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Activity Sheet Quarter 4– Week 1
Feed Chicken
Select Suitable Feeding Materials Available in the Locality
and Nutrient Requirements of Chicken


FSTLE 7- AFA (Organic Agriculture Production)

Activity Sheet No.1
First Edition,2022

Published in the Philippines
By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western

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reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or
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Development Team of FSTLE 7- AFA (Organic Agriculture Production)

Activity Sheet
Writers: Visluzminda M. Catedral, Natalie Mae C. Calugas, Shara C. Villaruel
Editors: Abraham P. Imas, Lilibeth E. Larupay
Remia D. Manejero, Armand Glenn S. Lapor, Jo-an R. Pet
Layout Artists: Lilibeth E. Larupay, Armand Glenn S. Lapor
Jo-an R. Pet
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Abraham P. Imas, Lilibeth E. Larupay
Remia D. Manejero, Armand Glenn S. Lapor
Division of ILOILO Management Team:
Roel F. Bermejo
Novelyn M. Vilchez
Ferdinand S. Sy
Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque
Lilibeth E. Larupay
Abraham P. Imas
Remia D. Manejero
Regional Management Team
Ramir B. Uytico
Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr.
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
April C. Velez

Introductory Message!

Welcome to FSTLE 7- AFA (Organic Agriculture Production)!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the
Schools Division of Iloilo and Dep Ed Regional Office VI - Western Visayas through
the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is developed to
guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible adults) in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The FSTLE 7-AFA (Organic Agriculture Production) Activity Sheet will help
you facilitate the teaching learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and
learner. This will be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease
the independent learning.

For the learner:

The FSTLE 7-AFA (Organic Agriculture Production) Activity Sheet is

developed to help you continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning
material provides you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent
learning. Being an active learner carefully read and understands the instructions then
perform the activities and answer the assessments. This will be returned to your
facilitator on the agreed schedule.

Quarter 4- Week 1
Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No.1

Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________

Grade and Section: ____________________________ Date: ________________
FSTLE 7 -AFA (Organic Agriculture Production) ACTIVITY SHEET
Feeding Chicken

I. Learning Competency with Code

LO3. Feed Chicken
1.10 Select suitable feeding materials available in the locality and
nutrient requirements of chicken-TLE_AFOA9-12OC-Ia-j-IIa-j-1

II. Background Information for Learners

This instructional material contains activities on how to select suitable

feeding materials available in the locality and nutrient requirements of chicken. Go
through the different learning activities to attain the competency. However, if you
have problems, you can contact your teacher and request for assistance and

In order to be acquainted with the different terms used in this lesson, know the
meaning of the following terms:

Feed - edible materials which are consumed by animals and contribute energy and
or nutrients to the animal diet.

Feeding - the process of giving feeds to the animal.

Feed ingredients - the sources of nutrient which are used in preparing the feed for

Fast growth - characteristics of poultry to reach the desired market weight in the
shortest possible time.

Nutrients - any substances which nourish and promote animal growth

Poultry - feathered animals that render economic service to men

Crude protein – includes the true proteins and all other nitrogenous compounds in

Palatable – agreeable in taste

By- product – secondary products produced in addition in addition to the principal


Feeding poultry is essential in order that the birds may be fed economically
yet profitably. The biggest percentage of expenses incurred in raising poultry goes to
feeds. It is a very important item in poultry production, otherwise there will be an
unnecessary amount of feed waste and, consequently, lower profits.

Purposes of Feeding Poultry

Poultry are fed for the purpose of supplying nutrients needed for their growth,
maintenance, and reproduction. Poultry need the greatest quantity of nutrients for
the rapid development of bones and muscle tissues. Poultry for egg production also
need those nutrients that will keep them for the producing eggs and to replace worn
out body tissue during egg production stage.

Functions of Feeds

Feed is utilized by poultry for the following reasons:

1. To maintain life. The bulk of feed consumed by poultry is used to maintain

life. What is over and above the requirement for life maintenance is utilized for
growth and reproduction.

2. To promote growth. Poultry must have enough quality of feed for their
growth. They are raised to be utilized for meat purposes.

3. To reproduce their kind. Production of fertilized eggs is necessary for

hatching. Matured chicken need more feeds than younger one to maintain life
and for reproduction/ Common ingredients used in Formulating Broiler Feeds.
You must be familiar with the common feed ingredient that supply the
nutrients needed.

