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A thesis manuscript proposed to the faculty of the College of Agriculture and Forestry,
President Ramon Magsaysay State University, Botolan Campus, Zambales in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN
AGRICULTURE Major in Crop Science

August 2022
Republic of the Philippines
Porac, Botolan, Zambales


This thesis manuscript titled PERFORMANCE OF MUSTARD (Brassica juncea L.)

accepted and approved for implementation in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.


RAYMUNDO A. SAZON, Ph.D. ___________________________________

Adviser Date

Agri. JOCELYN B. ANGELES ___________________________________

Head, Panel of Evaluators Date
Agri. KAREN D. PARREÑO, ___________________________________
Member, Panel of Evaluators Date


Member, Panel of evaluators Date


Agri.CARISSA G. BARNACHEA ___________________________________

BSA Program Chairperson Date

RAYMUNDO A. SAZON, Ph.D. ___________________________________

College Dean Date

The researcher MELANIE AGUASAN was born on May 04, 1999 in Brgy. San

Agustin Iba, Zambales.

The researcher took her pre-elementary education at San Agustin. Elementary

School. She finished her secondary education at Amungan National High School. She

finished the senior high school at Zambales National High School and the researcher

pursued the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Major in Crop Science, she is now

currently enrolled and now in her senior year.

She is excited to face the other challenging journey in her life on the career and

field that she chose.


The author wishes to express her sincere and profound gratitude to the following
persons who in one way or another assisted in making her study successful.

First, the researcher would like to praise and glorify the Heavenly God for his
love, guidance, and protection in all circumstances to complete the research work

To her Adviser, Ph.D.Raymundo Sazon and who gave the suggestions and
valuable time and support.

To all the professors and panelist of the College of Agriculture and Forestry for
their positive response, good suggestions, comments, and ideas for the development of
the study.

To my friends Liezel E. Antalan, Selwyn P. Lacar and Cherry C. Balbalosa who

gave me a support, valuable time, and giving me the ideas for the development of my

She also wants to express her sincerest thanks to her beloved parents and friends
for their moral and financial support and prayers;

AGUASAN MELANIE. President Ramon Magsaysay State University, Botolan

Campus, Porac Botolan Zambales, "PERFORMANCE OF MUSTARD (Brassica
(Sargassum sp.) APPLIED AS


The study aimed to determine and evaluate the effect of the various amount of
fermented seaweed used as fertilizer supplement on Mustard (Brassica juncea L.). One
hundred twenty units of mustard were used in the experiment with various treatments
namely; Treatment 1 (Control), Treatment 2 (45 ml. of fermented seaweed/1 L of water),
Treatment 3 (60 ml. of fermented seaweed/ 1 L of water), and Treatment 4 (75 ml. of
fermented seaweed/ 1 L of water.

The study showed that in terms of growth performance, the highest level of
fermented seaweed (Treatment 4) obtained the good performance in mustard.
The study was conducted at Bulawen, Palauig, Zambales from December 19,
2021 to January 31, 2022.












Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitation

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms


Poultry Industry
Potentials of Insect
Black Soldier Fly Insect (Hermetia illucens)
Uses of BSF
Maggot Meal on Broiler

Experimental Animal

Experimental Lay-out

Experimental Design


Statistical Analysis


Initial Body Weight

Final Body Weight

Average Body Weight

Average Feed Intake

Average Weight Gain

Average Feed Conversion Ratio

Dressing Percentage

Cost and Return Analysis

Partial Budget of Treatments




Brassica juncea L.

Several regions in western and central Asia have been assumed to be the centre of

origin of Brassica juncea. Mustard has been cultivated in Asia and Europe for thousands

of years for its leaves and seeds. Presently, vegetable types of Brassica juncea are

cultivated throughout southern and eastern Asia. Variation is greatest in China. Brown

mustard is grown as a leafy vegetable in West and southern Africa, known as laulau in

Nigeria, mpiru in Malawi and tsunga in Zimbabwe. In many African countries it has been

introduced and became naturalized. However, its exact distribution in Africa is difficult

to indicate because of confusion with other Brassica species, especially Brassica carinata

A.Braun. Oilseed types are particularly important in southern Asia, China, North

America and Europe, but are not or only rarely found in Africa. Brassica juncea is

important as a source of mustard in Europe and North America, and it is occasionally

planted for this purpose in Africa, e.g. in Réunion and Mauritius( Chen 1997).

