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School Improvement Plan

Action Plan


Date Submitted: MAY 28, 2021

Date(s) Revised:


GOAL #1 75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade scholars will demonstrate 150-point Quantile growth as measured
by the Math Inventory from August 2021 to May 2022.
• Method for Monitoring Implementation
Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
The Teachers will implement Local August Implementation: Monthly lesson plan checks, walks by Teachers
Number Talks in grades K-5. instructio 2021 Admin and Coaches each month. Math Coach
nal funds
and Title I Impact: Increase computational (mental math) fluency
Artifacts/Evidence: Lesson plans, classroom
observation, District walks

Teachers K-5 will utilize the Math Local August Implementation: Starting Fall Semester for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Teachers
Fluency Initiative strategies. instructio 2021 and 5th; Starting Spring Semester for Kindergarten and Math Coach
nal funds 4th – Teachers will be trained by District personnel
and Title I January throughout the school year.
funds 2022
Impact: Increase math fluency

Artifacts/Evidence: MFI Data Assessments, CCC

meeting notes, Class Walks
Teachers will develop and NA August Implementation: Data checks during half-day planning Teachers
implement a variety of 2021 and observation through CCC meetings. Use of Class ELA Coach
assessments (MI/Formative Kick to provide scholars with immediate feedback. Math Coach
Assessments/Interim Assessments)
to measure student growth. Impact: Assessments will inform next steps through
CCCs and help raise MI scores

Artifacts/Evidence: CTLS Assess data charts, CCC

notes, Common Assessments
Use of DreamBox, Freckle and IXL Title I August Implementation: All year (including summer months); Teachers
to reinforce math skills and Funds 2021 monthly checks of student usage; teachers will assign ELA Coach
application. lessons each week. Math Coach

Impact: Individualized learning paths within each

program will increase math proficiency

Artifacts/Evidence: Computer generated reports from

each program, Class walks, small group lesson plans,
individual RTI minutes
Teachers will participate in CCCs to Local August Implementation: CCCs will meet each Tuesday and Teachers
ensure the needs of students at instructio 2021 Thursday Math Coach
risk in Math are being addressed. nal funds
and Title I Impact: Early identification leads to early intervention
Artifacts/Evidence: CCC minutes, CTLS common
assessment data, small group plans


GOAL #1 75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade scholars will demonstrate 150-point Quantile growth as measured
by the Math Inventory from August 2021 to May 2022.
• Method for Monitoring Implementation
Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
Attend grade-level collaboration NA August Implementation: Grade-level administration and Admin
(CCC Meetings) to ensure the 2021 coaches will attend each CCC meeting to monitor Math Coach
needs of students at risk in Math progress
are being addressed.
Artifacts/Evidence: CCC minutes

Frequent classroom walks to Local October Implementation: Walk and/or observation conducted Admin
ensure high quality instruction instructio 2021 each month Math Coach
nal funds ELA Coach
and evidence-based best
and Title I Artifacts/Evidence: TKES walks, District Walks,
practices. Feedback will be funds informal observation notes/communication
provided through
formative/informal observation
Ensure resources are available Local August Implementation: Retrieve data from surveys to Admin
as determined by Professional instructio 2021 determine needs and purchase materials that will
nal funds support need or District focus.
Learning Communities.
and Title I
funds Artifacts/Evidence EIP resource closet, resource
orders, rationale and requests submissions

Hire highly qualified teachers. NA All year Implementation: Full screening, interview process and Admin
certification checks to determine highly qualified

Artifacts/Evidence: TKES/PKES evaluations; RI/MI data

Conduct teacher walks, to help Local October Implementation: Coaches will schedule a Teacher Admin
foster data-driven instructio 2021 walk in the Fall and Spring. A reflection form will be Math Coach
nal funds provided to each teacher to fill out as they walk that ELA Coach
conversations in collaboration
and Title I will help with discussion in CCC meetings.
meetings. funds
Artifacts/Evidence: TKES walks, District Walks,
informal observation notes/communication


GOAL #1 75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade scholars will demonstrate 150-point Quantile growth as measured
by the Math Inventory from August 2021 to May 2022.
• Method for Monitoring Implementation
Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
Ongoing staff development Local August Implementation: District-provided training. Dates have Math Coach
regarding MFI implementation. instructio 2021 been provided by District personnel and reminders County
nal funds placed on Staff calendars. Coaches
Artifacts/Evidence: Staff Development Agendas,
Coaching support logs, CCC minutes

Assign a team member per NA July 2021 Implementation: Teachers are selected within each Admin
grade level to attend math Team and recommended by Math Coach.
county meetings and report
back to staff. Artifacts/Evidence: CCC minutes, Curriculum
Committee minutes, Team Members’ Responsibility

District resources and school PD Local August Implementation: Teachers will attend District PD days Admin
will be used to create instructio 2021 and local school PD. Staff will be asked to sign in at Math Coach
nal funds each PD and reflection provided for each training. ELA Coach
consistency of practice among
and Title I
teachers within each grade. funds Artifacts/Evidence: Local PD calendar, PD agendas,
Classroom Walks, PD feedback surveys

Novice (1-3 years’ experience) NA All year Implementation: Mentor and New Teacher meetings Admin
teachers will be provided a will occur once a month (minimum). Dates listed on
school calendar.
Artifacts/Evidence: Mentor/Mentee lists, New
Teacher Academy Session Agendas

Use of TKES and PKES to NA September Implementation: Administration will follow District Admin
provide feedback on 2021 guidelines for evaluations.
instructional practices.
Artifacts/Evidence: TKES and PKES documentation


GOAL #1 75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade scholars will demonstrate 150-point Quantile growth as measured
by the Math Inventory from August 2021 to May 2022.
• Method for Monitoring Implementation
Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
EIP Reduced Class model NA August Implementation: Building Admin/Scheduler will Admin
throughout the building 2021 schedule scholars according to this model.

