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Radio Broadcasting Script

DZVV 316 kHz

5-minute Daily Broadcast
November 26, 2022

Loud Music Introduction

Anchor: Fair and balanced!

Laser Sound Effect
Co-anchor: Accurate with no bias!
Laser Sound Effect
Anchor: Universal and national!
Laser Sound Effect
Co-anchor: Delivering the truth and nothing but the truth.
Laser Sound Effect
Anchor and Co-anchor: This is DZVV, live!
Laser Sound Effect
Anchor: I am Jovan Delos Trinos
Laser Sound Effect
Co-anchor: And this is Mel Salagubang, bringing you the hottest, the
latest, sizzling news.
Laser Sound Effect
Anchor: This is DZVV 3.16 kHz in your radio dial.
Laser Sound Effect
Anchor: Here is the round-down of the top stories of this hour
Laser Sound Effect
Co-Anchor: District Press Conference, being held at Llanera Central School!
Laser Sound Effect
Anchor (national news)
Laser Sound Effect
Co-Anchor: (international news)
Laser Sound Effect
Anchor: (sports news)
Laser Sound Effect
Co-anchor: (showbiz news)
Laser Sound Effect

Anchor: Currently, the District Press Conference of the municipal of Llanera is

being being held at Llanera Central School.
Anchor: (local news details)
Anchor: (national news headline), Mel Salagubang give us the update.
Mel Salagubang: (national news body), this is Mel Salagubang, reporting.
Anchor: Thank you, Mel. Catch more of the latest and hottest news when our
program returns. Stay tune.
Laser Sound Effect
Background Music
Daughter: It is almost Christmas and Papa has not called again.
: I miss Papa so much.
Phone Ringing Sound Effect
Father: Hello, sweetheart.
Daughter: Hello, Papa. It is you! I miss you so much.
Father: I know, love. From now on, you can call me anytime you want. With
PLDT, our communication is endless.
Daughter: Yehey!
Background Music
Co-anchor: The coming holidays are important. Talk to your loved ones
even when you are away. With PLDT, distance is not an issue.
: This program is brought to you by PLDT.

NISHEE: TIME CHECK! It’s __:__in the ______________, and you are
tuning in with DZVV.

Laser Sound Effect

Anchor: Back to our news.
: (headline), Nish Mallari give us the details.
Nish Mallari: (international news body)
: Nish Mallari, reporting
Laser Sound Effect
Anchor: For the sports news.
: (sports news headline), Mel Salagubang please give us the update
Mel Salagubang: (sports news body)
: This is Mel Salagubang, reporting.
Anchor: Thank you Mel.
: Now for the showbiz news, Nadine Lustre is willing to team up with
James Reid again, Shula Mariano, spill the tea.

Showbiz News Stinger

Shula Mariano: (showbiz news), this is your CHIKA CHIKADORA Shula
Mariano, reporting

Anchor: Thank you Shu, and that’s all the news we collected.
: Again, I am Jovan Delos Trinos.
Co-anchor: And I’m Mel Salagubang, delivering the truth and nothing but
the truth.
Anchor and Co-anchor: This is DZVV.
Anchor: Thank you for tuning with us.

Theme music fade


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