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Revised test protocols TECHNICAL PAPER

for the identification Journal of the South African

Institution of Civil Engineering

of dispersive soils Vol 57 No 1, March 2015, Pages 31–37, Paper 1000

A Maharaj, L van Rooy, P Paige-Green AMRITA MAHARAJ holds the title Project Leader:
Geotechnical and Pavement Engineering at N3
Toll Concession (Pty) Ltd. She obtained her BSc
Honours in Engineering Geology from the
Dispersive soils are prevalent in many areas of South Africa, and the presence of these University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2008, and an
soils has always posed a problem on road construction sites. The use of dispersive soils in MSc, related to problems with dispersive soils in
roadway embankments and structures can lead to serious engineering problems if the soils engineering geology, at the University of
Pretoria in 2013. She has published six papers at
are not accurately identified before use and appropriate mitigation measures taken. The
international conferences based on her MSc research. She is currently
current identification methods include the pinhole, double hydrometer, crumb and chemical pursuing an MEng in Pavement Engineering at the University of Stellenbosch.
tests, which are commonly used in combination to obtain the most reliable outcome. Amrita is a member of the South African Institute of Engineering and
These laboratory tests, however, have not always been entirely consistent, whether used Environmental Geologists (SAIEG). She is also a registered Professional Natural
in combination or individually, and it is possible that the reason lies in the actual testing Scientist with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions
(SACNASP) and an Associate Member of SAICE.
procedures. This paper discusses the observations made during a detailed investigation into
the current methods used for testing and identification of dispersive soils. The test methods Contact details:
were thoroughly analysed and shortcomings identified. The differences resulting from different Geotechnical and Pavement Engineering
N3 Toll Concession (Pty) Ltd
test techniques are examined and solutions to overcome the problems proposed. The paper
Pretoria, 0002, South Africa
concentrates mainly on the modification of the physical tests. The recommended solutions and T: +27 (0)87 285 6382, E:
process of identification are also proposed.
PROF LOUIS VAN ROOY obtained his PhD in
engineering geology at the University of
INTRODUCTION usually applied in combination to obtain Pretoria in 1992. He had started lecturing in the
Dispersive soils are prevalent in many areas the most reliable outcome. These laboratory Department of Geology at University of Pretoria
in 1985, and has since then lectured to under-
of South Africa and the presence of these tests, however, have not always been entirely
and postgraduate mining and civil engineering,
soils has always posed a problem on road consistent, whether used in combination or engineering geology and geology students. His
construction sites. The use of dispersive soils individually, and it is possible that the reason research interests include durability of basic
in roadway embankments and structures lies in the actual testing procedures. igneous rocks for use in civil engineering construction, problem soils, slope
can lead to serious engineering problems, The main objective of this project was stability and safe development on dolomite land. He has supervised a
number of MSc and PhD students, and is author or co-author of more than
manifested as piping, gullying and loss of to carry out a detailed investigation into the
30 papers in journals and conferences.
material, if the soils are not accurately identi- current methods used for testing and iden-
Contact details:
fied before use and appropriate mitigation tification of dispersive soils, as suggested by
Department of Geology
measures taken. Paige-Green (2008). The test methods were University of Pretoria
Although the causes and consequences thoroughly analysed and shortcomings iden- P/Bag X20, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028, South Africa
of soil dispersion are well understood, the tified. The differences resulting from differ- T: +27 (0)12 420 2023, E:
positive identification of dispersive soils ent test techniques are examined and solu-
still remains a problem. Many identification tions to overcome the problems proposed. PROF PHILIP PAIGE-GREEN Pr Sci Nat, FSAIEG,
methods have been proposed but none have This paper focuses on the test methods and recently retired as Chief Researcher after 37
years’ service at the Council for Scientific and
been completely successful. It is therefore not specifically any test results obtained dur-
Industrial Research (CSIR) in Pretoria. He is now a
necessary to gain a better understanding of ing the study. These are described in detail self-employed specialist consultant in
dispersive soils, thereby leading to positive in Maharaj (2013). geomaterials and roads (Paige-Green
identification and improved utilisation. Consulting (Pty) Ltd) and Professor
Since the state-of-the-art paper on dis- Extraordinaire in the Faculty of Engineering and
the Built Environment at the Tshwane University of Technology. He obtained
persive soils in 1985 (Elges 1985) there has BACKGROUND
his PhD in Engineering Geology at the University of Pretoria in 1989. He has
been some research into the complexities One of the fundamental properties control- been involved in a wide range of research and implementation projects
of dispersive soils and the difficulties they ling the susceptibility of a soil to dispersive including construction materials, low volume roads, soil stabilisation and
create, with the researchers coming to the piping is the percentage of the exchangeable geotechnical problems, working in 23 countries, and has authored or
same conclusions regarding the identifica- sodium cations bound to the clay particles co-authored more than 125 refereed papers, 300 reports and various book
chapters, syntheses, manuals, guidelines and standard specifications.
tion processes. Various rating systems have relative to the quantity of the other poly-
been proposed, the latest by Walker (1997). valent cations (calcium, magnesium and Contact details:
However, there still appears to be a number potassium). Dispersive clay will erode in the Professor Extraordinaire
Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Built Environment
of problems regarding the positive identifica- presence of flowing water when individual
Tshwane University of Technology
tion of the soils. Dispersive soils therefore clay platelets deflocculate and are carried Pretoria, 0002, South Africa
still pose a problem since no unique and away. As the water flows and erosion occurs, T: +27 (0)12 345 3129, E:
precise method of classifying the soils exists. conduits/cracks widen into large tunnels
Various tests are currently used in the which eventually collapse. According to Bell
identification of these soils and these are and Maud (1994), most earth dams that have Keywords: dispersive soil, material testing, pinhole test, construction material