Gulfweed seaweed (Sargassum sp.)

Sargassum is a genus of brown (class Phaeophyceae) macroalgae (seaweed) in the

order Fucales. Numerous species are distributed throughout the temperate and tropical

oceans of the world, where they generally inhabit shallow water and coral reefs, and the

genus is widely known for its planktonic (free-floating) species. Most species within the

class Phaeophyceae are predominantly cold-water organisms that benefit from nutrients

upwelling, but the genus Sargassum appears to be an exception (Hogan, C. Michael

(2011). Any number of the normally benthic species may take on a planktonic, often

pelagic existence after being removed from reefs during rough weather; however, two

species (S. natans and S. fluitans) have become holopelagic reproducing vegetatively and

never attaching to the seafloor during their lifecycles. The Atlantic Ocean's Sargasso Sea

was named after the algae, as it hosts a large amount of Sargassum.(Guido 1988).

Fermented Seaweed

Any improvement in agricultural system that results in higher production should

reduce the negative environmental impact of agriculture and enhance the sustainability of

the system. One such approach is the use of biostimulants, which can enhance the

effectiveness of conventional mineral fertilizers. Marine bioactive substances extracted

from marine algae are used in agricultural and horticultural crops, and many beneficial

effects, in the terms of enhancement of yield and quality have been reported (Blunden,

1991, Crouch and Van Staden, 1994). Liquid extracts obtained from seaweeds have

recently gained importance as foliar sprays for many crops including various grasses,

cereals, flowers and vegetable species (see Crouch and Van Staden, 1994 for a

comprehensive list). Seaweed extracts contains major and minor nutrients, amino acids,

vitamins, cytokinins, auxin and abscisic acid like growth promoting substances (Mooney
and Van Staden, 1986) and have been reported to stimulate the growth and yield of plants

(Rama Rao, 1991), develop tolerance to environment stress (Zhang and Schmidt, 2000,

Zhang et al., 2003), increase nutrient uptake from soil (Verkleij, 1992, Turan and Köse,

2004) and enhance antioxidant properties (Verkleij, 1992).

The beneficial effect of fermented seaweed application is as a result of many

components that may work synergistically at different concentrations, although the mode

of action still remains unknown (Fornes et al., 2002). In recent years, use of seaweed

extracts have gained in popularity due to their potential use in organic and sustainable

agriculture (Russo and Beryln, 1990), especially in rainfed crops, as a means to avoid

excessive fertilizer applications and to improve mineral absorption. Unlike, chemical

fertilizers, extracts derived from seaweeds are biodegradable, non-toxic, non-polluting

and non-hazardous to humans, animals and birds (Dhargalkar and Pereira, 2005).


Generally, the objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of the application of

different concentrations of fermented seaweed in enhancing the growth and yield of


Scope and Limitation

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect fermented seaweeds to the growth

performance of Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) on the following parameters: number of

leaves, length of longest leaf, width of the longest leaf, diameter of the canopy and final
height of plant for a limited time of 45 days in a controlled environment. The study was

conducted at Bulawen, Palauig, Zambales from December 19, 2021 to January 31, 2022.


Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ)

The use of fermented plant juice (FPJ) as liquid fertilizer is widely practiced in

organic farms. However, the length of fermentation and levels of concentration vary and

its use in leaf mustard production has not yet been explored. This study was conducted to

enhance the productivity of Brassica juncea L. in terms of weight, yield, and yield-related

parameters across three FPJ concentrations (1.5 tbsp/L, 2.0 tbsp/L, 2.5 tbsp/L) and three

durations of fermentation (5 days, 10 days, 15 days). Results showed no significant effect

of duration or concentration on the weight of marketable plants or plant biomass.

However, for plant biomass, a significant interaction was found between duration and

concentration. With respect to return on investment (ROI) and benefit-cost ratio (BCR),

there was a significant effect of concentration. A higher concentration resulted to a higher

production cost. Results revealed that the different durations of fermentation and

concentrations of FPJ had no significant effect on the productivity of B. juncea. However,

based on ROI and BCR, lower FPJ concentrations were shown to be cost-effective. Thus,

the recommendation is to use FPJ at 1.5 tbsp/L fermented over a 5-day duration.
Farmers used chemical fertilizer in the field directly. These chemical fertilizers

are directly or indirectly harmful to air, soil, water. The utilization of seaweed as a

fertilizer in crop production has long time belief in coastal areas in the world (Fleurence,

et al., 1999).

