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East Tennessee State University

Black Faculty and Staff Association

Dr. Steve Perry - America’s Top Educator

Learn more about the 2015 Every Stu-

dent Succeeds Act, and the impact of
Charter Schools on closing the achieve-
ment gaps for economically disadvan-
taged and African-American male stu-
“Dr. Steve Perry is a strong advocate of
personal and civic responsibility in all as-
pects of life. He emphasizes the social
issues that aim at building up both the
individual and the community so that
the next generation can be better con-
tributing members of society.”

A workshop and open-dialogue session with pre K—12 educators and administrators.
Free , first come first served, limited seating, act now! Reservations 423-439-4844.

Saturday, February 13
1:30—3:00 pm
ETSU Multicultural Center
A division of the Office of Equity and Diversity
D.P. Culp University Center, 2nd level, across from the Atrium
Teacher in-service credits are available.

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