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Science and Technology policies that can be adapted or implemented in the

The constitution upholds the importance of research and development for economic
growth and progress. As such, there are numerous programs launched by the
government to facilitate experimentation and innovation. However, it is safe to say tha
the current projects undertaken lack certain aspects and that we can learn from other
nations how they have addressed similar issues
Appropriate more funds for STI- This is the core of the problem which if we do not
take into consideration, will not allow us to cater to other solutions.
Build more infrastructure and edificies delivering STI related service- While there
are existing projects focused on implementing core areas, the country needs to build
more institutions to foster better operations.
Upgrade our standard- to always be at par with other countries across the globe
The government must also provide more scholarship services- tp\o entice students
and young ones to venture in science-related courses in tertiary educationand
eventually pursue professions of the same field.
Provide better opportunities for filipino scientist through program that they can be
part of, in order for them to not leave our country anymore.
Affordable and livable public housing- Singapore, a relatively smaller island-state
than the philippines has managed to solve predicament regarding to public housing. We
can adopt their mechanism of affordable and below market price vertical housing, which
was able to provide shelter for millions of citizens with a mindset focused on standard of
living rather than profit.
Reinforcemnet of sex education as part of the curriculum- If the problem on over
population will not resolved,poverty will only worsen. We need to crash the fragile glass
that is taboo surrounding sex and finally promoting the well being of women and men
with regards to reproduction.
Invest more on GMOs- we can apply certain techniques to improve our food
productions. In china, they were able to successfully plant rice species on salt wter. If
we adopt this in our country, we can probably help resolve rice scarcity.
Build more hospitals and facilities- we must invest in state-of-the-art equipment to
bring good quality service to the people. Existing laws that ensure affordable healthcare
must be strictly implemented and reform to the insurance system must be done to
ensure corruption schemes do not prevail.
Reforestation- We need to revive the lands that were destroyed by illegal logging and
modernization process by planting more right species of trees. This will not only bring
back biodiversity, but will also help counter the negative effects of air pollution.
Invest on renewable energy- While there are already existing forms there are many
other potential sources which the government, in partnership with private sectors can
tap. The mountains of garbage can be one source of energy and there have been an
experiment that prove this could help energize machineries and transport vehicles
Strengthen science education and media literacy and information- We must focus
on building up appreciation and love for STI in the formative years of the child by
teaching simple concepts starting from grade 1 and above. Moreover,we need to
cultivate media and information literacy since most of us are heavily reliant on news we
see online.Such sources are sometimes unreliable, questionable, and therefore, there
must be certain level of critical thinking.

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