Argumentative Essay - Religion: Boon or Bane?

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Sociology of Ethics and Religion

Religion: Boon or Bane?


Religion has been with man for a very long time and has become an unavoidable part
of everyone's life. Furthermore, religion has served as a pivot around which all of humanity
has evolved. Religion was the single most influential thing before Science took center stage,
and it was very important. From the dark days of irrational beliefs and dogmas to the
contemporary age.
For thousands of years, many religions had continued to exist. Hundreds of millions
of people rely on the value systems postulated by some of those religious movements.
The concept of religion is commonly used today as a taxon for sets of social practices,
a category-concept whose paradigmatic examples are the so-called "world" religions of
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism.

In short, the meaning of the word presently refers to a genus of social formations with
multiple members, of which there are numerous tokens.

Religion did not originally refer to a social genus; however, its earliest references
were not to social kinds, and the concept's extension has evolved in various directions over
time. What is the significance of religious belief and the faith it instills in people? What role
may indeed religion play in today's modern world? Also, is religion a good or bad practice?

“Religion… means voluntary subjection of oneself to God”

– The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913

This epigraph, which speaks for itself, is useful in emphasizing religion's

metaphysical dimension.
Religion, in my personal view, is an absolutely essential part of one's life. It is a very
important determinant in anyone's life, as evidenced by the fact that atheists on the planet are
vastly outnumbered by those who practice some form of religion or another. So, I genuinely
think religion's role is to establish a harmonious and self-sufficient community with the world
as a whole, and religion should be capable of changing and actually understand the
development around it as opposed to becoming fixated on age-old customs.

But, is religion a blessing or a curse? Or perhaps both?

Is religion more beneficial or detrimental to the world? For centuries, this has been
the topic of intense discussion.

Religion, in my mind at least, would be both good and bad in lots of different

It is good and beneficial in a plethora of ways, in my viewpoint. It greatly helped us in

our journey throughout life. Religion could perhaps ideally serve several purposes. It gives
life purpose and meaning. Religion also encourages good cohesion and stability. Most of the
time, it has decided to act as a social control agent. It promotes psychological and physical
well-being and may inspire individuals to work for positive social change.

Furthermore, religion can also provide comfort and guidance. It has aided me in
numerous ways, particularly when I am distressed. It can serve as a foundation for moral
beliefs and behavior. It provides a sense of connection to tradition.

Religion teaches us to be considerate of others.

Religion teaches us to be of service to others.

Religion teaches us that we must forgive others.

Religion encourages humility.

Religion encourages gratitude.

Religion provides the concepts of right and wrong to life.

Religion can assist people in accepting painful facets of the world.

People take their religion into heart and follow them with utmost faith and get agitated
if some questions them. The sentimental factor is attached for that no reasons cannot be given
even by great scholars. In the modern world too, the religion is paying important role. A
particular community is shelling so much amount to keep its flock together and also wants
others to join them and that is the known factor. (Mohan, 2012)

Another significant advantage of religion is that it instills moral values in people. It

provides a structured model of the entire universe that governs sophisticated human behavior.
Religion helps people distinguish between right and wrong, evil and good by providing moral
values. It provides a punishment and reward system that supervises and normalizes human
behavior in this society.

Religion teaches that everything is interconnected. People begin to recognize

themselves in others. It instills human values in people. A religious person who loves God
will never engage in anti-social or harmful activities.

Religion gives you a reason to live. It steers ignorant people in the right direction and
keeps them from being misled. Religion saves people from drowning and encourages them to
reflect on their own lives in order to improve their quality of life.

Religion, like family, nationality, and ethnicity, instills a sense of belonging and
familiarity in people. Religion causes people to identify as members of a single group with
shared beliefs, worldviews, practices, lifestyles, and values.

With all those, yes, religion is boon. It is helpful and beneficial.

But not in all case. For me, religion is also a bane, in some situations.

