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Wordlist 1 1. Terse abrupt pithy 2. Propensity inclination 3. Subsidy 4. pugilist 5. Bilious indigestion irritable 6. whorl 7. decipher 8.

Audacious death-defy 9. forensic 10. Illicit elicit 11. shirk 12. condone 13. pulverize 14. motif 15. tether 16. Bicameral 17. grill 18. Mimicry imitation 19. Equivocal ambiguous 20. Recourse resort 21. Puny 22. inept 23. Bravado swagger defiance 24. Derelict , dilapidated 25. Milieu 26. Abase 27. derogatory 28. exculpate 29. gratuitous 30. Graphic delineating futile All thumbs legislative scold sprinkle Elicit ~ sth (fml ) draw (facts, a response, etc) from sb, sometimes with difficulty, e.g. elicit a reply Temperament apparent rant belittle

Corporal lithograph curtsy resent

Wordlist 2 1. Vindictive 2. cardinal 3. Outspoken candid blunt 4. Caulk seams 5. schism 6. Encomium eulogy 7. hiatus 8. interim 9. epaulet 10. Precursor forerunner 11. novelty 12. Riveting engrossing 13. Incredulity (~incredible) 14. Virtue 15. Archives 16. repository 17. Doctrinaire dogmatic unyielding 18. List tilt 19. empirical 20. Garish gaudy 21. Tutelary 28-13 22. alchemy 23. incontinent 24. cavalier 25. celibate 26. Rift 27. Compelling 28. paraphrase 29. roseate Wordlist 3 Leniency Medieval, baser metal Repressive vertical Hunch intuitive reliance rhinestone Resemble, humility, servility Trait bickering

1. irate 2. muddle 3. conversant 4. Aureole halo 5. accessible 6. flick 7. shunt 8. conviction 9. Pithy meaty 10. Propitious 11. Decoy lure bait 12. staccato 13. Inviolability profane(~secular) 14. inimical 15. Ordeal affliction 16. Explicit (~fully expressed) 17. winnow 18. Recuperate 19. Subterfuge evasion 20. Brevity 21. coquette 22. plagiarize 23. discrepancy 24. Amorphous vague indeterminate 25. Vortex hostile 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Wordlist 4

Overthrown scarce Chaotic(~chaos) Depict (~ picture) Jockey plow



1. mendicant 2. sedulous 3. minuscule 4. rationalize 5. visceral 6. Disconcert 7. Belittle disparage 8. Behoove incumbent 9. tarantula 10. gloss 11. melee 12. Dispassionate 13. ultimate 14. Reprisal (not reprise) retaliation 15. gastronomy 16. Complaisant obliging 17. Hilarity boisterous mirth 18. Tanner animal-hide 19. Doggerel 20. glaze 21. litotes 22. Mediate 23. Arid 24. taxonomist 25. peccadillo 26. erratic 27. alimony 28. preen 29. 30. Wordlist 5

peddlers commendation


Venomous, antitoxin ascertain susceptible

solemn Supple(~not stiff) A few lines of rhyming doggerel don't count as poetry


1. Reticent 2. Cleave asunder 3. Prosaic factual 4. Yokel bumpkin 5. elliptical 6. Resurgent 7. Overt 8. Mode prevail 9. verbalize 10. Disdain scorn contempt 11. Carnage 12. incarnation 13. succulent 14. forthright 15. elated 16. accord 17. EXPOSURE (wrong meaning) 18. Cacophony discord 19. Redundant superfluous repetitious 20. Lampoon ridicule 21. Neophyte 22. verdigris 23. Ventriloquist 24. Egotism conceit vanity 25. Inkling 26. Incandescent 27. 28. 29. Wordlist 6 1. Construe

Loquacious Factual factitious rustic BILLIARD (given wrong), wobble


Grinning from ear to ear verdict

2. trek 3. dulcet 4. premonition 5. Lament grieve 6. Waffle 7. Spat squabble 8. Seine 9. esoteric 10. soporific 11. crestfallen 12. Pejorative connotation 13. Statute 14. Mirth 15. alluvial 16. array 17. fictitious (~not factitious) 18. consort 19. filch 20. fetid 21. intermittent 22. hubris 23. alliteration 24. Pert impertinent 25. Lode (~dross) 26. Component 27. Apotheosis deification 28. Unassuming 29. pervasive 30. Wordlist 7 1. Tractable Docile cling exalted Impudent Pertinent 27 A good dictionary will give us the connotation of a word as well as its denotation. repeal obscure sedative