Fermented marine algae is new generation of and living organism natural organic

fertilizers highly nutritive and improve growth, germination of seeds and improve yield

of many crops (dhargalkar et al., 2005).

Seaweed is valuably use for plant germination and their growth; thereby recover

the yield and resistance ability of many crops (Moller et al., 1998; Verkleijet al.,1992)

Seaweed is effect on plant growth hormones. Seaweed is biodegradable, non-hazardous,

harmless, none polluting to human.

The SLF (seaweed liquid fertilizer) is use as an organic fertilizer which is more

useful to human health and environment. Seaweeds are excellent sources of many

essential micro and macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and due to them higher

polysaccharides content which could also imply high level of soluble and insoluble

dietary fiber (Chapman,1980; kalsariya et al.,2016), he seaweed extract carried out

from seaweed or sprayed on crops for better seed germination percentage, growth,

nutrient uptake and yield of plants (S. R. Immanuel and S.K. Subramanian et al.,1999).

and living organism. The utilize of seaweed as a fertilizer in crop production has long

time belief in coastal areas in the world (Fleurence, et al., 1999).

Fermented Seaweed
The application of seaweeds as muck in agricultural farming has been very

common from ancient times in the Roman Empire, Japan, China, France, Spain, Britain,

etc. Most coastal areas all over the world use seaweeds as bio-fertilizer for crop

production. Fermented Seaweed are used in different ways like seed treatment, foliar

spray and soil application for plant protection and for plant growth promotion. Fermented

Seaweed is more useful than chemical fertilizer because of its bio-decomposable, non-

toxic and eco-friendly property. These are the most important reasons to use fermented

seaweed in recent years for sustainable agriculture in organic and integrated organic

farming. Seaweeds affect agricultural crops for enhancement of plant growth, seedling

growth, both root hair and secondary root development. It can also improve nutrient

incorporation, fruit setting, resistance properties against pests and diseases, improving the

stress management (drought, salinity and temperature). The present review focused on

use of fermented seaweed in the agricultural system and novel strategies for the use of

fermented seaweed. (Mukherjee,2019).

Uses of Mustard

Brassica juncea has many uses: it yields a seed oil, crushed seed is used in the

production of mustard and it has a variety of vegetable uses. It is also used as forage and


In Africa and many parts of Asia the leaves are eaten as a vegetable; they are

often shredded, cooked and served as a side dish with the staple food. Older leaves and

leaves affected by drought are very bitter. When they have to be used, consumers renew

the cooking water once. Young tender leaves, called ‘mustard greens’ are used in salads,
mixed with other salad greens. In Asia brown mustard leaves are used in pickles or

offered as frozen or canned vegetables. Sprouted seeds are used as a garnish or to add a

spicy note to salads. In East Asia a variety of vegetable types have been developed that

are comparable to that of Brassica oleracea L. ‘Tai Tau Choi’ has an enlarged root and is

prepared and eaten like turnips, while ‘Cha Tsoi’ has peculiar swollen stems with knobby

bulges that are preserved in brine and pressed flat until most of the sap is removed. In

Asia, Europe and America, Brassica juncea is grown mainly for its seed used in the

fabrication of brown mustard or for the extraction of vegetable oil. It has been introduced

for this purpose locally in Africa, e.g. in the Mascarene Islands. In much of Europe

Brassica juncea has replaced Brassica nigra as the main source of commercial mustard

seed. Its mustard is spicier than the yellow type made from Brassica nigra. Mustard oil is

one of the major edible oils in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, appreciated for its special

taste and pungency. In adjacent parts of the former Soviet Union it is used as a substitute

for olive oil. In Western countries its use as edible oil is restricted because of the high

erucic acid content. The oil is also used as hair oil and as lubricant. The oil of cultivars

bred for extra high erucic acid content is used for industrial purposes. A peculiar use of

mustard oil is to retard the fermentation process when making cider from apples. The

seeds are also used in birdseed mixtures. The remaining seed meal is high in protein, but

the high glucosinolate content makes it unacceptable for human or for monogastric-

animal consumption.

Brown mustard is reported to have anodyne, aperient, diuretic, emetic and

rubefacient properties. It is a folk remedy for arthritis, foot ache, lumbago and

rheumatism. In China the seed is used as medicine against tumours. Ingestion may impart
a body odour repellent to mosquitoes. Leaves applied to the forehead are said to relieve

headache. The leaves are eaten in soups to treat bladder inflammation or haemorrhage. In

Korea the seeds are used to treat abscesses, colds, lumbago, rheumatism and stomach

disorders. Brown mustard oil is used against skin eruptions and ulcers. In Tanzania the

roots have been given to cows to promote milk production (Hemmingway. J.S 1995).


