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Student Project on International Hotel

Student: Nguyen Thi Van Anh

Student ID: 11200301
Class: International Hotel Management Intake: 62
Instructor: Dr Tran Huy Duc / MBA. Nguyen Duc Trong

Ha Noi, 2023
Table of Content

A. Introduction 3
1. Rationale 3
2. Objectives 3
3. Methodology 4
B. Main Content 4
I. Chapter 1: Hotel Introduction 4
II. Chapter 2: Current Issues and Problems in the hotel 6
a. Human resource problems 6
b. Communication problems 7
III. Chapter 3: Proposal of Solutions or Suggestions for hotel 7
C. Conclusion 11
References: 12

A. Introduction
1. Rationale
As you are aware, everyone who travels crosses not only time and space borders, but
also cultural boundaries, and the astute observer will notice and respond to a series of
disparities that face them. The work of culture is situated in a context that is impacted
by changes in technology, the scale of the operation, and even contingency variables
that can operate both across and within cultures. Because international hospitality
firms are so complex, both convergence and uniqueness components may be at work
inside them. The hotel sector is a particularly diversified subject since it depends on a
convoluted network of various enterprises, a large number of employees, and clientele
from a wide range of backgrounds. Despite these constraints, there is a significant
opportunity to create a more original, creative, and productive workplace that benefits
all clients. Prioritizing and incorporating ethnic variety into hotel culture has various
advantages. As a result, workplace cultural diversity is increasingly required. When
companies appreciate cultural diversity, workers from disadvantaged origins are more
likely to have happy careers. When people work in a workplace that supports cultural
diversity, they can better approach arguments and choices from a global and complete
viewpoint. Adopting cultural diversity in the workplace might be challenging, but it is

2. Objectives

● Determine the worldwide environment for hospitality management.

● Determine the roles and duties of various cultures in international
hospitality management.
● Examine the cultural dynamics at work in companies with national
cultures, organizational cultures, and tourism cultures.
● Examine the processes for dealing with cultural diversity.
● Consider the impact of overlapping cultures on international hospitality

3. Methodology
This was a qualitative investigation. In-depth interviews were conducted to investigate
human resources professionals' perspectives on the nature of intercultural
communicative competence and its application in the hotel industry at the Century
Park Hotel Bangkok, Thailand, an attractive 4-star hotel located in the Victory
Monument Area, close to central Bangkok.

B. Main Content

I. Chapter 1: Hotel introduction

Century Park Hotel Bangkok, Thailand, is a charming 4-star hotel in the Victory
Monument Area, close to central Bangkok. The 380 bright and elegant guest rooms, as
well as the beautiful garden with spectacular views of the city, making this hotel one
of the best choices for both business professionals and families. Art lovers will feel
right at home in this elegant 24-story hotel, which features a floor-to-ceiling hand-
painted Thai mural in the lobby. It offers personalized service, a well-equipped gym,
and a one-of-a-kind rooftop swimming pool with breathtaking views.

II. Chapter 2: Current Issues and Problems in the hotel

Problems in over-cultural diversity

a. Human resource problems

● It can be tough to navigate immigration processes, job limits, and the cost of
satisfying workplace norms. Additional incentives for attracting and keeping a
multicultural workforce should be explored in addition to visas. A appropriate
working environment should be set up ahead of time. By offering a quiet space
for prayer or making adaptations for various cultural or religious festivals, a
workplace may be made more friendly and inclusive for employees with varied
opinions. These concerns and improvements, of course, may pose budgetary
and logistical issues.
● Integration and training of foreign workers might be particularly difficult
● Racism and Discrimination
● Employee commitment and loyalty: There will always be employees who
oppose cultural diversity and the altering trends that come with it. They would
rather preserve things as they are. This stifles new ideas and slows growth. In
that instance, the business may find it challenging to implement workplace
diversity policies.

b. Communication problems
● Colleagues from some cultures may be less likely to let their voices be heard
● Language is a barrier
- Even if accurate translations are crucial for successful marketing,
multilingual employees may struggle to communicate with one another.
Language difficulties are just one problem. Understanding diverse
accents or native speakers' use of idioms may be challenging even in a
workplace where everyone speaks English.
- Language exchanges are only one aspect of effective cross-cultural
communication. Nonverbal communication is delicate and sensitive,
which can lead to misunderstandings or even outright hostility among
team members from different nations. Cultures may differ significantly
in terms of how much distance is considered comfortable, how eye
contact is made or maintained, and how gesture is employed. After all,
in different cultures, a handshake, or V-symbol, may represent both
peace and hostility.