Ration is the amount of feed consumed by an individual bird within a day. The
ration should be adopted for the purpose of its use. otherwise there will be waste of
nutrients and the growth and development of birds will be subsequently affected. A
ration should also be balanced in order to furnish the essential nutrients in a
proportion that will properly feed flock for a certain length of time without the different
feed ingredients.

A good ration should have the following requirements:

1. It should be adapted to the purpose for which the birds are being fed.
2. It must be attractive and palatable.
3. A variety in the ration increases the chance of supplying all the nutritive needs
of the birds.
4. The cost of ration should be reasonable.

Feeding Laying Hens (backyard, semi-commercial, commercial)

1. Feed a balanced ration to supply proper nutrients for egg production.
2. Use at least three kinds of grains, whenever possible, to constitute 75 to 80%
ration. Examples, rice, corn, sorghum.
3. Use at least one animal protein supplement to form 5 to 10% of ration.
Examples, (a) fish meal, (b) shrimp meal, (c) meat scraps.

4. Use one or more plant protein supplement to constitute 5 to 10 percent of the
ration. Example, ipil-ipil leaf meal, soybean oil meal, copra meal, and mongo
bean meal.
5. Use a mixture of 50 – 50 animal and plant proteins to form 15% in the total
6. Use at least one legume roughage, given as soilage (green feed) free choice
(hens are at liberty to choose what they like.
Examples – tapilan leaves, centrosema vines, tropical kudzu vines, peanut
vines, mongo vines, soybean vines.
7. Shell free choice – provides the bulk of calcium required for eggshell
formation. Example – oyster shell and other sea shells.
8. Use one- half kilo of native salt for every 45 kilos of total ration.
9. Provide fresh, clean drinking water at all times.

Principles of Feeding
The purpose of feeding is to supply the feed nutrients needed for
maintenance, growth, fattening, and egg production.

Sources of Carbohydrate and Fat

A. Yellow corn. Yellow corn is one of the best grains for fattening chickens. It
consists of eight to nine percent crude protein, high in energy and low in fiber.
It is highly digestible and palatable. It contains vitamin A and yellow
pigmenting compounds.
B. Rice bran. Rice bran is palatable to poultry of all ages. There are two types of
this by- product in the market., the “cono” rice bran and the “kiskisan” rice
bran. The cono rice bran contains about eleven (11%) percent protein. The
kiskisan rice bran contains about six (6%) percent protein. It is usually high in
fiber but contains adequate amount of fat.
C. Copra meal. Copra meal is the by-product of the coconut meat after the oil
has been removed. It contains about twenty percent protein. It is the most
common and cheapest source of plant protein.
D. Corn gluten feed. Corn gluten is a combination of corn gluten and corn bran
mixed in such a proportion as to contain twenty five percent protein. It is a
good source of carbohydrates.
E. Molasses. Molasses is the cheapest source of carbohydrates. It is a by-
product in the manufacture of sugar.

Sources of Protein
A. Fish meal. Fish meal is a good source of high quality
protein. It contains about sixty to sixty-five percent
protein. It also contains an adequate amount of
carbohydrates and fats.
B. Soy bean oil meal. Soy bean oil meal contains
about forty-four percent crude protein and is also a
good source of energy. This is the only plant protein
source that can replace animal protein in the diet.
C. Shrimp meal. Shrimp meal when dried and ground is
a good source of protein. It contains about fifty-six
percent crude proteins but low in energy. It may be
used as substitute for fish meal.

D. Trichantera leaf meal. Trichantera is a shrub which leaves are rich in protein.
Leaves can be given to poultry in dried or fresh. It can be chopped or given as
a whole.
E. Mullbery leaf meal. Mullbery is a small tree with a tiny fruit. It is rich in
F. Ipil-ipil leaf meal. Ipil-ipil leaves contain high amount of protein and also rich
in vitamin A.

Feeds consists the largest item of cost in raising poultry for meat production.
Understanding the fundamentals of poultry feeding is essential in order that the birds
may be fed economically and profitably. Select feedstuffs that are commonly
available in your place and supply is abundant. Consider their nutrient content and
what other nutrients they can provide your chickens. Accessibility of the supplier or
place where to collect these feedstuffs should not be taken for granted. Can these
feedstuffs be grown locally? If they are suitable to the conditions in your locality there
will be no problem in growing them.