Impact: Increases teacher ability to focus on a small

group of scholars and support individualized
instruction and differentiation

Artifacts/Evidence: Class EIP Rosters,

Reserved time for CCC meetings NA August Implementation: Meetings are on the calendar for Admin
2021 Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Impact: Regular, on-going conversations about student

data and strategies will provide for great impact and
success of all scholars.

Artifacts/Evidence: Master schedule

Support provided through Title Local August Implementation: Professional Development Calendar Math Coach
I Coaches and Title I District instructio 2021 provided and Title I coaches scheduled to conduct ELA Coach
nal funds training on Title I goals. County
Department (training)
and Title I Coaches
funds Impact: PD focused on Title I goals will help us reach
those specific school-wide goals listed in the SIP and
promote increased scores for scholars on assessments.

Artifacts/Evidence: PD Agendas, sign-in sheets, CCC

minutes, Coaches’ Support Logs
Attendance at conferences to Title I All year Implementation: Specific conferences will be selected Admin
building instructional toolbox. funds and that align to SIP goals.
school Impact: Strengthen instructional practices and build
funds research-based strategies to support scholars.

Artifacts/Evidence: Agendas, Rationale and Requests,

CCC minutes (share with colleagues)
Use of 360 Classroom boards Title I All year Implementation: Math Teachers in 3rd-5th grades will Math
funds utilize 360 board to support instruction. Teachers
and local Math Coach
school Impact: Students will be allotted more time for District
practice and showing their work to get immediate
feedback from teachers.
Artifacts/Evidence: RI and Benchmark Scores


GOAL #1 75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade scholars will demonstrate 150-point Quantile growth as measured
by the Math Inventory from August 2021 to May 2022.
• Method for Monitoring Implementation
Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
Host a Math Academic Night Title I September Implementation: Dates have been established on Math Coach
(virtually) for families to attend 2021 school calendar. Coaches will meet with Teams in CCCs
to reinforce parents’ awareness to determine skills that need to be addressed at Math
of math needs and topics based Night.
on parent survey.
Artifacts/Evidence: Zoom Attendance log, agendas,
presentation copy, event feedback forms

Ongoing collaboration between NA August Implementation: Developed a communication Teachers

school and home with the use 2021 protocol for teachers with a minimum of one Admin
correspondence each week; as monitored by the CTLS Parent
CTLS Parent.
platform. Admin will address issues with individual Facilitator

Artifacts/Evidence: CTLS communication logs (CTLS

Use of Smore newsletter to Title I August Implementation: Parent will receive a newsletter each Admin
provide parents with up-to-date 2021 Friday at 6:00pm
information regarding school
Artifacts/Evidence: Weekly Bengal Blast, CTLS
programs and day-to-day notifications

Parent calls in Spanish to NA Monthly Implementation: Parent Facilitator will conduct Bilingual
decrease language barriers for starting monthly meetings to keep parents up-to-date on Parent
August school information. Facilitator
Artifacts/Evidence: Zoom attendance log, Zoom chat
logs, agenda
Promote check-out of math Title I August Implementation: Include in the Bengal Blast a picture Parent
materials and games from 2021 of materials available to encourage families and help Facilitator
them to know what is available.
Parent Resource Room.
Artifacts/Evidence: Parent Facilitator’s Checkout log

Goal #1 75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade scholars will demonstrate 150-point Quantile growth as measured
by the Math Inventory from August 2021 to May 2022.
Possible • Method for Monitoring
• Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Funding Start Date Implementation/Impact
• Support
Source(s) • Artifacts/Evidence to verify implementation
Provide Professional Title I All year Implementation/Impact: A PD Calendar has been Admin Team
development to ensure Best and Local established for the school year to include all PD BLT
Practices are used for planning School that is SIP goal driven as well as to support District Coaches
and executing high quality PD funds initiatives. Teachers
instruction for ED scholars PD provides teachers with the confidence to
(proving technology training, provide quality instruction.
Microsoft refresher for staff,
conduct virtual technology
training for parents virtually in Artifacts/Evidence: PD reflections by staff, PD
English and Spanish. Calendar
Teachers will use differentiation
and engagement strategies to
address the needs of ED scholars.
Math vocabulary will be Title I All year Implementation/Impact: Strategies will be ESOL Teachers
previewed during normal and Local documented on lesson plans. Providing the ESOL Admin
instruction by the ESOL School vocabulary will help remove the barrier for ESOL Certified
PD funds learning and provide more success for the scholar.
Teacher, and the coaches will Staff
provide resources to the
Artifacts/Evidence: ESOL Plan, Walks, ACCESS
English parents. scores
Learners ESOL Teachers will review
data regularly to provide
interventions for EL scholars.
ESOL Teachers will support
and maintain a high quality of
instruction in the classroom.
School will provide culturally Title I All year Implementation/Impact: District-supported Admin with
relevant opportunities and and Local training will be utilized to support an inclusive District
activities (inclusive cultures School environment. Support
PD funds
Race / and cultural sensitivity
Artifacts/Evidence: PD schedule and Teacher
Ethnicity training)
Reflection and Practice
Programs will be reviewed to
ensure they are inclusive of all
Support through Community Title I All year Implementation/Impact: We will hold weekly Social Worker
in Schools, School Social meetings with this collaborative team to discuss CIS
Worker and School Counselor scholar and family needs. Counselors
Foster and to access community Admin Team
Homeless Artifacts/Evidence: CCC Minutes
resources for Scholars.

Benchmark assessments will NA All year Implementation/Impact: Upon registration, Coaches

be used to determine scholars will be pulled by coaches to provide the EIP Teachers
academic readiness and level. Benchmark assessment. Counselors
School counseling small Admin
groups to support student
Migrant Artifacts/Evidence: Benchmark assessment data
transition and clear
understanding of school
procedures and expectations,
along with support families as
The SSA will provide regular Title I All year Implementation/Impact: SSA holds monthly SSA
PD for teachers to enhance and Local meetings with Special Education staff to go over SPED Teachers
the various teaching models School District-provided training. Admin with
PD funds
Students with that support SWD. District
Artifacts/Evidence: Meeting agendas and minutes
Disabilities Provide programs that allow Support
opportunities to close the gap
and support student’s goals
and objectives.


