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The Importance of

Characteristics of
Family Members
Family is the smallest group in the
community which includes the leader of
the household and family members.
For a child, family is the first place to
learn after being born, which makes the
Smart role of family is important in establishing
the child's personality. However,

sometimes good relations in family

become an obstacles, if each family
member does not understand the diversity
of individual characteristics. This is
because the benefits of living together for
the social life of the family can be
obtained when the family understands the
characteristics of each member.
Understand the character between family
01 members
Benefits of 02 Establish mutual respect and appreciation
diversity of 03
Know how to behave in dealing with
04 Minimizing any disputes
at home: 05 Maintain harmony in the family 3

06 Improve family relationships

01 Understand the character between
family members

One of the factors that can reduce

the occurrence of misunderstandings and
problems in the family is understanding the
characters of each family member.
Knowing the diversity of characteristics of
each individual in the family must be a
reference for behaving and acting with
one another.
02 Establish mutual respect and

In order to get the benefits of

harmony live in the family, it does not
mean to always interfering in the interests
of each family member. By knowing each
individual characteristic in the family, it
should generate mutual respect and
respect for the personal interests of family
03 Know how to behave in dealing
with problems

When each family member knows

the characteristics of each other,
automatically the attitude shown between
family members when a problem occurs is
also different. For example, when a family
member is an angry person, it is best to
avoid words that will only increase the
heat of the situation and make things
worse. The problems that arise can be
overcome with the benefits of deliberation
for daily life in the family.
04 Minimizing any disputes

With the diversity of individual

characteristics in the family, it is hoped
that there will be members who can act as
mediators, who give in and make decisions
to resolve disputes that occur. So that the
current problem can be resolved
immediately without having to drag on
with explosive emotions that can even
split the family.
05 Maintain harmony in the family

By knowing and understanding

the characteristics of each individual in the
family should be able to maintain and
increase the benefits of communication in
the family. Each characteristic in the family
certainly has its own position or role to
keep the family harmonious. The key is to
get rid of selfishness, because one of the
factors that can damage family harmony is
being selfish and not willing to give in to
one another.
06 Improve family relationships

Understanding the characteristics

of each other's family members should be
able to increase sensitivity when one
member has a problem or needs help. In
addition to improve relationships between
family members, it can also prevent family
members from feeling left out when they
have problems and do not get support
from other family members.

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