Maharaj A, Van Rooy L, Paige-Green P. Revised test protocols for the identification of dispersive soils.
J. S. Afr. Inst. Civ. Eng. 2015;57(1), Art. #1000, 7 pages.
failed in South Africa did so on the first
Standpipe measures
wetting-up cycle after construction. head at upstream end
Currently there are four laboratory meth-
ods commonly used to identify the dispersive Compacted soil specimen
soils. These tests include the pinhole test, the Nipple Pea gravel
double hydrometer test, the crumb test and Distilled water
various chemical analyses of the soil, and from constant
usually a combination of the results obtained head tank

from these methods is used to determine the 1.0 mm hole

potential of a soil to disperse.
The pinhole test measures the erodibil-
ity/dispersivity of a compacted soil sample Wire screen Two wire screens
in which water is allowed to flow through a
small hole punched through the centre of the Measuring cylinder
specimen. The test is considered to be one of
the most reliable physical tests to determine
the dispersivity of soils, since it simulates
the action of water draining through a pipe/ Figure 1 P
 inhole test apparatus (adapted from Sherard et al 1976a)
crack in the soil (Sherard et al 1976b). The
flow rate, effluent turbidity and size of Chemical analyses are also carried out the sample at heads of 50 mm, 180 mm,
the pinhole at the end of each test are the to determine the amount of sodium relative 380 mm and 1 020 mm during the experi-
parameters recorded. If the effluent is highly to the other cations (calcium, magnesium, ment (Sherard et al 1976a). The flow rate,
turbid (murky) and the pinhole is enlarged, potassium) present in the soil sample. Tests effluent turbidity and size of pinhole at the
then the soil is classified as being dispersive. are run to determine the exchangeable cat- end of each test are the parameters recorded.
If the opposite is observed, i.e. the effluent is ions on the clays, as well the cations in the If the effluent is highly turbid (murky) and
clear and the pinhole size remains unaltered, saturation extract. Since this paper aims to the pinhole is enlarged, then the soil is clas-
then the soil is considered non-dispersive. discuss shortcomings identified in the physi- sified as being dispersive. If the opposite is
The double hydrometer test is another cal tests, the details of the chemicals tests observed, i.e. the effluent is clear and the
test that has been recorded in the literature will not be covered in detail. pinhole size remains unaltered, then the soil
as a highly suitable test for identifying is considered non-dispersive. In some cases,
dispersive soils. The test evaluates the the water may be clear but the pinhole could
dispersivity of a soil by measuring the INVESTIGATION OF CURRENT be severely enlarged, in which case erodibi­
natural tendency of the clay fraction to go TEST METHODS AND lity, but not dispersivity, is indicated.
into suspension. The procedure involves the SHORTCOMINGs IDENTIFIED The pinhole test method is based on the
determination of the percentage of particles While the physical tests aim to accurately guidelines described in a paper by Sherard
in the soil which are less than 0.005 mm in identify dispersive soils, they have not always et al (1976a). As stated by Sherard et al
size by use of the standard hydrometer test. been entirely successful. The literature shows (1976a), “… the test was developed for the
A parallel test is also carried out, in which that the tests often contradict one another, direct measurement of the erodibility of fine
no chemical dispersant is added and the resulting in more than one classification grained soils, using the flow of water passing
solution is not mechanically agitated. The for a particular soil sample (Maharaj 2013). through a small hole in the specimen.” The
quantity of 0.005 mm sized particles in the Although no discussion regarding these main objective was also stated as being a
parallel test is expressed as a percentage of anomalies has been found in the literature, reliable way of identifying dispersive soils. It
the 0.005 mm sized particles in the standard interpretation of results from recent testing should, however, be noted that all dispersive
test, which is defined as the dispersion ratio suggests that many of these shortcomings, as soils (high sodium content) can be erodible,
or dispersivity of the soil. The soil is then highlighted below, result from differences in but not all erodible soils (low cohesion) are
classified as being dispersive, moderately dis- the testing procedures, which may have been necessarily dispersive (Paige-Green 2008).
persive or non-dispersive based on the ratio overlooked during routine investigations. The test procedure involves separating
obtained from the test (Elges 1985). Each of the individual test methods is the material finer than 2 mm and com­
The crumb test is the simplest and easi- briefly discussed in this section, and the pacting it into a cylinder 100 mm in length
est of the physical tests and indicates the associated problems identified during this and 34 mm in diameter. According to the
tendency of the particles to deflocculate in project are highlighted. guidelines and test methods, the material
solution. The test, which can also be carried should be compacted at moisture contents
out in the field, involves placing a crumb of Pinhole test at or close to the plastic limit of the soil.
soil in a beaker of solution and observing In the pinhole test, water is allowed to flow The material is compacted in the cylinder
the reaction as the crumb begins to hydrate through a small hole punched through the on top of pea gravel and a wire screen.
(Walker 1997). The test is primarily a visual centre of the specimen. The test is generally After compaction, a 1 mm hole is punched
assessment of the behaviour of the soil in considered in the literature to be one of the through the centre of the specimen and
solution. After a certain time, the soil and most reliable physical tests to determine the the remainder of the cylinder is filled with
solution in the beaker are observed and the dispersivity of soils, since it simulates the pea gravel (Figure 1). After the specimen is
soil is classified according to the quantity action of water draining through a pipe/crack prepared and the apparatus assembled, water
of colloids in suspension. Four grades can in the soil. The pinhole, which is punched is per­colated through the pinhole under
be noted, ranging from no reaction to through the centre of the compacted sample, heads of 50, 180 and 380 mm for periods of
strong reaction. is 1 mm in diameter and water flows through 5–10 minutes at each head. The quantity of

