Reducing The Global Burden of Musculoskeletal Conditions

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Reducing the global burden of musculoskeletal conditions

Andrew M Briggs,a Anthony D Woolf,b Karsten Dreinhöfer,c Nicole Homb,d Damian G Hoy,e Deborah Kopansky-
Giles,f Kristina Åkessong & Lyn Marchh

spiratory diseases combined, which cost underlines the importance of re-focus-

Importance of 213 billion United States dollars in 2011 ing the emphasis of health care from
musculoskeletal health (or 1.4% of gross domestic product).3 curative to promotive, preventive and
Data from low- and middle-income rehabilitative health care,6–8 particularly
Musculoskeletal conditions include
countries are fewer, yet comparable.4 in low- and middle-income settings.
more than 150 diagnoses that affect the
Musculoskeletal health is critical This is also relevant in high-income set-
locomotor system. These conditions
for human function, enabling mobility, tings, where over-medicalization and an
are characterized by pain and reduced
dexterity and the ability to work and emphasis on a biomedical, rather than
physical function, often leading to sig-
actively participate in all aspects of life. biopsychosocial approach to care, can
nificant mental health decline, increased
Musculoskeletal health is therefore es- lead to poor or adverse health outcomes
risk of developing other chronic health
sential for maintaining economic, social and unsustainable health care expendi-
conditions and increased all-cause
and functional independence, as well ture. The opioid medicine epidemic for
mortality.1 Many musculoskeletal con-
as human capital across the life course. management of non-cancer pain, the
ditions share risk factors common to
Impaired musculoskeletal health is re- majority of which is of musculoskeletal
other chronic health conditions, such as
sponsible for the greatest loss of produc- etiology, is a notable example. Prioritiz-
obesity, poor nutrition and a sedentary
tive life years in the workforce compared ing community and primary health-care
lifestyle. Musculoskeletal conditions
with other noncommunicable diseases,5 services and a long-term care system will
account for the greatest proportion of
commonly resulting in early retire- have the greatest impact on improving
persistent pain across geographies and
ment and reduced financial security. In functional ability into older age and
ages.2 Back and neck pain, osteoarthritis,
subsistence communities and low- and containing health care expenditure.7
rheumatoid arthritis and fractures are
middle-income economies, impaired The 2016 Global Burden of Disease
among the most disabling musculoskel-
musculoskeletal health has profound (GBD) data for noncommunicable dis-
etal conditions and pose major threats to
consequences on an individual’s ability eases identified the profound burden of
healthy ageing by limiting physical and
to participate in social roles and in the disease associated with musculoskeletal
mental capacities and functional ability.
prosperity of communities.4 health. DALYs for musculoskeletal con-
Although the prevalence of major mus-
ditions increased by 61.6% between 1990
culoskeletal conditions increases with
age, they are not just conditions of older
Burden of disease and 2016, with an increase of 19.6% be-
tween 2006 and 2016. Osteoarthritis was
age. Regional pain conditions, low back Burden of disease profiles are shifting
observed to have a 104.9% rise in DALYs
and neck pain, musculoskeletal injury from communicable, neonatal, maternal
(or 8.8% when age-standardized) from
sequelae and inflammatory arthritides and nutritional health conditions to pre-
1990 to 2016.6 Musculoskeletal condi-
commonly affect children, adolescents dominantly long-term noncommunica-
tions comprised the second highest
and middle-aged people during their ble diseases, commonly including mus-
global volume of years lived with dis-
formative and peak income-earning culoskeletal conditions. For example,
ability in 2016.8 Spinal pain remains the
years, establishing trajectories of decline noncommunicable diseases accounted
leading cause of global disability since
in intrinsic capacity in later years. While for 61.4% of global disability-adjusted
1990. Notably, these GBD estimates
point prevalence estimates vary with re- life years (DALYs) in 2016, compared to
likely underestimate the true burden
spect to age and musculoskeletal condi- 43.9% in 1990.6 The steepest trajectory of
of musculoskeletal health conditions
tion, approximately one in three people rise in the burden of such diseases was
since important constructs such as carer
worldwide live with a chronic, painful observed in low-income settings.6 With
burden, participation and financial im-
musculoskeletal condition. Notably, this transition in health profiles, the
plications are not considered.9
recent data suggest that one in two adult global population is now living longer
Americans live with a musculoskeletal with consequences of chronic disease
condition, a prevalence comparable to and injuries, particularly musculoskel-
that of cardiovascular and chronic re- etal conditions. This demographic shift