2. Clientele 3. Banal- Hackneyed trite 4. defile profane 5. 6. larceny 7. hapless 8. balk foil 9. quizzical bantering 10. swathe 11. inopportune 12. marked 13. disport 14. sultry sweltering 15. ragamuffin tattered 16. dilapidated 17. relish savor 18. quip 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Wordlist 8 1. offhand casual 2. eccentric Vengeance Limp Clich hoodlum fussy Scurrilous

3. presage 4. repulsion distaste 5. blas (pronunciation) 6. valor 7. lope gallop 8. levitate 9. vagrant stray 10. chronicle (~not chronically) 11. reprobate 12. wallow indulge 13. salubrious hay fever 14. ethereal 15. check curb 16. impinge infringe 17. chimerical* 18. senility 19. incursion invasion 20. imponderable 21. odium 22. crotchety 23. ASSERT (wrong meaning given in grebible) 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Wordlist 9 1. latent (~not lament) Repugnance eccentric Repulsion, distaste lunge Collide(~collision) morbid Feeble mind Retaliate chronological Escapade, prank recumbent dissipation Linked with: hackneyed, trite, banal- clich(w7)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

demeanor sober tribulation juxtapose confluence anthropomorphic fatuous inane acrimonious caustic fantastic grotesque

reveler trial

deity stinging Rafter aversion Indignant reinforce Stingy prick aversion, not evasion

10. strut 27-14 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. robust 25. penurious superannuated clout remnant disseminate sanguine fulsome sloth congenital paleontology insatiable kindred snicker hardy sturdy appellation



Stifle inclement hail


26. JUGGERNAU T (wrong in gre bible) 27. antecede proceed 28. penchant inclination 29. Wordlist 10 1. pyromaniac


2. throes anguish 3. husbandry frugality thrift 4. stifle extinguish inhibit 5. maculated 6. malaise 7. tilter 8. warble babble 9. despotism tyranny 10. reactionary recoil retrograde 11. eugenic 12. collation (not collision) 13. septic putrid putrefaction 14. flotsam wreckage 15. purveyor 16. magnate 17. prodigy 27 marvel 18. concatenate*** 19. assumption 20. daub smear 21. blithe gay careless 22. desperado reckless outlaw 23. grouse fuss 24. deterrent (opp. determination) hindrance** 25. momentous 26. gruesome grisly 27. 28. 29. Wordlist 11 1. furtive stealthy sneaky

spasm Thrift- syn penurious (w9) Pompous premiers brow Vague Skiff steer Rebel Sought Racehorse prize cattle Filthy Beachcombers seek salvage jetsam Viand wreck

Synsquander Regent skylark Abysmal dormitory (wrong in grebible) Solemn

2. cerebral 3. appreciate conscious 4. trilogy 5. endemic 6. ENERVATE(wrong in grebible) 7. ruddy 8. sate cloy 9. affable courteous 10. unsightly 11. unrequited (17-3) reciprocate 12. candor 13. dissipate squander 14. obfuscate 15. rotundity sonorous plump 16. haughty 17. insinuate*** 18. render 19. immutable 20. immaculate 21. potent persuasive 22. inexorable relentless unyielding implacable 23. oblique slanting 24. palliate 25. unkempt disheveled 26. coddle 27. lexicon 28. 29. Wordlist 12 1. LAUDATORY (wrong in grebible ) 2. deadpan impassive Sole Plea clemency PERSUADEPERVADE Indigent Mut.- change Circumference Resent indignant Queasy Pang rebuke Doze AVE (wrong in grebible)

3. extricate disentangle 4. sinewy 5. extol 6. indignation 7. simile 8. rebus 9. exude forth 10. wastrel profligate 11. plummet 12. serenity placidity*** 13. astringent contraction 14. scourge 15. corrosive 16. fluke 17. analogy 18. plethora 19. amputate prune 20. irresolute 21. progenitor 22. exemplary 23. anchor 24. irreconcilable 25. stygian 26. hypochondriac 27. 28. 29. 30. Commencement Plague Sap Denounce dissipate

Wordlist 13 1. parlance 2. tenacity 3. glutinous viscous (~ glue) 4. protuberance protrusion bulge 5. gourmand epicure 6. libidinous ~lustful 7. benefactor patron 8. heckler 9. temperate(~temper) (not temperament) 10. mercurial 11. metamorphosis 12. prostrate 13. bereft 14. benison (~blessings) 15. proviso stipulation 16. colossus 17. poultice 18. distend swell out 19. renounce repudiate 20. denounce condemn 21. gaffe 22. cantankerous 23. epilogue 24. demure grave serious coy 25. affirmation 26. gorge canyon steep cleft 27. TROUGH (wrong meaning in grebible) pronunciation- traff 28. Wordlist 14 swill Swillswell pledge Coy-cloy flaxseed benediction Benign tendon sheath Cuisine

