CW - All About Me Project

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Supplies Needed: pictures of yourself (at age one/two and current) markers,
colored pencils, crayons, glitter, glue colored construction
picture of family, friends, etc.
magazine to Cut From (if needed)

Directions: Design a poster about you. Include all of the details listed below.
Pictures, written information/descriptions, and color can be used on each detail. Each
detail needs to be at least 1 paragraph (4-5 sentences minimum) You should include the
following details:

Detail 1: “Who are you” – Describe yourself (include pictures of yourself – Young/current)
Detail 2: “Sports and activities I like are …” *(What makes you happy)
Detail 3: “My greatest achievement …”
Detail 4: “Favorite childhood memory is …”
Detail 5: “My talents include …”
– may choose to describe your strengths/weaknesses instead
Detail 6: “My biggest fear is…” (And if applicable, how can you over come it?)
Detail 7: “Short-term goals …”
– things that you would like to accomplish before school is over
Detail 8: “Information about my family …”
Detail 9: “Someone that I admire is …” (why do you admire this person)
Detail 10: “My cultural heritage/Favorite Family Holiday…”
Detail 11: “Information about my friends …”
Detail 12: “My feelings about high school …“
The issues, pressures, expectations, etc… and what you hope to get from
your high school experience.
Detail 13: “An important lesson that I have learned in life is…”

*Each page will be worth 5 points.

*Be sure to be creative when creating your portfolio pages.
*Neatness, organization, spelling, and grammar will count!
*See attached grading rubric!

Please use the following grading rubric to self-assess your project! Be honest and don’t be too critical! This can also serve
as a great “check-list” of completion before you turn in for grading!

Title Page 0 1 2 3 4 5
▪ Creative and original
▪ Colorful
▪ Neat and organized

Page 2 – Who are you 0 1 2 3 4 5

▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included (younger and now)

Page 3 – Sports and Activities/What make me happy 0 1 2 3 4 5

▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included

Page 4 – Greatest Achievement 0 1 2 3 4 5

▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included

Page 5 – Childhood Memory 0 1 2 3 4 5

▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included

Page 6 – Talents 0 1 2 3 4 5
▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included

Page 7 – My Biggest Fear 0 1 2 3 4 5

▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included

Page 8 – S.T. Goals 0 1 2 3 4 5

▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included
Page 9 – My Family 0 1 2 3 4 5
▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included

Page 10 – Who do you Admire 0 1 2 3 4 5

▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included

Page 11 – Cultural Heritage/ Favorite Family Holiday 0 1 2 3 4 5

▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included

Page 12 – My Friends 0 1 2 3 4 5
▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included

Page 13 – Feelings about high school 0 1 2 3 4 5

▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included

Page 14 – Important life lesson 0 1 2 3 4 5

▪ Written information/description is clear
▪ Colorful, creative, and neatly organized
▪ Pictures included

Editing and Appearance: 0 2 4 6 8 10

▪ Correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph form
▪ Book should reflect the amount of time and effort you put into this project
▪ Self-assessment/grade sheet attached to back of page 14


Comments: Total Points = out of 80

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