Steps To Download and Install Java Code From A GitHub Repository Using Eclipse

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Here are the steps to download and install Java code from a GitHub repository using


1. First, make sure you have Eclipse installed on your computer. If you don't have Eclipse,
you can download it from the Eclipse website (
2. Next, you will need to install the EGit plugin for Eclipse. This plugin allows you to
interact with Git repositories from within Eclipse. To install the EGit plugin, follow these
• Open Eclipse and go to the "Help" menu.
• Click on "Install New Software".
• In the "Work with" field, enter the following URL:
• Press "Enter" and Eclipse will retrieve a list of available EGit plugins.
• Select the "EGit" plugin and click "Next".
• Follow the prompts to install the plugin.
3. Once the EGit plugin is installed, you can use it to clone the Java repository from
GitHub. To do this, follow these steps:
• In Eclipse, go to the "File" menu and select "Import".
• In the import window, select "Git" and then "Projects from Git". Click "Next".
• In the next window, select "Clone URI" and click "Next".
• In the "URI" field, enter the URL of the GitHub repository you want to clone. You can
find the URL of the repository by going to the repository's page on GitHub and clicking
the "Clone or download" button.
• Enter your GitHub username and password in the "Authentication" section.
• Click "Next" and select the branch you want to clone.
• In the next window, select a local destination for the repository and click "Finish".
4. Eclipse will now clone the repository and create a new project for the code. You can find
the project in the "Package Explorer" pane on the left side of the Eclipse window.
5. To run the code, you will need to set up the project's build path. To do this, right-click
on the project in the "Package Explorer" and select "Build Path" and then "Configure
Build Path".
6. In the "Java Build Path" window, click on the "Libraries" tab and add any external
libraries or dependencies that are required by the code.
7. Once the build path is set up, you can run the code by right-clicking on the main class in
the "Package Explorer" and selecting "Run As" and then "Java Application".


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