One way to lower cost of feeds is to utilize locally available feedstuffs.

Utilize plant legumes common in your community. Some of them can be growing wild
and not used. You can also grow your own feed ingredients. What is important is
you know how to select the most suitable and nutritious feed materials to use to
meet the nutrient requirement of your chickens.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Public Technical Vocational High Schools. Dep Ed.(2010).Competency-Based

Learning Material. Animal Production Poultry Raising. Module 5 pp.4-8

IV. Activity Proper:

1. Directions:
a. Accomplish all activities in order to develop your knowledge and skills
in selecting suitable feeding materials available in the locality and
nutrient requirements of chicken.
b. Document your performance by having a video or photos.
c. Rate your performance using the rubrics.
d. Submit all documents to your teacher after accomplishing the activities.

2. Exercises/Activities:
Performance Task: Selecting suitable feeding materials available in the
locality and nutrient requirements of chicken.

a. Prepare the needed tools, materials and PPE for the activity
b. Wear appropriate PPE.
c. With your PPE and tools look for available feedstuffs in your
community and select with the following requirements:
i. Rich in protein
ii. Rich in carbohydrates and fats

iii. Rich in calcium
iv. Rich in vitamins
d. Apply safety measures while handling sharp tools.
e. Seek the assistance of any member of your family (especially adult
one) in accomplishing the task.
f. Fill-up the template below.

Feedstuff Protein Carbohydrates& Calcium & Vitamin

Rich Fats Rich Mineral Rich Rich

Cassava /

3. Guide Questions:
a. What are your considerations in selecting available feeds in your
b. What are the common feedstuff found in your locality?
c. What nutrients can they provide to your chickens?
d. What are the benefits of utilizing locally available feedstuffs?

4. Rubrics

Your performance shall be scored using the scoring rubric below.

                      Level of Performance

Criterion Very satisfactory Satisfactory Poor
(10 points) ( 8 points) (5 points)
Ability to collect Able to collect Able to collect Able to collect
correctly the correctly the available available feeds in available feeds in
available feeds feeds in your your community the community
in your community satisfactorily poorly (with many
(with few errors) errors)
Nutrient Content All feedstuffs met the Most feedstuffs Some feedstuff do
of Feedstuffs nutrient requirements met nutrient not met the
requirements nutrient
Suitability of All feedstuffs collected Most feedstuffs There were some
Feedstuff were suitable for collected were feedstuffs not
chicken suitable for suitable for
chicken chicken


1. Direction:
a. Read the instruction carefully.
b. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
2. Activity/Exercises
The following feedstuffs are commonly found in your locality. Select
which of these will meet the required nutrients of chicken. Write your
answers in the appropriate column.

Corn grits rice bran
Cassava Trichantera
Corn grits ipil-ipil leaves
Fishmeal mongo beans
Golden kuhol salt

Table 1. Nutrient Requirement of Chicken

Protein Carbohydrates Minerals and

and Fat Vitamins

4. Rubrics

One point for every correct answer.

V. Reflection

Directions: Read the following questions and give your honest answer. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The learnings I gained after performing the earning activities are ____




2. The part of the activities which I need to improve are_______________



3. The benefits I gained after performing the activities were




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VI. Answer Key:

FS(Organic Agriculture Production ) 7

Activity 1

Feedstuff Protein Carbohydrates& Calcium Vitamin

Rich Fats Rich & Rich
Cassava /

Learner’s output may vary depending on the available feedstuffs in their community.

Activity 2

Table 1. Nutrient Requirement of Chicken

Protein Carbohydrates Minerals and

and Fat Vitamins

Trichantera Corn grits salt

ipil-ipil leaves
Fishmeal rice bran
mongo beans Cassava
Golden kuhol

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Guide Questions:
Activity 1
1. It should be adapted to the purpose for which the birds are being fed
2. It must be attractive and palatable
3. It can supply the nutritive needs of the birds.
4. It should be low cost and readily available.

b. Learners’ responses vary.

c. Economical or low cost, readily available

1. Learners’ responses vary.
2. Learners’ responses vary.
3. Learners’ responses vary.

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