32 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering  •  Volume 57  Number 1  March 2015
flow and time at different flow volumes are material, as many geotechnical properties sodium silicate and sodium oxalate be used
measured continuously and recorded on data are affected by low degrees of compaction of as the dispersing agent.
sheets. The turbidity of the effluent (colour the material. The lower densities obtained An experimental study was carried
of the water) during the test is also recorded. using the Proctor compaction effort (com- out to evaluate the effects of the d ­ ifferent
Since the test aims to identify dispersive pared with the much higher energy in the dispersing agents on the test results. Results
soils, it should be first noted that erodible MOD AASHTO effort), are most commonly showed a wide variation (up to 36%) in the
soils are very different from dispersive soils. utilised for dams and not for roads, which apparent clay fraction between the two
The pinhole test is likely to identify highly poses the question of the suitability of the different dispersants (Maharaj 2013). This
erodible soils, which can be mistaken for test for purposes other than dam construc- leads to v­ arying dispersion ratios and mis-
dispersive soils. tion. Further investigations have found that leading classification of the soils. Another
According to Bell and Walker (2000), the no study has been carried out to determine inconsistency noted is that different test
diameter of the pinhole at the end of the the influence of density on the pinhole methods, as well as authors, indicate
test proves to be the most reliable indicator test results. ­d ifferent particle sizes for the clay fraction.
for recognising dispersivity. This, however, All of the above problems noted during TMH1 and ASTM use the 0.005 mm frac-
should not be the only determining fac- the experimental study highlighted the tion as the boundary for the clay fraction,
tor for the identification of dispersivity, various inconsistencies associated with the whereas BSI uses the 0.002 mm. Many
as the pinhole diameter of erodible soils test procedure itself. These are suggested authors quote the 0.005 mm fraction as the
will increase more so than for dispersive as the main reasons for inconclusive results clay fraction when deter­m ining dispersivity
soils. The nature of the effluent plays a obtained in past investigations when the pin- of a soil. A d­ ictionary of geology (Whitten
vital role in the test procedure, not only for hole test was used as an identification tool & Brooks 1972) defines the clay fraction as
the colour, but also the type of sediment/ (Heinzen & Arulanandan 1977). a mineral particle having a diameter less
material present in the water. The effluent than 0.004 mm (1/256 mm). According to
from a soil can be highly turbid as it exits Double hydrometer test Reeves et al (2006), the ASTM standards
the test, but it is not necessarily dispersive. The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) double define the clay fraction as being less than
If the soil is dispersive, the effluent should hydrometer test is one of the first methods 0.005 mm, and Japan defines the fraction as
stay turbid for a prolonged period, since clay developed to assess the dispersivity of less than 0.006 mm. However, a majority of
particles will stay in suspension, whereas soils (Knodel 1991). The test assesses the the countries listed define the clay fraction
the suspension in purely erodible materials dispersivity of a soil based on the fine frac- as particle sizes less than 0.002 mm. Once
will settle out rapidly and the solution will tion (0.005 mm) using an adaptation of the again there is no standard definition with
become clear (or possibly stained if the soil hydrometer test. Dispersion ratios greater regard to the unit size for clay particles,
contains certain elements such as iron or than 50% are considered highly dispersive, although a scan of the literature shows