School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, 6845, Australia.
Bone and Joint Research Office, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Cornwall, England.
Department for Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Prevention and Health Service Research, Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany.
Department of Essential Medicines and Health Products, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden.
Institute of Bone and Joint Research, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
Correspondence to Andrew Briggs (email:
(Submitted: 23 October 2017 – Revised version received: 29 January 2018 – Accepted: 5 March 2018 – Published online: 12 April 2018 )

366 Bull World Health Organ 2018;96:366–368 | doi:

Andrew M Briggs et al. Prioritizing musculoskeletal health

municable diseases focused on mortality on health, particularly in the context

The need for integrated care associated with cardiovascular disease, of preventive actions that influence
More than half of all older people expe- cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory comorbidities such as obesity, current
rience multimorbidity of noncommuni- disease, rather than on strategies to performance targets would not reflect
cable diseases. Such multimorbidities promote living with improved intrinsic changes in musculoskeletal-related
increase with age and are more common capacity. While the nine global targets disability. Global targets should also be
among those in lower socioeconomic within the Global action plan for the set to reflect maintenance of mobility,
groups. 10 This reinforces the need to prevention and control of noncommuni- participation and physical function as
address noncommunicable diseases in a cable diseases 2013–202014 are relevant key components of functional ability
whole-person, integrated manner rather to the prevention and management and performance.
than with an approach where individual of musculoskeletal health conditions, Third, musculoskeletal health
conditions are managed in silos.7 Mul- musculoskeletal health is not identified should be part of noncommunicable dis-
timorbidity very commonly includes as a priority area for noncommunicable eases national policy reform. National
musculoskeletal conditions, with mus- disease management and important oc- system-level health policy and strategy
culoskeletal prevalence ranging from cupational and environmental targets responses to address musculoskeletal
one-third to more than one-half of all are not considered.15 Musculoskeletal health as a component of noncom-
noncommunicable disease multimor- health was only included as a noncom- municable diseases care remain dispro-
bidity presentations.11 Importantly, the municable disease target since 2016 in portionate with the burden of disease.1
presence of a musculoskeletal condition the Action plan for the prevention and While health systems are now respond-
significantly depletes physical function, control of noncommunicable diseases in ing to the burden of noncommunicable
clusters with mental health impairment the WHO European Region.16 The World diseases, there has been an almost exclu-
and increases health-care costs.11 These Health Organization and its Member sive focus on cancer, diabetes, chronic
data highlight that policies, strategies States can help reduce the global dis- respiratory disease and cardiovascular
and health programmes for noncommu- ability burden through an increased disease and, more recently, mental
nicable diseases, as well as essential care focus on musculoskeletal health within health. While these foci are important,
packages for universal health coverage system-reform initiatives for noncom- inadequate prioritization of musculo-
(UHC), must include musculoskeletal municable diseases and healthy ageing skeletal health and persistent pain as
health as an integral component, par- policy agendas. There is a wealth of part of health reform initiatives target-
ticularly those programmes targeted in evidence for what works to improve ing noncommunicable diseases does not
lower socioeconomic settings and for musculoskeletal health outcomes, 17 align with contemporary evidence for
older people. yet translation into policy and practice global health, limiting opportunities for
remains limited. 18 Explicit advocacy development of appropriate integrated
for, and integration of, musculoskeletal policy responses, workforce capacity
Opportunity for action health and persistent pain into existing building initiatives and harnessing of
The sustainable development goals global and/or regional policy reform capacity in civil society. System reform
(SDGs) and the Decade of Healthy initiatives will be important to drive leadership in some high-, middle- and
Ageing 2020–203012 offer a timely and appropriate policy and service imple- low-income regions is nonetheless en-
favourable opportunity for increased mentation, particularly as part of action couraging.18 For example, the develop-
global attention and action on muscu- towards the SDGs. ment of person-centred models of care
loskeletal health. To achieve the 2030 Second, targets and monitoring for musculoskeletal health and persis-
agenda for sustainable development and for functional ability should be set as tent pain that consider multimorbidity
to promote and maintain health across part of noncommunicable diseases and care integration across the health
the life course, a renewed and sustained global health surveillance and as part and social care systems are recognized to
focus on improving musculoskeletal of the health SDG performance targets. improve policy capacity, service delivery
health is needed at national and global SDG 3 aims to ensure healthy lives and and cost–effectiveness.1,18 Implementa-
levels. While the Bone and Joint Decade promote wellbeing for all at all ages, tion strategies have been developed for
2000–201013 catalysed awareness of the which implies support for functional in- high-, middle- and low-income settings.
burden of musculoskeletal health condi- dependence and participation. However, A global framework to develop, imple-
tions, important gaps in health system the specific target for noncommunicable ment and evaluate such models has also
improvements remain and a significant diseases remains focused on reducing been established.18 Further development
proportion of the global population premature mortality from such dis- and dissemination of effective models
continues to live with disabling muscu- eases by one-third by 2030. This target of care is needed to inform promotive,
loskeletal conditions, irrespective of age, is critical because premature mortality preventive, rehabilitative and curative
race and geography.1 from such diseases disproportionally essential packages for UHC; innovative
Three priorities for action to reduce affects people in low- and middle-in- service delivery options; and strategies
the global disability burden exist. First, come countries, the poorest and most to build workforce capacity and con-
there are substantial opportunities for vulnerable; however, targets to reduce sumers’ capacity to actively participate
global leadership to support policy disability related to noncommunicable in care.
responses which have so far been ne- diseases, as the major contributor to Service- and system-level responses
glected. For example, the 2008–2013 global DALYs, are absent.6,8 While mus- addressing musculoskeletal health
Action plan for the global strategy for culoskeletal health conditions may be should also integrate the responses to
the prevention and control of noncom- indirectly addressed as part of the SDG other noncommunicable diseases. This

