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Question : Students should start their own blog. Do you agree ?

In recent years, the world has witnessed a significant rise in technological advancements
across all fields. We saw science improved, mathematical questions answered, and social
media flourished. The mushroom of blogs has positively correlated with the increasingly
affordable price of computers and gadgets. Majority of the bloggers are students who use it
for various purposes. Despite the ongoing debate on whether students should start their own
blog, I strongly agree that starting a blog and constantly updating it helps develop critical
thinking skills, creates a knowledgeable society and fortifies multiracial unity.
First and foremost, starting and updating a blog helps to stimulate a critical way of
thinking. Blog acts as a platform which opens up avenues for sharing and discussing ideas.
Students are free to share their viewpoints with netizens all over the world and anyone can
propose his or her ideas in the comment section below. Consequently, a discussion will be
built up and the commenters need to analyse the arguments by considering the issue from
different aspects and backgrounds. Thus, critical thinking skills develop slowly in the
students’ mind without one realising it. For instance, the discussion on the economic issue
can only come to an ideal conclusion through critical analysis of the current situation by
viewing from different aspects, involving the countries, citizens and resources. Therefore, it
is crystal clear that blogging can develop a critical thinking mind, especially among the
In addition to this, blogging plays a key role in moulding a knowledgeable society. It is a
universal truth that most students in this era of globalisation where technology reigns adapt
better to learning via electronic media. Furthermore, most students spend more time
browsing the Internet compared to reading books and newspapers. Hence, information and
knowledge shared via blogs can reach more students than the traditional way of sharing
through books. As an exemplification, students who have created mnemonics to ease the
memorisation of difficult topics in the syllabus can share them via their blogs so that other
students can learn it and even discuss to come up with a better idea. As a result, the
knowledge input of students who access to the blogs will be escalated dramatically to
eventually mould a knowledgeable society.
Moreover, blogging can enhance the unity among different races. When students of
different races blog about their unique cultures and traditions, students of other races who
came across the articles will be well-informed about the cultures of other races and thus
open their eyes to realise the existence of other cultures in one’s country. This can develop a
better sense of understanding and hence maintain the precious unity among races, which is
crucial to the harmony of a multiracial country such as Malaysia. For example, when a Malay
student posts about their tradition of visiting one another during the Aidilfitri, Chinese, Indian
as well as indigenous students will get to know more about the culture of Malays and the dos
and don’ts when they join the celebration. Subsequently, students will develop a better
understanding about races and unity is fortified when all sorts of misunderstandings are
On the other hand, one may argue that blogging is time consuming and distracting for the
students. This notion anchored its arguments on the common scenario that most students
are very likely to get carried away when they access the Internet and eventually wasted so
much time doing unbeneficial activities in the Internet. Students are also prone to the
exposure towards the underlying negative influences in the Internet such as violence, gore
and sexually explicit contents which are able to corrupt the students’ mind once and for all.
In a nutshell, I still totally believe that students should start their own blog as this brings
magnificent advantages to the students, society as well as our beloved country. Blogging
stimulates a critical way of thinking, produces an enlightened society and strengthen the
unity among races. The minor drawbacks can be prevented by careful measures such as
parental control. The government through the Ministry of Education should spearhead a
foolproof blueprint to instill the habit of blogging among students by providing special training
and increasing incentives for the usage of technology in schools

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