organic matter). between 30 and 50% are moderately disper- that 0.002 mm is used more widely. As the
One of the major problems associated sive, between 15 and 30% are slightly disper- 0.002 mm fraction is also the basis for clas-
with the pinhole test is that of preparation sive, and less than 15% are non-dispersive sification of South African soils, a­ ccording
of the specimen in the cylinder. According (Elges 1985). Other authors (Gerber & to Brink and Bruin (2002), this size fraction
to the procedure, the sample (with mois- Harmse 1987; Walker 1997) base the catego- is taken as the upper limit of clay-sized
ture content at or near the plastic limit) is risation on different dispersion ratio limits. particles for this study.
compacted on top of the pea gravel with the There is currently no standard criterion set It should be noted that dispersivity is a
use of a Harvard Compaction apparatus. for the dispersion ratio limits. function of the clay mineralogy and not the
Observations during preliminary testing The test methods for hydrometer clay size fraction. It is possible to have a high
found that, firstly, some soils appear to be analysis currently in use locally are mainly percentage of material passing the 0.005 or
excessively moist at their plastic limits, the American Standard (ASTM 2007a), the 0.002 mm fraction that is entirely quartz.
which makes the compaction process diffi- British Standard (BSI 1990) and the South This would not have dispersive proper-
cult, as the material shears under the applied African Technical Methods for Highways – ties. On the other hand, if all the mate-
load instead of compacting. Secondly, during TMH1 (NITRR 1986). However, not all local rial passing these fractions consists of clay
the compaction process the soil particles at laboratories adhere to these standards, rather minerals, the dispersive behaviour would
the bottom of the cylinder tend to migrate using their own in-house modifications of differ considerably.
(squeeze) through the mesh and into the the methods. As this is a critical component The literature indicates that during
voids in the pea gravel. This leads to blockag- of the identification process, using such ­studies of dispersive soils the initial indicator
es in the pea gravel and once the test starts, modifications is not acceptable, as discussed of dispersivity of the material is generally
the water flows through the pinhole, mixes below and in detail by Maharaj (2013). classified on the basis of the double hydro­
with the soil in the pea gravel and flows out Analysis of these test procedures meter test by means of various i­ndicator
as a highly turbid effluent. This then leads to illustrates little variation in the method of graphs/plots. Many workers (Gerber &
misleading results. determination of the particle size of the Harmse 1987; Bell & Maud 1994; Walker
The test method states the type of com- fine fraction, except with regard to the 1997) then proceeded to indicate that no
paction (Proctor density) and an estimated types of dispersing agents used. The ASTM single test (including the double hydrometer
target density of 95%. However, it should (ASTM 2007b) and BSI standards specify test) can be used to identify dispersive soils,
be noted that this is just an approximation. that sodium hexametaphosphate be used as and then proposed classification rating sys-
There is no control available in the test a dispersing agent. However, the solution is tems using a number of tests. It is postulated
methods to ensure that the actual target prepared differently and at different propor- that many of the ambiguities (i.e. the varia-
density is achieved, making the test proce- tions in each standard. The volume required tions of results among different researchers)
dure very ambiguous. This could lead to sig- to disperse the sample is also significantly are the result of the incorrect initial clas-
nificant differences in the behaviour of the different. TMH1 specifies that a mixture of sification of the dispersivity of materials as a