Temperament (~temporary) caterpillar

1. carrion (~dead body) 2. emaciate (~living body) 3. wither shrivel 4. projectile missile 5. incessant 6. subjugate conquer*** 7. vestige (~ wastage) 8. revile slander vilify 9. nirvana 10. orifice 11. BOLSTER (confusion) 12. retrench 13. exigency (~emergency) 14. retrospective 15. debilitate 16. cataract 17. casual 18. nib beak 19. iconoclastic 20. incisive (~precise, to the point) 21. vernal 22. hirsute 23. infernal ~ of hell 24. foible 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Scavenger predator Shrink, wrinkly hurl cricket foe

allies overindulge ness Inveterate induction Clotty corroded Debility-ability

Hinder (hind~ back;behind)

Wordlist 15 1. tumid swollen pompous bombastic 2. comeuppance rebuke desert 3. herbivorous 4. epitome embodiment 5. domicile (dom.- house)(not docile) 6. preamble 7. gall (gall-bladder) impudence (imp ~evil) 8. fitful spasmodic intermittent (spasm) 9. reparation (~repair) amend compensation 10. specious 11. phlegmatic 12. contend (~extend) 13. parquet pronunciation 14. scurrilous 15. VITAL( meaning wrong in grebible) 16. spruce*** 17. controvert 18. ligneous (~lignin, ) 19. finesse pronun (~clever, fine) 20. arable 21. intransigence 22. intrude (interfere) trespass 23. splice (~ oppo. Slice) 24. intersperse 25. REFRAIN (wrong meaning in grebible) 26. continence chastity (~abstain, refrain) 27. 28. 29. Wordlist 16 17-01-2010 thermodynamics
abstain from; resist; forbear;

Epitome-example, sample

Meaning- full of life, animated

Petrify stonelike Erosion topsoil

1. chase (~ case like) indent 2. utopia 3. obtuse blunt 4. annals 5. livid boorish 6. saga 7. Gauche. pronunciation 8. oculist 9. chastise 29-17 (not chastity) 10. entice tempt 11. credo creed 12. vagary caprice 13. allay 14. complement consummate 15. hovel (seedy hovel) 16. seedy decrepit disreputable 17. implausible 18. dross 19. reprise 20. ultimatum 21. pecuniary 22. mite 23. impermeable impervious 24. aristocracy 25. entree 26. impetus incentive stimulus 27. vouchsafe condescending 28. 29. 30.

Intricate chalice



Downtown (seedy hovel) alibi devise Skirmish Drink ~ port gnat hereditary

Wordlist 17 1. dorsal 2. veneer 3. requite (11-11) 4. ominous 5. circlet 6. unction anoint 7. sear char 8. vehement impetuous29-5 Eloquence = OBAMA (not impetus) 9. vivacious 10. Resilient (~springing) 11. gamely 12. variegated 13. Improvident thriftless 14. Onerous (pronun. Sim Honour) 15. Circumvent outwit baffle 16. Effete( ~ defeat) 17. holocaust 18. commiserate 19. eerie (~ mystry & fear) 20. Pastiche pronun. 21. agility 22. limpid stream 23. frantic e.g. frantic face of collision the driver 24. precipice dangling 25. ecologist 26. opaque( ~ opp. translucent) 27. 28. Wordlist 18 21-01-2010 Reminiscent(~ remind) Skirmish ovation poultice Acquaintance shallow Please acquaint me with the facts of the case.

viv- life, lively

1. prone incline 2. felicitous apt 3. solicitous 4. ingenuous (nave) 5. disingenuous 6. defrock strip 7. febrile 8. conjugal 9. connubial marriage matrimonial 10. forebode 11. aperture 12. preternatural 13. solace 14. knead 15. ostracize 16. PERFUNCTORY (wrong meaning in grebible) 17. ferret 18. kudos 19. perdition damnation 20. antithesis 21. muted muffle (~muffler) 22. aplomb poise composure (~composer) 23. expedient politic [~may not be morally right] 24. wrench twist 25. regatta yacht 26. transcribe 27. bulwark 28. peroration oration Wordlist 19 Hortatory(~exhortative), clamor (~shout, complain, noise) NOTHING CALM Complacent entourage(pronunciation) Salvation eternal tyranny Funeral parlor mourner Nonchalance pragmatic Complaisant Hallucination Bliss temperament banquet Apt- appropriate

