Tour Guiding Simulated Activity

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Lopez, Seth Louise


1. There are members of the tour group that are constantly late. (How will you handle the
situation as a LEADER)

Punctuality is a very crucial attribute that someone working in the tourism industry
should possess. As a leader, having a strict time rule is a policy that I will implement. Once
we are in the actual situation wherein a member is constantly late, I will avoid the nagging
and scolding, however, I will approach that member and talk to him/her about my
concerns about his/her tardiness. But I will do this once the tour is over. I will first handle
the situation by explaining the problem to the tourists and giving them some
compensation like snacks. I will sincerely apologize to the tourists for the inconvenience.
Once the tour was over, I will hold a meeting with all my members and in there I will state
all my concerns and problems regarding their working attitude or simply their work ethics.
I will make them promise to avoid being late ever again or I will have them compensate
for the trouble that they were causing, to the staff, the other members and especially to
the tourists. But if this problem constantly happens and not only 1 member gets
constantly late, then I will probably be always ready and have prepared a plan B
beforehand, or even a plan C. Because that's how a leader should function, by always
being prepared, mentally, physically, and emotionally and to be always ready, be it with
plans, resources, and/or patience in case a problem arises.

2. Do you believe in Islam? (Answer this question assuming the role of an EDUCATOR tour

Religion is a belief itself. It is your faith in your belief that makes you a follower or
devotee of that religion. Having Islam as a religion is something that is to be respected
rather than believed. I don't believe in Islam, but I respect it. I am a Christian Catholic, and
my beliefs and faith are only for this religion, but it doesn't mean that other religions, such
as Islam are not true just because it's not my belief. I, do, sometimes engage myself in
knowing Islam since this religion has very diverse followers and has very deep teachings
that are somehow related to or the same as the teachings of the Catholic church. Again,
you don't have to believe a religion for it to be true, you just have to respect it and the
people who follow it.

3. Why are there children begging everywhere? (Answer this as a PUBLIC RELATION

These children are those children without their family/ parents, and/or simply just
abandoned by their guardians. Since they have no home and there's no one that can
provide for them, they were pushed to do this stuff, begging for people to give them food
and money. This problem regarding these children begging everywhere has been raised
before and has been addressed by the government and some local non-governmental
organizations. However, there are still a lot of children that can be seen everywhere,
begging and some of these children even have their families or parents. This happens
because of extreme poverty that drove these young children to mature early and do things
that can help provide for their families, and the easiest way for that is to be a beggar.
These children put their education behind in order to help provide food for themselves
and their families. Up until now, the government together with NGOs, are still doing a lot
of activities and implementing a lot of programs that can help these young children get
back to their families and live the life of normal children. You can help these children attain
a better future and stop doing these things by supporting and donating to local NGOs.

4. What is your stand on same-sex marriage? (Answer this as a CONDUIT.)

That’s an interesting question, a very tricky one actually. We all have our own views
and opinions on this issue, and everyone has their own respected understanding, except
those who have bad reasons. But to answer that, I am open to this topic. I support same-
sex marriage. How about you? What are your views and perspectives on this issue?
Because for me, with our everchanging environment and going more modern society, I
think we should start to accept this kind of relationship. I have slowly supported this way
back, but I haven't still accepted it. Until I became friends with people belonging to the
LGBTQ community and I slowly widened my views towards people. And now, I can say
that same-sex marriages are even stronger than those heterosexual ones. But I do
understand if you don’t accept this movement, yet. You have your own reasons and I just
hope that it is not socially degrading the people in the LGBTQ community.

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