75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade scholars will demonstrate 2-levels of independent reading growth
as measured by the Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient, and will increase their writing skills in the areas of
Idea Development and Organization by 2-points total as measured by the Cobb County School District
Informative/ Explanatory Grade Level Rubrics, from August 2021 to May 2022.

• Method for Monitoring Implementation

Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
Teachers will develop and NA All year Implementation: Administration will check CTLS Assess Teachers
implement a variety of weekly and sit in on CCC discussion about data.
assessments to measure
student growth. Impact: Review of data supports data-based decisions
to improve student achievement.

Artifacts/Evidence: CTLS Assess Portal, Common

Assessments (formative, summative), Computer
generated reports for RI, ELF, DRA
Teachers K-2 will fully NA All year Implementation: Teachers will attend District Training K-2 Teachers
implement Early Literacy and conduct lessons as evidenced by Lesson plans and Academic
walks. Coaches
Impact: Building phonics skills to prepare scholars to
be fluent readers

Artifacts/Evidence: CTLS Assess Reports, Local and

County Walks, CCC minutes, TKES walks, lesson plans
Use of Story Works to Title I Quarterly Implementation: 3rd – 5th grade teachers will utilize Local School
strengthen the core academic funds Story Works to strengthen reading skills and address Coaches
unfinished learning. County
program within the school
(strengthen Tier 1) Coaches
Impact: Strengthen reading skills and close the gaps
due to unfinished learning
Artifacts/Evidence: Lesson Plans, Walks/Observations
Coaches will train on small Local September Implementation: Training will be provided throughout Local School
group differentiation strategies instructio the year from local Title I coaches to strengthen Coaches
nal funds writing strategies. Books have been purchased for County
and use of Serravallo Writing in
and Title I teachers as well with local instructional funds. Coaches
Small Groups. funds
Impact: Building better writers across content areas
will help support better writing scores on state

Artifacts/Evidence: PL agendas/minutes, PL Calendar,

PL session feedback, Coaching logs

Provide professional Local September Implementation: Training will be provided throughout Local School
development on writing instructio the year from local Title I coaches to strengthen Coaches
nal funds November writing strategies. Books have been purchased for County
and Title I teachers as well with local instructional funds. Coaches
funds January
Impact: Building better writers across content areas
March/Apr will help support better writing scores on state Leaders

Artifacts/Evidence: PL agendas/minutes, PL Calendar,

PL session feedback, Coaching logs
Use of Studies Weekly to Title I Quarterly Implementation: Kdg-5th grade teachers will utilize Local School
strengthen content-based funds Studies Weekly to strengthen reading skills and Coaches
literacy in the school. address unfinished learning using Studies Weekly County
content Coaches
Impact: Strengthen reading skills and close the gaps
due to unfinished learning

Artifacts/Evidence: Lesson Plans, Walks/Observations


75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade scholars will demonstrate 2-levels of independent reading growth
as measured by the Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient, and will increase their writing skills in the areas of
Idea Development and Organization by 2-points total as measured by the Cobb County School District
Informative/ Explanatory Grade Level Rubrics, from August 2021 to May 2022.

• Method for Monitoring Implementation

Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
Attend grade-level collaboration to NA All year Implementation: Grade-level administration and Admin
ensure the needs of high-risk coaches will attend each CCC meeting to monitor Math Coach
students in ELA are met. progress

Artifacts/Evidence: CCC minutes

Frequent classroom walks to NA October Implementation: Walk and/or observation conducted Admin
ensure high-quality instruction and each month Math Coach
and evidence-based best February ELA Coach
Artifacts/Evidence: TKES walks, District Walks,
practices. informal observation notes/communication

Ensure resources are available Local All year Implementation: Retrieve data from Staff and Parent Admin
as determined by Professional instructio surveys to determine needs and purchase materials
nal funds that will support need or District focus.
Learning Communities.
and Title I
funds Artifacts/Evidence EIP resource closet, resource
orders, rationale and requests submissions

Hire highly qualified teachers NA All year Implementation: Full screening, interview process and Admin
and provide support from certification checks to determine highly qualified
coaches each quarter to sustain
their understanding of Best Artifacts/Evidence: TKES/PKES evaluations; RI/MI data
Practices for classroom

Determine teacher leaders in NA July 2021 Implementation: Teachers will be determined based Admin
the building to be utilized to on previous TKES/PKES observations and scholars’ ELA Coach
scores utilizing District writing rubrics.
support best writing instruction
practices. Artifacts/Evidence: TKES walks, District Walks,
informal observation notes/communication


75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade scholars will demonstrate 2-levels of independent reading growth
as measured by the Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient, and will increase their writing skills in the areas of
Idea Development and Organization by 2-points total as measured by the Cobb County School District
Informative/ Explanatory Grade Level Rubrics, from August 2021 to May 2022.

• Method for Monitoring Implementation

Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
Training on Common Local August Implementation: Support from Coaches and District- ELA Coach
Assessments, Guided Reading instructio 2021 level staff. Develop a school-wide calendar for PD. Use County
Support and Small group nal funds of Class Kick to provide scholars with immediate Coaches
instruction. and Title I feedback. Teacher
Artifacts/Evidence: Staff Development Agendas,
Coaching support logs, CCC minutes

Ongoing staff development Local All Year Implementation: Train BLT Team Leads following PD Admin
regarding CCC implementation instructio from District Guiding Coalition and provide training on Math Coach
nal funds CCC roles. ELA Coach
and Guided Reading
and Title I
funds Artifacts/Evidence: Local PD calendar, PD agendas, PD
feedback surveys
Assign a literacy team member NA July 2021 Implementation: Assign a literacy team leader during Admin
for each grade level to attend pre-planning (on the team CCC planning worksheet)
county meetings and report
Artifacts/Evidence: CCC minutes, Curriculum
back to the team. Committee minutes, Team Members’ Responsibility