● Different understandings of professional etiquette

Employees from other cultures may exhibit diverse attitudes, beliefs, behaviors,
and business etiquette in the workplace. They may be invigorating and even
beneficial in a firm with a diverse workforce, but they can also lead to
miscommunication or animosity among team members.

III. Chapter 3: Proposal of Solutions or Suggestions for hotel

● First and foremost, hospitality firms must modify and reassess their approach to
cultural diversity as part of their corporate strategy, as well as build an effective
cultural diversity management plan. Furthermore, the strategy should be simple
to put into action, particularly when it comes to diversity training. Management
must understand individual diversity in order to increase team spirit,
commitment, dispute resolution, and work effectiveness. Train indigenous
employees to embrace and fit in with a diverse workforce

● Ensure that local staff members are aware of the needs of multicultural
employees. The domestic workers must be educated on why the company is
hiring foreigners and what to anticipate. Diversity education can be an effective
strategy, and systematic diversity education can significantly contribute to
eradicating employee ignorance and fostering a more culturally enriched
workplace. Therefore, it is crucial that all personnel receive multicultural
● Among the strategies are:
- Creating activities to enhance awareness of cultural diversity
- Promoting more accepting attitudes about cultural diversity
- Recognizing similarities in points of view and relationships among
ethnic groups
- Being adaptable in communication
- Expressing personal concerns and confusion when confronted with
cultural obstacles
- Creating cultural diversity committees
- Look for ways to improve communication
- Encourage positive employee interactions.
● Other effective methods to manage cultural diversity in the workplace, in
addition to these strategies, include:
- Establish organizational principles and policies.
Before deciding on fundamental policies and ethics for your
organization, consider the following: what the organization ultimately
aims for; what image you want to promote to effectively apply cultural
diversity workforce in hospitality management; what kind of workforce
you want in the future; and what kind of workforce characteristics are
critical for performance.
- Implement a framework for managing employee relationships.
To successfully integrate personnel from different cultures, managers
must build favorable relationships with them. Language instruction, a
celebration of different religious or traditional holidays of employees,

involvement of employees' families in some company activities, and
other activities can all help to develop the relationship. Creating a
family-like atmosphere promotes retention. Managers must first learn
about their employees' personalities and experiences in order to properly
establish such an atmosphere through programs. Managers, for example,
can learn more about their staff by conversing with them during
downtime or social events. Employees in general value being heard and
- Create a training program for diversity management.
Diversity management training programs such as cross-cultural training
can aid abroad managers in learning about different cultures and gaining
skills in dealing with cultural diversity challenges as the hospitality
industry becomes increasingly globalized. Training in diversity
management should be provided at all levels of the hospitality business,
not just managers.
- Improve training on cultural diversity
Cultural diversity training comprises understanding culture at all levels,
from individual to national to corporate, as well as learning what it is
and why it is important. Trainers must describe preconceptions,
assumptions, and prejudice as well as explain cultural influences on job
behavior. Diversity training is designed to promote understanding, new
viewpoints, contemplation, and realization. Diversity training should be
provided to both employees and management, as well as supervisors, as
previously said. To make existing training more convenient, you can
incorporate diversity. For example, it might be incorporated into present
supervisory training. Measurement and accountability are also required
for training. Assessments can be used to direct employees' attention to a
specific topic. Assessments help learners to achieve learning goals such
as enhanced knowledge, behavior, and attitude improvement. The
trainer's abilities and characteristics must be appropriate for the
assignment. They must be adaptive, capable of handling disagreements,