Preparation of Fermented Seaweed

The fermented seaweed used in this study was obtained from San Agustin Iba,

Zambales. The main materials used in preparing fermented seaweed are molasses and

seaweed. This material is sourced out locally for the fermentation of plant juice.

For the preparation of fermented seaweed, the seaweed is picked early in the morning

to maintain its freshness and moisture content. The seaweed was chopped mince to make

it easily to ferment. Second, it was mixed into a container jar. In every one kilogram of

seaweed is equivalent to 1 liter of molasses, third it will be capped with manila paper and

tied using rubber band to maintain the aerobic activity of the microbes inside the

container, fourth it was was place and stored in a cold and dry place where the

temperature is more favorable with the microbes. And lastly the fermentation was done

up to 14 days where the juice was extracted through clean clothes to prevent the

contamination until further use.

Crop production management

The crop was direct seeded in equal amount of soil media (one kilogram of soil and one

kilogram of carabao manure). It was watered every day and applied treatment at least 1

time a week (every Wednesday) with a drench watering. The size of the polyethylene

bags is 5x5x10 and each bags contains equal amount of soil media. It is a must to a have

equal amount of soil media to prevent biases. The crops is harvested after 45 days of


Experimental Design and Layout

The Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was applied in this study.

One hundred twenty (120) Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) were planted individually

in size 5 x 5 x 10 cm black polyethylene bags. They were subjected to four different

treatments, each treatment having three replications, and each replication having ten

samples. All experimental units were arranged inside a net house randomly. Two

polyethylene pots containers in a row as well as in a column will be 15 cm apart. Each

replication will be 0.5m apart to allow the researcher to pass in between for watering and


Treatment Labels:

Treatment 1 – control (water)

Treatment 2 - 45 ml fermented seaweed / 1Lwater

Treatment 3- 60 ml fermented seaweed / 1L water

Treatment 4 - 75ml fermented seaweed / 1L water

Number of replication: Three (3) with ten (10) experimental units

Total number of experimental unit: 120 units

T1R1 T4R3 T2R2

T2R1 T3R1 T1R3

T4R2 T1R2 T3R3

T3R2 T2R3 T4R1

Figure1. Field layout


1. Number of leaves

-This refers to the number of leaves was gathered by counting each leaf during


2. Canopy of the diameter

-This refers to the size of the canopy of every plant using centimeter (cm) after


3. Length of the longest leaf

-This refers to the length (in centimeter) was measured by a ruler from the base of the

leaf from the tip during harvesting.

4. Width of the longest leaf

-This refers to the width (in centimeter) was measured by a ruler from the base of the leaf

from the tip during harvesting.

5. Final height of the plant

- This refers to the final height of every plant (in centimeter) was measured using a ruler

from base to tip of the longest leaf during harvesting.


The data collected would be subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 5%

and 1 % level of significance and means will be tested using the least significant

difference (LSD) test.


A. Number of leaves

There is a no significant difference on the average number of leaves using

fermented seaweed (Appendix Table 1).

Although there is no statistical significant difference on the number of leaves per

treatment, Treatment 4 (75 ml of fermented seaweed / 1000 ml of water exhibit the

highest mean at 6.4 (Table 1).

Table 1. Number of leaves per plant of Brassica juncea treated with fermented seaweed

Treatment Number of leaves per Treatment total Treatment mean




T1 (control) 6.6 6.2 5.8 18.6 6.2

T2-( 45ml of 5.7 6.7 5.9 36 6.1

fermented seaweed
/1000 ml of seaweed)

T3- (60 ml of 6.4 5.6 5.8 38.9 5.9

seaweed/1000 ml) of

T4- (75 ml of 6.5 6.5 6.2 55.1 6.4

fermented seaweed /
1000 ml of water)


B. Length of the longest leaf

There is a highly significant difference on the average length of the longest leaf

using fermented seaweed (Appendix table 2).

