High Performance Thin Film Transistors With Cosputtered Amorphous Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide Channel

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High performance thin film transistors with

cosputtered amorphous indium gallium zinc

oxide channel
Cite as: Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 113505 (2007); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2783961
Submitted: 02 July 2007 • Accepted: 22 August 2007 • Published Online: 11 September 2007

Jae Kyeong Jeong, Jong Han Jeong, Hui Won Yang, et al.


Origin of threshold voltage instability in indium-gallium-zinc oxide thin film transistors

Applied Physics Letters 93, 123508 (2008); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2990657

Improvements in the device characteristics of amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin-film
transistors by Ar plasma treatment
Applied Physics Letters 90, 262106 (2007); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2753107

Electronic transport properties of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide semiconductor upon

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Applied Physics Letters 92, 072104 (2008); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2838380

Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 113505 (2007); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2783961 91, 113505

© 2007 American Institute of Physics.


High performance thin film transistors with cosputtered amorphous indium

gallium zinc oxide channel
Jae Kyeong Jeong,a兲 Jong Han Jeong, Hui Won Yang, Jin-Seong Park, Yeon-Gon Mo,b兲
and Hye Dong Kim
Corporate R and D Center, Samsung SDI Co., Ltd., 428-5, Gongse-Dong, Kiheung-Gu, Yongin-Si,
Gyeonggi-Do 449-902, Korea
共Received 2 July 2007; accepted 22 August 2007; published online 11 September 2007兲
The authors report the fabrication of high performance thin film transistors 共TFTs兲 with an
amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide 共a-IGZO兲 channel, which was deposited by cosputtering
using a dual IGZO and indium zinc oxide 共IZO兲 target. The effect of the indium content on the
device performance of the a-IGZO TFTs was investigated. At a relatively low IZO power of 400 W,
the field-effect mobility 共␮FE兲 and subthreshold gate swing 共S兲 of the a-IGZO TFTs were
dramatically improved to 19.3 cm2 / V s and 0.35 V/decade, respectively, compared to those
共11.2 cm2 / V s and 1.11 V/decade兲 for the TFTs with the a-IGZO channel 共reference sample兲
prepared using only the IGZO target. The enhancement in the subthreshold IDS-VGS characteristics
at an IZO power of 400 W compared to those of the reference sample was attributed to the reduction
of the interface trap density rather than the reduction of the bulk defects of the a-IGZO channel.
© 2007 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2783961兴

Amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide 共a-IGZO兲 TFTs was varied from 300 to 700 W. IZO source and drain elec-
offer an attractive alternative to poly-Si TFTs, because they trodes 共200 nm兲 were formed by sputtering in the same
provide better uniformity in terms of their device character- chamber at room temperature. The patterning of the channel
istics, including the threshold voltage and mobility, due to and source and drain electrodes was performed using a
their amorphous phase, and a high mobility of ⬎10 cm2 / V s shadow mask. Finally, the sample was subjected to thermal
is attainable with these devices even in the amorphous annealing at 350 ° C for 1 h. The transfer characteristics of
phase.1,2 The high mobility in the a-IGZO material is attrib- the a-IGZO TFTs were measured at room temperature with
uted to the electron transport by the conduction band, whose an Agilent 4156C precision semiconductor parameter
minima in a-IGZO are composed of spatially spread nano- analyzer.
second orbitals of post-transition cations 共In, Ga, and Zn兲 Figure 1 shows the schematic cross section of the
without directionality and the fact that their spherical sym- a-IGZO TFTs, which have an inverted staggered bottom gate
metry makes the structural disordering in the amorphous structure with a channel width 共W兲 of 1000 ␮m and a chan-
state a rather uncritical issue. nel length 共L兲 of 150 ␮m. Figures 2共a兲 and 2共b兲 show the
In this letter, we report the fabrication of high perfor- representative transfer characteristics of the TFTs with the
mance TFTs with an a-IGZO film cosputtered using a dual a-IGZO channels deposited at rf IZO powers of 0 W 共refer-
IGZO and indium zinc oxide 共IZO兲 target. The indium con- ence sample兲 and 400 W, respectively. The threshold voltage
tent incorporated in the a-IGZO film was varied by control- 共VT,sat兲 was defined by the gate voltage, which induces a
ling the rf power of the IZO target. The effect of the indium drain current of L / W ⫻ 10 nA at a VDS of 5.1 V. The appar-
content on the performance of the fabricated a-IGZO TFTs is ent field-effect mobility induced by the transconductance at a
described in detail. low drain voltage 共VDS 艋 1 V兲 is determined by
MoW 共200 nm兲 sputtered on a SiO2/glass substrate with Lgm
a surface area of 70⫻ 70 mm2 was used as the gate elec- ␮FE = , 共1兲
trode. SiNx 共200 nm兲 film as a gate dielectric layer was de-
posited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition at a where Ci and gm are the gate capacitance per unit area and
substrate temperature of 330 ° C. The flow rates of SiH4 and the transconductance, respectively. From the transfer charac-
NH3 were 200 and 2000 SCCM 共SCCM denotes cubic cen-
timeter per minute at STP兲, respectively. The chamber pres-
sure and rf power were 1.5 Torr and 1300 W, respectively.
The a-IGZO film with a thickness of 50 nm was grown by
cosputtering on the SiO2/glass substrate using polycrystalline
In2Ga2ZnO7 target and In2O3 – 10 wt % ZnO target at room
temperature. The cosputtering was carried out at a gas mix-
ing ratio of Ar/ O2 = 65/ 35 and a chamber pressure of
5 mTorr. The input rf power of the In2Ga2ZnO7 target was
fixed at 450 W, while that of the In2O3 – 10 wt % ZnO target

