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Chapter 2


Research Design
This study will utilize the descriptive and correlational type of research. It

addresses the "how" question.

The method used in the study is the survey method. With the survey method, the

participants will be answering questions administered through survey-questionnaires.

After the participants answered the questions, researchers will describe the responses


The study is quantitative in nature; therefore, the research questions will be

answered by numerical data. Correlational design was used in establishing this study

since it is a quantitative method of research in which the researchers have 2 or more

variables and are trying to determine if there is a relationship between the present

variables (Waters, 2017).

Sources of Data
The study will be conducted in Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University-

South La Union Campus. The respondents will be selected using the random sampling

technique among the students.

On the other hand, secondary data used in the study will be gathered from internet

sources and books.

This study is limited to the selected Psychology students enrolled in Don Mariano

Marcos Memorial State University-South La Union Campus of the is only for the

academic year 2021-2022.

The scope of the research study is the impact of sleep deprivation on the academic

performance. It also aims to know if sleep deprivation has a significant impact on the

performance of a student in terms of academic.

The study does not include any other matter regarding sleeping deprivation that is

not related to the academic performance of the students. This study is only for the

students in Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University-South La Union Campus, for

the result may vary depending in the university.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The researcher will gather the primary data by conducting a survey among

selected 1st Year BS Psychology students of Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State

University- South La Union Campus, Agoo, La Union. Questionnaire concerning the

effect of sleep deprivation towards the academic performance will be distributed.

Researchers will use the survey questionnaire in gathering data. In choosing this,

the research creates 15 – item survey-questionnaire answerable by Strongly Agree (5),

Slightly Agree (4), Neither Agree nor Disagree (3), Slightly Disagree (2), and Strongly

Disagree (1).

The survey-questionnaire will be answered by selected 1st Year BS Psychology

students of Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University- South La Union Campus,

Agoo, La Union and aimed to determine the effect of sleep deprivation in their academic


Analysis of Data
The study will employ a quantitative data analysis procedure where descriptive

statistic frequency will be used. Gathered information will be analyzed through tables and

figures to summarize data which is an organized tabulation of the number of individuals

and scores located under each categories of frequency distribution. From the table, results

will be reported from the surveyed students being sleep deprived and the effects

encountered with the said situation.

A 15– item questionnaire will be given to the selected 1st Year BS Psychology

students of Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University- South La Union Campus,

Agoo, La Union. Each of the answers from the different questions will correspond to a

certain interpretation.

The following tables will be used as a basis on to interpret and analyze the data gathered:
Table 1. Scale of Sleep Deprivation Experiences

Rating Scale Adjectival Scale Main Interval Scale Verbal


1 Strongly Disagree – 1.75 Never experienced

2 Disagree 1.76 – 2.50 Rarely


3 Neither agree or 2.51 – 3.25 Slightly

disagree experienced

4 Agree 3.26 – 4.00 Moderately


5 Strongly Agree 4.01 – 5.00 Always


Based from the Mean Interval Scale, data results can be interpreted as:

Never experienced. The participant has not encountered having negative effects

on his/her cognitive skills, mood and/or motor due to being sleep deprived, therefore, the

participant has not experienced any of them at all.

Rarely experienced. The participant has infrequently encountered having

negative effects on his/her cognitive skills, mood and/or motor due to being sleep

deprived, in other words, the participant seldom experiences it.

Slightly experienced. The participant has sometimes but not often encountered

having negative effects on his/her cognitive skills, mood and/or motor due to being sleep

deprived, hence, the participant experiences it once in a while.

Moderately experienced. The participant has frequently encountered having

negative effects on his/her cognitive skills, mood and/or motor due to being sleep

deprived, in other words, the participant repeatedly experiences it in numerous occasions.

Always experienced. The participant has constantly encountered having negative

effects on his/her cognitive skills, mood and/or motor due to being sleep deprived.

Table 2. Scale of respondents’ GPA

Rating Scale Adjectival Scale Main Interval Scale Verbal


90-99 High – 1.75 Rarely affected

80-89 Average 1.76 – 2.50 Normally affected

70-79 Low Average 2.51 – 3.25 Moderately affected

60-69 Low 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly affected

Based from the Mean Interval Scale, data results can be interpreted as:

Rarely affected. The participant experiences sleep deprivation but still has a

high GWA, therefore, his/her GWA is seldom affected of sleep deprivation.

Normally affected. The participant experiences sleep deprivation but still has an

average GWA, therefore, his/her GWA is averagely affected of sleep deprivation.

Moderately affected. The participant experiences sleep deprivation but still has

a low average GWA, therefore, his/her GWA is frequently affected of sleep deprivation.

Strongly affected. The participant experiences sleep deprivation but still has a

low GWA, therefore, his/her GWA is affected of sleep deprivation.

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