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conductivity of alloys of two metals or the surface of conductivity


may be convenient as abbreviations. In the writing of some

1889-1898 29.86 33.26 38.86

7. 3, viii. 10. 5-8, 27. 13) of his attack on Megalopolis,

Heywood calls him ``inimitable,'' ``the best of actors,''

their civil admiralty jurisdiction from their ordinary civil

Bandelier, Papers on the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico

of pleasing form in the narrower sense, that is to say,

ALTRUISM (Fr. autrui, from Lat. alter, the other of

like. These are combined in wreaths, scrolls and frets,

Fielden, Schwab and Neebe, by Governor Altgeld. The reasons

for works of solid construction. In isolated instances of

So much, indeed, does the character of the herbage vary

Gal. ii. 1-10 and Acts xv. If they are meant to refer to

completed his training at Constantinople and practised as

Pool and named it Leopoldville, founding other stations on the

Italy to Charles Montagu. This contains some fine touches

1784 by the emperor Joseph II. under the direction of the

indeed of a very different tendency in regard to its effects on

the rooms occupied by them were wanted for the exhibition.

a certain extent in the upper basin of the Ituri, and perhaps

strength of his force, number of guns and exact situation of

the strong arm of the western people prevailed. The rajah of

sections of the Field Ambulances, are each supposed to provide

and some other white crops, through November and December;

rested. The detonating cap was in the base of the cartridge,

century before, was overshadowed by the religious changes

Saturday, and two new fairs on the feasts of SS Philip and

agreeably.'' It means that the rose has a general power of

under which a particular transformation takes place have

time held the hereditary office of bey of Tepeleni. His father,

England and 10 in Scotland, or 36 altogether, from which

pagodite, used by the Chinese for carving, especially

rate of one penny a mile on all trains. The diminution in the

insulating forks or tubes, and the positive terminal of one

1890 2,418,766,028

not the equal of Achilles in bravery, Agamemnon is a dignified

Barley 715 70 4 19 607 15

1885, in which Portugal recognized the sovereignty of the

course of further centuries these hooks in turn were superseded

translations of Jewish, Greek and Arabic works, besides a

problem, and in practice it follows that the Admiralty Board

numerous. The resorts most frequented are in the vicinity

were aided by their field guns. A brave counter-attack was

the appointments of flag officers, captains and other officers

also covered with canopies supported on columns. They were

each court, and after presentation to the court, taking the

painter. His son CRISTOFANO ALLORI (1577-1621), born at

disease (see R. Berry and L. Lack, Journ. Anat. & Phys.

language adopted by their conquerors with slight modifications.

is.'' The act of 1391 (15 Ric. II. c. 3) provided that ``of

Hymn to Aphrodite, 196) is now generally considered to be

of grace denotes the granting of some special privilege.

longitude. The publication of the convention aroused deep

business. He next established a sugar refinery at Gothenburg,

of Alter do Chao and Alter Pedroso (3971), near Portalegre,

leader's experiments, also left, and erected a factory at

that which would regard the ``we'' as due to the author's

society is followed from time to time by periods of accelerated

to Pindar (apud Plutarch), the brothers built the temple

Erie and Champlain canals (being a terminus of each), by

the Anthrax Order of 1886. Isolated outbreaks are of

south of Luxor are of 3 ft. 6 in. gauge. The main lines

double abdication were set forth, but since then his zeal

two immediate successors, Ptolemy Philadelphus and Ptolemy

civil cases of practical moment in those courts. Arguments

Society. In 1882 he began a connexion with West Africa which

valley have been colonized since the 18th century by runaway

any common element in beautiful objects, it is proportion,

stone were specially gifted, the potters in only a few places

his researches (see A. R. Wallace, Notes of a Botannist,

h, Space in sub-cuticular layer of the skin.

wall of the sac and the nerves. The substances injected, by

business, though he may reside elsewhere) so that the term

application in medicine, and in the preparation of anhydrous

II. ALEXANDER STEWART, duke of Albany (c. 1454-1485),

in church and state. In the following year he was made master

therefore be thought that if must have become acclimatized.

was deemed advisable to indicate on the maps the boundary

(see CYCLOSTOMATA), the whole canal is ciliated except the

the editor does not stand at all in awe of the advertiser, and

14,581; December 1, Woolwich, 5431; December 30, Woolwich,

fortress, was taken by the Bernese in 1415, and in 1798 became

two cases in the light of the theory of E.M.F. already given.

the restoration of the papal authority in the states of the

the return to England of Edward, son of Edmund Ironside,

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