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Present Perfect and Past Simple

USE YOUR NOTES if you need them!

1. If the first sentence is true, do we know that the second sentence is true? In the box write
“yes” (the sencond sentence is true) or “don’t know” (because we don’t know if the second sentence is
true or not).

Vincent grew a beard. Vincent has a beard now. ____________________

My dog has eaten her food. There is no food in the bowl now. ____________________
Sarrah opened the door. The door is open now. ____________________
Ulysse lost his homework. His homework is lost now. ____________________
Camille has closed the window. The window is closed now. ____________________
Ilona has gone on vacation. Ilona is on vacation now. ____________________
Clémence phoned her friend. Clémence is on the phone now. ____________________
Alexis has grown a mustache. Alexis has a mustache now. ____________________
Ginger has been to Spain. Ginger is NOT in Spain now. ____________________
Yibing has gone to Italy. Yibing is in Italy now. ____________________

2. Write the past simple or present perfect form of the verb in parentheses into the blank
space. DO NOT use contractions (‘ve gone, didn’t know, etc.).

A. Last night I ________________ (lose) my apartment keys. I had to phone

my roommate to let me in.
B. I ________________ (lose) my keys! Can you help me look for them,
C. Kelsey ________________ (go) to Dublin to live 3 years ago.
D. Kelsey ________________ (live) in Dublin for 3 years.
E. Angela ________________ (not go) to work yesterday.
F. Carla ________________ (not be) to school today.
G. (be) There ________________ a lot of accidents last year, and there ________________ a lot of
accidents this year, too.
H. (see) I ________ not ________ Jeannie yet today, and I ________ not ________ her yesterday.
I. (make) Our factory ________________ more than 10,000 motorcycles this year; it ________ not
________ as many last year.
J. (earn) John ________________ a lot of money this year – much more than he ________________ last
K. (stop) Benjamin ________________ smoking five years ago. (smoke) He ________ not ________ for
five years.
L. (win) Our lacrosse team is very good. We ________________ the state championship last year, and
we ________________ the national championship this year.
M. (work) Randy ________ not ________ last month, but he ________________ hard this month. Is he
working hard or hardly working?
N. (be) I am worried about Laetitia. She ________________ ill last week, and she ________________ ill
most of this week, too.
O. (snow) It ________ not ________ much last year, and it ________ not ________ much this year
P. (visit) ________ you ever ________ Alaska? Yes, I ________________ there several times on
vacation. I love the winter cruise!
Present Perfect and Past Simple
3. Complete the dialogues with the words in parentheses.
Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. DO NOT use
contractions (‘ve gone, didn’t know, etc.).

Be careful of the indefinite past.

A: What is that letter about that is sitting on the dinning room

B: That is my certificate. (I/pass/my vocational training!) _______________________________________
A: (What grade/you/receive?) ________________________________________

C: Marion, what’s the problem?

D: Look! (My phone/disappear.) ________________________________________
C: (Where/you/leave/it?) ________________________________________
D: (I/leave/it/on the table/ beside your backpack.) ________________________________________

E: Jennifer, why are you crying?

F: Look, mom! (I/cut/my hand.) ________________________________________
E: (How/you/do/that?) _______________________________________ _

G: Hey Tom! What’s up?

H: (Someone/steal/my bicycle.) ________________________________________
G: (When/that/happen?)
H: I think that it (happen/last night.) ___________________________________

I: What’s the problem with Paul?

J: (He/lose/his backpack.) ________________________________________
I: (When/he/lose/it?) ________________________________________

K: Why are you so upset, Jeff?

L: Look at this! (Anna/break/my antique flash camera.) ________________________________________
K: (How/she/break/it?) ________________________________________

M: Is everything okay?
N: Yes. (I/stub/my toe earlier) ________________________________ , but it’s fine now.

4. Complete this email with the words in parentheses. Use the Present Perfect or the Past
Simple. DO NOT use contractions (‘ve gone, didn’t know, etc.).

Hi there Mom and Dad!!

I 1) __________________ (not / be) sure about the Girl's Science Summer Camp when I first heard about
it, but I 2) __________________ (have) the most amazing time since I got here! And to think that it
wasn’t so long ago that I 3) __________________ (pack) my bags and 4) __________________ (kiss)
you goodbye! Two weeks down and three to go!
Present Perfect and Past Simple
Every day we have new guest speakers and the talks 5) __________________ (be) fascinating so far, at
least until yesterday when John Glenn 6) __________________ (have) to cancel because of a delayed
flight. Our camp leaders then 7) __________________ (decide) to bring us to the laboratory, and we
8) __________________ (make) eggshell geode crystals instead. Well, you know that I
9) __________________ (do) a lot of different experiments in my life, but this one 10)
__________________ (be) truly cool, and unlike my chemistry experiments gone wrong, nothing
11) __________________ (explode)!!!
The world of science sure 12) __________________ (change) a lot in the last few years!
13) __________________ (you / hear) about the discovery of water on Mars? Last August the Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter 14) __________________ (use) an imaging spectrometer and
15) __________________ (detect) signs of hydrated minerals. This confirmed what NASA
16) __________________ (long / suspect)!!! We 17) __________________ (learn) so much about our
Solar System since we first 18) __________________ (land) on the Moon, and these are things that
19) __________________ (seem) impossible to study just one hundred years back!
This 20) __________________ (be) such an amazing opportunity, and I have loved every minute!

Lots of love,

5. Write the past simple or present perfect form of the verb in parentheses into the blank
space. DO NOT use contractions (‘ve gone, didn’t know, etc.).

1. She loves Paris. She ________________ (be) there at least three times.
2. Bill ________________ (work) in that company for 10 years. (He still works there).
3. They ________________ (go) to Prague on vacation last summer.
4. I ________________ (read) that book. It´s great! Especially the part where...
5. His parents ________________ (be) here yesterday. They were talking with his English teacher.
6. They ________________ (go) to Germany on vacation when he ________________ (be) only 4.
7. ________ you ________ (watch) any movies last night?
8. I ________________ (have) a couple of pieces of toast for breakfast this morning.
9. He ________________ (live) in Reno since he was a teenager.
10. The house looks different. ________ you ________ (paint) it?
11. I ________________ (not see) you in class last Friday.
12. Shakespeare ________________ (write) over one hundred sonnets.
13. Stephen King ________________ (write) too many scary books which ________________ (become)

Write the past simple and past participle of these verbs.

be born
lie (s’allonger)
lay (mettre, poser)

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