Novice teachers assigned a NA July 2021 Implementation: Once the final staff list is determined, Admin
grade level mentor to act as a work with Admin and Coaches to assign mentors.
positive role model and share
Artifacts/Evidence: Mentor/Mentee lists, New
professional skills, knowledge, Teacher Academy Session Agendas
& expertise.
Writing training provided for Local July/ Implementation: Get support from local Title I ELA Coach
staff focused on scholar Idea instructio August Coaches to support staff training on Writing. PurchaseCounty
nal funds books to support staff. Coaches
Development and Organization 2021
and Title I Teacher
in Informative/Explanatory funds Artifacts/Evidence: Local PD calendar, PD agendas, PD
writing. Leaders
feedback surveys


75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade scholars will demonstrate 2-levels of independent reading growth
as measured by the Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient, and will increase their writing skills in the areas of
Idea Development and Organization by 2-points total as measured by the Cobb County School District
Informative/ Explanatory Grade Level Rubrics, from August 2021 to May 2022.

• Method for Monitoring Implementation (Frequency) • Lead

Action Step(s) Start Date • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) (bold)
• Artifacts/Evidence • Support
EIP Reduced Class model NA June 2021 Implementation: Building Admin/Scheduler will schedule Admin
throughout the building scholars according to this model.

Impact: Increases teacher ability to focus on a small group

of scholars and support individualized instruction and

Artifacts/Evidence: Class EIP Rosters

Reserved time for CCC meetings NA August Implementation: Meetings are on the calendar for Admin
2021 Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Impact: Regular, on-going conversations about student

data and strategies will provide for great impact and
success of all scholars.

Artifacts/Evidence: Master schedule

Support provided through Title I Local July 2021 Implementation: Professional Development Calendar ELA Coach
Coaches and Title I District instructio provided and Title I coaches scheduled to conduct training Math
nal funds on Title I goals. Coach
Department (training)
and Title I County
funds Impact: PD focused on Title I goals will help us reach those
specific school-wide goals listed in the SIP and promote
increased scores for scholars on assessments.

Artifacts/Evidence: PD Agendas, sign-in sheets, CCC

minutes, Coaches’ Support Logs
Attendance at conferences to Local All year Implementation: Specific conferences will be selected that Admin
building instructional toolbox. instructio align to SIP goals.
nal funds
and Title I Impact: Strengthen instructional practices and build
funds research-based strategies to support scholars.

Artifacts/Evidence: Agendas, Rationale and Requests, CCC

minutes (share with colleagues)
Rising Kindergarten Summer Title I July 2022 Implementation: Work with Enrollment Clerk to develop ELA Coach
Program to help support list of registered K scholars. Call those families and offer Math
the Summer Camp. Develop a flyer that can be placed in Coach
academic readiness.
the Smore family newsletter. Recruit teachers to work K Team
camp that summer. Reach out to Marietta City food
program to get breakfast and lunch for the scholars. Use
Title I funds to pay the teachers and purchase materials.

Impact: School readiness. Start early developing

relationships with school staff and begin routines. Scholars
will also have a preview of phonics instruction and basic
math skills needed prior to the first day of school

Artifacts/Evidence: RI/MI scores of scholars in attendance,

GKIDS Assessments


75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade scholars will demonstrate 2-levels of independent reading growth
as measured by the Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient, and will increase their writing skills in the areas of
Idea Development and Organization by 2-points total as measured by the Cobb County School District
Informative/ Explanatory Grade Level Rubrics, from August 2021 to May 2022.

• Method for Monitoring Implementation

Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
Host a Literacy Nights (virtually) Local August Implementation: Coach will work with Parent Coaches
for families to attend to instructio 2021 Facilitator to invite and host the event, based on Parent
reinforce parents’ awareness of nal funds parent survey/feedback. Facilitators
Reading and Writing needs and and Title I Admin
funds Artifacts/Evidence: Attendance/Sign-in sheets at
other topics based on parent
events, Survey results

Ongoing collaboration between Title I All year Implementation: Provide training for CTLS Parent in Teachers
school and home with the use Digital Backpack and monitor use of CTLS by Admin Admin
CTLS Parent. Parent
Artifacts/Evidence: CTLS Analytics and Usage Reports Facilitator
Use of Smore newsletter to Title I June 2022 Implementation: Purchase Smore newsletter for the Admin
provide parents with up-to-date upcoming school year; renewal in June. Parents will
receive a newsletter each Friday at 6:00pm
information regarding school
programs and day-to-day Artifacts/Evidence: Smore analytics, CTLS usage
information. reports

Parent calls in Spanish to NA August Implementation: Once a month with the support of Parent
decrease language barriers for 2021 Coaches and Parent Facilitator Facilitator
Artifacts/Evidence: Sign-in sheets/registration for
meetings through CTLS Parent

Promote check-out of math Title I August Implementation: Dial-outs, calls and promotion in our Parent
materials and games from 2021 weekly newsletter. Set up Parent Resource Room in the Facilitator
front office lobby and front office. Coaches
Parent Resource Room.
Artifacts/Evidence: Check-in/out sheets, Smore

Goal #2 75% of Kindergarten through Fifth grade scholars will demonstrate 2-levels of independent reading growth as
measured by the Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient, and will increase their writing skills in the areas of
Idea Development and Organization by 2-points total as measured by the Cobb County School District
Informative/ Explanatory Grade Level Rubrics, from August 2021 to May 2022.