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering  •  Volume 57  Number 1  March 2015 33
result of variations introduced in the double have been many cases in which the method
hydro­meter test. has been misinterpreted with regard to (b) Air-dried
distilled H 20
Most of the rating systems used currently variables such as moisture content and
in South Africa seem to have been based on dispersing medium (Heinzen & Arulanandan
the initial classification of dispersivity by the 1977; Bell & Maud 1994; Walker 1997; Bell (a) Remoulded (c) Remoulded
NaOH distilled H 20
double hydrometer test. Gerber and Harmse & Walker 2000). Walker (1997) states that a
(1987) used the test as a primary parameter densely compacted, remoulded sample is less
when developing the ESP-CEC chart. Walker likely to slake/breakdown. However, as the
(1997) included the ESP-CEC chart as a crumb test aims to determine the dispersiv-
parameter in the rating system, and studies ity of the sample and not the behaviour
carried out by Bell and Walker (2000) also when densely compacted, it should have no Figure 2 V
 ariation in results based on different
make use of the double hydrometer test significance on the test method. An ASTM testing variables
when initially classifying the dispersive soils. standard is also available for the crumb test
This has resulted in the overlap of results (ASTM 2000). The standard, however, takes
within single classification bands. Although other variables into account. Neither tem-
it is assumed that in these investigations the perature nor the remoulding of the sample
materials have been tested following uniform into a specific size, has been shown to have
and standard procedures, preliminary testing any effect on the dispersivity of the soil, but
has indicated spurious results when sodium only makes the preparation and testing more
silicate/oxalate (the South African road laborious (Maharaj 2013).
standard) is used as the dispersant (NITRR The method mostly followed currently,
1986). It is also noted that the dispersant which can be carried out in the field or a
standard in South Africa has changed over laboratory, involves placing a crumb of soil
time, possibly affecting the results, if they in a beaker of solution and observing the
were obtained from different laboratories reaction as the crumb begins to hydrate. The
over a prolonged period of time. test is primarily used as a subjective visual
The problems discussed above pose the assessment of the behaviour of the soil, as
potential for misleading results, since the it indicates the tendency of the particles to
double hydrometer test is associated with a deflocculate and remain in suspension in
number of different parameters in the rating the solution. After a certain time, usually
systems. Inaccurate results from the double 5–10 minutes, the soil crumb and the solu-
hydrometer test can significantly affect the tion in the beaker are observed and the soil
correlation of the final rating, particularly is classified according to the quantity of Figure 3 C
 olloidal suspension of a highly
when this test method is used as the refer- colloids in suspension (Walker 1997; Bell & dispersive soil – Grade 4 – strong
ence methods for the preliminary classifica- Walker 2000). reaction (courtesy of Paige-Green
tion of the dispersivity of soils (Gerber & A literature search highlighted some 2010)
Harmse 1987; Bell & Maud 1994; Walker variations in the test methods given by vari-
1997; Maharaj 2013). ous authors. It was found that there is no be taken 5 to 10 minutes after the crumb
standard protocol available regarding which is immersed in water (Elges 1985; Walker
Crumb test solution or crumb condition to use when car- 1997). It should, however, be noted that if a
The crumb test is the simplest and easiest rying out the test. Tests are carried out using soil is dispersive, the colloidal suspension
of the physical tests, and is often used as a diluted NaOH (0.001N) or distilled water, will not settle and will still be present after a
preliminary test to indicate the tendency and samples can either be in their natural few hours. Figure 3 gives an example of what
of the particles to deflocculate in solution. density and moisture state (in situ condi- the colloidal suspension of a dispersive soil
The test, which can also be carried out in tions) or in various combinations of natural should look like after more than an hour.
the field, involves placing a crumb of soil in or remoulded and air-dried, oven-dried or Another observation found through
water in a beaker and observing the reaction moist (Sherard et al 1976b; Knodel 1991; discussions with various laboratories and
as the crumb begins to hydrate. The test is Walker 1997). All of these variables can have researchers is that of the actual classification
primarily a visual assessment of the behav- significant effects on the outcome of the test process. It should be noted that there is a
iour of the soil in solution. After 10 minutes, and thus the classification of the soil. Figure 2 significant difference between dispersive
the soil crumb and the solution in the beaker illustrates the variance in appearance and soils and erodible/slaking soils. If, during the
are observed and the soil is classified accord- results when the crumb test was carried out crumb test, the soil breaks down completely
ing to the quantity of colloids in suspension on the same material, but under different (slakes) without any colloidal suspension,
(Walker 1997). Different researchers use dif- conditions. The first test was carried out on then the soil will be classified as non-disper-
ferent techniques involving the use of either a remoulded crumb in NaOH solution (a), sive. The presence of colloidal suspension is
undisturbed or remoulded crumbs, with the second was carried out on an air-dried the fundamental aspect of the classification
some using distilled water and others a very crumb in distilled water (b), and the third on process, as this is the defining feature of
dilute solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) a remoulded crumb in distilled water (c). dispersive soils (Paige-Green 2008).
(Sherard et al 1976b; Walker 1997). One of the consistent observations Results from testing showed that after 10
An assessment of the literature has found that has come up many times, however, is minutes most of the samples observed would
that most researchers appear to misquote the time taken to ‘run’ the test. It is most be classified as being dispersive to some
Emerson’s (Emerson 1964; Emerson 1967) commonly stated that observations on the degree. Settlement of non-dispersive par-
work and use his findings incorrectly. There dispersivity (or suspension cloud) should ticles generally begins after approximately

