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Lariang-7 HEPP

Project Location and Access

The Consultant has identified the location of Lariang-7 Hydro Electric Power Plant (HEPP) during site survey. Dam site is located in Towiora Pangkalan Village,
Rio Pakava Sub-District, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. It is about 164 km to the southwest from Palu City, the capital of Central Sulawesi
Province, through Donggala, Pasangkayu Town and Pajalele Village at Tikke Raya Sub-District (Figure-1).

To reach Towiora Pangkalan Village, from Palu City, it needs about 4 hours driving. It remains needed about 4-5 hours by boat, to reach the proposed dam
site. The most accessible route to reach the project location is as follows:

1. Palu – Pasangkayu: approximately 116 km or 2.5 hours driving over the provincial asphalt road through Donggala Town.
2. Pasangkayu – Towiora Pangkalan: approximately 48 km or 1.5 hours driving over the provincial asphalt road (Figure-2), poor asphalt road (Figure-3),
collector gravel (Figure-4) and dirt road through palm oil plantation (Figure-5).
3. Towiora Pangkalan – Dam Site: approximately 40 km or 4-5 hours by boat through Lariang River. Time travel depends on water level and river current
of Lariang River (Figure-6).

According to local people, there are other routes from the upstream of Lariang River, yet the distance and time travel still needs to be confirmed. On the
other route, the dam site can be reached from Palu towards south to Kulawi Town, Sigi Regency then continue toward southwest to Lempe and Noke by car.
From Noke, continue towards Towulu and Banggaiba by motorcycle. Then the dam site can be reached from Banggaiba approximately 4 hours by boat.

Regional Geology

Regional geology of Lariang-7 Hydro Electric Power Plant project refers to The Geology of Pasangkayu Quadrangle, Sulawesi, scale of 1:250.000, issued by
Geological Research and Development Centre Bandung in 1993 (Figure-7).

In general morphologically, Geology of Pasangkayu Quadrangle can be subdivided into three units, low land morphology, hilly morphology and mountainous
morphology. Project site is located in hilly morphology. Hilly morphology occupies wide spread in the center of quadrangle, stretched in a north-south
direction with elevation 50 to 500 m above sea level. The slope is generally gentle to steep slope.

The main drainage pattern are dendritic, locally rectangular and parallel. Vertical erosion in the upstream is more active therefore the V-shaped river valley
is formed. While in the downstream meandering is common to form channel and point bar with U-shaped river valley.

According to The Geology of Pasangkayu Quadrangle, Sulawesi, the lithostratigraphic distributed on project site and surrounding are as follows:

 Latimojong Formation (Kls), consists alteration of meta-sandstone and slate and phyllite, locally meta-claystone intercalations. This formation is
Cretaceous age.
 Lariang Formation (Tmpl), consists of alteration of conglomerate and sandstone, claystone intercalation and locally tuff. This formation is Late
Miocene to Pliocene age.

Pasangkayu Quadrangle is located in West Sulawesi Geology Range, which tectonic and depositional of sedimentary rock history is closely related with the
Sulawesi Island tectonic overall. Geological structures of Pasangkayu Quadrangle are fault, fold, joint and foliation. Main recognized fault is Palu Koro Fault
which developed since Oligocene age. Palu Koro fault is left lateral strike slip fault with approximately N7°W – N20°W trend. This fault widened in the north
to formed Palu Valley due to step fault development in the fault lane and followed by graben development. Fold found in this quadrangle are open and close.
Open fold have dip in the flank less than 30°, with north and south trend, developed in Neogene rocks while close fold developed in Mesozoic or older rocks
and indistinct axis. Fold is interpreted formed since Oligocene or even older. Joint is almost found in all formation, especially around fault lane. In some section
the joint affect the drainage pattern therefore parallel and rectangular drainage. Foliation is well developed in metamorphic rock in Wana Complex with trend
N105°E – N170°E, dip 25° – 80°.

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