Science7 Q2 Module 7

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

7 Zest for Progress

Z Peal of artnership

Science Grade 7
Quarter 2 - Module 7
The Effect of Changes in Abiotic
Factors on the Ecosystem

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
Module The Effect of Changes in Abiotic
7 Factors on the Ecosystem

What I Need to Know

Many factors influence every part of our environment. Things like how tall trees grow, where
animals and plants are found, and why birds migrate are just few examples of how biotic and abiotic
factors interact.
Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the environment that can often have a major influence on
living organisms. Abiotic factors include water, sunlight, oxygen, soil and temperature. Changes in abiotic
factors can result in extreme problems for some organisms.
This module will sharpen your understanding on the interconnections of biotic and abiotic factors
on the ecosystem and how changes of one affect the other. This is about;
Lesson: The Effect of changes in Abiotic Factors on the Ecosystem
Competency: Predict the effect of changes in abiotic factors on the ecosystem (S7LT-IIj-12).

What’s In
Activity 1: Break It Down!
Directions: Enter the items from the word bank into the Venn diagram below. At the left side write the biotic
factor only, at the right side write abiotic factor `only, and at the center write words containing both biotic
and abiotic factors.

Water Forest Sand Clouds pond Grass

Tree bird Oxygen Farm Sunlight Log


All biotic and abiotic factors are interrelated. In nature, you will find that biotic factors interact
with one another and also interact with the abiotic components in order to survive. Biotic factors are
dependent to abiotic factors so changes in the latter may have a drastic effect to the ecosystem. To learn
more on this, let’s do the next activity.

What’s New 16
Activity 2: Sustain My Life
Directions: Identify what are the abiotic factors that are helpful in a certain corn field/farm. Choose your
answers from the word bank and write them inside the blank boxes. Then, answer the guide questions that
follow by shading the required number of circle.







Guide Questions:
Q1. What do you call to the factors that are needed to grow the corn field/farm?
(shade only 1)
Biotic Abiotic

Q2. If you are the owner of the corn field, what are you going to consider in order for you to get a big yield
of the farm? (shade only 6)
Weed Animals Soil
Water Fertilizer Air
Sunlight Weather Grass
Q3. If any of the factors that affect the corn field will be altered or change its condition, what do you think
will happen to the farm? (shade only 2)
The corn will not grow healthy and eventually die.
Crop yields will deteriorate over time.
You can still get a good harvest.

Q4. If the corn farm will not give good harvest, how can this affect to humans?
(shade only 1)
There is no effect to humans
There will be shortage of food supply and some may go hungry

Activity 3: We are Connected 12

Directions: Study figure 1 below and answer the guide questions that follow by ticking (√) the box of the
correct answer.

Figure 1. The Grassland Ecosystem; source:

Guide Questions:
Q5. What ecological relationship is shown in the picture at the right?
Q6. If the cows continually grow in number, what will happen to their food source?
Depletion of grasses and eventually cannot support the number of cows
Grasses remain the same and are enough for the cows
Q7. What are the abiotic factors that sustain grasses in the grassland ecosystem?
Water, carbon dioxide, sunlight, temperature, soil and minerals
Cows, oxygen, excessive heat, drought, unpredictable rainfall
Q8. The figure on the left shows the drying up of the grassland, what is the abiotic factor that causes
this phenomenon?
Q9. What do you think will happen to the cows if all parts of the grassland will dry up?
The cows will multiply in number
The cows will go hungry and eventually die
Q10. What can you infer about the relationship of the biotic and the abiotic components of the ecosystem?
Biotic components (cows, grasses) are dependent to abiotic components (Water, carbon
dioxide, sunlight, temperature, soil minerals)
Abiotic components (Water, carbon dioxide, sunlight, temperature, soil and minerals) are
dependent to biotic components (cows, grasses)

Activity 1 helped you recall the lessons you had in module 6. In activity 2, you were able to identify
the important abiotic factors that sustain the life of a corn farm and predicted the outcome if one of the
abiotic factors will change. This is further supported in activity 3, wherein, you were able to conceptualize
the dependency of biotic factors to abiotic.

What is it
The importance of biotic and abiotic factors comes in their interaction with others. For a community
or an ecosystem to survive, the correct interactions must be in place. A simple example would be of abiotic
interaction in plants. Water, sunlight and carbon dioxide are necessary for plants to grow. The biotic
interaction is that plants use water, sunlight and carbon dioxide to create their own food through a process
called photosynthesis.