Ridicule (scorn)

1. Sectarian (~sect, sector) 2. undulate 3. Quail cower(~cower like a coward) 4. Adage 5. Misgiving 6. Precocious (not precaution) 7. Lucrative (~lucre) 8. Azure 9. Guise 10. TITLE ( wrong meaning in grebible) 11. Compatible 12. Dowdy slovenly 30-26(not solvent) 13. gyroscope 14. dexterous 15. tipple 16. Alacrity demonstrate 17. Homily sermon (ceremony of church) 18. Patina 19. malfeasance 20. Malleable pounding 21. ascendancy 22. Avuncular 23. Queasy nausea squeamish 24. Halcyon 25. Devious erratic 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Wordlist 20 1. Chary(~ cautious or wary, not for


Fence, forebode

Vessel Pub (~public house)


Prudent thrift

charity) 2. Chafe 3. chameleon 4. Upshot 5. Rummage ransack 6. impassive 7. Ennui pronunciation on-wee 8. inhibit 9. Dehydrate 10. Obscure(~hidden) 11. superimpose 12. Enthrall (thrall~slave) enslave 13. Outskirts fringe 14. ruthless 15. Burly husky 16. Sadistic 17. explicate 18. dismantle 19. Frenzied (~frantic) 20. Xenophobia 21. Lavish 22. rehabilitate 23. translucent 24. Euphoria exaggerate unfounded 25. Obsidian ROCK(wrong in grebible) 26. myriad 27. Impediment Hindrance stumble 28. unwieldy 29. Imperiousness (~haughty)(not imperial) Set 3, wordlist 21 26-01-2010 Well-being Erupt Swamp(~marsh) invade twilight trip milled Comprehensive Packing crate Vigorous collar Assume coloration Rematch attic Depict (~show or portray as a picture), stoic(~stone)

1. countenance 2. missile 3. Pomposity stuffed-shirt 4. Polarize 5. Jocose 6. Facetious jocular pronun. 7. Factitious factions dissention 8. Slander 9. Jaunt 10. Itinerant 11. errant 12. Voracious ravenous 13. Pauper 14. LUMBER 15. Unfaltering steadfast 17. Cower quivering 18. drone 19. skiff 20. panned 21. animus 22. sedition 23. Hortatory exhort 24. stipend (~spend) 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Treasonous ~disloyal Rave unanimously Torpid (~not torpido) hibernation (~the torpid or resting state in which some animals pass the winter) Guillotine wares Chivalry Commencement parading Pro-choice(~abortion)

16. SKULLDUGGERY wrong spelling in grebible

Wordlist 22

1. derision 2. cog 3. Supple~ pliant 4. yoke 5. frigid 6. microcosm 7. Grate shred 8. Depreciate 9. Tessellate inlay 10. cache 11. Grandiloquent 12. biennial 13. Nascent incipient 14. Tentative 15. Trapping 16. Insouciant = nonchalance 17. Disparity (~not despair) 18. pseudonym (~pen name) 19. bestow 20. Puissant ~powerful 21. overhaul 22. deploy 23. militate 24. Deliberate unhurried 25. welt 26. lectern 27. Adjunct 28. relapse 29. Wordlist 23 1. nonchalance Callous Bruises Chaplain sermon hastily improvised(without previous preparation) Confer Ally (~not allay) Limousines Nascent ~ ascend beset

2. Pristine 3. Stoke 4. diurnal (day) nocturnal (night) 5. noxious 6. Incongruity (~congruent) 7. conclave 8. Ungainly 9. Evince (~ exhibit) 10. Caustic sarcastic sarcasm 11. Viper habitat 12. vicissitude 13. Curmudgeon churlish (~boor) 14. hubbub 15. indite 16. Enamored (~amour) 17. emollient 18. Ribald wanton profane 19. Ductility malleability 20. vulpine 21. Cathartic purgative 22. nostalgia 23. vigor 24. incorporate 25. severance (~cut) 26. lurid 27. aspersion 28. 29. 30. Wordlist 24 1. Surfeit satiate prime Precedent (~ not president) laxatives Prudish= DINA >>>>>>>>>>> Miser = parsimonious penurious trips asphyxiate Attire (not attic)

2. Insuperable insurmountable invincible 3. savor 4. Staid sober sedate 5. Squalid 6. Pillage plunder 7. nebulous 8. panegyric 9. Dispirit 10. Fledging 11. convention 12. deluge 13. Cognizance 14. Piquant tar-tasting 15. amok 16. Capacious spacious 17. Flippancy trifling gaiety 18. Pivotal 19. Invective 20. Legerdemain sleight 21. Flair 22. fructify 23. Relinquish 24. moribund 25. ameliorate 26. treatise inveterate 27. 28. 29. Wordlist 25 1. Rant rave