34 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering  •  Volume 57  Number 1  March 2015
piping. Those soils classified as intermediate
Particle size distribution – Sample A
100 (ND4) will erode slowly, and intermediate
soils (ND3) will erode very slowly under high
90 heads. The question one must ask now is,
how does one differentiate between slowly
and very slowly? Walker (1997) also states
70 that soils classified as non-dispersive (ND2
Percentage passing (%)

and ND1) in the pinhole test will not erode

through dispersive piping. It should be noted
50 that an erodible soil, which has no dispersive
properties, will still erode in the pinhole test
40 and particles will fall into the cylinder. The
particles will settle after some time, but as
the experiment classifies the soil during the
20 test, it is likely that the erodible soil will be
incorrectly classified as dispersive to some
10 extent. Observations made while carrying
out the pinhole test found that the test is
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 essentially an empirical test based on subjec-
Sieve size (mm) tive evaluation.
Standard TMH1 Modified test
Double hydrometer test
Since the introduction of the Technical
Particle size distribution – Sample B
100 Methods for Highways (TMH1), the majority
of soil testing for roads and construction
90 in South Africa has been carried out using
this standard. Hydrometer tests have been
carried out using the method A6 as stated
70 in TMH1. Investigations into the use of the
Percentage passing (%)

method (by means of interviews) has shown

that some laboratories use the hydrometer
50 test method A6 (TMH1) as the standard test
and modify the same method for the parallel
40 test for use in the double hydrometer test.
A thorough investigation into the test
method (TMH1 Method A6) has found many
20 inconsistencies, which can have a significant
effect on the results for dispersive soil identi-
10 fication. The hydrometer reading taken at the
one-hour time interval was taken to be the
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 percentage of the clay fraction (0.005 mm) as
Sieve size (mm) specified in TMH1. This, however, was found
Standard TMH1 Modified test to be incorrect. Using the equations based
on Stoke’s Law, the time for recording of the
Figure 4 C
 omparison between the modified and TMH1 particle size distribution curves for 0.005 mm fraction can be calculated to be
two samples within the two-hour range, and the time for
the 0.002 mm fraction would be between the
30 minutes, and the maximum settlement is Pinhole test five-hour and 20-hour range, using the modi-
usually attained after two hours. Variations Investigations into the pinhole test prove fied test method.
that could occur due to the lack of a standard the test to be unreliable when identifying According to TMH1, the one-hour
protocol for testing and classifying the dispersive soils. Although the test is based hydrometer reading gives the 0.005 mm
dispersivity of soils using the crumb test can on a sound principle, it appears to be more fraction. The 18-second reading gives
lead to differences in classifications. adequate at identifying erodible soils through the percentage passing 0.075 mm and the
the inspection of the pinhole, and is only 40-second reading is the silt-sized fraction
useful for dispersivity in terms of the efflu- (0.050 mm). These values were plotted along
DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDED ent analysis, mostly being done incorrectly with the values obtained for the modified
MODIFICATIONS at present. Observations during the study recommended test, in which the particle
Based on an extensive literature study, found that the test itself can be unduly diameters were calculated using equations
laboratory investigations and a testing time-consuming. based on Stoke’s Law and more hydrometer
programme carried out by Maharaj (2013), Walker (1997) states that soils which readings were taken at more frequent time
the following discussion related to each test test highly dispersive (D1) and moderately intervals. Figure 4 illustrates the variation
method and a recommended classification dispersive (D2) in the pinhole test will be in particle size distribution (PSD) curves for
procedure is presented. problematic and will erode by dispersive two samples. There is a significant variation

