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‘Losing money’

Nama kelompok:

1. I Gede Ananda Krisna

2. Ni Putu Lia
3. Virgina Maharani
4. Adila Soputra

One day there was a women who was sad, because she lost her money when she went go the

Lia: “Hi Adila, what are you looking for?”

Adila: “Hi Lia, I’m looking for my lost money, even though I want go to the canteen to buy food.”

Lia: “You should save your money well, so it doesn’t get lost.”

Adila: “Yes Lia, thanks for the advice.”

Lia: “You’re welcome.”

The girl went to her class and sat alone, after that her friend come over to her.

Krisna: “Hi Adila, why are you alone here?”

Adila: “Hi Krisna, I lost my money. Do you see anywhere?”

Krisna: “No, I didn’t see it. Do you want to borrow my money instead?”

Adila: “May i?”

Krisna: “Of course.”

Adila: “Thank you Krisna.”

Krisna: “You’re welcome.”

In the end the girl was happy because she could buy food in the canteen.

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