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Stagecraft Ch.

1. A prop is anything an actor touches, interacts with or uses
2. Decorative, hand, set, costume, food, sfx, lighting
3. Decorative – Set dressing, not always touched
4. Hand – anything an actor holds
5. Set – Furniture pieces
6. Costume – Using a costume as a prop
7. Food – consumable or non
8. SFX – Catch on fire, smoke, break
9. Lighting – anything that lights up
10. Rehearsal props – props ready for the first day of
11. Start with props list in the back of the script
12. How are they using that prop?
13. Build, buy, rent, pull, borrow, or make props
14. Overlap in design area is common within props
15. Vaccu-form props, 3d print
16. Keep your prop table consistent
17. It is better to outsource a specific prop rather than to make
18. The cost of manpower to make a prop could be more
expensive than the actual prop
19. Know what you need that prop to do, does it break, light
20. Keep track of where the prop is and where it needs to be.

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