PHYS - Arrival

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Communiation with an alien race would be incredibly difficult prosses. Who knows if their way
of communication is something that we could even comprehend with the way that humans are
currently? The movie makes a great point of showing how the process of learning to communicate with
aliens could be like. Their use of pictures and simple motions shows that communication does not just
happen in a day, it would require countless hours. The aliens in the movie Arrival seem to swim more
than walk. In the movie when the humans try to explain walking it would probably be something new to
the aliens, something that they wouldn’t have a word for because they don’t walk. Humans have a
limited hearing range. The aliens could speak in such a high pitch that we as humans wouldn’t be able to
hear. Body language could also pose a huge problem, talking on a different median than humans are
used to. Most human concepts could most likely not match with anything the aliens would have

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