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Don Bosco College, Panjim, Goa


Conflicts between people arise in almost every corner of the world. However, what we may
fail to realise is what we can learn from multiple perspectives. We often get overwhelmed by
emotion in an argument and are unable to reason logically. The main aim of a debate is to
acquire knowledge from different perspectives and stimulate our minds in an endeavour to
think logically. Respect for the opponent, delivery of an argument and responding kindly
through reasoning are essential for an enriching debate. A good debate enhances our ability to
think critically, teaches us to speak eloquently, helps us learn from our experiences and those
of others and ultimately broadens our horizons.

 Each debate involves two debating teams who take opposing sides of the topic, either
affirmative (for) or negative (against). The sides will be drawn by a lot.
 The affirmative team will start discussion with their speaker. The speaker’s speech
should be minimum 2 minutes and maximum 5 minutes long.
 The negative team will ask questions and the affirmative team answers them.
Preferably members of both teams should be involved in asking and answering
questions. Asking and answering questions should take 5 minutes.
 The speaker of the negative team will present his/her ideas and opinions. Their
speech should be minimum 2 minutes and maximum 5 minutes long.
 The affirmative team will ask questions and the negative team answers them.
Preferably all members should be involved asking and answering questions. Asking
and answering questions should take 5 minutes.
 Rebuttal is a form of evidence or an argument that is presented to contradict or nullify
other evidence or arguments that have been presented by an adverse party. During
the question rounds, the teams will be able to offer a maximum of three rebuttals
to the answers of questions asked.
 The debate ends after 20 minutes. The decision of the judges is final.

 Number of participants in each team = 3
 The topic will be given one day in advance
 Using notes is allowed, however there shall be no use of mobile phones
 Use of foul/offensive language and personal attacks will result in disqualification

 Ability to reason logically and practically
 Persuasiveness and navigational skill
 Respect for opposition
 Clarity and precision of thought
 Perspectives offered
 Ability to argue for the benefit of society
List of topics:
1. Tourism in Goa
2. 10 p.m. music restriction in Goa
3. Implementation of Uber and Ola in Goa/ App based transportation
4. Shacks on the beaches of Goa
5. Transport in Goa
6. Employment growth in Goa
7. Emigrations of Goans (Goans moving abroad)
8. Casinos in Goa
9. Youth and Drugs in Goa
10. Rivers being nationalised
11. Double tracking on Mollem Bioreserve
12. Coal mining in Goa
13. Scope of sports in Goa
14. Football verses Cricket in Goa
15. Goa as a wedding destination
16. IFFI in Goa
17. Environmental impact on Goan beaches
18. Job opportunities in rural verses urban areas in Goa
19. Sunburn in Goa
20. Higher Educational opportunities in Goa
21. Smart City
22. Hinterland Tourism in Goa
23. Pristine Goa and the modern development
24. Two airports in Goa
25. Government restrictions versus Personal freedom
26. Effects of Social Media on youth
27. Nationalization of Goan Rivers
28. Media Today
29. Mining in Goa
30. Agriculture in Goa

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