Surmount= overcome Chagrin (pronun. Shagran) e.g. Much to his chagrin,he do not win the race. Breed ~give birth ~not savage

valorous Buoy up contemporaries



2. Shambles slaughterhouse carnage 3. Talon claw 4. Exalt (6-27) 5. induction 6. Bourgeois 7. Discordant (5-18) 8. mogul 9. Beguile delude 10. gist 11. concur (not conquer 14-16)

Falconer gauntlet Knighthood Resent factions deceive

12. Mealy-mouthed hypocritical (~hypocrite) evasive 13. ratify treaty 14. Tantamount e.g. the kings request was tantamount to a command. 15. Ravage plunder 24-6 (~steal (goods) from a place, esp during a time of war or civil disorder)Maraud 16. Proclivity Cross age grumble 17. Cynosure (centre of attraction) 18. Strew (scatter, sprinkle) 19. Whet 20. idolatry 21. Glib (e.g. a glib salesman) 22. Luxuriant = lush 23. Bedizen vulgar finery 24. gibberish 25. tureen 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Wordlist 26 1. Hermitage hermit Gaudy spout Nonsense talking Articulate Altar (not alter) aisle

2. decimate 3. FULMINATE (WRONG MEANING IN GRE BIBLE) 4. Trepidation 5. Vent~ ventilator 6. egress 7. Diversion pastime 8. Impunity (free from punishment) 9. scale 10. opulence 11. paragon 12. retain 13. surreptitious 14. appease 15. Coincident 16. restive 17. clamber 18. levee 19. Clarion shrill 20. effusion 21. Respiratory 22. incapacitate 23. demean 24. Repertoire Ailment improbable fidget rickety wrath

Wordlist 27 1. Spangle

2. apparition 3. dappled 4. excoriate 5. Prodigious enormous 6. FESTER RANKLE (WRONG MEANING) become infected and filled with pus 7. recount 8. florid 9. Fiasco 10. consensus 11. ineluctable 12. shimmer 13. lagoon 14. strut 9-10 15. liquidate 16. pertinent 6-24 17. Whittle pare bit 18. Perspicacious penetrate astute 19. consternation 20. ignominious 21. somber 22. lachrymose 23. console 24. condole 25. braggart 26. apostate 27. attrition (not relating attire) 28. machinations (evil) 29. Mote speck 30. Wordlist 28 1. heyday 2. mandate inaugural shunned grim Grim, grin Chunk of wood deduction decrepit ~Not perspicuous pact


3. manifestation 4. toil 5. interdict prohibit 6. sustenance 7. schematic 8. diatribe invective 9. manumit emancipate 10. diffidence 11. dilatory 12. gargoyle 13. tutelage (~tutelary 2-21) 14. aegis 15. potable 16. paraphernalia 17. collateral 18. torpor lethargy dormancy 19. archipelago 20. lexicographer 21. quiescent dormant 22. subsume encompass 23. eon 24. ballast 25. quisling invade 26. carcinogenic 27. 28. 29. 30. Wordlist 29 1. inevitable 2. entreat plead

Demonstration , harpsichord, musical bent

Waterspout, carve virtuoso chagrin

Geyser erupt


3. decorum propriety seemliness 4. forgo 5. impetuous 6. ordain consecrate 7. obtrusive 8. salient 9. windfall 10. vagabond tramp 11. exegesis 12. earthy 13. mountebank charlatan 14. usury 15. stupor apathy 16. environ 17. chasten 16-9 18. implacable 19. august 20. recumbent recline 21. propitiate appease 22. occult 23. shun 24. cherubic 25. illusive 26. valedictory 27. complacent 28. 29. 30. Wordlist 30 1. junket 2. anomaly Recluse solitude Versailles elude

3. dogged 4. visage 5. craven 6. parity 7. pendulous 8. antediluvian 9. scotch thwart stamp out 10. ulterior 11. fallible 12. garrulous snub 13. epigram 14. fancier 15. aria 16. litigation lawsuit 17. confidant (~not confident) 18. fastidious squeamish 19. portent 20. reprimand reprove 21. jovial 22. slight snub 23. alimentary canal 24. minion servile 25. hieroglyphic 26. slovenly 19-12 slipshod 27. colossal 28. preempt lawsuit 29. 30.

pursuit Stern Impulse Chandeliers


frown Hypersensitive discourtesy Subservience


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