Possible • Method for Monitoring

• Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Funding Start Date Implementation/Impact
• Support
Source(s) • Artifacts/Evidence to verify implementation
Provide Professional Local July 2021 Implementation/Impact: A PD Calendar has been Admin Team
development to ensure Best School, established for the school year to include all PD BLT
Practices are used for planning District that is SIP goal driven as well as to support District Coaches
and executing high quality and Title initiatives. Teachers
instruction for ED scholars I funds PD provides teachers with the confidence to
(proving technology training, provide quality instruction.
Microsoft refresher for staff,
conduct virtual technology
training for parents virtually in Artifacts/Evidence: PD reflections by staff, PD
English and Spanish. Calendar
Teachers will use differentiation
and engagement strategies to
address the needs of ED scholars.
Vocabulary will be previewed Local August Implementation/Impact: Strategies will be ESOL Teachers
during normal instruction by School, 2021 documented on lesson plans. Providing the ESOL Admin
the ESOL Teacher, and the District vocabulary will help remove the barrier for ESOL Certified
and Title learning and provide more success for the scholar.
coaches will provide resources Staff
I funds
to the parents.
English Artifacts/Evidence: ESOL Plan, Walks, ACCESS
ESOL Teachers will review scores
data regularly to provide
interventions for EL scholars.
ESOL Teachers will support
and maintain a high quality of
instruction in the classroom.
School will provide culturally Local August Implementation/Impact: District-supported Admin with
relevant opportunities and School 2021 training will be utilized to support an inclusive District
activities (inclusive cultures environment. Support
Race / and cultural sensitivity
Artifacts/Evidence: PD schedule and Teacher
Ethnicity training)
Reflection and Practice
Programs will be reviewed to
ensure they are inclusive of all
Support through Community Local August Implementation/Impact: We will hold weekly Social Worker
in Schools, School Social School, 2021 meetings with this collaborative team to discuss CIS
Worker and School Counselor District scholar and family needs. Counselors
Foster and and Title
to access community Admin Team
Homeless I funds Artifacts/Evidence: CCC Minutes
resources for Scholars.

Benchmark assessments will Local August Implementation/Impact: Upon registration, Coaches

be used to determine School, 2021 scholars will be pulled by coaches to provide the EIP Teachers
academic readiness and level. District Benchmark assessment. Counselors
and Title
School counseling small Admin
I funds
groups to support student
Migrant Artifacts/Evidence: Benchmark assessment data
transition and clear
understanding of school
procedures and expectations,
along with support families as

The SSA will provide regular Local July 2021 Implementation/Impact: SSA holds monthly Admin Team
PD for teachers to enhance School meetings with Special Education staff to go over BLT
the various teaching models and District-provided training. Coaches
District Teachers
Students with that support SWD.
Artifacts/Evidence: Meeting agendas and minutes
Disabilities Provide programs that allow
opportunities to close the gap
and support student’s goals
and objectives.


GOAL #3 All Kindergarten-5th grade scholars will have access to SEL lessons and positive rewards as evidenced by
scholar and staff results from an SEL Reflection Survey administered from August 2021 to May 2022.
• Method for Monitoring Implementation
Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
Homeroom Teachers will utilize District August Implementation: Monthly lesson plan checks, walks Teachers
Second Step to help guide SEL funds and 2021 by Admin and Coaches each month Admin
discussions and Character Title I
Education. funds Impact: Teachers will provide explicit SEL instruction
and modeling. As students apply the new behaviors
learned through SEL lessons, these practices lead to
improved student achievement and attitude toward
school, prosocial behaviors, classroom behavior,
problem-solving, and self-regulation skills.

Artifacts/Evidence: lesson plans, class walks

Counselors will provide SEL District August Implementation: Monthly lesson plan checks, walks Counselors
lessons through Classroom funds and 2021 by Admin and Coaches each month Admin
Title I
Guidance as supported by
funds Impact: Counselors will provide explicit SEL
teachers. instruction and modeling. As students apply the new
behaviors learned through SEL lessons, these
practices lead to improved student achievement and
attitude toward school, prosocial behaviors,
classroom behavior, problem-solving, and self-
regulation skills.

Artifacts/Evidence: lesson plans, class walks

Staff will continue to receive District August Implementation: District-provided training. Dates Admin
SEL Training from the District. funds 2021 will be provided by District personnel and reminders
placed on Staff calendars.

Impact: SEL training brings awareness and

strengthens teachers’ personal social-emotional
skills allowing teachers to model and teach research-
based strategies that will support scholars’
emotional well-being.

Artifacts/Evidence: agenda, sign-in sheets, PD

Weekly SEL lessons from BETA District August Implementation: BETA scholars will serve as peer Counselors
Scholars to teach all scholars funds and 2021 role models by providing weekly live and/or Admin
Title I prerecorded SEL strategy lessons through the
strategies (through morning
funds morning announcements.
Impact: Peer SEL lessons will provide explicit
instruction, modeling, and review situations in which
the skills can be practiced beyond the lesson into the
day or throughout the week in social, school, and
home settings.

Artifacts/Evidence: announcement videos

Homeroom Teachers will utilize District August Implementation: Monthly lesson plan checks, walks Teachers
daily morning meetings to serve funds and 2021 by Admin and Coaches each month Admin
Title I
as SEL check-ins with scholars.
funds Impact: Increased positive classroom culture;
provides a positive, inclusive environment in which
scholars can build relationships with their teachers
and peers and sets the stage for the day’s learning.

Artifacts/Evidence: lesson plans, class walks


GOAL #3 All Kindergarten-5th grade scholars will have access to SEL lessons and positive rewards as evidenced by
scholar and staff results from an SEL Reflection Survey administered from August 2021 to May 2022.
• Method for Monitoring Implementation
Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
Frequent walks in classrooms to Local August Implementation: Walk and/or observation Admin
monitor implementation of instructio 2021 conducted each month Counselors
Second-Step lessons and morning nal funds,
meetings. District, Artifacts/Evidence: TKES walks, District Walks,
and Title informal observation notes/communication
I funds

Monitor school-wide use of Local August Implementation: PBIS Coach will retrieve and PBIS Coach
positive rewards through the instructio 2021 analyze monthly usage data from PBIS app reports PBIS
nal funds to monitor points given and redeemed by grade Administrator
PBIS rewards app.
and level. PBIS team will provide feedback or PBIS team
District implementation support to teams.

