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Childhood Autism Rating Scale, E1icSchopler,Ph.p., Mary. Van Bourgondien, Ph.D., ne eons Second Edition 6. Janette Wellman, Ph.D, and Steven. Love, Ph.D, Rating Booklet center ecto eters nome u nota ead one Z ae ves ents DIRECTIONS: After rating the 1 EM CATEGORY RATINGS 10. un. 2 13, 14, 15. Object Use in Play. Visual Respon toms, transfer the ratings from the Social-Emotional Understanding. median = 2.5 “motional Expression and Regulation of Emotions. median = 2.5 Relating to People mmedian= 2.5 Body Use median = 2.0 radian = 2, ‘Adaptation to Change/Restricted Interests. mmedian=2.5 median= 2.0, Lstening Response. median = 2.0, Taso, Smelt a rmedian= 2.0 Fear or Anxiety medion =2.0 ‘Verbal Communication median = 2.5 Honverbal Communication. median = 2.0 Thinking/ Cognitive Integration Skis ‘median =2.0 Level and Consistency of Intellectual Response median = 2.0 General impressions median =2.5 Touch Response and Use Total raw score= Note sem=073. | severtry Group Minimal-o-No Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder 5-275) Mild-to Moderate Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (@8-33.5) ‘Severe Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (Gand highed ide pages to the corresponding spaces below. Sum the ratings to obtain the “otal raw score, and indicate the corresponding Severity Group. Circle the Total raw score value in the table, The number printed to the let of the value ‘you have circled is the Fscore. Symptom Level Compared to Individuals With Autism Spectrum Diagnoses te. Set Pecenle Tore Raw sore > “7 oer 70 ” °7 ° ass rs 46 96 o 455 95 6 4 93 6s aaa 92 oe a5 > e as a a ase 86 a 2 295-00 2 3539 % 38 n ms @ "7 % 36355 @ 355 8 5 so aaa 50 8s a6 8 a 32 3 305-31 a 30 2 295 En 285-29 a 8 v as 1% 27 u 285 BR 2% 10 15-255 . 2s 7 24 6 as 5 2 3 25 205 a 195 <8 sr dion cals fh frm (W-4728) nay be purchase ten WPS. Peas coi st 00-48 5 aye 4 WESTERN PYENOLOOWCAL ERCES. Be Wedd Wee on Won WR PMC. Alias nd. Paviin UA DIRECTIONS. For each category, use the space provided in the Observations section for taking notes concerning the behaviors relevant to that item. After you have finished observing the individual, rate the behaviors relevant to each item by circling the number that corresponds tothe statement that best describes the individual. You cate that the individual’s behavior falls between two descriptions by using ratings of 1.5, 2.5, or 3.5. Abbreviated rating criteria are presented for each item. See chapter 3 of the Manual for detailed rating criteria, 1. Social-Emotional Understanding ‘Sociakemotional understanding addresses a person's cognitive under- “standing of others’ communication, behaviors, and differing perspectives, ‘The dimensions of socal understanding that are included inthis tem are the abilty to read the nonverbal cues of others and the ability to take ‘another person's perspective This item doesnot reflect whether someone has fiends ors na relationship. Rather, it deals with a person's ability to perceive and aticulate how anther person may fel or what his or her perspective may be on a given situation. FI Sse appre sacabemotonl understanding. dey dete frelon, gestae tne ose and ody ngage eth Ae ound 4s By Mist input socakemotonl ndersaning. tne oma Insalexeainsané enfin eri aber geste nba ne ets cs ma iy appre, ete expressions Sih 35 (hts oko anbigy soto atandeto. Te iy ee 25 Ey Moses pate soahemotona understanding om nde ‘nding exesns. tne ,and )ngagey hen these sere ‘Saygeate sly olrrear indeed exes pepe sftbes Severely impaired social-emotional understanding. benostatas ria eae let espera pepe undcandngoexpsok 2, Emotional Expression and Regulation of Emotions ‘This item refers tothe capacity to express feelings and regulate one’s emotions. This item i based on bath direct observation and the reports fof othets who have witnessed this person's bohaviorin other settings. Gy Ace-ayproprate and stuation-approplte emotional response Sheps deena es by ene italy abnormal emotional response. notin ens ae este at steers exaggerste epl expmson emotes ons tans {edevelomenta evel Ay hve erie meting ven oben. EE] Moseatey strat enatian| reson ento se, Femcry anit th sino coment fered tency ‘sy eet eae than expe est Spc nero osyatieconces ney dese or uedsan tone snes nef ied, Servs probes Boy Serzsy berm emaion eepone. tam tinh rel ts nme tan ane ting sponse exer ed gp [Gntee tunnel dws, Show xrewe Rodeita ie ‘etongs Cover etn th espera ops Pot emaien i cen, 3. Relating to People ‘Thisitem isrelated tothe fst two tems, which also rate aspects of socal relationships. This item iter in that itis confined to dimensions related to direct interpersonal interactions and the person's expression and reaction to another person. The two dimensions that are rated inthis tem are te person's initiation of interactions and the reciprocal nature ofthe Interactions, io evidence of ificlty oF abnormality in relating to people ee orp tain at iacensa axe, ome need npr ah moses tetera ed boa eco bcm tten, 15 ‘nitty abnormal relationships. ees nerations trad pat reste, Same Gea tk ae i Conan of lady a epoitenesn Ame father pea reds tactin, ut may bv ie ting managing actos, 25 Ey Mederma lationship: ates tts tw iy (Soy tntmeumtcalndac se edie crpeloverta ltr mala ‘Severely abnormal relationships, beset hate ny aheted mentions sd sbons inal espns oaverares em ote nt the mex pei 4, Body Use This item represents grossly deviant body movements and also subtier forms of fine motor and coordination problems. Any obvious current

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