Electronic mail: jaekyeong.jeong@samsung.com FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Schematic cross section of the IGZO TFTs, which
Electronic mail: ygmo@samsung.com have an inverted staggered bottom gate structure.

0003-6951/2007/91共11兲/113505/3/$23.00 91, 113505-1 © 2007 American Institute of Physics

113505-2 Jeong et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 113505 共2007兲

FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Dependence of the IZO rf power on the ␮FE and
S parameters of the TFTs with the cosputtered a-IGZO films. 共b兲 Depen-
dence of the IZO rf power on the VT,sat and Ioff parameters of the TFTs with
the cosputtered a-IGZO films. Ioff was determined by the drain current at
VGS = −10 V and VDS = 10 V.

0.35± 0.02 V/decade, respectively, without the deterioration

of Ioff 共⬃1.7⫻ 1011 A兲. Also, the VT,sat value was shifted to
nearly zero voltage 共0.59 V兲, which is desirable for low
power consumption AMOLEDs. The reason for this im-
provement will be discussed below. Figures 2共c兲 and 2共d兲
show the representative output characteristics of the TFT
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Representative output characteristics of the TFT with
a-IGZO deposited at rf IZO powers of 共a兲 0 W 共reference sample兲 and 共b兲
with the a-IGZO channel deposited at rf IZO powers of 0 W
400 W. The representative output characteristics of the TFT with a-IGZO 共reference sample兲 and 400 W, respectively. It is noted that a
deposited at 共c兲 reference condition and 共d兲 400 W. The linear behavior in drain current of roughly 1 ␮A is required to manifest full
the low VDS region in the output curves indicates the Ohmic contact between white gray color in the AMOLED device.4 The saturation
the IZO and a-IGZO channels. The stability data as a function of stress time drain current was 1.45 ␮A at VGS = 8 V for the reference
under constant drain current of 3 ␮A were shown in the inset of 共b兲.
TFT, while a value of 3.01 ␮A was achieved even at a low
VGS of 2 V for the cosputtered a-IGZO TFT, due to its high
teristics, S can be extracted using the equation mobility and low VT,sat 共⬃0.6 V兲, as shown in Figs. 2共c兲 and
dVGS It is worthwhile to mention the stability of cosputtered
S= . 共2兲
d共log IDS兲 IGZO TFT. Stability of TFT with the a-IGZO channel de-
The density of the interface trap states 共Nt兲 at the posited at 400 W was measured under the constant source-
drain current of 3 ␮A. Interestingly, the mobility and gate
a-IGZO and dielectric interface can be calculated using the
swing were not degraded after the long time stress 共60 h兲;
following equation:3
only the threshold voltage was positively shifted by approxi-
Ci mately 3.4 V, as shown in the inset of Fig. 2共b兲.
Nt = 关S log共e兲/共kT/q兲 − 1兴 . 共3兲 Figure 3共a兲 shows the dependence of the IZO rf
power on the ␮FE and S parameters of the TFTs with the
N-channel conduction having a ␮FE parameter of cosputtered a-IGZO films. As the indium content increased,
11.2± 2.0 cm2 / V s for the reference sample was observed, the ␮FE value increased up to an IZO rf power of
which is typical of a-IGZO TFTs. The field-effect transistor 600 W 共24.0± 0.64 cm2 / V s兲 and dropped slightly to
with the a-IGZO reference channel was normally off and 21.7± 1.39 cm2 / V s at 700 W. In contrast, the VT,sat value of
operated in accumulation mode 共VT,sat = 8.14± 0.36 V兲. The S the a-IGZO TFTs was gradually negatively shifted with in-
value and Ion/off ratio were 1.11± 0.06 V/decade and ⬃6.6 creasing indium content. Thus, the VT,sat value was
⫻ 106, respectively. A significant improvement of the device −12.1± 1.91 V for the TFTs with a-IGZO cosputtered at
performance was observed for the TFTs with the a-IGZO 700 W, indicating that the device operation changed from
channel cosputtered at an IZO rf power of 400 W. The ␮FE accumulation to depletion mode. It has been reported that the
and S values were enhanced to 19.3± 0.70 cm2 / V s and Hall mobility and net carrier density of a-IGZO films pre-

TABLE I. Indium, gallium, and zinc content of a-IGZO as a function of the IZO rf power. Also, the interface
trap density 共Nt兲 was extracted and summarized for each a-IGZO TFT. The atomic ratio of the IGZO film was
analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. The ratio of In/ 共In+ Ga+ Zn兲 increased monoto-
nously with increasing IZO rf power.

