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Promote cyber security
KII5055 Promote cyber security Project portfolio

Section 1: Cyber security awareness and practices...................................................................................
Section 2: Cyber security awareness and practices maintenance..............................................................
KII5055 Promote cyber security Project portfolio

Student name:



Business this assessment is

based on:

Team members:

Kingsford International Institute |CRICOS: 03689D RTO: 45363 |KII5055| Jan2021 v1.0 3
KII5055 Promote cyber security Project portfolio

Section 1: Cyber security awareness and practices

Check each of the following
boxes to confirm your survey
This survey was sent enabling SSL security which simply updates the
addresses each item:
URL to https instead of http as it adds a level of protection by
☐ include at least 10
preventing third parties from reading the data sent through your
survey. Moreover, the link of the survey was sent to the limited person
☐ include questions that
using email so it limits responses from those who forwarded the
seek opinions about potential
gaps in cyber security and invitation, it also increases the security of the survey.
☐ be based on best practice
survey design

☐ is electronic
☐ is secure so as to ensure
cyber security.
Explain how you have
ensured the survey is

Survey feedback Sujan Shrestha, Dipesh Chayantal, Pratikshya Poudel, Binita Aryal,
Kishore Bhandari.
Include the name of each
person that provided the
As per the findings of the survey, they don’t backup their data which
Summarise your key findings may lead to loss of vital data. Moreover, some save all their
about cyber security
passwords in the web browser and almost all sites have the same
awareness and practices
based on your survey. passwords which may lead to easy access to hackers to steal their
information. Most of them have habit of downloading software from
third party sites which may contain virus and other malwares in it.
They tend to verify and examine the link before Clicking to Identify Any
Suspicious Words and see the sender domain when receiving in their
email. They are also not aware of their organization incident response
plan and cyber security training provided by their organization.

Cyber security awareness

As per the assessment
Cyber security awareness
instructions you are to create
a cyber security awareness
You do not need to include
any information here except
Kingsford International Institute |CRICOS: 03689D RTO: 45363 |KII5055| Jan2021 v1.0 4
KII5055 Promote cyber security Project portfolio

for the title of your

presentation. Remember to
attach your presentation

Policy and procedure

As per the assessment
instructions you are to
Clarify the safety measures for email
develop one set of policy and
procedures focussing on a
particular aspect of cyber
security of your choice.
You do not need to include
any information here except
for the title of your policy and
procedure. Remember to
attach your policy and
procedure below.

Attach: Survey ☐

Completed surveys ☐

Cyber security program presentation ☐

Policy and procedures ☐

Kingsford International Institute |CRICOS: 03689D RTO: 45363 |KII5055| Jan2021 v1.0 5
KII5055 Promote cyber security Project portfolio

Section 2: Cyber security awareness and practices

Discussion summary
As per the assessment
instructions you are to document
Many don’t have habit of backing data and have habit of saving
the key points from the
their passwords on the browser. Moreover, only some tend to
discussion you had after the
check their email carefully and the organization does not provide
training and information session
enough awareness on the scam of the email. This may cause loss
of data and various breaches to the sites through various link
 Any gaps that you still think provided in email.
there are in your awareness
about cyber security
awareness and practices Never open email you think that are suspicious and carefully
and the impact these gaps check the link or attachment linked in the email. Never email
might have on a workplace. anybody with important information.

 Feedback regarding the

program that you delivered. Regularly the people should be updated about cyber crimes and
 Improvements that should also to tackle them in the efficient ways. The email must be
be made to cyber security checked and verified before the email with attachment provided in
practices based on your it.
learnings from your own
research and analysis as
well as others’ programs.

Information update
As per the assessment Cybersecurity awareness programme
instructions you are to develop
information update focussing on
a particular aspect of cyber
security as per the discussion
following the training and
information session.
You do not need to include any
information here except for the
title of your Information update.
Remember to attach your
Information update below.

Attach: Information update ☐

Kingsford International Institute |CRICOS: 03689D RTO: 45363 |KII5055| Jan2021 v1.0 6
KII5055 Promote cyber security Project portfolio

Kingsford International Institute |CRICOS: 03689D RTO: 45363 |KII5055| Jan2021 v1.0 7

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