Religion is considered to be both. It is a boon or curse; and even I feel that it is

considered to be good for us; because it makes you understand that we are one. It is actually
make us one; it does unite each other.

And I think religion can be curse because it makes us into a category of different caste
and rituals; and many people do take advantage of this thing and make it a big issue; it is so
bad and really evil-doing.

So I think religion is considered to be good and bad for each and every human being.
(Sharma, 2012)

Moreover, religion is a belief. It is collection of ethical and moral values which

human beings are supposed to follow in the society. Every religion has one motive and that is
humanity. If the concept of religion is followed for the betterment of the society, then it is a
boon. But, some people follow the concept of religion in wrong way. They use it as
discrimination factor. Some people use it to brainwash youngsters to spread terror among
other religion. This is not only harmful to the individual but also a bane for the society.
(Chaubey, 2012)

Why is religion also a sore point? Why is it also a bane?

Religious superstitions have effectively condemned many people in the developing

world to a life of poverty and deprivation. In some parts of the world, prayer flags are
regarded as more important than health or sanitary measures in combating cholera outbreaks.
A modern piece of equipment, such as a diesel generator, cannot be started by some people
until a blood sacrifice is made. Boiling drinking water is frequently regarded as a religious
ritual rather than a biological cleansing procedure.

Today, the vast majority of the world's population adheres to some form of religious

Despite their outward religiosity, many people still prefer violence to social unity.

Several nations are at war, preparing for war, or recovering from the last one.

Throughout recorded history, humanity has demonstrated a remarkable ability to get

itself into religious hot water. Deception in the realms of faith and morals can be traced all
the way back to the dawn of time.

I am saddened when I see people who are so devoted to religion and religious
activities that they donate everything to priests or to the construction of a new building while
ignoring the society of the poor and the sick, who all need this money more than a priest or a
new place/building of worship (mostly the sign of rich people in that place). It is
heartbreaking to hear a young man or adolescent say, "I am going to kill for my god" or "I am
doing this to save my religion."

Some even argue that one religion is superior to another. There are communities that
believe their religion is the best and that everyone should convert to it. Such demands based
on religion are unfounded and unethical.

The classification of "world religions" is extremely problematic due to its arbitrary

construction and ease of ideological manipulation.

Even some religious emissaries are fighting for the salvation of their almighty God
and culture. Why is this the case?
Some religious groups go even further, claiming that you must be a member of their
religion to be saved, implying that anyone who is not a member of their religion will
automatically go to hell. That is a horrible thing to believe.

It causes a power struggle between the minority and the majority, which can
sometimes lead to the occurrence of shocking historical events around the world.

Religion is one of the factors that drives people apart. They cannot accept other
people's religious ideologies. Religion discriminates against people and divides them into
upper and lower classes / untouchables.

Many religions teach (or have previously taught) that homosexuality is morally
repugnant. They have thus marginalized the gay community.

Some argue that "to be good, we need some set of rules to live our lives, which
religion teaches." I agree with it, but I also disagree with it. As some people use it to
brainwash and control the community.

Furthermore, religion has a history of resisting the development of science. (Gliatto,


Religion's supposed role as a force for good is now being called into question.

Religious discrimination and persecution are widespread nowadays. Which have an

adverse influence on a person's health.

Religion, in some ways, divides people and causes conflict.

Believing in religion has many benefits, but it also has serious consequences.

So which is greater, the positive effects or the negative effects? Is it a bane or a boon?


In short, religion is a social force to be reckoned with; it intersects with all other
major social institutions and encapsulates the good as well the bad of social life.

“Good and bad; shade and sunlight, there’s but a hair’s breadth between them.
It’s all one in the end.” – Juliet Marillier

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 The Concept of Religion (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). (2022, March


 What Is Religion?, by Thomas A. Idinopulos. (n.d.).

 Freedom of Religion: Boon, Bane or Confusion | ProBono India. (n.d.).

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