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Aida Fithri, S.Pd, 2020: The Attempt to Increase Teacher Productivity Through Academic
Supervision at SDN 08 Pisang Academic Year 2019/2020

This research is motivated by the effectiveness of the implementation of teacher's

professional performance effectiveness is very dependent on the competence of the
Headmaster in carrying out their duties including in conducting academic supervision. To
carry out academic supervision, the Headmaster as supervisor and person in charge of
activities in school must be able to develop, implement, and do follow-up actions on the
academic programs in the school they lead. A good implementation of academic supervision
by the Headmaster wil generate teacher competence in facilitating good learning as well.
Based on study results, it can be seen that the supervision results have increased. In
the implementation of academic supervision, the teacher has carried out it well, proven by an
increase in the percentage of assessment. From the first cycle to the second cycle, there is
improvement from 76% to 88%, which is a 12% increment. The conclusion of this study is
that academic supervision can increase teacher productivity at SDN 08 Pisang for the
2019/2020 academic year. So, it is suggested as follows: (1) for the headmaster, motivation
is a must in increasing teacher and employee productivity. Therefore keep reminding and
motivating each other. (2) for the Supervisors, It is hoped that it can provide clearer and more
directed input in the guidance of teachers.

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