Table 2 shows the average length of the longest leaf of the mustard leaves using

fermented seaweed as fertilizer Treatment 4 (75 ml of fermented seaweed / 1000 ml of

water obtained the highest average mean at 48.37cm, followed by Treatment 2 (45 ml of

fermented seaweed at 46.36, Treatment 3 (60ml of fermented seaweed /1000 ml of

seaweed) at and treatment 1 (control) obtained the lowest average of width of the longest

leaf at 45.05.
Table 3. Length of the longest leaf (cm) of Brassica juncea treated with fermented
Treatment Length of the longest Treatment total Treatment mean



T1 (control) 19.48 19.08 19.48 58.04 45.05

T2-( 45ml of
fermented seaweed 46.36
/1000 ml of water) 19.59 20.2 19.71 59.5

T3- (60 ml of
fermented 46.28
seaweed/1000 ml) of 19.84 19.79 19.96 59.59

T4- (75 ml of
fermented seaweed / 48.37
1000 ml of water) 20.6 20.81 20.89 62.3

GRAND TOTAL AND MEAN 239.43 149.78

Table 4
Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Groups 3.156158 3 1.052053 22.40396 0.000301 4.066181
Within Groups 0.375667 8 0.046958

Total 3.531825 11        
C. Diameter of the canopy

There is a highly significant difference on the average of the diameter of the

canopy of treated Brassica juncea (Appendix table 3)

Table 3 shows the average length of the diameter of the mustard leaves using

fermented seaweed as fertilizer Treatment 4 (75 ml of fermented seaweed / 1000 ml of

water exhibit the highest mean on diameter of the longest leaf at 70.18 cm, followed by

Treatment 2 (45 ml of fermented seaweed/1000 ml of water) at 69.60 cm., Treatment 3

(60 ml of fermented seaweed /1000 ml of seaweed) at 69.39 cm and treatment 1 (control)

obtained the lowest average of number of leaves at 63.94 cm.

Table 5. Diameter of the canopy of Brassica juncea treated with fermented seaweed

Treatment Diameter of the canopy Treatment total Treatment mean



T1 (control) 27.71 27.13 27.29 82.13 63.94

T2-( 45ml of
fermented seaweed 69.60
/1000 ml of water) 29.79 29.83 29.96 89.58

T3- (60 ml of
fermented 69.39
seaweed/1000 ml) of 30.01 29.21 30.5 89.72
T4- (75 ml of
fermented seaweed / 70.18
1000 ml of water) 29.34 30.65 30.49 90.48

GRAND TOTAL AND MEAN 351.91 220.48

Table 6.
Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Groups 15.35336 3 5.117786 19.82933 0.000462 4.066181
Within Groups 2.064733 8 0.258092

Total 17.41809 11        

D. Width of the longest leaf

That there is a highly significant difference on the width of the longest leaf of

Brassica juncea treated with fermented seaweed (Appendix table 3)

Treatment 4 (75 ml of fermented seaweed / 1000 ml of water) exhibit the highest

mean on width of the longest leaf of plant at 23.70 cm, followed by Treatment 1 (control)

at 22.98 cm, Treatment 3 (60 ml of fermented seaweed/1000 ml of water) at 22.01 cm

and treatment 2 (65 ml of fermented seaweed/ 1000 ml of water) at 21.91 cm.

Table 4. Width of longest leaf of Brassica juncea treated with fermented seaweed

Treatment Width of the longest Treatment total Treatment mean




T1 (control) 10.03 9.73 9.68 29.44 22.98

T2-( 45ml of
fermented seaweed 21.91
/1000 ml of water) 9.23 9.65 9.1 27.98

T3- (60 ml of
fermented 22.01
seaweed/1000 ml) of 9.4 9.79 9.26 28.15

T4- (75 ml of
fermented seaweed / 23.70
1000 ml of water) 10.28 10.12 9.91 30.31


E. Final Height of the plant

There is no significant difference on the average plant final Height of Brassica

juncea using fermented seaweed (Appendix table 4).

Although there is no significant difference the highest mean was recorded on Treatment 4

(75 ml of fermented seaweed / 1000 ml of water).

Table 6. Final height of Brassica juncea treated with fermented seaweed
Treatment Final Height of the Treatment total Treatment mean



T1 (control) 22.88 19.05 20.85 62.78 48.88

T2-( 45ml of
fermented seaweed 50
/1000 ml of water) 22.04 21.08 20.66 63.78

T3- (60 ml of
fermented 52.72
seaweed/1000 ml) of 22.74 22.51 22.4 67.65

T4- (75 ml of
fermented seaweed / 54.68
1000 ml of water) 23.22 23.25 24.64 71.11

GRAND TOTAL AND MEAN 265.32 165.27

Table 7
Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Groups 14.56527 3 4.855089 3.995656 0.052021 4.066181
Within Groups 9.720733 8 1.215092

Total 24.286 11        

Green mustard were subjected to four (4) different treatments namely Treatment 1 water
(control), Treatment 2 (45 ml of fermented seaweed/1000ml of water), Treatment 3 (60
ml of fermented seaweed/1000 ml of water), and Treatment 4 (75 ml of fermented
seaweed/1000ml of water).

