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6回目だよ!                                 【前置


(  )に前置詞を書きなさい。

① My father built this house by himself (    ) 1993.

② I came home (    ) 8 o’clock yesterday.

③ My daughter plays tennis (    ) spring.

④ He married (    ) October.

⑤ He married (    ) October 21.

⑥ On my way back to Kyoto, I saw lots (    ) deer.

⑦ I will send flowers (    ) my girlfriend (    ) her birthday.

⑧ I like vegetables, (    ) example, tomatoes, cucumbers, and so on.

⑨ This book is popular (    ) children.

⑩ The woman’s eyes were full (    ) tears.

= The woman’s eyes were filled ( ) tears.

⑪ Degawa Tetsuro is famous ( ) a comedian.

⑫ 私は京都から大阪まで歩いた。

  I walked ( ) Kyoto ( ) Aomori.

⑬ I’m sure ( ) her success.

  =She is sure ( ) succeed.

⑭ 彼が気になって,こんなふうに傷つくところは見たくない。

  I care ( ) him, and hate to see him hurt like this.

⑮ My father is accustomed ( ) fixing cars.

⑯ I happened to meet my old friends then.

  = I came (     ) my old friends ( ) that time.

⑰ Ms. Tanaka was ( ) herself with excitement.

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