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering  •  Volume 57  Number 1  March 2015 35
in the PSD curves with the 0.005 mm frac- recommended that, in order to acquire ■■ The final step in the process is the chemi-
tion ranging from approximately 10% to 32% repeatable and consistent results, the crumb cal analysis of the soil. This should be
for Sample A and 22% to 45% for Sample B. test should be carried out as follows: done by a competent laboratory using the
It is thus clear that the TMH1 method does ■■ Condition of crumb: Remoulded (air- methods prescribed by the Soil Science
not produce the correct results. dried or in situ moisture content) Society of South Africa (Loock 1990). The
The second discrepancy noted is the ■■ Immersion medium: Distilled water full amended test methods are included
variation in the definition of the clay frac- ■■ Observation conditions: Described using in Maharaj (2013). Results obtained from
tion. TMH1 and ASTM use 0.005 mm as current categories but readings taken laboratories should always be checked
the boundary for the clay fraction, whereas after one or two hours. and questioned if the client has doubts.
BSI uses 0.002 mm. Many authors quote the
0.005 mm fraction as the clay fraction when Recommended process for
determining dispersivity of a soil. By defini- dispersive soil identification CONCLUSIONS
tion, clay mineral particles are colloids with The observations made during this study The dispersion of clay soils in water and its
a maximum diameter of 0.002 mm (Reeves indicated that the tests currently used for the influence on the stability of various engineered
et al 2006) and cation exchange activities identification of dispersive soils have signifi- structures has been a topic of concern in
will predominantly occur on this fraction. cant shortcomings with regard to the proce- engineering projects for many years. One of
Therefore, the 0.002 mm fraction should be dures, and, in some cases, interpretation of the main problems is the seeming inability
ideally used in dispersive soil identification results. Investigations have found that there (particularly in the road construction industry)
analyses. is no effective standard protocol used for the to positively identify such soils and thereby to
Based on the above-mentioned shortcom- identification process, which could also be a reduce the potential for failure of many engi-
ings identified with the TMH1 Method A6 likely cause of the identification problems. neering structures. The use of non-dispersive
test standard, it is concluded that, while Based on this investigation, the following soils, which may be identified as dispersive,
the TMH1 standard is probably suitable process for the identification of dispersive will result in large increases in construction
for gravel or aggregate testing with low soils is proposed: costs and should be avoided.
active clay content, it should not be used for ■■ An in situ crumb test (at natural moisture Although the causes and consequences
dispersive soil identification as it is not suf- content) should be carried out on site of soil dispersion are well understood, the
ficiently sensitive. With regard to the ASTM using bottled water as a preliminary accurate identification of dispersive soils
standards, it is recommended that the defini- screening test. If the results show any still remains a problem. Many identification
tion of the clay-sized fraction be re-analysed evidence of dispersion as discussed by methods have been proposed, but none has
and a standard definition used, which should Maharaj (2013), then the soil is likely been completely successful. The identifica-
correspond to other available standards. to be dispersive and should be tested tion methods currently used in South
according to the next step. If the results Africa to identify dispersive soils include
