she says, “I did not want to go back to that school.” “No way.” Besides that, Anne
Marie will join both of her hands together when she is monologue with the audience.
Even so, she will stop moving her hands when she is using monotone or giving advice. In
our observation, speaker’s left hand is dominant as she moves it a lot on the first half of
the video, but right hand become the dominant one on the second half of the video. The
way Anne Marie using her hands gestures is another way for her to keep the audience’s
iv. Stage presence and control
Lastly, we agree that Anne Marie has a very good stage presence. This is because she
appears on the stage with simple outfits but looking professional. This appearance will let
the audience leaves a good impression towards her by looking at her at the first sight. Her
short hair too makes her seems friendly and convenient to be approached. Anyhow, we
think the speaker has poor stage control. She been using only the centre of the stage. Even
though, she makes eye contact with everyone who listens to her, she seems far from the
audience. The speaker should come closer to them whenever she wants to speak on one of
the sides of the stage. Hence, the audience might feel more comfortable with her. We also
hope that she will interact with the audience more. For example, she can use one of the
audience’s experiences to make as an example in her speech. Overall, we are very
satisfied with Anne Marie’s speech delivery technique regardless of her stage control.

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