The study was conducted to determine the performance of mustard (Brasicca juncea L.)
Under various amount of fermented seaweed (sargassum sp.) applied as fertilizer
supplement in Brgy. Bulawen, Palauig, Zambales. It was laid out using Completely
Randomize Design (CRD).

In terms of growth performance, In the number of leaves treatment 4 ( 75ml of fermented

seaweed/1000ml of water) obtained the highest mean at 6.4 and the lowest mean was
obtained from the treatment 3( 60 ml fermented seaweed/1000ml of water) at 5.9, for the
length of the longest leaf treatment 4 (75ml fermented seaweed/1000ml of water)
obtained the highest mean at 48.37 cm and the lowest mean obtained from treatment 1
( control) at 45.05 cm, for the width of the longest leaf treatment 4 (75ml fermented
seaweed/1000ml of water) obtained the highest mean at 23.70 cm and the lowest mean
obtained from the treatment 2(45 ml fermented seaweed/1000ml of water) at 21.91cm,
for the Diameter of the canopy treatment 4 (75 ml fermented seaweed/1000ml of water)
obtained the highest mean at 70.18 cm and treatment 3(60ml fermented seaweed/1000ml
of water)was obtained the lowest mean at 69.39 cm, and for the final height of mustard
Treatment 4 (75 ml fermented seaweed/1000ml of water) obtained the highest treatment
mean at 54.68 cm and Treatment 1 (control) obtained the lowest treatment mean at 48.88


The higher amount of fermented seaweed the more nutrients can give to the plant.
Fermented seaweed could promote vegetative growth and increase the size of crops.


The Recommendation based on the result of this study

1. Among the treatments, the Treatment 4 (75 ml fermented seaweed/1000ml of water) is

effective and can be fertilizer supplement for mustard.

2. The highest dosage of fermented seaweed gives the good performance of mustard;
therefore, it is highly recommended.

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Table 2.
Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0.3425 3 0.114167 0.709845 0.572814 4.066181
Within Groups 1.286667 8 0.160833

Total 1.629167 11        

Table 7. Length of longest leaf

Treatment Treatment Mean Difference from control

T1- Water (control) 45.05 ----------

T2- 45 ml of fermented 1.31
seaweed/1000 ml of water
T3- 60 ml of fermented
seaweed/ 1000 ml of water 46.28


T4- 75 ml of fermented 48.37 3.32

seaweed/ 1000ml of water

**= Highly Significant at 1% level, *= Significant at 5% level, ns= Not significant

Table 6.
Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Groups 15.35336 3 5.117786 19.82933 0.000462 4.066181
Within Groups 2.064733 8 0.258092

Total 17.41809 11        

Table 8. Diameter of the canopy

Treatment Treatment Mean Difference from control

T1- Water (control) 63.94 ----------

T2- 45 ml of fermented 5.66
seaweed/1000 ml of water
T3- 60 ml of fermented
seaweed/ 1000 ml of water
69.39 5.45

T4- 75 ml of fermented 70.18 6.24

seaweed/ 1000ml of water

**= Highly Significant at 1% level, *= Significant at 5% level, ns= Not significant

Table 5
Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Groups 1.0815 3 0.3605 6.315328 0.016687 4.066181
Within Groups 0.456667 8 0.057083

Total 1.538167 11        

Table 9. Width of the longest leaf

Treatment Treatment Mean Difference from control

T1- Water (control) 22.98 ----------

T2- 45 ml of fermented 1.04
seaweed/1000 ml of water
T3- 60 ml of fermented
seaweed/ 1000 ml of water

22.1 0.88

T4- 75 ml of fermented 23.70 0.72

seaweed/ 1000ml of water

**= Highly Significant at 1% level, *= Significant at 5% level, ns= Not significant

Measuring the diameter of the canopy of mustard
Measuring the Length of the longest leaf of mustard
Measuring the longest width of mustard

Measuring the plants Final Height


Listing all the data to be gathered

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