On a larger scale, abiotic interactions refer to patterns such as weather and seasonality. Factors
such as temperature, humidity and the presence or absence of stations affect the ecosystem. For example,
some ecosystems experience cold winters with a lot of snow. An animal, such as a fox within this ecosystem,
adapts to these abiotic factors by the growth of a thick, white layer in the winter, see Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. The fox during winter


Decomposers such as bacteria and fungi are examples of biotic interactions on such a
scale. Decomposers work by breaking dead organisms. This process returns the basic components of
organisms to the soil, which allows them to be reused within that ecosystem. Changes in abiotic factors can
result in extreme problems for some organisms. For example, if a plant is adapted to low temperatures and
the specific are where it lives, has a change in its temperature (thanks to global warming!), this plant will
die and this area will no longer support life, which is due to the change in abiotic factor (temperature), see
Figure 3.

Figure 3. Caladium plant about to die


It can also have positive effect on organisms. For example, due to different reasons (like water
pollution), water becomes enriches in mineral thus supporting large population of algae, causing water
blooms. It does have negative effect on plants, fish and other organisms in water but, algae have a positive
effect of this change in abiotic factors(water). because it release oxygen as part of their metabolism, they
serve to oxygenate the water, see figure 4 below.

Figure 4. Algae in the ocean


Perform the next activity to learn more about the effect of changes in abiotic factors on the

What’s More
Activity 4: My Cause, My Effect!
Directions: Study the pictures in column A. Identify its effects by matching it with column B. Write the
letter on the space provided before the number.

A. Wildfires emit carbon dioxide and

other greenhouse gases that will
continue to warm the planet well into
the future. They damage forests that
would otherwise remove CO2 from the
air. And they inject soot and other
aerosols into the atmosphere, with
complex effects on warming and

B. Chemicals in a water body,

encourage the growth of algae. These
_____2 algae form a layer on top of the pond or
lake. Bacteria feed on this algae and
this decreases the amount of oxygen in
the water body, severely affecting the
aquatic life there.


What I Have Learned

Activity 5: Let’s Predict!
Directions: Study the ecosystems shown in the pictures. Identify the abiotic, biotic factors, and ecological
relationship. Then predict what will happen if one of the abiotic factors is changed. Check the box for your


RELATIONSHIP of the abiotic factors
ECOSYSTEM ABIOTIC BIOTIC seen on the is changed


Typhoon Typhoon Commensalism The nest was

attached on the tree.
Birds Birds Parasitism
The nest will be
Trees Trees Predation destroyed, and the
birds will eventually
Soil Soil Mutualism


Larva Larva Commensalism The larva eats the

leaves of the tress.
Soil Soil Parasitism
The tress will die
Leaves Leaves Predation because of drought,
then the larva will
Sunlight Sunlight Mutualism
not transform into a
Competition butterfly

What I Can Do
Activity 6: Let’s Keep Moving!
Directions. Sustainable environment is a responsible interaction to avoid depletion of natural resources
and eventually attain ecological balance. But how are we going to achieve sustainable environment? Show
your answer through a video clip or a poster slogan, choose only one. Each option has guidelines to follow
and corresponding rubrics for the points.

A. Video Clip. Make a video clip on how to achieve sustainable environment. The video should run 2-3
minutes. Then submit it to your teacher thru this email add: ________________________________, or FB
account: __________________________.
See a sample video on this site:

Rubrics for the video clip

Exemplary (5) Proficient(4) Basic (3) Below basic (2)
Concept Has a clear picture of what Has a fairly clear picture of Has brainstormed his/her Minimal effort has been spent
he/she is trying to achieve. what he/she is trying to do. concept, but no clear on brainstorming and refining a
focus has emerged. concept
The content includes a Information is presented as a The content does not Content lacks a central theme,
clear statement of purpose connected theme with present a clearly stated clear point of view and logical
Content/ or theme and is creative, accurate, current supporting theme, is vague, and sequence of information. Much
Organizat compelling and clearly information that contributes some of the supporting of the supporting information is
ion written. A rich variety of to understanding the project’s information does not irrelevant to the overall
supporting information in main idea. Details are logical seem to fit the main idea message. The viewer is unsure
the video clip contributes and persuasive information is or appears as a what the message is because
to the understanding of the effectively used. The content disconnected series of there is little persuasive
project’s main idea. Events includes a clear point of view scenes with no unifying information and only one or
and messages are presented with a progression of ideas main idea. Includes few two facts about the topic are
in a logical order. Includes and supporting information. citations and few facts. articulated. Information is
properly cited sources. Includes properly cited incorrect, out of date, or
sources. incomplete. No citations
Video clip was completed Video clip was completed and Video clip was made but The video clip was mostly
and had all required contained all required items. had very little if any unedited with no transitions or
Quality elements. The video was Editing was not done as well editing. Many poor shots audio support of any kind.
well edited and moves as it should have been. Some remain. Video was very
smoothly from scene to poor shots remain. Movie is fragmented and choppy
scene with proper use of still somewhat choppy. Audio with little to no audio
transitions. Audio and and other enhancements were reinforcement.
other enhancements were utilized, but not for maximum
well used. effect.
B. Poster and Slogan. Make a poster and slogan depicting how to achieve sustainable environment. Use a
long size bond paper and any coloring materials can be utilized. See sample below:


Rubrics for poster and slogan

5 4 3 2

Content Content is accurate Content is accurate but Content is accurate but Content is either
and all required some required some required questionable or
Poster contains appropriate items information is information is missing information is missing incomplete. Information is
and information (information is presented in a and/or not presented in and/or not presented in not presented in a logical
appropriate to assigned topic). logical order. a logical order but is still a logical order, making it order, making it difficult to
generally easy to follow. difficult to follow. follow.

Mechanics No spelling, A few (2-3) errors in No more than 5 No more than 7 spelling,
grammar, or spelling, grammar or spelling, grammar or grammar or punctuation
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors punctuation. Most text punctuation errors. errors. Most of text is not
punctuation in any text on the in the text. Text is is in student’s own Several instances where in authors’ own words
poster is accurate. in the student’s words. the text is not in and/or no text included.
own words. student’s own words.

Pictures, Clip Art and Artwork Images, pictures, Images, pictures, and clip Most images and/or Images are inappropriate
clip art and drawn art and drawn artwork artwork is are colorful and artwork shows little, if
Images, pictures, clip art and artwork are are mostly colorful and and appropriate. The any, creativity. The layout
drawn artwork are colorful and colorful, and appropriate. Layout may layout shows little is messy, disorganized or
appropriate to the assigned appropriate to the show some degree of creativity and/or is not cluttered.
topic. The layout flows well and topic. Layout creativity but is not organized logically or
shows creativity. The overall organized logically cluttered.
result is pleasing to the eye. Flows well, shows and/or is cluttered.
creativity, and is
pleasing to the

Directions: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The following are abiotic factors that may affect the population of organisms, EXCEPT;
A. Drought C. Predators
B. Earthquakes D. Typhoons
2. Wind is an abiotic factor that can affect the distribution and the activities of organisms in
several ways. Many plants depend on wind because__________.
A. Wind keeps branches from growing on the upwind side of the tree
B. Wind moves clouds and rain over Earth’s surface
C. Wind stirs up water in ponds, lakes, and streams
D. Wind helps disperse plants’ pollen and seeds

3. If any of the abiotic factor in a certain rice field will be altered or change its condition, what do
you think will happen to the farm?
A. The rice will continue its life.
B. You can still get a good harvest.
C. Crops yield will not be affected.
D. The rice will not grow healthy and eventually die.
4. What will happen to a population of cows dwelling in a grassland if all grasses dry-up due to
A. Cows grow healthy
B. Cows multiply in number
C. Cows eventually die
D. Cows produce plenty of milk
5. What do you think will happen if the tress in the forest are illegally cut?
A. Animals lost their resources
B. Plants will multiply in number
C. Animals grow healthy
D. Tress will grow again
6. Which of the following abiotic factors may affect the population of organisms?
A. Long drought C. Parasites
B. Food availability D. Predators
7. Which abiotic factor has the least effect on the ability of organisms to live in a cave?
A. The amount of energy
B. The amount of oxygen
C. The amount of water available
D. The shape of the cave
8. Which of the following abiotic factors that has gradually changed due to pollution and has the
biggest effect to biotic diversity?
A. Water
B. Climate
C. Air
D. Soil
9. Which of the following abiotic factors threatens the stability of our entire planet’s ecosystem?
A. Organisms C. Species
B. Pollution D. Water
10. Which of the following experiments is studying the effect of an abiotic factor?
A. Investigating how the amount of precipitation affects the growth of a species of grass
B. Identifying the sources of food for an elephant population
C. Observing the interactions between different fish inhabiting a coral reef
D. Investigating how goats on a mountain compete for food

