Week 3

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Week 3 (September 19 to 23)

In this week we learn about the concepts of anthropology first about what is
anthropology that studies humanity in the past and present and that is
complemented by the aspects that make up the daily lives of all people around the
world. Forming different cultures in each region of the world that learned and
shared ways of behaving and thinking.
The microcultures that make up each culture can be diverse as gender, age, class,
identity and others, this increases the enrichment of diversity that can have the
same culture. So, we can observe that the components of cultures are different
and make it more valuable.
Culture can be relative and can be divided in two:
The absolute one where no matter what happens in my culture it cannot be
questioned by outsiders.
The critical one where the cultural practices of each region are questioned,
recognizing winners, losers, victims or oppressors.
When you want to get to know a new culture you must live with the people,
participate in their daily life, learn their language. We can also use different
techniques to collect data about their culture, such as questions, viewing, historical
texts, team projects.

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