Bull World Health Organ 2018;96:366–368| doi: 367

Prioritizing musculoskeletal health Andrew M Briggs et al.

will have the greatest impact if organiza- Acknowledgements of Associations for Rheumatology and
tions that focus on noncommunicable Andrew Briggs is supported by fel- Curtin University, Australia. Karsten
diseases and injury work cooperatively lowships awarded by the Australian Dreinhöfer is also affiliated with Medical
to tackle the crosscutting challenges of National Health and Medical Research Park Humboldtmühle, Berlin, Germany.
health system reform. ■ Council (#1132548) and the Global Al-
liance for Musculoskeletal Health with Competing interests: None declared.
funding from the International League

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In Lelwala Guruge Thushani Shanika, Shaluka Jayamanne, Chandrani Nirmala Wijekoon, Judith Coombes, Dhineli Perera, et al. Ward-based clinical
pharmacists and hospital readmission: a non-randomized controlled trial in Sri Lanka. Bull World Health Organ. 2018 March 1; 96 (3):155–64:
on page 158, third column, the third, fourth and fifth sentences under the “Estimated savings” title should read “The difference of drug-related
hospital readmissions associated with the pharmacist’s intervention was 16.7% (95% confidence interval, CI: 10.5–23.0). This reduction would result
in an estimated 417 adverted readmissions and would save approximately 835 bed days per year”

368 Bull World Health Organ 2018;96:366–368| doi:

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