Artifacts/Evidence: PBIS rewards app usage

Use of restorative practices as a NA August Implementation: Administrators will lead Admin
conflict resolution intervention 2021 restorative practices in response to student Counselors
discipline referrals and/or conflicts among staff
amongst scholars and/or staff

Artifacts/Evidence: Administrator notes, discipline


Model effective relationship NA August Implementation: Administrators and Team Leads Admin
building and importance of SEL 2021 will implement one team building and/or SEL Team Leads
activity per month into team and/or staff meetings.
through action and words.

Artifacts/Evidence: School survey data, staff

meeting agendas, team meeting agendas


GOAL #3 All Kindergarten-5th grade scholars will have access to SEL lessons and positive rewards as evidenced by
scholar and staff results from an SEL Reflection Survey administered from August 2021 to May 2022.
• Method for Monitoring Implementation
Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
Training on 2nd Step, SEL, PBIS, Local August Implementation: Local school training. Dates will be Admin
and PBIS rewards app. instructio 2021 provided by counselors and PBIS coach and PBIS Coach
nal funds, reminders will be placed on Staff calendars. Counselors
and Title I
funds Artifacts/Evidence: Training agendas, sign-ins,

Ongoing staff development Local August Implementation: District-provided training. Dates Admin
regarding both adult and child instructio 2021 will be provided by District personnel and reminders
nal funds, placed on Staff calendars.
and Title I
funds Artifacts/Evidence: Training agendas, sign-ins

Assign a team member from NA July 2021 Implementation: Teachers are selected within each Team Leads
each grade level to serve as the Team and recommended by the team lead. Admin
PBIS representative and report
back to the team all PBIS Artifacts/Evidence: CCC minutes, Team Members’
information. Responsibility Roster.


GOAL #3 All Kindergarten-5th grade scholars will have access to SEL lessons and positive rewards as evidenced by
scholar and staff results from an SEL Reflection Survey administered from August 2021 to May 2022.
• Method for Monitoring Implementation
Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
2nd step curriculum and Local August Implementation: Monthly lesson plan checks, walks Admin
resources provided for every school 2021 by Admin and Coaches each month
classroom and used throughout instructio
the building. nal and Impact: Implementation of 2nd step curriculum will
Title I provide teachers readily available instructional
funds lessons to support SEL in the classroom resulting in
improved emotional well-being for all scholars.

Artifacts/Evidence: kits in each classroom, lesson

plans, walk throughs, lesson plans
Reserved time for SEL and NA August Implementation: SEL and Class meetings are Teachers
classroom meetings 2021 implemented daily and reflected within teachers’
lesson plans.

Impact: Regular, on-going SEL lessons and class

meetings allow teachers to teach strategies that
will impact the success of all scholars.

Artifacts/Evidence: Lesson Plans

Ongoing PBIS support provided Local August Implementation: District and local provided PBIS Coach
through District personnel instructio 2021 training. Dates will be provided by District and/or PBIS committee
nal funds, local personnel and reminders placed on Staff Counselors
(training), school counselors,
District, calendars.
and local PBIS committee. and Title I Impact: Increase use of proactive strategies and
funds providing behavioral supports necessary to build a
positive school culture in which all scholars can

Artifacts/Evidence: training agendas, sign-ins, PBIS

team minutes
Access to free webinars NA August Implementation: Free SEL and self-care webinars. Admin
throughout the school year that 2021 Dates will be provided by admin and reminders Counselors
placed within TEAMS and Bengal Bulletin. PBIS Coach
focus on individual SEL and self-
care practices. Impact: Teacher self-care reduces stress and
prevents burnout and increases teachers’ physical
and emotional health.

Artifacts/Evidence: Bengal Bulletin staff

newsletters, posts within TEAMS,

School-wide expectations District August Implementation: PBIS lessons and ROAR PBIS Coach
(ROAR) posted throughout the and local 2021 expectations are posted in every classroom and PBIS committee
school throughout the building. Teachers
building and classrooms to
reinforce positive behavioral funds
Impact: ROAR expectations are explicitly taught and
expectations referred to in relation classroom management
resulting in increased scholar accountability,
improved classroom behavior, and maximized
instructional time.

Artifacts/Evidence: physical postings throughout

school and classrooms


GOAL #3 All Kindergarten-5th grade scholars will have access to SEL lessons and positive rewards as evidenced by
scholar and staff results from an SEL Reflection Survey administered from August 2021 to May 2022.
• Method for Monitoring Implementation
Funding (Frequency) • Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Start Date
Source(s) • Method for Monitoring Impact (Frequency) • Support
• Artifacts/Evidence
PBIS and PBIS rewards app NA August Implementation: Local PBIS team has created pre- PBIS Coach
training for families. 2021 recorded training videos that families will be able to Admin
access throughout the school year beginning in Teachers
August to support use of the PBIS app at home.
Links to resources will be included in weekly Bengal

Artifacts/Evidence: PBIS app videos and district

provided resources, Bengal Blasts
Weekly communication from NA August Implementation: Developed a communication Team Lead
grade levels previewing 2021 protocol for teachers with a minimum of one Teachers
correspondence each week; as monitored by the Admin
upcoming academic and SEL
CTLS platform. Admin will address issues with
learning targets. individual staff.

Artifacts/Evidence: CTLS communication logs (CTLS

Use of Smore newsletter from Title I August Implementation: Parent will receive a weekly Counselors
the school counselors to 2021 newsletter from the school counselors including SEL Admin
provide parents with up-to-
date information regarding Artifacts/Evidence: Counselors’ Corner, CTLS
Social Emotional Learning and notifications
strategies to be used at home.

