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3 Definitions
Housing as described by G.H. Bayer:
"Housing is a product, a highly complex product. It is bulky, durable and a permanent product. It has a
fixed location, used only in a place where it is built. Once built, it lost for several years. Frequently long
after it serves its serves its purpose, it almost becomes the part of land. Like many of the industrial
products it is not standardized. It is both economic and social process, influencing the economy of
country tremendously."
UN's definition of Housing:
"Housing is not shelter or household facilities alone, but comprises a number of facilities, services
and utilities, which link the individual and its family to the community and community to region in
which, it grows and progress."

1.4 Concepts of Housing:

The concept of housing is more than merely a physical shell; housing encompasses all the ancillary
services and community facilities, which are necessary to human wellbeing. Therefore, community
facilities, social amenities and services form an integral part of housing concept and should receive
equal or greater attention than the housing unit it serves. Housing is the structures, collectively in
which people are housed. As a concept it brings in the concept of sharing utility services &
facilities / amenities.
1. Utility Services related Physical Infrastructure: Access roads, Water, Electricity, Storm
& Waste Water Drainage, Communication etc. Networks, Cooking Gas depot/ supply network,
Solid Waste Disposal facilities/system
2. Facilities / Amenities related Social / Physical Infrastructure : Education, health, open
spaces, religious & other recreational, convenience shops, security etc….
Housing: House + Neighbourhood facilities
Neighbourhood: this is residential environment with both physical and the social infrastructure

Housing Notes: A. K. Vinodia, SPA Bhopal

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