and managing group dynamics. Furthermore, diversity training can
employ a number of instructional approaches such as role-playing,
video, theater, quizzes, and small group work. It is vital to identify
which strategy will help people learn.
- Make use of a language bank
It is a program in which workers interpret different languages for other
workers who require translators. The language bank facilitates better
understanding and communication among employees who speak
different languages.
● There are several approaches for acquiring evaluation data within the company.
The first step is to review the data that is available. It could include, for
example, labor demographic data, customer satisfaction information, or
complaints. Existing data can contain any type of company-related information,
such as statistics. Interviewing leaders about cultural diversity aims and
problems is another approach to the strategic assessment of cultural diversity.
Provide statistical information on how employees perceive the organization's
diversity management. These methodologies are crucial for recognizing
cultural diversity in the hospitality sector and developing staff training
● Management and the Human Resources Department must recognize and
respect cultural differences, as well as understand that different types emerge
for a variety of reasons and conditions. To create a cohesive workforce, they
must develop a strategy to successfully deal with an issue as well as a system.
Creating a cultural diversity council within the organization is thus a vital step
in implementing an effective cultural diversity plan.
● All hospitality organizations are encouraged to have a diversity plan. The plan
should be comprehensive, attainable, something in which everyone can engage,
and, finally, measurable in order to see consistent improvement and
development in cultural diversity. Management and the executive team must
decide what changes to make and develop a fair timeline for implementing the
cultural diversity plan. Furthermore, having a fantastic cultural diversity plan is

not enough; execution must be carefully handled as well. Management and the
executive team must respect diversity on a personal level in order to undertake
cultural diversity management with their staff. One of the most successful ways
to promote diversity to employees is through diversity training. Educating and
training employees results in the development of in-house expertise.
Organizational efforts to inform and educate employees about the benefits of
diversity to the organization will contribute to improved organizational
● Furthermore, the Human Resources Department is in charge of staffing
procedures in order to achieve the aims of a multicultural workforce. The
Human Resources Department ensures that managers and members of the
executive team execute cultural diversity policy throughout the organization's
departments and functions. Their major role is to build a culture that is
supportive of the organization's cultural diversity strategy. Management must
establish an environment of honesty and openness in which employees are
encouraged to communicate their views and comments. It also fosters an
atmosphere of equality. Diversity in leadership positions gives managers
visibility and awareness of the true benefits of diversity. Managers should think
about a succession plan for identifying and developing a diverse pool of talent
for an organization's potential future leaders, as well as the recruitment process,
which is important in strategic cultural diversity leadership. Finding a suitable
supply of qualified, diverse applicants for employment is a difficult project.

C. Conclusion
While diversity is important in all businesses, it is especially important for the
success of hospitality companies. Fortunately, specific steps can be taken to
both create and manage diversity among both employees and customers. These
actions will enhance the customer experience while also stimulating creativity,
innovation, and productivity.



Clements, P. & Jones, J. 2006. The diversity training handbook: A practical

guide to understanding & changing attitudes. Philadephia: Kogan Page.

Crotts, J. C. 2004. The Effect of Cultural Distance on Overseas Travel

Behaviors. Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 43, 83–88.

Friday, E. & Friday, S. 2003. Managing diversity using a strategic planned

change approach Journal of Management Development, Vol. 22 No 10, 863–880.

Ford, D. Y. Moore, J. L. & Milner, H. R. 2005. Beyond Cultureblindness: A

Model of Culture With Implications for Gifted Education. Roeper Review Vol. 27 No

Gardenswarzt, L. & Rowe, A 2009. ‘The Effective Management of Cultural

Diversity’ in Moodian, M. (editor) Contemporary Leadership and Intercultural
Competence – Exploring the Cross-Cultural Dynamics within Organizations. Los
Angeles: Sage Publications.


(For Instructor)

This form aims to evaluate each team’s report in each reporting date


CLASS: IHME - International Hospitality Management In English – K62


NAME OF EVALUATOR: ……………………………………………………

Contents Mark

1 Preparation /2

2 Attitude with the activities /1

3 Time management /1

4 Knowledge/Skills /3

5 Teamwork skills /2

6 Discipline /1




Instructor’s Signature


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