Parent calls in Spanish to NA August Implementation: Parent Facilitator will conduct Bilingual Parent
decrease language barriers for 2021 monthly meetings to keep parents up-to-date on Facilitator
school information.
Artifacts/Evidence: Zoom attendance log, Zoom
Academic Coach
chat logs, agenda

Goal #3 All Kindergarten-5th grade scholars will have access to SEL lessons and positive rewards as evidenced by
scholar and staff results from an SEL Reflection Survey administered from August 2021 to May 2022.
Possible • Method for Monitoring
• Lead (bold)
Action Step(s) Funding Start Date Implementation/Impact
• Support
Source(s) • Artifacts/Evidence to verify implementation
Provide Professional Local July 2021 Implementation/Impact: A PD Calendar has been Admin Team
development to ensure Best School, established for the school year to include all PD BLT
Practices are used for planning District that is SIP goal driven as well as to support District Coaches
and executing high quality and Title initiatives. Teachers
instruction for ED scholars I funds PD provides teachers with the confidence to
Economically (proving technology training, provide quality instruction.
Disadvantaged Microsoft refresher for staff,
conduct virtual technology
training for parents virtually in Artifacts/Evidence: PD reflections by staff, PD
English and Spanish. Calendar
Teachers will use Second Step to
address the needs of ED scholars.
Essential vocabulary will be Local August Implementation/Impact: Strategies will be ESOL Teachers
previewed during normal School, 2021 documented on lesson plans. Providing the ESOL Admin
instruction by the ESOL District vocabulary will help remove the barrier for ESOL Certified
and Title learning and provide more success for the scholar.
Teacher, and the coaches will Staff
I funds
provide resources to the
Artifacts/Evidence: ESOL Plan, Walks, ACCESS
English parents. scores
Learners ESOL Teachers will review
data regularly to provide
interventions for EL scholars.
ESOL Teachers will support
and maintain a high quality of
instruction in the classroom.
School will provide culturally Local August Implementation/Impact: District-supported Admin with
relevant opportunities and School 2021 training will be utilized to support an inclusive District
activities (inclusive cultures environment. Support
Race / and cultural sensitivity
Artifacts/Evidence: PD schedule and Teacher
Ethnicity training)
Reflection and Practice
Programs will be reviewed to
ensure they are inclusive of all
Support through Community Local August Implementation/Impact: We will hold weekly Social Worker
in Schools, School Social School, 2021 meetings with this collaborative team to discuss CIS
Worker and School Counselor District scholar and family needs. Counselors
Foster and and Title
to access community Admin Team
Homeless I funds Artifacts/Evidence: CCC Minutes
resources for Scholars.

Benchmark assessments will Local August Implementation/Impact: Upon registration, Coaches

be used to determine School, 2021 scholars will be pulled by coaches to provide the EIP Teachers
academic readiness and level. District Benchmark assessment. Counselors
and Title
School counseling small Admin
I funds
groups to support student
Migrant Artifacts/Evidence: Benchmark assessment data
transition and clear
understanding of school
procedures and expectations,
along with support families as

The SSA will provide regular Local July 2021 Implementation/Impact: SSA holds monthly Admin Team
PD for teachers to enhance School meetings with Special Education staff to go over BLT
the various teaching models and District-provided training. Coaches
District Teachers
Students with that support SWD.
Artifacts/Evidence: Meeting agendas and minutes
Disabilities Provide programs that allow
opportunities to close the gap
and support student’s goals
and objectives.


CCSD Schoolwide Plan Development Sec. 1114(b)(1-5) of ESSA

References: Schoolwide Checklist (3.a., 3.c., 3.d.)

Statement #1: The School Improvement Plan is developed during a one-year period (2021-2022) as
outlined in Sec. 114(b) (1-5) of ESSA.

Statement #2: (Monitoring) The School Improvement Plan remains in effect for the duration of the school’s
participation under Sec. 114(b)(1-5) of ESSA, except that the plan and its implementation shall be regularly
monitored and revised as necessary based on student needs to ensure that all students are provided
opportunities to meet the challenging State academic standards.

Statement #3: (SIP Available to Stakeholders) The School Improvement Plan is available to the local
educational agency, parents, and the public, by being published on the local school website and available in
the front office of the school. The information contained in such plan shall be in an understandable and
uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that the parents can understand.

Statement #4: (Coordination and Integration of Funds) Is developed in coordination and integration with
other Federal, State and local services, resources, and programs, such as programs supported under this
Act, violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start programs, adult
education programs, career and technical education programs, and schools implementing comprehensive
support and improvement activities or targeted support and improvement activities under section 1111 (d),
if appropriate and applicable.
Question #1: Describe how the school will provide professional development and other activities for teachers,
paraprofessionals, and other school personnel to improve instruction and use of data from academic assessments.

References: Schoolwide Checklist (2.iii.d)

Cobb Collaborative Communities- Focused professional development based on high standards of teaching and
learning is essential to improving teaching and increasing student achievement. It must be focused on what
teachers district-wide and in the individual schools need to know and be able to do for their students. Ultimately,
professional development should build "professional communities" committed to higher student learning.
Continuous learning opportunities that are focused, reflective, and coherent are essential. The following are
research-based practices in professional development that support career-long development of teaching and
student learning:
• Provide on-going learning opportunities for all
• Improve teaching and learning
• Target student outcomes and goals of schools and districts
• Set time aside to allow teachers to implement new techniques learned and to plan collaboratively
• Establish study groups (e.g., book studies, professional magazine articles, etc)
• Involve all teachers including, Special Education, ESOL, paraprofessionals and specialists (music, art,
science, math and physical education)

Bryant Elementary

• School developed a Professional Development Calendar based on needs assessed from the 2021-2022 school
• The school’s Guiding Coalition developed a school-wide calendar to discuss when these meetings could be
• Administration supports PD by purchasing books, developing training and/or seeking out highly qualified
District staff to conduct training
• The Building Leadership Team will focus on MTSS
• School-focused PD will focus on Assessment Literacy and Writing Across the Curriculum

Question #2: Describe how the school will ensure that low-income and minority children enrolled in the Title I
school are not served at disproportionate rates by ineffective, out-of-field, or inexperienced teachers. [Sec.
References: Schoolwide Checklist (2.iii.d)
All students at Bryant Elementary will be served in the Title I program regardless of socio-economic status or ethnic
background. Cobb County School District strives to hire the best qualified candidate for all teaching position. The
CCSD Strategic Waiver allows our school the opportunity to hire the best applicant; however, we strive to hire Georgia
certified teachers whenever possible. Cobb Collaborative Community (CCC) Teacher Meetings ensure teachers work
collaboratively to plan, analyze data and adjust instruction to meet the needs of all students. Furthermore, the Cobb
County School District recruits prospective teachers by attending various college/university campus job fairs and host
a CCSD job fair. Once hired, teachers new to CCSD and new to the teaching profession are registered and participate
in CCSD New Teacher Institute. This institute occurs prior to the new school year. Early release and professional
development days are provided throughout the school year for all teachers.