rf power
of IZO target 0W 300 W 400 W 600 W 700 W

In/ 共In+ Ga+ Zn兲 0.40 0.63 0.65 0.73 0.76

Ga/ 共In+ Ga+ Zn兲 0.43 0.26 0.23 0.16 0.13
Zn/ 共In+ Ga+ Zn兲 0.17 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11
Nt 共1012 cm−2兲 3.2± 0.18 1.9± 0.06 0.91± 0.06 1.5± 0.03 1.8± 0.27
113505-3 Jeong et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 113505 共2007兲

TABLE II. Comparison of the various parameters including ␮FE, S, Ion/off ratio, VT,sat, and Nt for the three
samples. The standard deviations for each parameter were determined from the evaluation of six TFTs on one

␮FE S Ion/off VT,sat Nt

Sample ID 共cm2 / V s兲 共V/decade兲 ratio 共V兲 共cm−2兲

Reference 共50 nm兲 11.2± 2.01 1.12± 0.07 6.5⫻ 106 8.14± 0.36 2.9⫻ 1012
Cosputtered 共50 nm兲 19.3± 0.74 0.36± 0.02 1.5⫻ 107 0.59± 0.32 9.1⫻ 1011
Reference 共40 nm兲/ cosputtered 共10 nm兲 15.3± 1.20 0.36± 0.06 1.8⫻ 107 2.22± 0.49 9.1⫻ 1011

pared by pulsed laser deposition were dominantly deter- the bilayered a-GIZO channel is nearly identical to that of
mined by the content of In2O3 and increased up to the cosputtered a-IGZO TFT, indicating that the improve-
⬃40 cm2 / V s and ⬎1019 cm−3, respectively, at the maxi- ment in the S value comes from the reduction of Nt rather
mum In2O3 fraction.5 The experimental results obtained than that of the defect density of the a-IGZO itself.
herein were theoretically validated by the recent ab initio Finally, it should be noted that the choice of gate dielec-
calculations which indicate that the In3+ cations in the tric was also important for improving the transistor perfor-
a-IZGO material primarily form an extended conduction mance. By using a bilayer of SiNx / SiOx, the field-effect mo-
band minima by the percolation of the In 5s orbitals.6 There- bility and gate swing were improved from 11.2 cm2 / V s and
fore, the improvement in mobility can be attributed to the 1.12 V/decade 共reference samples兲 to 15.8 cm2 / V s and
increasing indium content and the consequent increase in the 0.65 V/decade, respectively 共not shown兲. Therefore, the
carrier density which caused the threshold voltage to be combination of IGZO codeposition and bilayer gate dielec-
negatively shifted. This was also supported by the fact that tric would result in further improvements of the device per-
the leakage current rapidly increased under high power con- formances including mobility and gate swing.
ditions 共⬎600 W兲, as shown in Fig. 3共b兲. In fact, the con- In summary, the competition between the enhancement
trollability of the net carrier density is a well-known critical of the mobility by the incorporation of indium and the cre-
issue for In-rich a-IGZO or a-IZO materials 共net carrier den- ation of Nt by energetic particle bombardment occurred dur-
sity of ⬎1018 cm−3兲.5 The normally on behavior at zero gate ing the cosputtering of the IGZO and IZO targets. At a rela-
voltage, which is not desirable for the application of tively low IZO power of 400 W, the ␮FE and S parameters of
AMOLEDs as a switching or driving device, was also re- the a-IGZO TFTs were dramatically improved to
ported for In-rich a-IZO TFTs due to their rather high carrier 19.3 cm2 / V s and 0.35 V/decade, respectively. However, the
density 共⬃2.1⫻ 1017 cm−3兲.7 ␮FE and S parameters were deteriorated at a high IZO rf
The slight deterioration of the ␮FE value observed at an power of 700 W due to the acceleration of the energetic ion
IZO rf power of 700 W can be explained by the sputtering bombardment. The enhancement in the subthreshold IDS-VGS
damage; the energetic ion bombardment at higher power characteristics of the a-IGZO TFTs at an IZO power of
might cause the interface degradation of the underlying gate 400 W compared to those of the reference sample was attrib-
dielectric. Moreover, the creation of deep levels by the ion uted to the reduction of the interface trap density rather than
bombardment and incorporation of sputtering ions such as the reduction of the bulk defects of the a-IGZO channel.
Ar+ at increasing rf power might have an adverse effect on Therefore, it is concluded that interface engineering by
the overall device characteristics.8–10 This speculation is con- cosputtering during the initial growth of a-IGZO will play an
firmed by the fact that the gate swing or Nt values were important role in achieving an excellent gate swing and high
seriously degraded at a higher rf IZO power 共⬎600 W, see
mobility for the fabricated a-IGZO TFTs without any dete-
Table I兲. The S value was 0.67± 0.09 V/decade at 700 W,
rioration of Ioff.
indicating that the energetic particle bombardment at high rf
power is responsible for the deterioration of the transconduc- 1
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