Crumb test do not show any evidence of dispersion, the pinhole, double hydrometer, crumb and
Crumb test results found that there are no then the material need not be tested fur- chemical tests, which are used in combina-
significant differences in results with either ther and is probably only highly erodible tion. These laboratory tests, however, have
distilled water or 0.001N NaOH when the or subject to slaking. If there is any doubt been shown to give inconsistent results and
soil is dispersive. However, if the soil is not or ambiguity regarding the results from the reason for this lies in the actual testing
dispersive, different results were obtained the first step, then the next should be fol- procedures (Maharaj 2013).
based on the type of immersion medium. lowed for more accurate results. Experience from the literature study
The use of 0.001N NaOH gives a good ■■ If the field crumb test shows evidence of shows deficiencies in the identification of
indication of dispersive soils if the soil is in dispersion, a laboratory crumb test should dispersive soils, and in many cases identifica-
fact dispersive. However, the risk of falsely be carried out as specified by Maharaj tion and classification problems appear to be
classifying non-dispersive soils, as dispersive (2013). Samples are to be remoulded and related to inconsistencies in the test methods
is greatly increased as well. Observations tested in distilled water. Readings/obser- and testing protocols.
during testing found the presence of staining vations of colloidal suspension should be Specific problems with the test methods
in the solution after two hours. Since the test recorded after one hour. If the results for were thus identified, the methods were
is essentially a visual indication of dispersiv- the laboratory crumb test indicate disper- modified and implemented, and the follow-
ity, it can be highly subjective. It is possible sive behaviour, the testing can proceed ing conclusions were drawn:
that a non-dispersive soil could be classified to the next step of the process. If there is ■■ The pinhole test was found to be a
as being dispersive due to the staining in no sign of dispersivity, then it is probable highly unreliable test. The test method is
the solution and not resulting from fines in that the material is not dispersive. ambiguous and the test procedure is time
suspension. Sodium hydroxide solutions are ■■ The next step in the identification process consuming with very little of the funda-
known to stain (discolour) in the presence of is the double hydrometer test. The test is mental problems in dispersive soils being
organic matter (SABS 2006). to be carried out as accurately as possible, addressed. Investigations into the testing
With regard to the condition of the following the test method proposed by in South Africa have also found that the
crumb, the oven-dried crumbs gave the Maharaj (2013). The double hydrometer majority of commercial soils laboratories
worst indication of dispersivity. This is test is the main indicator test for the dis- do not perform the pinhole test.
due to the fact that high temperatures can persivity and carries significant weight if ■■ The double hydrometer test is a good
change the properties of certain clays in the done correctly. If there is doubt regarding indicator of dispersivity if done accurately
soil, thereby hindering their dispersive prop- the results for the double hydrometer test, and repeatedly.
erties (Reeves et al 2006). then the next step should be followed for ■■ The crumb test is also a good indicator if
Based on results obtained and obser- clarification/confirmation of the hydro­ carried out accurately. However, there is
vations made during the study, it is meter results. no need for the four classification grades.

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