(Local School)

At Bryant Elementary we provide new teacher orientation prior to the beginning of a new school year as well as an on-
going new teacher induction program that includes pairing with mentor teachers. We will set aside specific times
each week for members of grade levels to meet as a group for planning purposes. We will receive curriculum support
from local and district level coaches. Finally, we will provide frequent professional learning to address areas of
weakness in all content areas.

Question #3: Describe how the Title I instructional program address the needs of all children in the school, but
particularly the needs of those at risk of not meeting the challenging State academic standards, through activities
which may include-

• counseling, school-based mental health programs, specialized instructional support services, mentoring
services, and other strategies to improve students’ skills outside the academic subject areas;
• preparation for and awareness of opportunities for postsecondary education and the workforce, which may
include career and technical education programs and broadening secondary school students’ access to
coursework to earn postsecondary credit while still in high school (such as Advanced Placement,
International Baccalaureate, dual or concurrent enrollment, or early college high schools);
• implementation of a schoolwide tiered model to prevent and address problem behavior (PBIS), and early
intervening services (RTI), coordinated with similar activities and services carried out under the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.); [Sec. 1114(b)(7)(ii)]

References: Schoolwide Checklist (2.a.iii.a, 2.a.iii.b, & 2.a.iii.c.)

The school will address students at risk of not meeting the State academic standards through the following:
• Offering Read 180/System 44
• Proving a Literacy Lab during enrichment to focus on standards not mastered across grade levels
• Provide a Math Lab during enrichment to focus on standards not mastered across grade levels
• Hire tutors to supplant instruction and support Tier 2
• Training on and use of MTSS to strengthen Tier 1 instruction
• Use of PBIS to monitor and address school-wide behaviors
• Counselors begin the RAMP process and goals will be aligned to supporting at-risk scholars
• Start of the STEM process to support writing across the curriculum
• Use of Math 360 boards in 3rd-5th grade to support more hands-on learning
• After-school tutoring will be offered for all grades

Question #4: Describe the services provided for students living in local institutions for neglected or delinquent
children (if applicable). [Sec. 1114(b)(7)(ii)]

(Only include for Local School with students residing in N & D facilities)

Provisions have been made to ensure that all students have access to after school tutoring, paid for with Title I funds.
“In cases where the student(s) reside in a Neglected and Delinquent Residential Facility, a representative from that
Facility can serve as a proxy for the parent(s).”

Question #5: Describe how the school will support efforts to reduce the overuse of discipline practices that remove
students from the classroom, specifically addressing the effects on all subgroups of students. [Sec. 1114(b)(7)(III)]

Use of PBIS and Second Step will support best practices for discipline. Teachers are provided with a flow chart to help
support them with day-to-day behavior concerns and strategies on how to deal with minor infractions.

Counselors will continue to meet with Administration on a weekly basis to determine those scholars who need
additional support on Tiers 2 and 3 and provide support as needed.

Check-in and Check-out practices (beginning and end of day) will help support the scholars staying the classroom;
reducing the amount of time outside of the academic environment.

Teachers who struggle with classroom discipline, will be provided time to observe other classrooms, a mentor and
support from Administration. Teachers with needs above PBIS and positive administration interventions will be
documented and support through local and District measures.

Question #6:
ES: Describe how the school will support, coordinate, and integrate services with early childhood programs at the
school level, including strategies for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood education
programs to local elementary school programs. [Sec. 1114(b)(7)(V)]
References: Schoolwide Checklist 2.a.iii.e

Bryant Elementary will host a Rising Kindergarten Camp. Throughout the year, the school will host three meetings with
Daycares/Pre-schools in the area to help build a positive relationship and begin support of our new families.

Coaches will offer training at the different Daycare facilities and with parents to help them with readiness skills
Kindergarteners will need prior to the first day of school.

The school will also reach out to families, via our school newsletter and on our electronic sign for first-time scholars
who attend First Grade (no Kindergarten), to provide information about what skills are needed prior to First Grade.
Those scholars, upon registration, will be supported in an EIP Reduced Class as well.

Question #7: If applicable, provide a description of how teachers, in consultation with parents,
administrators, and pupil services personnel, will identify eligible children most in need of services in
Title I targeted assistance schools/programs. Please include a description of how the school will
develop and implement multiple (a minimum of 2) objective, academic based performance criteria to
rank students for service. Also include a description of the measurable scale (point system) that uses
the objective criteria to rank all students.
[Sec. 1115(b)(1)]; [Sec.1115(c)(1)(B)]
(Local School that is TA Schools Only)

Question #8: Describe the process used to maintain an updated and accurate school inventory list.
Include the process of how Title I equipment is utilized and/or checked out.

(Local School)

The School Media Specialist (MS) checks all inventory in the building during the second semester to
ensure we have all inventory listed on our Inventory Sheet. The MS also tags and logs all new
technology that enters the building. Technology is logged into a database and maintained at the local
level and reported to District personnel.

Coaches and Parent Facilitator work together to ensure all Title I instructional materials are logged and
tagged. They also work together to keep up with sign-in/sign-out sheets to make sure they know who is
in possession of all materials (parents and teachers). All instructional materials are housed in the
Coaches classroom and all Parent Materials are kept in the Parent Resource room.

Use the space below to provide additional narrative regarding the school’s improvement plan (optional).


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