Answer Key
Gr7Q2M7 Science
Pre-assessment: Activity 1: Break It Activity 2: Sustain My
1. A Down! Life!
2. A
Biotic = grass, bird, Inside the box- Fertilizer,
3. B air, water, sunlight,
4. B Abiotic = Clouds, weather, soil
Water, Sunlight, Q1. Abiotic
5. A Oxygen, Sand Q2. Sunlight, fertilizer,
6. C weather, soil, air
Both = log, tree, farm, Q3. The corn will not
7. D pond, forest grow healthy and
8. D eventually die
Q4. There will be a
9. C shortage of food supply
10. A and some may go
Activity 3: We Are Activity 4: My Cause, Assessment:
Connected My Effect!
1. C
1. B
Q5. Competition 2. D
Q6. Depletion of 2. A
3. D
grasses and 3. D
eventually cannot 4. C
support the number Activity 5: Let’s Predict!
of cows. 5. A
Q7. Water, carbon 1. Abiotic- Typhoon,
dioxide, sunlight, soil 6. A
temperature, soil Biotic- Birds, trees
7. A
and minerals Relationship-
Q8. Drought Commensalism 8. B
Q9. The cows will go Prediction- The nest
9. B
hungry and will will be destroyed, and
eventually die. the birds will 10. A
Q10. Biotic eventually die
components (cows, 2. Abiotic- Soil,
grasses) are sunlight
dependent to abiotic Biotic- Larva, leaves
components (water, Relationship-
carbon dioxide, Parasitism
sunlight, Prediction- The trees
temperature, soil will die because of
and minerals) drought, then the larva
will not transform into
a butterfly

Alvie J. Asuncion, Maria Helen D.H Catalan, Science Learner’s Materials, FEP
Printing Corp. 1st Ed,DepEd- BLR, Ground Floor Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex,
Meralco Avenue Pasig City, Phil. 2017.

Development Team Region IX Hymn

Mi último adiós
Writer: Laarni Antiquina Adonis
Editors: Margie Lou C. Jacob
Joly C. Baradero Adiós, Patria adorada, región Ora por todos cuantos murieron
sin ventura,
del sol querida,
Kathleen Joy B. Padilla Perla del mar de oriente, nuestro Por cuantos padecieron
Laarni A. Adonis perdido Edén! tormentos sin igual,
A darte voy alegre la triste Por nuestras pobres madres que
Reviewer: Sandy R. Albarico mustia vida, gimen su amargura;
Illustrator: Y fuera más brillante, más Por huérfanos y viudas, por
Layout Artist: fresca, más florida,
También por ti la diera, la diera
presos en tortura
Y ora por ti que veas tu
Management Team: por tu bien. redención final.
Majarani M. Jacinto, CESO VI Y cuando en noche oscura se
En campos de batalla, luchando
SDS-ZDS con delirio, envuelva el cementerio
Otros te dan sus vidas sin dudas, Y solos sólo muertos queden
velando allí,
Visminda Q. Valde, Ed.D sin pesar;
El sitio nada importa, ciprés, No turbes su reposo, no turbes el
ASDS laurel o lirio, misterio,
Cadalso o campo abierto, Tal vez acordes oigas de cítara o
combate o cruel martirio, salterio,
Raymond M. Salvador, Ed.D Lo mismo es si lo piden la Soy yo, querida Patria, yo que te
ASDs patria y el hogar. canto a ti.

Y cuando ya mi tumba de todos

Juliet M. Magallanes, Ed.DACID Chief Yo muero cuando veo que el
cielo se colora
No tenga cruz ni piedra que
Y al fin anuncia el día tras marquen su lugar,
Florencio R. Caballero, DTE lóbrego capuz; Deja que la are el hombre, la
si grana necesitas para teñir tu
EPS - LRMDS aurora,
esparza con la azada,
Y mis cenizas, antes que vuelvan
Vierte la sangre mía, derrámala a la nada,
Sandy R. Albarico en buen hora
Y dórela un reflejo de su
El polvo de tu alfombra que
vayan a formar.
EPS - Science naciente luz.

José Rizal, 1896

Mis sueños
cuando apenas
muchacho José Rizal, 1896
adolescente, Entonces nada
Mis sueños importa me pongas
cuando joven ya en olvido.
lleno de vigor, Tu atmósfera, tu
Fueron el verte un espacio, tus valles

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